(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

raven, u have got good appetite.. nvm la, can eat then eat more. good for baby mah.

belinda, my dinner not too big portion. my dinner always at around 7pm, eat like 2 spoons of rice only then 9+, i eat abit again. sometimes will munch on titbits provided that hubby havent reach home cos he dun allow me to eat titbits.

snowger, i also havent feel baby's movement. still waiting for that miracle moment.

Yo Girl 80, Thanks V MUCHIE!!

Woah.. Ladies! I thot i am the only one here pigging out..I seems to munch non-stop; biscuits; cookies; chips.. basically all the junk food. Very bad, but cannot help it!!! Emeraldbride, how i wish i am like u, weight staying stagnant and tummy hardly visible; I have got the wedding to go in Aug - Really wonder how iI would look then with all those junk i am consuming. I gotta stop.
Morning gals...
Down with flu due to my sensitive nose.. sian...

Welcome jolynash..

My meals yesterday:
Breakfast: plain bread with plain water..
lunch: rice + pork + vege + tofu + plain water
Dinner: rice + vege + fish + 1 big bowl black bean soup
supper: thai fried kway tiao (so sinful + oily)
I never eat fruits for few days le..
Never drink milk for 2 days oso.. Gastric not feeling too well, so dun feel like drinking..
Jolynnash: welcome!!! my EDD is on 7 Dec, 1 day after yrs =)

Phylicia: u still got the email Priscilla which lists our hp no. for our last gathering? Anyway i email to u again. im on pm leave, so will not be checking the forum thread. please sms me yr blk no. and street name, i will pick u and HB ard 9.30am tml =)
Samantha, Reddates, Snowger - Ya, i felt amused when i first notice 1 side of my tummy bigger than the other side.

Reddates - Your bb so funny!.. lol...

Mimi - I also target an overall weight increase of abt 10-11kg for this pregnancy. So far i've put on abt 4 kg. Hopefully last tri i won't balloon like mad. :p

Jowinbaby - I thought we can't eat ham?

Jean - It is difficult to carry twins. I heard fr my fren who is a teacher that she was panting after walking for awhile when she was just abt 3 mths. She had to sit on wheelchair during her last tri.
mummy 30: i oso got a running nose today, sianzzz.. btw, my fren's name is Lim Su Yen, she is your sibling's fren =)

guess we sud not be feeling guilty from all the eating, it's our priviledge u knw ;p
wah... raven.. ur apetite good hor.. haha.. i think i will go get the fybogel thing and drink later la.. i really dunno where all the food go to.. hehe.. i think i will skip the coffee coz i already have caffine intake via chocos and also coke and all the other nonsense that i eat sometimes... i dun drink milk leh..

me still trying to give away my enfamama vanilla flavor milk.. any takers?

ah bur, i think they have some bottles and things too. not too sure.. never been there. u wanna join us?
Good morning ladies,

Welcome Jolynash

Wah, by looking at the meals outlined by you girls, I'm still in the safe zone lah hahaha.

For me
Breakfast - 1 glass of plain water, Nestum cereal mixed with Milo.
Lunch - usually mixed rice (2 veg & 1 meat)
Snacks - An apple
Dinner - depends

Perhaps your friend may want to change her gynae to someone who is specialised in High Risk pregnancy. Such specialised gynae hv seen difference cases and would be in a better position to advise her on what she should do. Carrying twins is very different from singleton. For Singleton they can have high chances of survival at 7mths but for twins, due to the fact that they are smaller in size, it may be a different story. Do ask your friend to get a 2nd or 3rd opinion from high risk specialist. All babies are gifts from above and should at least deserve the best of chance.
I thought i felt my bb kicking this morning. But not sure if it really was. Cos it felt like my nerves throbbing.
raven1313: my gynae advises me during my 1st visit NOT to drink any coffee throughout my preg, cos it's been proven earlier this year dat coffee will increase the potential of miscarriage. so any MTBs still drinking coffee better stop =)
For mummies who are not well: wishes all a speedy recovery! Gotta take very good care of ourselves now!

Something to share; I saw a baby boy of about 8 months old in the supermarket yday. Thick hair and big eyes..From his side view, he look very adorable, chubby and healthy. Just then, when he suddenly turn with his front view facing me, i got quite a shock as he got a big red patch covering half his face and he dun quite look adorable with that. I feel quite sad for the baby.. and wonder how does this actually happen? Is it because the mum pass it to the baby during pregnancy or due to other factors? Anyway to prevent? Anyone got any insights on this?
fong2, dun think we can have a max of 10-11kg increase liao. cos i think our weight will ballon during 3rd trimester. think it's ok to take ham, sausages... moderate is the key word. i tend to love sausages now leh. previously dun like at all.

me also running nose today, keep sneezing.
carmen ah.. 386, ring road.

thanks. tonite i will sms u using my hubby's phone coz my sim card spoil still and i fixing it tmrw only. i think i should be able to find ur number. have a nice pm oh!!
hmm.. Phyl, pantang is one thing, but i guess scientifically should have some explanation also mah?? Ok lets talk about other stuff then...
I'm drinking kopi-o everyday, even for my first preg. I read from babycenter and other sources that as long as not more than 4 cups of coffee everyday ok liao. I'm still eating my ham occasionally, if not dunno wat to eat for BF liao, bread, noodles....
Phylicia: no issue, will call you before i leave home (if im not wrong, we are actually REALLY close to each other!) ;)

Mummy30: wow! must say Su Yen always leave a deeeeeep impression no matter where she goes! haha... in fact, we are taking pm leave together later to go shopping, me getting advice from her since she's mum of 2 =)
carmen, we have the same gynae. and he always reminded me not to drink coffee when i go to him during my 1st trimester. he say 2007 had a research for drinking coffee, and drinking coffee increase the risk of miscarriage. but i think if drink moderately should be quite safe. luckily i am not a coffee lover.
Carmen - Thanks for the advice, my gynae was telling me that I can limit myself to 2 cups a day and I have trying to cut back already. Used to drink black without sugar! Think everything in moderation lah. If not, very miserable leh... Hehe!

Phylicia - Yah, can try fybrogel later. Not good not to go to toilet for too many days.
Mimi: me used to love kopi tiam kopi, but after he mentioned it during my 1st visit, i stop all kopi or tea related drinks! drastic yes, but better be safe than sorry mah. in any case, just endure for 10mths, sud be able to survive lar! hee.. dats motherly love! ;)

Mummy30: haha... i think she will be happi dat at least u remember her! hehe..
Phyl still no poo poo ahhh?? hey maybe you want to try this method; Raise ur hands high up above ur head and clasp them tight, stick your tummy out, tip toe and walk around your house or office for 5-10 mins. Concentrate on your regular breathing.. try try try.. I learn this from Taiwan, Maltida Tao's programme some time back. It is suppose to work but watch and be careful, dun fall ah..
Hi Fong
Err.. dun take me as an example of food guide... haha... i typically eat anything as long as its not raw n with bacteria type of food...
chantelle.. haha.. like that also can.. to what i know.. birthmarks got no scientific prove one. it just is.

carmen.. really ah.. wah... good good.. like that i got friend liao! hehe.. i find ppl saying at my estate all no my age grp.. i dun even see young couples..

mummy30.. i like red pearl milk tea and kopi si kosong best!!

going to lunch now.. see ya girls later
hey Phyl, dun play play k.. within the next 10-15 mins after doing that exercise U will sure got feeling to do business de.. hehe good luck!
think if u continue to constipate, got to tell gynae, prescribe you some liq medicine to help u (pharmacy got sell but dunno if preggy can take)... :p Pasieh for Mac breakfast lovers, a sausage-egg mac-muffin usually sends me to the toilet. ~LOL~

Just to share with you a myth. The elderly believes that painting your house during your pregnancy will cause patchy birthmarks on your bb. My colleague was just warning me today.

Aiya, I have been naughty - drink a small cuppa tea-o every morning! *heeh, hope i'll be fine* Why make myself miserable if tea is my only daily perk me up!
hi jolynash!

My son started sleeping in his own bed from 1m+. We needed to train him cos husband and i both work shifts so make it easier for baby. Never used sarong but used those little pillows with depression in the centre..Son's head is nice and round eventhough he was delivered with forceps so i think no need to worry so much la..

i went to APS this morning to take a look but missed Randy and his only staff couldn't speak english! So will meet you ladies tomorrow. I'll be coming from toapayoh so if anyone needs a lift, let me know okie..I can take 2 bodies

About the bedding sets, there are 3 different ones to choose from and they ALL look good.. Wonder if we can TBC the bedding till we know bb's gender..There's a very very sweet pink one...

i went down today. They have dr.brown and pur milk bottles and abit of other sutff. Think you should pop by too..Should be able to get a gd price since there's a couple of us there.

getting sick
I agree, very easily fall sick now. Presently recovering from runny nose which my son passed to me! So miserable...

sam & jowin
CONGRATULATIONS! you were right about having another little princess. Let the shopping begin!!

(ps: i think 34 with 4 kids is not old at all)

who's your gynae at kk? lady gynae?

Can you email me the pics again at [email protected] Thanks! Appreciate it!

still got chance of having twins meh? My last scan only showed one baby so no chance already right? anyway, no history of twins on my side.
hahaha..suddenly all comparing food intake!!

I read in magazine, all mummies' tummy comes in different sizes and even the weight they put on is different, so better dun compare lar. Talking abt putting on weight, i only in my 5th mth, i alr put on 6kg.. that is more than every one here.. but who cares, as long as baby is growing, happy and we as mummy feel happy during eating and pigging out!

In fact, tonight my parents is coming to SG and she marinated 10pcs of pork chop for me to prepare over the next few days..hehehe, and lotsa durian - it's durian feast tonite! I have durian almost every friday..hahaha
weight gain
At 14W, I had only put on 1kg in total. But from 14-19W, I started growing a lot and put on another 4kg! So at 19W now, have total weight gain of 5kg. My gynae told me to watch my food, but I don't think that I'm eating much more than before I was preggy. Maybe the biggest difference is that I'm moving a lot less?

Is there anyone else like me, not really eating much more but still putting on a lot of weight?
eh.. i still haven't put on weight. Stuck at 53kg since my last preg.. In fact, if not for my expanding tummy, i won't feel pregnant at all..hardly any MS, no puking, no craving, no more increase in appetite..
Hello ladies~ Maybe you all can try to eat dragonfruit? it's helps to relieve my constipation..

raven i'm going to the detailed scan this coming tues too =D
lilig, thanks ... I think just feeling tired that's why I keep thinking I'm old oredi ... I gave birth in 2004, then 2006 and now 2008 .. and each time I breastfed for more than a year ... SIONG man .. I feel I've been doing this forever .. lol

Yes, my gynae in KKH is a female senior consultant - I see her at TPS .. her name is Dr George. It's an Indian lady .. she's delivered 2 of my 3 girls so far (I had No.2 in the States) ...
snowy, *faints* My htb was helping me to paint my house iron grill gates last week coz we preparing for our wedding.

LLig: cute deh u! I am talking about the next pregnancy lah! hahaha.. Of coz no chance of double of conceiving lah!!
is Dr. George nice, ie approachable or fierce type? My gynae moved to m'sia so need to choose another..

oooh... i feel so dumb now! haha!
back from lunch! had malay rice + curry chicken + long beans + egg. and guess wat... i bought mac chicken for my tea break. i think my poor appetite is because i ate too much in the day.
She's nice and very pro natural birth ... I like her. She seems a bit distant at first but be friendly, and she'll warm up to you ... yes, she's approchable .. I can ask her anything.
llig, my gynae also from KKH and she's a consultant. I see her at TPS coz there is night clinic on thurs and fri. she is not very fierce, she answers most my questions but does not overload me with pills. The only thing was she made me sign agreement that in case my baby has DS is not her fault coz i opt out of it. Her name is Dr Yeap Min Li.

emeraldbride, better watch your durain intake oh.. very high is sugar.. careful of gestational diabetes.

I bought 2 mags yesterday, motherhood and mother and baby. cant remember its which one but it has a baby's nail clipper and scissors free!! hehe..
phyl, mother and baby mag comes with free baby's nail clipper and scissors! i also bought the mag.

btw, metro is having 20% storewide tmr (10am to 11pm) for metro and uob cardmemebers, can go buy baby stuffs. john little marina sq is having renovation sale but i do not know if the discounts are attractive.
JL at marina square reno again?? wah.. they just occupied the place last may or something like that rite..

did anyone go to OG to check if there is 20% for avent?

mimi.. the nail clipper was a great free gift.. and its both clipper and scissors.. so can see which one baby prefers!
phyl, yup they are having renovation sale again. dun know if there is 20% for baby items.

i am gg to metro tomorrow to get my avent stuffs. is there 20% disc at OG? i went to their website but dun seems to have any disc there. think mothercare is also having sale.
thanks Gill, i'll might be gg tml morning with u gals, can i get someone's no. to keep in contact with, can send me thru email in facebk?
