(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

thanks thanks.. but MOST likely is a gal only... got to confirm during detail scan also.... who knows suddenly appear a penis leh... hahah!!!!

I later try to contact the guy to ask if we can go n see

bubblepearl, robinsons has got sale now right? i also went yesterday. saw medela have 15% disc but avent no discount? isetan also having the same disc for medela but avent also no discount

anyone organising any spree for dr. brown's bottles? jowin, i went to www.kidsurplus.com but think they dun accept international credit card
Morning ladies.. i went to plaza singapore last nite, spent $200 on clothes as well as scrapbooking stuff from MWL..I cant wait to start working on it liao..hehe

Yeah, we shuld hv a spree to buy breast pump and bottles too!! I just placed an order for a swimsuit..hehe going sentosa on National Day - coincide with our 3rd anniversay.
belinda, i learn from jowin that dr. brown's bottles in singapore all not BFA free. Bfree ones are more ex. that's why i am waiting for a spree.

emeraldbride, where is WML? at PS?
i am waiting for discounts for Avent leh. wanted to buy the cups for storage of breastmilk. saw at mothercare selling at $24, and robinsons, isetans all selling at $27.30. all no discounts.
bubblepearl, u have to go to photos (on the left hand side)and search there...

Mimi,i read about the Bfree thingy, its the plastic chemical tht will harm the bb right? then i read tht should buy glass bt....me a bit confused... i like Dr. brown because it suppose to prevent colic...
Hi Mimi
Yes, Dr Brown in SG now is not BPA Free... er,,my friend help me to spree at kidsurplus for the bottles. so i m not sure how she do it..

perhaps i ask her later.
bubble_pearl, my tummy oso quite small... but it becomes really huge in the evening....hehe... My gynae oso say on monday tht no one can tell i am pregnant....i oso did not put on any weight...think its fine... i've got friends who suddenly balloon after 5mths...
hey bubblepearl,

don't worry. i'm 19 weeks today still can't tell i'm pregnant. sigh

I usually start showing quite late .. more than 24 weeks ..
thanks for the concern.. hope hubby learn his lesson n dun anyhow shoot inside.. haha

i was prescribed with antibiotics - curam 625mg..

congrates jowin.. ur wish came true.. =)

robinsons got 15% ah? think i'll make a trip down later.. hehe
BB Hair
I did shave my gal hair for the first mth. Heard that after shave, hair wil grow very nice and alot too. But my gal nw still very little hair. Had her hair made to hair brush and cord into name stamp.

Jowin, minnie for u. Happy? Hee..
louisa, me also taking curam 625mg... *hope i won't lao sai for the coming days*. :p

Somehow, taking the antibiotics is making me feel a bit sick. For me think the infection is driving me nuts, I had another nightmare! *Scary*
Snowger... u mean take already will lao sai?

i take already feel so bloated.. dunno it's the breakfast or the pill.. haiz..

dun think so much.. pray that the bad things dun come true..

I have almost brand new Medela Swing Pump for Sale at $220 (lightly used for 1mth). Pump comes with receipt and warranty!

Interested, Pls PM/ SMS me at 98397101. Thanks!
yawnzz.. sibeh sleepy. Rainy morning lagi better to sleep. eh, just curious, does anyone experience itchy nipples? Mine itch like hell.. any cream to apply?
I've the same experience. For me, the nipple is usually itchy at night. It will stop for a few days and come back.

I just apply some body cream and it kind of help. Wonder what causes it.
Depends on your body, cos e antibiotic is quite strong (2 to 3 times stronger than those you take when u have throat infection). Now I taking twice a day. Previously, I always kena lao sai aft my 4th dose... Maybe the 2 of us *xing li zuo yong*

Ya I keeping my fingers n toes crossed. Bad things go AWAY! *shoo shoo*!

I will usually get itching on breast n stomach together! Guess cos the skin is dry. Same like LuthAdel, I will put cream then ok liao...
I also get itchy breasts and nipples from time to time. Think it's because the skin is dry? When I get the itch, I will put more of my stretch mark cream on my boobs.

Has anyone heard about massaging nipples to help with breastfeeding later on? I heard this from my colleagues, but don't know how I should massage. Just rub the nipples? idk...
good qn. i dono if reali my baby hair anot. lolx. i was tinking of making d umbilical cord into stamp as well. now cant decide especially afta d incident. mayb go another outlet. hehe. will try request for discount since im given discount at kkh.

they say baby muz shave hair one lei. den will hav more hair. i tink its true coz my boi veri little hair one when born. den afta shaving twice, got more hair. hehe.

Ok... checked out the address to view the bed cot n strollers

Palmax Business
49 Jalan Peminpin
APS Industrial Building , 06-11
Tel: 63544998
PIC: Randy
Opening hrs : Sat 9am -12pm only
Weekdays.. On appointment basis.

Ladies who are interested can go down to see the actual products.

I also change my stroller to RED COLOUR already... hee hee
hi all,

I won't be shaving off my baby's hair UNLESS my baby has cradle cap then no choice. My parents never shaved off any of my sisters' & my hair too! But we still have TONNES of hair. :p
I just think a botak baby looks quite funny...but personal opinion only!

Phylicia/Jowin: I'm free this weekend to view the cot too.

Chantalle: I think itchy nipples is due to hair growing and also our boobs stretching cos of growth. When i apply my Clarins tonic oil, i also shun bian apply de remaining to my boobs.

Jowin: Congrats it's a minnie!
Keep us updated after your detailed scan k?

I'm feeling super bored at home...stupid throat infection.
Sigh must go back to teaching tomorrow liao.
Thanks Jowin. Are you gals organising to go together? Will ask my hubby to go to look see too!

I see whether bb will come out hairy hairy like me! My mum's gynae last time say very easy to recognise me - the one with super duper lots of hair *keke* Now I hear your experience, I wonder if they will give me some wierd crystal for e umbilical cord stamp!
oh ok.. Got it, thanks ladies! But i am in office now and nipple really itchy man.. feeling quite sore and sensitive also. Wonder if i can apply hand cream to it..
I heard that ppl shave away the baby's hair because baby hair is considered "dirty" in chinese is call "tai mao"??? so must shave and grow clean new one.. hehe.. Hear hear only, duno base on what..
mummy30: im showing our gathering foto to my fren and she said u look familiar... u stayed in Cambridge Rd before?
2nd baby
i got his hair shaved at 4mths and again at 6mths. coz hair outgrown n he kip sweating. so shave again. hehe.
Turn off TV during meals or kids may get fat

OTTAWA - EVERYONE knows what too much television can do to the mind and what too little exercise can do to the body, but a Canadian study has now shown that the boob tube can also lead to an increase in how much we eat.
Studying childhood obesity, University of Toronto nutritionist Harvey Anderson found that kids who watched TV while eating lunch took in 228 extra calories than those who ate without the television on.

'One of Anderson's conclusions is that eating while watching television overrides our ability to know when to stop eating,' the Canadian Institutes for Health Research, which funded the study, said on Tuesday.

'In effect, mindless television watching produces mindless eating. ... Anderson has some immediate advice for parents - turn the television off during meal-time
Harlow Ladies..

Sorry, this morning running around like mad so not in office.

For the cot issue rite, i've arranged with the guy.. he says he is ok on Saturday at 10am @ the showroom. Let me know who wanna go. My hubby will come along. The guy says that its optional to pay full, put deposit also can. you girls decide la.. The place is near Bishan. You girls wanna meet? I dun drive so wanna car pool from the MRT or something?
Hi Mummies,

I m from Feb 08 MTB.

Sorry to interrupt in this thread as i thought you mummies will be in a better position as you are "more senior" than us. ;p;p

Just wanna check with you mummies on the OSCAR test (for down's syndrome).. have you all done it?? or the mummies here only do the normal blood test/ triple test??

Can share your view as i m rather confused, n still considering whether to take up the OSCAR or normal blood test.

Thanks in advanced!!
ok.. girls i'm going off for site visit at suntec liao.. wont be online.

COt and Stroller:
this sat @ 10am

1. Phyl and Hubby
2. LuthAdel
3. Pris
4. Bubblepearl
5. Snowger n Hubby

add your names there and lets liaise this via email or msn. Sorry leh.. really rushing like mad woman today!

For the Avent discount. TRY OG. my friend.. she is AUG 08 MTB, bought pump from them at 20% off.. so the Avent ISIS DUO is 600++ only. Who near OG pop by and see la.. but she bought begining of GSS.
Phylicia, we will be driving down..car pool not a problem.

COt and Stroller:
this sat @ 10am

1. Phyl and Hubby
2. LuthAdel
3. Pris
4. Bubblepearl and Hubby
5. Snowger n Hubby
bao bao..u mean u r fr Feb 09 thread?

Some of us here did OSCAR and some did only NT Scan. Ur doctor should be able to advised..actually OSCAR and NT Scan is almost the same except that OSCAR scan comes with blood test hence the accuracy is much higher.
Hi Gers

I cannot make it to view the cot and stroller this sat as this sat hubby needs to work half day

Think i may have to call up & arrange to go during wkdays...
snowger.. my gynae did warn me to take the multi-vits/ iron pills only 2 hrs after the antibiotics.. dunno y.. maybe will lao sai if taken together?

Hi Louisa, I went to see GP so he never say anything... Only say "After food". So I have been poping both together *opps* In that case, I'll follow what your gynae says... Maybe cos the multi-vits will be destroyed?

Cot and Stroller:
this sat @ 10am

1. Phyl and Hubby
2. LuthAdel
3. Pris
4. Bubblepearl and Hubby
5. Snowger n Hubby - I also driving! So if need one more car can take mine.
