(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

Thanks Mummies for all the warm welcome!

Ours EDD is the same, have you done your detailed scanning? Will only do mine on 28th this month.

Raven 1313, yes, this is my 1st preganancy. So excited...

Hi jolynash

I'll be doing my detailed scan on 28th of this month too. Where will u be doing at? I'll be doing mine at Gleneagles.
i also hv constipation.. is very bad!! I don't recall going to toilet at all leh this week for big biz!! After lunch, quickly bought 1 golden kiwi, 1 guava n 1 papaya hopefully can force me to go toilet..else this weekend, my stomach will bloat cos I m planning to pig this weekend..hahaha
dun worry lah. It's a myth... Not always "chun" one. Pple not the traditional chinese dun pantang one & their bbs turn out alright mah... My hubby tat day just drilled holes for e ikea cupboard (I was not there) - old pple will gasp and say "Aiya! how can u do tat???!?".

But one thing I believe lah, try not to "chop" chicken feet in the kitchen if u can...

My menu for yesterday:
Breakfast: Mee Rebus + hard boil egg (teh-o)
Pre-Lunch: 1/4 pack of sweeten chestnut
Lunch: Vegetarian Bee Hoon + pumpkin + curry veg
Pre-Dinner: Jiu chen gao + 1/4 pack of sweeten chestnut
Dinner: Quay Chap (craving la) + one African apple!
hihi mummies,
you gals are really fast in posting.. tough for me to catch up the fast-running thread.. hehe

TGIF, yeah!
Enjoying my pearl milk tea now..

Oh yes, anyone gone for Fox Baby sales? up to 40% + 15% (for UOB card)
I'm happier after the retail therapy..
fox baby got sale?? but their baby clothes are mostly body suits..i don't wanna buy too many body suit for baby.. difficult to change nappy
Lifestram cordycep capsule,
Do u pour all the content inside the capsules for yr boy? i just bought a box from Watson. hope my boy likes it. how many capsule u yrself take each day? as per written on the box?

I think mango has lotsa fiber!!!!! mayb helps in yr condition, and i think can make u LS also..cos it's like what mummy30 mentioned,it's heaty, not only heaty, it's "shi1 re4" kind of fruit..like tangerine(gam).. hee...eat more will LS... so be careful, 1 or 2 is good enough ba...
emeraldbaby, i prefer babies to wear body suits leh. cos when we carry them their tops wont be shifted up. body suits suit have buttons below for changing diapers rite?
Fwah.. Snowy, so wat will happen after chopping chicky feet in kitchen??? I was told not to do any sewing on bed, bb will have cleft lip. Why har.. everything I do already then tell me cannot.. sighzzz Yum gong!!
but also need to buy some basic white shirt.. tat's what i think lar..i alr bought 3 bodysuit for my baby boy liao..

Oh yeah, how many pc of clothes must baby hv ah?? Hahaha..dunno how to gauge how many i shuld buy..buy too many, later cannot wear, waste $$..buy too little, not enuf, jia lat..

Chantalle, don't think too much of it. If u r not pantang, dun bother.. my colleague also not pantang..she totally boh chap..she even helped her hubby to setup a Ikea cupboard for her maid n the baby's cot..
emeraldbride, i think dun buy too many newborn sizes cos baby grow very fast. my nephew is only 6mths and he is wearing 9-12mths clothings liao.
I agree Mimi..i bought mostly 3mths - 9mths body suit, cos they say baby boy tends to be bigger even for newborn..i dont wanna risk it..hahaha

I saw those newborn shirt..so small n tiny, how to fit the baby?? Hahahaa
Sometimes i see some mummies let their babies wear some really orbid and obiang clothings.. some look so ridiculously tight and some were some ill fitting until the baby look very ke lian.. haha.. I dun wan to fall into that category!!

U so funny leh, yah it's call rompers. I've prefer to let my NB wear rompers oso, easy to change and clip back and the top wun always come out, scare bb will get cold easily.
mum2ndx, haha.. the prob now is i have a mango craving for 3 days liao.. and i'm super ignored by my hubby and i can't seem to find mangoes at all!! haha..
no choice one lar chantalle, baby's body not really build to be the same.. summore u cant try baby clothes ah..hahaha, so hv to buy based on estimation, hence sometimes tight, sometimes too big
now i have a bak chang craving coz i think baby will look like bak chang if in a tight green romper!! ZZzzz... chantelle.. u making me very sad!! constipation cannot eat bak chang!
phyl, mango is everywhr ah... why cannot find?

When I go to those fruit stalls they hv loads of it, geylang hv alot! Cold storage also have.. go try these places!
oh ya hor!!! Wah now then i realised baby buy clothes no need to try one!! Cham ah cham ah.. i super bad at "agaration" think my baby will be the ke lian one and let ppl like me laff!!!
haha.. i wanna poo poo.. dun really wanna LS.. very messy la.. i like clean clean butt and clean clean toilet bowl.. hehe.. easy to wipe will be super bonus.. hehe

u all are nicer than my colleagues.. coz they recomended me to eat laksa or curry with spoilt coconut milk!

i want to know the gender!! i want retail therapy too!!
Mango Mummy, I make u sad??? what did i do?? *innocent look* hehe.. I tell u har phyl, u better dun be kay kiang like me.. since last night i want to eat grapes..Not just any grapes, i want those kisize crispy grapes from OZ.I think and think and think for whole night already.. until just now i finally try to satisfy my cravings anyhow from a fruit stall selling those normal grapes. The grapes look fresh and good, but its super sour and i have bought a big big bag of it. Now the grapes staring at me on my desk. So conclusion; get the best until u get it. Dun regret. hehe

Really chiam leh, did not poo for so many days, I 1 day nvr poo I feel so uncomfortable liao. Drink yakult, fruits b4 food every time really helps alot. My mum says she will eat cake with cream 1, helps her constipation. U can try tat. Not very good for bb and urself if dun poo for so many days, imagine all the food go where???? Choke liao. Or get some med from ur gynae.
phyl, laksa or curry with spoilt coconut milk? faint... cannot la... wait food poisoning! when is ur next appt? now can go shopping also mah, buy neutral colours like white, beige and yellow... this is wat i did before i knew baby's gender.
Dun eat too much mangoes, heard tat will cause skin allergy or something like tat, moderation, can eat, just dun eat too much. I like to eat pineapples, so now eat abit occasionally, esp 2nd tri liao, eat more, since my TCM says can eat. Heehee...
mimi.. my next appt is on 31 july.. i can wait until the cows all come home..

haha.. i have horrible colleagues.. they also ask me dun buy pump.. they bring me go goat farm everyday to pump!!!

haha.. chantelle.. u should know the feeling la.. want to eat means want to eat.. haha.. toopid hubbie dun wanna entertain me..

ok.. later i go cluny court CS try.. haha.. dun have then i walk to coronation plaza NTUC.. still dun have then i will go AMK basement eat the mango snow ice.. hehehehehehhee..
I am going pHuket in Sept!!! Comp's offsite trip..can't wait!

Can go thr n buy bra!! hahaha

phyl, so much cravings lar u..hahahah, so funny! but luckily all ur cravings are for fruits..so not that bad..

mimi...i also bought alot of beige, green n brown n orange - more unisex. Now baby boy can wear, next time mabbe if i get a girl, she can wear too..
chantelle.. like that will solve my mango prob but will worsen my poo prob!! hahahaha.. i know liao.. the coconut milk that i pour on the rice spoil then good lor.. can satisfy my mango prob and can LS.. then food poisoning is excuse to see gynae then can see gender.. after see gender take MC go spend money!! woohoo.. chantelle you rock!! so where can i find the mango sticky rice?

reddates.. today is day 8 no poo poo.. i also wonder where the food go.. i think my so called baby bump is "shit hill" instead.. hehe.. ppl TTC i TTP!
now our appts are all 1 mth interval liao... got to wait till neck long long.

sometimes when i have cravings, i will tell my mum then she sure go n buy. only on weekends then hubby will bring me go and eat. so everyday ard 3pm my mum will call me and ask wat i wan to eat then when i go home sure on the table, luckily my parents are staying wi me. hehe... there is once i told my hubby i crave for mee rebus (i think ard midnight), then he go buy for me... but i think i am very bad lor. that time my sis funnier, she told my bil she hungry want to eat something then her hubby ask her faster sleep then will forget the hunger.

phyl, ur colleagues so funny. i dun have colleagues who joke wi me like that. most of my colleagues are aunties.... those younger ones not in my dept.
emeraldbride, wow, company trip in sept... my company trip is in nov to Guangzhou and i can't go. so sad... so far i only bought 1 blue rompers, the others are white and beige.

phyl, 8 days no poo poo quite serious leh. maybe this is one of the excuse u can go to ur gynae? ask for some mediciation then at the same time see your baby.
wahhaha... Phyl, u think too much lah! Hey me at King's Rd. Seems very near u hor? Anyway I bought that packet of sour grapes from Blk 8 empress rd fruit stall,sour de, bb and i feel soooo cheated. Think i saw mangoes at the other stall. U want me to help u buy bo? I meet and pass u lah.. but bo bao sweet.. haha
erm.. chantelle ah.. thanks for your offer but no worries la.. i will survive!!

mimi.. sometimes b4 i sleep i will tell hubby i hungry and he will say, "wat u wanna eat?" then i will say things that range from chips to ice cream to the recent mango saga.. and hubby will say, "orh." and THATS IT. so be thankful that your hubby went to buy food for you.. hehe..

if i go gynae for TTP.. i think she will think i crazy!! well.. my last appt was 19 Jun. so the wait to 31 july is VERY VERY LONG..
Phylicia, try sheng siong.. maybe they have mangos.. i used to buy there, so big, fat, sweet and juicy.. dunno y i also crave for mango these days.. if not i'll go to foodcourt and order the mango sunrise.. mango sticky rice can be found at thai resturants.. haha

8 days no poo very jia lat leh.. all the toxics inside.. better do something abt it.. go take some medicine..

mimi, ur bil same as my hubby lor.. if not my hubby will say call delivery lor.. hear already wanna strangle him, then i'll threaten him later if i dun get what i want to eat, baby will "liu alot of kou sui" when born.. then he scared and will go n buy.. hehe
I just recall 2 things i read from mag... Honey n Sweet potatoes!!!!!!!!!
Both can "run4 chang2"(moisturize yr intestine), so the poo can travel down easier!!! TRY THEM!!!
Now the topic is focus on Phylicia's poo cycle & her craving mangoes !

Phylicia, you better find ways to poo soon otherwise it can be bad for both u & bb. Call you gynae lah.
Hi Phy
me also 4 days no poo liao
i very sian n moody.. no mood to work la.. cos dun feel good n bloated.. ya manz.. where did all the food goes..

I just now went to buy fruit juice, saw a chart wrote..

Constipation - Kiwi + honey+ lemon....

I din try tat, in the end, took apple juice
one more thing, can eat the mango n milk
Niu Nai Bing..yummy leh....

But i think i ate on tues.. after tat, i no poo liao.. haha!! lagi chamz..
Dun want to scare you lah. Are u the pantang sort? I personally not really tat pantang lor. So I jus listen w pinch of salt. Will follow a bit here n there.

But if really need to fix up cupboard, then have to do it la. I can't leave my kitchen cupboard door which recently dropped out, hang out like a gapping mouth rite? :p

We very nice leh, help you research for methods to poo poo.
If you intend to try Banana, please find out if they r cooling. I know got a few species cannot eat one...

If my hubby not hungry he will say "Aiya go n sleep then u won't feel hungry already". If he hungry, he will say "Oh? What you want to eat?"

I haven't started to buy clothes or anything else for bb yet! How how? Am i the only MTB who is so relac uh? *Jia lat* Act I holding back for gender confirmation!
Just now went to Challenger to check on the anti radiation sticker for hp and anti-rad filter for laptop...when I ask the salesguy he look at me like some weirdo haha..like I am anti-radiation fan for everything. He told me laptop radiation lower than CRT monitors..thus they dun haf...
haiz..should have bought those when I was in japan.

hey emeraldbride,

I am also going thailand..but its bangkok in Aug. Hope to see baby stuff over there keke.
Phuket not bad ..relaxing..can laze around the beach area hehe.

Same here..my detailed scan on 31 July at Camden Medical Centre..

I also difficult to poo poo. Keep thinking of poo the whole day instead of working haha. Why not you try eating all sorts of fibre for one day? Can drink prune juice or eat more fibre. I stop taking the iron pills..else worst!
Snowger - I also haven't started buying anything for bb yet. Maybe after gender confirmed after my detailed scan, then i'll start shopping around. :p
