(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

xiao pooh,
wah, even the ulu ulu changi hotel also take the opportunity to mark up their room rates during F1.. F1 is really a $-spinning machine

carmen, agree that our gynae is patient. he will always ask if i have any questions to check wi him. am going for my check up this sat. wondering how heavy is my baby liao... if i'm not wrong the package we paid at $600, we can claim back $450 rite?

me also getting tired recently... past few weeks, i can 'tong' till 12am then sleep but since mid last week, my eyes auto close ard 10+.
went to isetan scotts to see "baby fair". i didn't buy anything, though feel tempted to buy those cushion to position baby 6mths & below in cot & prevent flat head; and also a nursing cover...

went to borders with the printed 25% coupons. in the end the parenting magazines there still don't interest me. i bought a teary novel instead.

llig - so placenta still can shift down after certain stage. i always thot most of time they will cling there like absorber till the end. so still have to be careful.

Jappooh - r u the one mentioning that u have lots of big bags? anyway, my MIL gave me one big bag, should be gd enough to bring stuff to hospital... or even outing bag to carry baby's stuff. and she said she bought that bag to contain stuff when she was packing stuff to go hospital to deliver my SIL 20 yrs ago. -_-" well, the bag still looks good n i don't mind it.

fabbie - i don't have moles on tummy, but got 3 pimples on tummy. haiz...

lavendery - did u see any shop selling cheap nursing bras when u were at bugis?

Mei Lik - how does contraction feel like? i also have no idea...

LuthAdel - i wish that i can go for 3D scan, but nm lah, save some $$$...

bubble pearl - i asked same qn as u... is outing still as planned?
I was at Plaza Singapura last evening & saw a book fair at the atrium. Some of the children board books are going at $2 - $5, quite affordable for hard board books which are usually more ex when sold at the bookstores.
wow, kristalangel..so this is ur 4th bb? so envy u..must be super-tiring for you..but must ren k..jia you ya..

I oso super tired & listless these few weeks..dun feel like goin out for lunch so have been lunching in..too lazy to walk..
juzyounme, i also bought nothing from isetan baby fair.

cheap nursing bra - CK sells really cheap nursing bra at only $3.90 and metro sells eternity nursing bra at $9.90.

moles on tummy - i also dun have moles on tummy, but have a few pimples on my hairy tummy.
Im now troubled if I should get a bb cot for my ger or let her sleep on mattress instead? Cos bb cot is rather ex, and Im not sure if my bb wants to sleep in it, and can be use at most till 2-3 yrs old..mattress is so much cheaper, and versatile, plus more roomy to play on..

Anyone care to share ur views with me??
hello xiaopooh,

my DS sleeps on the mattress on the floor.. he moves alot even when he sleeps.. so, we have to put pillows surrounding the area.. i know of someone who has the tod sleeps on the bed with a bed-rail..
i still don't dare to put him up on the bed (with rail) to sleep alone coz he knows how to climb!
we don't have playpen for him either but use playyard instead.. roomier for him to play, crawl and cruise along..
xiao_pooh, before i bought the cot i also worry that my baby refuse to slp in the cot. but i think i need to 'train' my baby to sleep in the cot. the cot which i bought can be converted to a toddler bed, can sleep up to 5yrs bah. if u wan to let ur baby sleep on a mattress, u will be putting on the floor? it will be quite tedious for u to bend up and down to carry leh, especially after u give birth
2nd baby,
You oso? I thot maybe e glucose in blood caused me to be sluggish... I was tested mild positive for sugar during my urine test! *worried*

Any idea if the glucose test is mandatory? My gynae never ask me to do leh... *Hmmm*
xiao pooh, actually cot or mattress does not matter. For my preference, of course I prefer cot as I think sleeping on the floor is abit dirty (with dusts etc) and sometimes crawling insects..hahaha.. also not good for baby's bone lar..'fong sap' at old age..

For me, i bought a cot which can be used up to toddler age..whether ur baby wants to use it or not, actually it is more of habit..if u hv the habit to let baby sleep on ur bed, of course he/she will not want the cot..

Can I join in this thread?
EDD: 30 dec 2008
Gender : girl
Hosp: TMC
Gynae: Dr Eunice Chua

CK means Calvin Klein? They sell so cheap nursing bras? Where did you see them?
My colleague fainted when she heard I bot a cot cos her bb refuse to sleep in cot. For me, I will "FORCE" my bb to sleep in cot!

If you intend to get one, can try to get 2nd hand cos cheaper. Just invest in a new mattress! Like wat Mimi say, do rem to look out for the adjustable height type - so tat when u put bb in cot dun need to bend down.

Playpen is nice, portable and cheaper. But can't adjust height so will be quite jia lat for us initially aft we give birth. Plus if ur bb grows tall, playpen (which is shorter) will be outgrown more quickly. Aft which, u will hv to arrange other safe methods for bb to zzz. With u on bed? on mattress on floor?

I did however think i should hv gotten a hammock instead (cos I saw one on internet which is child safe - zips up bb inside, won't roll out! My MIL when put bb in hammock when taking care for me aft I go back to work.
snowger, i heard from fren's mom that baby that sleeps on hammock will hv very nice head..as in will be rounder compared to sleeping on mattress or cot..i m seriously considering to get one but the one i saw at kiddy palace is quite bulky and take up space.. need to find a place to keep after baby outgrown it..

I also saw a playpen that hv 3 adjustable heights leh..

Yay yay..i almost finish buying baby stuff liao, only left with cotton balls, wet wipes, bath tub, sponge, etc..those small small items! Of course for my own, i need to get nursing bra, maternity pad, disposable undies, breast pump.. I bought an airpot (Zojirushi) from Robinson @ $89..got promo... usual price $139 and it comes with 3 different temperature setting..it's a steal lar..hahaha
^5 mimi! I spent a mini "fortune" on the cot n i expect my bb to zzz in it till she outgrows!!!

Actually come to think of it, my colleague's bb zzz with her. So it may be true if u let bb sleep w u liao, they won't wan to be in the cot!
Wow, thanks all for the advise..Very useful information..

Wat u mean by "DS"? sorry I very sotong one..

Agreed with u that perhaps got to force/train our bb to sleep in the cot..Btw, where u get the convertible cot to toddler bed from? Im keen to get that, at least a more worthwhile investment hor..

ya hor, sleep on the floor I will "xin teng" if got insects crawling..yee..so scare..Oso, where u get ur bb cot from that can sleep up till toddler age?

Welcome to this big family..

I dont tink i will be getting the playpen..but im oso looking out for a rocker where I can put my bb in it anywhere in the house, plus getting a playmat where he can play..u got any idea where to get those from?

Hammock-is it those traditional type where its hung from the ceiling one?

**Have a good lunch ya**
My MIL/granny/parents (i.e. e older generation) swears by that for e same reason. Mum added tat bb feels safe cos they are actually "wrapped" n less exposed. So swaddle bb in cot will make them feel safer. :p

I may wan to get one fr kiddy palace anyway. Day time zzz in hammock (out in the living room). Nite time zzz in room in cot. *Haha*

Playpen got adjustable heights? Wow, Haven't see one thou. But I find playpen a bit too flimsy. *hehe*
xiao pooh, i got my cot during Taka Baby Fair, going at $400 (half price). It comes with 2 side rail to prevent toddler from rolling off the bed!

I got a rocker from Fisher-Price previously at $99 (that is for baby to relax in the day time).. intend to get a hammock as well, but need to check out the price first..

U must insist baby sleep on the cot..then they will guai guai..all of my siblings sleep on cot since young. Dont get to climb onto my parents bed..hahaha, i also dun want my boy to urinate on my bed lar...our bed is quite new and expensive..very heart pain if got urine stain or smell..hahaha
xiao_pooh, i got the cot from taka baby fair last mth at $359 including free mattress, bedding set and a mobile toy.

if i'm not wrong, the cot which jowin and some of the gals bought can be converted to a toddler bed too, they bought it at $399 with a free stroller.

my sis passed me her playpen, but i havent buy the mattress. will be buyig at a later date. will only let baby to play inside.

kiddypalace sells 'yao lan' with a stand, dun need to drill and hang from the ceiling. u can push the 'yao lan' to your bedroom, living room.

i will let baby sleep in the cot from the start, in order to train him.
iemik0, okok..i know which one liao..i will go there and recee..xiao pooh want go w me..keke

Mimi...how does the nursing bra in CK looks like..i go there..i got confused leh..i dunno which is nursing bra..haha..anyway the bra over there are damm cheap! Got wired or non?

emeraldbride: wah..u so fast bought everything...i only buy playpen(from forum), breast pump, bottles, storage boxes for bb clothes, some new bb clothes for gog out and nappy liner..

I think...lost touch liao..i am free on every weekend except next week weekend
snowger, think not advisable to let bb sleep in 'yao lan' in the day and cot in the night leh. cos baby will want and cry for yao lan if he prefers sleeping in 'yao lan'.

the playpen given by my sis can adjust the height too. but it's still too low (as compared to a cot) even if i adjust to the highest level
Taka fair tat time got sell leh! i rem seeing two brands. But no worries I think places like Kiddy Palace sure got sell one! (better brands include Fisher Price, etc.)

I got mine at $15 (2nd hand but VERY new!!!). most prob made in china type -looks like a mini beach bench. Dunno orignal cost thou... If u wan I can take photo n post on my blog for u to see... :p

Hammock - traditionally is hung from ceiling lah. Now no need to drill holes! Kiddy Palace sells standing type with wheels so u can move it around the house. comes with the 5 spring too! *hehe*
bubblepearl, the nursing bra sold in CK is non-wired. i bought 1 but havent try. hmm.. dun know how to describe how a nursing bra looks like, it has 2 clips at both sides for u to 'expose' ur nipple. haha....
Snowger, last wk went for check up, I m also tested high in sugar in urine.

I bot a bb cot to be placed in our room and playpen to be placed in mil house. When babies grow older, it is safer for them to sleep on mattress since they knw how to crawl.

For yao lan, my gal dun like it. Used less than 5 times so for me, its quite a waste of money.
I let my boy sleep in hammock in the day, nite time in the cot initially. Head very round and nice. I'm using those mobile hammock that can be move around.
Wow u two very heng ya, managed to get the cot from Taka bb fair..Me went to the fair but didnt buy cos thot can look look see see ard..but now too lazy to shop, so panic now..Me missed the good deal again..

hee..when u wan to go down & see? let me noe k..

I will go kiddy palace & take a look..tink their $$ shd be cheaper than Taka & Fisher Price rite? Ur lobang super worth leh..where u got it frm? forum? Can show me the pix? thanks ya..

The hammock i will also take a look at Kiddy Palace..lucky got 1 kiddy palace at Compass-point..nowadays me very lazy to walk & shop too long..hee..
2nd baby,
Will u be doing the glucose test which Luthadel took?

I was thinking of buying the cheaper cot ($150) for my mil's house. It is metal frame one n can rock!!! I rem zzz on mattress with my ah ma last time aft the yao lan n cot grew too small for me. Migrated to bed when I went to kindergarten!

This is the first time I hear bb dun like "yao lan"!!!

Me still thinking... cos it's more money to spend leh... :p
Snowger, my gynae din mention to me to take the glucose test leh. So I guess no need ba.

Haha, ya lor, my gal dun like to be in yao lan. In fact, she prefers to slp in cot.

Anyone any idea metro sale has ended?
hi all.. yesterday went to see my gynea. as usual doc adrain. reply.. "this is baby, head, hand, legs, tummy and heart beat, everything is fine" I ask him baby is it low. he say nope.. i say baby cord got around baby neck he say nope -____- (sometimes i hope he just show me so i can understand). Normally ask him things he will say "its normal" haha i told him i got mole on my tummy he say its normal will go away.. i told him i hard to sleep at night he say Ya. its normal lolx. Anyway my baby gal weight 1.2kg+ 28wk.

Today sitting on the mrt hor. i saw my tummy like a drum! keep moving here and there! wow. its so cute lor. and i keep staring at the tummy very very long to wait for her to move haha. is like you are carrying her in your hands lor!

Oh snowger.. that day i went to aussino at hougang mall I cant find.. like dun have the minnie pillow and the boster leh =( how much you buy and where you buy ah? is a package with a comfortable and pillow and boster right? or only just the case?
xiao pooh,
I got deliveryman to fix up cot immediately
And i swear by cot. The adjustable heights, spaciousness plus no creaking when baby moves around (like you might get from playpen).

Its true, must 'train' baby to sleep in cot from as early as possible. I know of some moms who sleep with baby then baby refuse to sleep alone. Then when baby bigger and move around a lot in bed, the father kena 'downgraded' to mattress or living room! Quite bad la...

The cot that we got the last time (thru phyl's contact) was $299 not $399. It looks similar to the one in the picture below but this cot i bought fm kiddy palace last yr at 300+.

Now have 'upgraded' my big boy (15mo) to his own bed with side rail, cot will be used for the baby. Have the same arrangement of my mil's place becos he alteranates between our 2 homes when i work night shift. I sometimes sleep with my boy too..but in his bed! haha..

<center>This is what his room looks like now..
I don't like plastic/toyogo furniture so got him the white bookcase from ikea. Sheets are from aussino and all sheets(both boys')/curtains are matchy-matchy..heehee.. (Lucky my husband let's me get away with this!) Clothes are in a sliding door wardrobe (child-proofed of course). Still thinking of re-painting the room though..
I dun think the glucose test is mandatory. For me, both my HB's family and my family hv diabetes cases so for a peace of mind, i decided to do the test. Now that I know I'm normal, that is another load off my chest
You can opt to do it if you feel that you just want to be sure or if your baby is large for the gestational age 'cos large babies are also signs pointing towards gestational diabetes.
i'm seeing Dr. Marianne Hendricks at KKH. She's pro-natural, looks young but so far, been very reassuring speaking with her
here are the 2009 public hoilday...i am trying to plan my ML now
New Year's Day
1 January 2009

Chinese New Year
26 January 2009
27 January 2009

Good Friday
10 April 2009

Labour Day
1 May 2009

Vesak Day
9 May 2009

National Day
9 August 2009

Hari Raya Puasa
20 September 2009

15 November 2009

Hari Raya Haji
27 November 2009

Christmas Day
25 December 2009
xiao pooh,
I let my #1 sleep in the cot &amp; playpen until the day it is too small for her to roll &amp; turn. When she start to knock against the sides of the cot/playpen, then I put her on a adult-size mattress on the floor.

I believe babies will get addicted to yao lan, so no yao lan for my kids.
bubble..plan for ur Maternity Leave? U mean for the final 4 weeks?

Best to take in Nov..take 8 days u get 2 weeks off cos there is public holidays on 15th, 16th and 27th..i intend to use part of my ML in Nov
haha..ur gynae very cute hor..everything oso okay..my gynae also like that..but sometimes tink he finds me too paranoid so will pull off some jokes on me..but my next visit must ask him more ques &amp; must get him to show me my bb features on scan..so eager to see my ger-ger..

Ya, i agreed &amp; i have decided to get a bb cot liao..phew, finally made up my mind..haha..

Nice room..im getting the toyago storage cos i tink its quite practical for my newborn bb ger..Once she get older, i will re-decorate her room &amp; use those toyogo storages for my storeroom..hee..

okie..so mine will be DG - dear ger..

haha..u so cute ya share with us all the PH dates..hee..

thanks for sharing too..Im getting a bb cot..
emeraldbride..take in nov, where got public hoilday on 15,16 and 27? but i due in early dec..i intend to take starting from 1st dec and come back before CNY...and go back to work during CNY that week..keke..so at least will not lugi for that CNY..2 days..
fabbie..i know what u mean..ytd nite..my bb dunno is hicupps or what..keep moving in my tummy and there is period interval leh...keke
Xiao Pooh
read that you wan to buy playmate.. I would recommend bumper playmat from small small world. http://www.smallsmallworld.com/. very easy to clear if dirty. just used a wet cloth will do.. and will dry up easily

For rocker.. I bought those traditional rocker with lots of small holes (I find it useful as well)
if you know which one I am referring to ... think can find it in CP kiddy palace..I can email you the pictures if you wan to see

btw, I am your colleague at level 7
Mimi, i told must take 8 weeks ML at one go..while the rest depends on ur company?

I want take 9weeks ML and then ...go back one week..and then continue ML..think i leave a balance of 2wks ML to be taken for during the rest of 1 yr...but again depend my boss ok w me..
Hi snowger
I dun wan to get the yao lan, if bb become addicted to it.. i m very ma fan already, go holiday cannot, these n tat... BTW, its not true tat bb head will really become round round la...

Playpen..i bought one with 2 adjustable height. One is the low bottom one, another one is the higher one.. which u dun need to bend it down...

Yes, i bought the white cot at $299, not $399 with free stroller. The SA said can change to the junior but when Luthadel went to buy again at the warehouse with Phyl and the girls, another person there say cannot.. Nevertheless, its quite a nice cot with alot of freebies..

Wah... u gers realise alot of holiday falls on friday????

I m thinking to work out a scheduled plan with my boss to take every fridays off ( to clear my 4th month ML)Now all on friday holidays seem abit bo hua.

huh? u from my company? who huh? Nov or Jan one? hee..Can show me the pix? I will go down later to CP Kiddy Palace to look look see see later..
