(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

iemik0 - ok, can you let me know next week? my scan is on 4 Aug.

Anyone else done detailed scan in KKH, how much is it? How about those in other hospitals?

girl80 - haha, so good.

Hi jowinbaby

Received with thanks...thanks a million...
my detailed scan is on 2nd Aug.. i have yet to ask doctor how much is it leh..haha. Should be few hundred bucks bah..

I hope I can get 3 kids.. hopefully i can get a girl!..if after 2nd baby still boy, i will adopt a baby girl..hehe. I always wanted to adopt a baby.
hahaha..if i m in my 20s, i will try, but i alr 32 liao leh..i plan to hv 2nd baby at 36 or 38..if i try till hit jackpot, i will be too old to run after the baby..haha
Re Sarong:
I am a super sarong baby... My grandma will dump me in the sarong n go abt her chores for hours. Until I make noice then she will come leh. I am quite suprised when I hear bb dropping out of sarong or turn until they nearly suffocate! Think there is some method of hanging the sarong cloth to make sure the bb lies in sarong tight n safe. I rem I was wrapped so tight can't even turn!

Anyway if getting sarong, the manual one is better cos it will stop rocking. electric one will get bb so used to the rhythmic up n down, no rocking sure cry. My grandma wean us out of sarong by not rocking us n just put us inside to zzz. Until I was older, I like to stick out my legs to start the rocking then pull my legs back in. *those were e days!*

I will ask my hubby k? u n ur hubby rite?
Snowger, U let me know lor.. i ok with anything la. its not a big issue! =)

Jowin ah.. i din recieve any email from u leh.. haha.. if u free la.. can send to my workplace email?

chantelle, cannot drink kopi. i hyperactive liao.. if i drink my ex-usual kopi ci kosong, my baby will confirm + chop hyperactive too.
I think my appetite has gone crazy again. Since yesterday I started to have hunger pangs like when i was in my 11-13wks!!!! Hungry Every 2 hours. For the last couple of weeks, i dun feel hungry at all and now !!!!

Today, at 10.30 already hungry, tahan until 11.45am rush to buy lunch. At 2.45pm, again hungry so i went over to 7-11 to get a soya bar (yucks) & a mini pack of coco crunch. NOW I HUNGRY AGAIN !!!!

If like that sure pile on weight....I DUN WAN TO PUT ON TOO MUCH but so hard to control......

Ahh.. emeraldbride; jia you & lots of good luck k! I am trying to hit the TWINS jackpot... HTB side have twin cousins..hehe.OooH.. VERY VERY ENVIOUS of Girl80!! Pass some TWINS dust to mee!!!
but adel, it is hard not to control lar.. how come in 2nd tri u start to have hunger pangs?? Now I dun eat that much too..but mabbe when i reach the same week as u, it may change too..u can eat healthy snack
hi ladies,

Sorrie for late reply. im joing this Sat too. Since i stay in yishun, i can pick Phylicia up? So i can lobang 3 other gals/HBs from AMK or Bishan too =)

COt and Stroller:
this sat @ 10am (APS Bldg, Jln Pemimpin)

1. Phyl and Hubby
2. LuthAdel
3. Pris
4. Bubblepearl
5. Snowger n Hubby
6. Gill & Husband

Sorrie, super bz at werk recently. So can email or sms me the mtg time and place (for those who wanna meet me). Tks!
I also dun know what happen the hunger pangs just hit me out of nowhere. Perhaps I've officially entered 20wks and now bb growing?? Not sure but i can say the feeling is bad.

And as fast as the hunger attacks comes, I'm not feeling it now even though i did not give myself any snacks during my last attack at 4.30pm. But to tahan that 1 hour is really tough 'cos my mind is just images of FOOD! hahahaha
carmen ah.. its me and hubby together wor.. hehe.. thanks.. just let me know what time and where.

Snowger, thanks for the offer oh!

COt and Stroller:
this sat @ 10am (APS Bldg, Jln Pemimpin)

1. Phyl and Hubby
2. LuthAdel
3. Pris
4. Bubblepearl
5. Snowger n Hubby
6. Gill & Husband
7. Carmen
u are not alone. At least u are in more advanced weeks than me. Me 17 weeks going 18 and I am already snacking like never before. Polished one jiu chen gao n half a pack of those sweet chestnuts snack in 1 afternoon! *Urgh!* I also dun want to gain too much but I am hungry (at the wrong time)!!!
i'm eating famous amos chocolate chip cookies with pecan nuts now.. hehe.. but thinking of my mango still.. i need mangoes!!!
i also tend to snack leh.

my meals today :
breakfast - fried mee with fish cake + egg
tea break - 2 digestive biscuits
lunch - fillet-o-fish + sparkling ribena
tea break - 2 mini buns
dinner now - kuay teow soup

think i eat alot too.... but cannot control leh
hey hey hey ... been out the whole day having lunch with my friend in town and shopping ... wow, the thread has moved so fast ..

thanks everyone for the well-wishes ..

Phylicia, no .. I'm not "gian" for a baby boy .. (girls have tons more to buy ... !!) I don't want to "try" for a boy ... 4 kids more than enough ... as it is, now my 7 seater will be cramped with the car seats, the booster seat, my hubby and me and my helper ...

I dowan to end up buying those MINI BUSES like those Kinderland ones ... lol. So LC.

Juzyouandme, the detailed scan at KKH cost $80 at ADC. If yours is at AMC, the cost may differ .. I'm not sure ... but it should be that price or less ...
no prob. but one ting. i need reminder. haha. veri forgetful since preg. =p

all my colleagues asking mi to try for another one coz all know i like ger ger. hehe. told them i will rather adopt one den try luck n get another boi boi. lolx.
LuthAdel - Maybe u would like to get some fruits or those Meiji plain crackers as "standby" in case hunger pangs attack again. At least healthier.

Phylicia - Dun eat any more chocolate chip cookies. Will worsen your constipation problem. Maybe can try drinking honey lemon or eat yoghurt in the morning to ease your constipation problem?

Any one of u experience 1 side of your tummy slightly bigger than the other side in the morning? I notice these few days when i woke up it's either the right or left side slightly bigger. Think bb is moving around. :p
Fong2 ... yes, it just means baby is more to one side of your tummy that's all .. people think that your belly is supposed to be this perfect round shape .. but of course it's not true ... it's dependant on where the baby is in your tummy .. lol
Morning Ladies

It's Friday and I need not go into office! Yippee! Finally can rest my body and throat... Getting sore throat, as I have been talking too much during training!

Welcome jolynash! Is this your 1st pregnancy?
Morning Ladies! TGIF

Welcome jolynash!

Sam.. haha.. your car is really cramp!!

Mummy30, i still cannot find mango.. hehe.. its a craving only la.. haha..

Fong2, hehe.. hungry ma.. so bite bite a bit lor..

Mimi, wat u eat is quite healthy and not too bad.

my food intake yesterday:
breakfast- Kway teow with luncheon meat (milo kosong)
lunch- char siew + roast pork rice + old cucumber soup (tomato juice)
tea- choco chip cookies
pre-dinner- ikan keropok
dinner- maggie noodles (root beer)
supper- popcorn.. (1 sip lemon tea)

haha.. i always wonder where all the food go.. hehe.. today is day 8 with no poo poo..

Adel, i think i see a permanant bump in the morning that doesnt sound like a drum liao.. haha.. or it might be my poo poo.. hahahah.. its round and hard..
Morning ladies,

Welcome jolynash!

I can feel my bb moving and kickings a few time recently. So magical.

Yes, tummy will change shape if bb moves ard, very obvious if bb grows bigger. So funny, when I'm preg with my boy, daddy was talking to him from my left side, he really moves to the left side of my tummy to "hear" my hubby talking. I was lying down, so you can c the whole tummy "turn" to one side.
Hi girl80 is it very difficult to carry a twins??
My fren carry twins n her heart beat stop once, she low blood count, low imm systems n her body reject all medicine. Can she contuine her preggi?? Cos she said doc told her ard 7 month then tell her can she keep or abort.
reddates.. wah.. really... thats so cool.. cant wait to feel baby.. haha.. maybe my fats too much liao..
phyl, i ate mango dessert at chomp chomp last week. ate all the mango and longons..... u make me crave for mango again....

sometimes my tummy also like out of shape.
Hi Jean

I agree its really difficult to carry Mya twins...i also got admitted to hospital few weeks ago & doctor told me no shopping for me. I need to have more bed rest & that is basically only lieing on bed to rest.

My gynae has refer me to KKH because of the complications of twins preganancy & furthermore, mine babies are 1 big 1 small & both on same placenta, hence more high risk. Need to take extra care and precaution. I am in my 16 weeks 5 Days now...going for my checkup on Monday, can't wait to see how the babies are doing....haha

I think you can ask your friend to have a second opionon, i do not think the doctor should have encourage her to abort the baby when the baby is already fully formed by 7 month...
Hi Jean,

Sorry if i sound ignorant. Not directed at you but at the dr!

I dun see why the dr cannot deliver the babies at 7 mths and place babies on NICU.. somehow it doesnt seem rite. shouldnt a dr give every life a chance for survival? True the babies will be preterm and weak.. give them a shot in life and let God decide their destiny.

girl80, its a good choice to be at KKH. The drs there are well trained in preterm or complicated pregnancy.
Hi Phy, luth adel n gals..
I dun Know why tat my hunger ( every 3hrs hunger interval) is back again.. i m feeling not tat hungry for nearly 1 month.. but seem these 2 weeks back again.. Very easily hungry again.. i dun like this.. will make me fat lor.

my food intake yesterday:
breakfast- Toasted bread with kaya n butter ( 1 slice)
pre-lunch - Ham n cheese toast bread ( 1 slice)
lunch- beef noodles + caffine free root beer + papaya
teabreak- forget to buy so munch prawn cracker
dinner- 6 pieces of small taohu with pork floss plus a plate of fried rice..(1st time i ate so much)

aiyo...me now munching you tiao now...

Phy ah.. me constipation for 4 days liao... super bloated.
wah phyl, u ate so much for a day?? Wahaha..N i tot i hve been pigging out alot!

My usual day will be:
1/2 bun + milo kosong with milk powder [Breakfast]
Fish soup with bee hoon [Lunch]
Hot soya drink [ 3.00pm]
Nesvita Cereal [Tea Break - 6.00pm]
Fried noodles or noodle soup [Dinner]

Lately I don't really need to drink milo before bed time..mabbe because my dinner is quite late, ard 8pm..

I weigh myself these few weeks, staying stagnant at 55kg onie.. tmr going to see gynae, need to ask her how come my tummy is not growing - despite going into 5th mth liao.

Ooh..yesterday during lunch time, i went to Borders to get baby a Bedtime Storybook. I read Snow White & The 7 Dwarfs last nite..hahaha. Quite affordable, before discount is $27, we have 30% + 10% discount, so is $17 after disc.. will intend to buy some nursery rhyme CD soon..hehe
jowin, guess it's normal that we get hungry easily cos baby is growing mah. guess my max 10kg weight increase will burst liao, me already gain 4.5kg leh...
Hi Jowin,

don't think that is much leh...

List of what I ate for yesterday:
breakfast - fried bee hoon with egg and fishcake, 2 pieces of triangle carrot cake, coffee
break - 2 triangle sandwiches (egg mayo and ham and cheese)
lunch - nasi lemak with fried drumstick and egg, 1 piece of honeydew and papaya each
break - coffee, 2 mini bay teh sau
dinner - little rice with soup and vege and chicken
after dinner - bird's nest and pistachios
LOTS of water in between...

Think I eat more for breakfast and the breaks, before the time comes for dinner where I would loose my appetite again...
i gain 2.3kg.. also hope max is 10kg weight increase.. usually 2nd trim onwards n last month of pregnancy , weight will add on tremendously... sound scary...

Hi emeraldbride
tat is not pigging out.. compared to mine, u really ate much lesser than me...

Oh u started reading to bb? I just dig out my disney princess storybook.. left it there on table, haven touch .. haha!!!
Hi Jowinbaby,

can i check with you if there's other baby stuffs to view at APS Bldg, Jln Pemimpin tml morning other than the cot?
actually when can baby hear us? i burn the cds already but have yet to let baby hear cos i heard ppl say baby can only hear us when 20w.
Not sure how much I have gained though... will be going for detailed scan this coming tues. Keeping my fingers crossed that bb will cooperate.

do you girls feel sweaty around the area between your belly and bust? I think cos I have bad posture, that's y keep feeling sweaty around that area...

Phylicia - Have you tried drinking coffee, or milk to induce toilet going? Esp coffee, should make you go once you drink it, unless you are immune to it already...
Hehe! Yah, Mimi, I can actually finish half a roast duck prior to me slimming down a few years ago... Can do so now too, but trying to control lor... I can finish 1 spring chicken myself too! Haha!

Yah, very bad appetite for dinner, so try to make it up in the morning. At least, Mimi, you can eat soupy stuff. I see dinner, no appetite already, so forced myself to ear some, if not, mum will complain and nag...

Opps, I forgot to add that I drink 1 glass of warm milk and 1 glass of water to kick start my day too, daily (under mum's supervision!)
Mimi, i oso can't eat much for breakfast and dinner, my lunch would be around 12pm and its the biggest meal of the day which usually last me till about 5pm..BF is usually 2 pcs of bread with ham and cheese...i get really uncomfortable is i have a big dinner, prob because i always sleep early, no time for food to digest...

I suggest that your friend seeks a second opinon despite the sticky situation. I thought bb should b able to survive c-sec as long as their life signs (i.e. lungs are developed) are good!

Some gynaes handle situations differently! My first gynae only gave me duphaston for my spotting while my current gynae did some test to check if my pregnancy is sustainable. So, seek 2nd opinon!

KKH will be a good place to start since they are the most experienced O&G in Singapore.

I can even see my tummy "shift" sometimes when I just stand there n stare. The left side will bulge out more for a while - then normal liao. It's the bb doing some acrobatics lah.
I am still waiting to feel the bb leh...
