(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

Ic ic.. u seems very very busy lately!!

Lucky for me, we have finally submitted the presentation deck to boss today so fingers & toes crossed that do not need further changes!! Then I dun hv to stay late in office tis week..

Hmm..I would like to order a box of Snow Skin Mooncake with Lotus Paste and Macadamia Nuts ($40)

hi bubblepearl,
i oso like u..kept going to the toilet..like very 1.5hrs to 2hrs got to go already..

It shd be normal lah..so long as want to go juz go lah..
xiao pooh,

maybe can go after giving birth? I felt very tired shopping ard there even though I am at 24wks that time.

Also can be quite hot also....after delivery maybe the Bangkok protest also quieten down..so more safe also
meredith ya lor. im looking for next year (june or maybe earlier) then go bangkok. damn gian to go BKK now! so many of my friends going there. so sad.. i cant go!!! T____T i wan to go shopping!!! hope to shop for more. baby stuffs.

bubble pearl same always go toliet. sometimes i try to bear with it. hehehe =X
ya,okie..will heed ur advise..go after delivery will be safer hor..Actually my hubby suggested the trip cos want to celebrate our ROM anniversary (28 Sept)..planning to go either bintan or batam for a short getaway..guess will delay till bb is born lah..

So long nvr go trip liao..so eager abt it..but must ren ren..

Ya, bangkok now very messy, better to avoid..but I love phuket alot..heard from news they juz re-open up the Phuket airport yesterday..
Can I share for those who have bought their bb cot, do u all straighaway install/fix up the cot or u all wait till after delivery then fix it huh?

Can share? thanks..
my friend who is local and stay in bkk..told me..that her bro who is working in a hospital, saw a number of ladies were injured by policemen..i think now quite messy...heng...my bro told me krabi airport also forced to close..that airport really..bird also dun want to go there and lay eggs!

Toilet trip: i can go like less than 1hr once..
is your boy's CC under CDA scheme? have they started the additional $150? my boy CC say they are but they have not received letter from gahmen for the $150 thingy leh..slow men...
xiao_pooh, my cot will be delivered and fix up in nov.

think not safe to go bkk at this moment.. anyway we got another 2-3mths to 'ren'...
Mei Lik,
Gd to hear that your contractions is not serious. Bb trying to attract your attention izit.. hee

xiao pooh,
so coincidental.. 28 Sep is also my anniversary but AD.
Hi all..

I think I got hormon dissorder.. lox..
A bit a bit things in the office will irritate me into the nerve.
Haha... become so agigated easily.. ( no good )

Sigh... preggie woman must be patient right, otherwise the baby also will go bad tempered like me.

Patient patient....

Good day ladies...
think they are starting soon coz got letter from them about new fees and also the plan of refunding the balance after new sub cut..
but when starting not sure.. hopefully soon..
Hi Gals!! i'm kinda back...

super busy with work and also upset with many things so no mood to post..

need help!

i wanna change gynae.. can someone give suggestions. i want female and can tolerate my nonsense.. i want a pro natural and not going to cost me a bomb to see each time.. even not in KKH-TPS is fine.. willing to explore Mt A, TMC..

For those who have pain at the sides, its the ligament pull thing.. coz last tues i kena.. then in the middle of the night cry coz too pain... pain till cannot move and cannot breathe..

Contractions i also kena, i tot i was giving birth.. but KKH din entertain me with my pain and contractions so i survived thru it.. it was painful and my tummy was very hard..

my gynae din say anything abt my low placenta also.. but i have trace amts of glucose in urine.. so i gotta do blood test at next visit.

busy busy..
my girl cc already started the $300 subsidy...saw the Sept e-invoice...
anyway....we are not entitled to the subsidy from Jan 2009 onwards...cos we are not local...
haiz...got to pay more lor...
so you will fix up the cot before ur EDD rite? is it okay huh? cos i thot not so good to have fixing going on in the house when we are pregnant..or we juz need to be away from hm then ok?

I juz came back from toilet..go till i oso paiseh..but shd never control ya..want to go, juz go k..

wow, so conincident leh..my 28 Sept date in yr 2004 happened to be the chinese lunar date for lantern festival..hee..btw, how u planning to celebrate? I think since cannot go oversea trip, i shall plan for buffet dinner at marina mandarin hotel (my hubby said its good) and then karaoke session..(I love singing!!)..hee..

Hi Phyl,
Long time no see..hw are u? Must take care ya..
Im with KKH-TPS seeing Dr Han HC..So far I find him very humourous & caring..No much complaint except that it always seem very rush when I visit him, probably due to him having too many patients liao..plus he's a male gynae..so cant help much..sry..
thanks xiao pooh.. erm.. me not too good.. well, i want female gynae..

the reason i wanna change gynae now is coz she told me last week when i saw her that she is on holiday from 6th to 18th Dec.. so i will get some mysterious gynae and i think its terrible coz i pay so much for her.. well, i might as well go on super subsidy patient and have a diff gynae everytime.. so i pissed lor.. then she happily say last yr she went on holiday and only 1 patient gave birth. and she say she will induce me after the 18th.. my EDD is 15th lor.. i dun think i any amt of masking tape is going to keep my son inside!
xiao_pooh, it depends if u are pantang lor... for me, my hubby is pantang la. so probably when the guy is there to fix up the cot, i will be at my sis house lor. since it's a sat, my hubby will stay and wait at home and watch the guy fix up the cot.

phyl, mine is a male gynae so cannot recommend u too... u can try KT Tan from KKH-TPS, a female gynae, my sis, cousin and sis friend are under her previously.
xiao pooh...haha..i also just come back from toilet..

Phyl: so that pain at side is ligament pull thing, i tell my gyna that machim like i drink too much water and went for a run..that kind of pain..he say normal..

So hungry just now, got nothing to munch in office..and went to fridge and took the last piece of snowskin mooncake given my vendor..still not full
Mine is female gynae, very professional, pro-natural birth, & pro-breast feeding too. But dunno if she's within your budget. She's at Raffles Hospital, antenatal package including natural delivery for 1st-time customers is $2,500. I'm with her for the 2nd time, so there's some discount ;-)

xiao pooh,
me & hb are 'lao3 fu1 lao3 qi1' already.. hehe.. so no celebration, just makan & makan.. keke
Marina Mandarin buffet dinner is gd, really? hmm.. where huh?
bubblepearl.. i have officially decided to boycott your company as of today!! buay tahan them! haha.. but no worries.. i can tahan you! so will still be your friend!! hahahahahaha

i hungry too.. my gynae told me to watch the sugar level and everything.. so now.. no more sweets, chocolates, coke, everything!!!!
scarletgal, the thing is i'm already 24wks liao.. haha.. maybe i call and ask them got discount or not.. hehehehehehe...
I also hungry... but trying to tell myself not to eat too much!! The weight gain is really scaring me off leh..sigh!! Sumtimes i feel like heck care, juz eat, but sumtimes really feel so guilty..

Dunno if it is the cold weather that makes me go hungry so fast.. i had fish soup noodle for lunch leh..mabbe not enuf, now munching on digestive biscuits..sigh..
ya,guess u are rite..it all depends if im bantang or not..like what u say, maybe i will stay out of the house when they fix up the cot..better not to be ard hor..

I oso super hungry juz nw ard 4.30pm, ate 3 breads & 1 mini-mooncake, now okay liao..hee..

lao fu lao qi oso must celebrate mah..ya, min must go for dinner..must never forget the special day ya..

The buffet dinner is at Marina Mandarin Hotel..cost ard $60++..quite ex..

My hubby juz called me & we gonna have change of plan cos on that day - 28 Sept 08 is the F1 Race leh, gonna be crowded & road closure at Marina Area..haiz..so "chun" leh..oso didnt seem to strike 4Ds..ha..

My hubby said we will go to Changi area where we used to have our photo-shoot taken, stay 1 nite in Le Meridien Changi Hotel..hee..at least something different..so me really excited now..
hee.. gd luck.. use your charm.. keke

xiao pooh,
wow.. your hb is very romantic leh.. if only my 'woody' hb will think of the same, then I strike mini lottery ler.. keke.

Re: hunger
It's normal lah, because me also hungry & just gobbled a french toast from yakun.. feeling so satisfied now
no lah, my hubby oso "woody" one..i actually got to "force" him to plan our prgm for that day, then he came up with this plan..If i kept quiet, guess on that day, we will most probably spend it at home..haha..

Anyway, i sianz now..cos juz call them to make reservation for the exclusive stay package..but due to the stupid F1 race, e room I wanted is not available plus they marked up the rates..so irritating..thot Changi hotel wont be affected but still..haiz..now I got to thing of other outing liao..haiz..

Maybe u can try Dr Caroline Khi fr ACJ Clinic at TMC. I find her gentle and patient. But not sure if she's pro natural. U can give her a call to find out.
Hi piggicia
Dr Caroline, if not wrong, her package is $650.. i use to enquire b4...

There are many female doc at TMC such as Yvonne Soong or Yvonne Chan, Dr Adelina Wong... their rates are quite ok.. Dr Eunice Chua has no package..

Dun be angry abt ur gynae.. haha.. at least she kind enough to tell u that she go on holiday.. some gynaes maybe dun even say until a mystery gynae suddenly appear lor....

But 15th Dec EDD, 18th Dec then induce... er... i thought she should induce u earlier than later????

haha.. no masking tape la.... !!!!
Hi Phyl,
I'm with Dr Yvonne Soong at TMC. She's quite pleasant and understanding. When I go to her with problems or questions, she is quite patient in listening and explaining to me.

I don't know if she's considered to be pro-natural, but when I told her my preferred birth plan (natural birth, no epidural), she said she will try to keep to that but wants the flexibility to make changes to my birthplan once I'm actually in labour. E.g. if I need to be induced or have C-section because of some problems, then she should be allowed to go ahead to do so, rather than to be bound by my birthplan. She said, birthplan is fine but, at the end of the day, it's most important for mother and baby to be safe. I think that is quite reasonable la, even though I'm personally pro-natural.

Regarding her price, I've been seeing her since I was 7W preggie, so not sure if my antenatal package would be applicable for you. But if you want details on her delivery fees, you can PM me.
Xiao Pooh,
I am new here. I just saw your thread regading travelling during pregnancy. I will be taking the plane when I will be 32 weeks pregnant. 1st I checked with my gynae if everything is ok for me to travel and I have to get a medical certificate within 7 days before I travel. I found out from the airline the restrictions for pregnant woman and they dont seem to have problem with pregnant woman till the 32 weeks. So now I am just preparing myself psychologically for the plane journey and hope everything will be ok.
Ade, thanks for the info. Gonna do the 3D scan too!

Bubble, I m at 26 wks, always wanna go to toilet also. Dun like this feeling..
Any1 knows any good woman doctors in East shore hospital or are practicing in the east?
A doctor who is pro natural birth and good stitching skills.
Any comments on Dr Heng Tung Land?

thanks for sharing with me ur experience..Im not going for the trip already & shall wait patiently till i give birth then go..Doesnt wish to take the risk unnecessary..take care & wishing everything okay for you..
phyl...good to see you back.

I am seeing Dr Irene Chua at KKH-TPS. She is very patient and understanding...my cousin was seeing her too...you might want to consider her.
hi bubblepearl
d shop is opposite amk polyclinic. got one baby shop tt sells cheap home clothes. those airy airy singlets kind. there sell breast pads cheap. =)

Went to the bugis shop yesterday, bought some long sleeves tops, short sleeves top, hanky for bb and oso some tops for my boy, total damage done $51.

So tired today, on leave yesterday, went shopping and eating, more tired than working. Cannot walk too long now, back pain and sole pain if stand too long. My tummy is really growing very fast recently, dunno how long it will take to go back after birth heehee...been eating so much recently.

Anyone know if undergoing planned C-section, when's the earliest date before the EDD that we can perform the operation? If not I will have to wait till my next check up to find out from my gynae.
Hi gals,
Been feeling so tired recently! My hb's tossing n turning can hardly affect me. And I can't hear my alarm going off in the morning!!! *Yawnz* Even chicken essence got no effect on me! *Sigh* I am only in Wk 25 plus! Siao liao, how to survivie the last trim?

37 weeks is considered full term. Hence any babies born naturally or under c-sec aft 37 wks are not considered premmies.
So i am guessing c-sec can be anytime aft 37 weeks or when the gynae deem the bb as healthy for survival without NICU.
yup me too .. been tired recently .. guess it's cos we're approaching our 3rd trimester .. *yawn*

My maid has gone back for a 2 week home trip ... feel like dying taking care of my 3 girls .. plus my house .. and the cooking ... so tired.
Phyl: it;s a pity dat u prefer a female gynae. Cos my gynae very patient and have withstood many questions from me. His clinic is in Yishun (Chong Pang) but he can deliver at TMC or Mt A too. His antenatal package starts from Week 12 @ SGD600. FYI, Mimi and I are seeing the same gynae.

Ladies, been super tied down with meetings and werk recently. Hardly can breathe in ofc, so can only catch glimpses of yr posts, hope i din miss any juicy info! Just went to my gynae on Sat and BB Kasia is 730g at 26W. Gynae said by this rate, BB Kasia sud be 2.8kg at birth...

my gynae has mentioned dat anytime 1-2 week before and 1 week after EDD is ok to deliver the BB. Of cos, if after more than 1 week, then will need to induce or C-sect, else danger for both BB and mother.

bubblepearl: thanks for bringing up the gathering topic! i think we are so occupied by the new BB package dat we drop off this discussion thread!

Any1 still have th latest dates for all available mummies? Sori, i totally lost track liao! Hee...
