(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

think i will try to let daniell drink fresh milk when he is eating more solid food, mean full meal each time... anyway he already tried fresh milk b4 coz sometimes i do use fresh milk in my cooking for him...

i wanna order arrowroot biscuit... always cannot find this in supermarket... will send order to u later

I just let Valerie tried a few sips of fresh milk. She doesn't like it.. Keep spitting it out and pushing it away.. -_-"
santorini, please pass it to Jowin then..thanks so much!!

can u PM me ur acct # so that i can pay u?

littlevic, i juz came back from mmi, tink will not enrol zach thr. dun really like the location and the environment. the school onie hv 30+ students across playgroup to K2..which is little. 2 ways to see it:good, teacher:student ratio is low or bad - not good tat's y no one send their kids thr??
Re: Cod Liver Oil
I gave Jordan since 2 weeks ago and normally i insists in giving him the normal temp one...he oways make the wanna puke face when i feed him...touchwood he is still taking one spoonful every morning...
you can try scotts emulsion that's what i'm giving now since its the brand I took when young. But I also bought Nordic naturals orange flavoured from iherb, its got a lot of good reviews. Yet to try it out though, still got a few spoons of scotts left in my bottle. hmm if you had a dog you can give the original to him... Serious!!!

Tina, aiyoh... usd lah!
never tried steel cut oats before. Sounds really hard! Does it need to be pre-soaked?

Rolled oats cooked already is like porridgy, as long as u add enuff liquid, if not may be lumpy. Not as easily 'dissolved' like quick/instant oats, so i usually cook it. Abit like making porridge with rice. HmMM cut fruits with oats sounds nice. I love it with abit of marple syrup!
snowger, i want to order the following items

Hugga BEar chocolate 1box $6.60
hugga bear honey 1box $6.60

maple arrowroot 1box $5.60
vanilla arrowroot 1box $5.60

let me know the amount, is there any discount??will collect from you at ur house...
Hi Mummies,

I'm new to SMH.

I have a tin of unopened Nan 3 HA to be given away. Hb bought the wrong item, our gal drinks the normal Nan 3, without HA.

Throw away very sinful, but cannot exchange from Giant becos by the time we realised, we threw away the receipt liao.

I live in SK, so can hand over the item at Compass Point.
I want to join the HT spree and will eamil you my orders. Thanks for organising the HT spree and just on time to palce order since my stock is running low...

Daniell's food intake is exactly same as my boy and he is on 80% FM+HT cereal since 2 to 3 months back. I used to mix those FM+cereal in his bottle to feed him once he took a few bites and refused to finish the solid food. He's weight is still not exceed 9kgs on his 14 mths now...
Stress of being a parent - Quick Survey - help a grad student

Thank you to those who have completed my survey! I have until March 1 to get a few more responses so I can begin my research project. Can you share this with other parents you know? I really appreciate the help and am so excited about studying in your country! The study is to learn more about couple's relationship as they take on the role of parenthood.

The following people are invited to take the 5-minute survey:
* Have you had your first (and only) child in the past six months to 24 months?
* Do you live with the co-parent?
* Is it the first child for both partners?

To start the survey, please click the link below or copy and paste it into your Internet browser.


Robyn Maley
If it's like porridge texture then I think my ger is ok (N is especially lazy, despite having teeth).

HT orders:
No probz... just PM me!
I will post the cost of the stuff later.
I bot the body wash to use. I find that it is normal lar. What do u define by good?

I personally prefer Gaia cos it seems to leave a layer of "mosisturiser"... ;p
oh so you think it's not as good as Gaia? have you tried california baby? maybe i shouldnt order then since Gaia is better....?

I like California baby stuff....thought I should try other brands....
It depends on what you like... The range has it's plus points like in terms of the smell is not so strong (could mean less additives) but GAIA claims all natural (so not sure why it smells so nice). The soap is not v thick and easy to lather lar.

I would say that it is not fanatical but I find that Gaia leaves a layer of moisture while the Baby's Herbal Garden range makes her feel really clean (not those harsh n dry type but her skin feels clean, dunno if u know wat I mean)...

If you like the thick thick kind of soap with v strong smell, u might not like the Baby's Herbal Garden range... I buying the shampoo for my little girl to try. :p

And I nvr try california baby before leh...
i also using califonia , so far sogood,dun intend to change yet leh...
but for IFC,i give them baby sebmed instead to use.

snow: will send u my orders soon! TIA!

Tamms: i give the scotts cod liver oil leh...isst tt the one we tookwhen we were young??

Oats: cookin oats w fresh milk...u mean the cold fresh milk ??
I usually use full cream milk from the fridge. Just warm in the saucepan and stir in the oats till required texture. This is the plain oats porridge.. if you want sweet type, just add in slice banana (after oats are cooked) and abit of marple syrup. Or cooked small cut vegs with the milk before adding the oats.
santorini, i m using california baby range of product for zach.. i even bought the bubble bath range for him, to play bubbles during bathing time. he love it..hehe
also their citronella (tink it is) for mosquito protection is good!!!
gaia not bad too.. zach used to use gaia when he was younger but after that i switch him to calif baby and i never looked back since.
did anyone of u here add PoshKidz Shop as their fren in fb??
she now have this preorder for trunki bag, which is very cute..hehe
in fact all her clothing for girls are awesome!!
<font color="aa00aa">Hihi peiseh busy recently so didnt pop by. hehe wah so many spree going on ah.. btw i have a SHOE asking you gals interested anot.. its unisex lar depends on how u see it lor. It only will arrive next month not sure when. Once its confirm then i will know when will arriving here. Please note that this preorder may just cancel anytime depends on the factory still got stock anot.

Preorder Gucci Shoe $15 including postage

Size15 - est 14cm
Size16 - est 14.5cm
Size17 - est 15cm
Size18 - est 15.5cm
Size19 - est 16cm

p.s: Not authentic, but material is good from my supplier review as she got 1 for her son too.

Please let me know soon so i can order from you gals.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">My supplier get back to me telling me that theres a gucci shoe exactly the same as the black one but is WHITE in color. I do not have the picture. Interested please state WHITE or BLACK to order. Please let me know Before Tuesday March 02 2010 thanks ^__^</font>
fabbie, i am interested, but do u have the sole pic?

littlevictoria, i will be enrol Gerard in the Living Sanctuary Kindergarten in May, cos they say the enrolment only starting that mth for next yr class.
Sorry to disturb....
any mummies wanna to sell her rapid steam steriliser?
need one with gd condition without rust.
cos mine just spoilt.
Budget $30.
can Collect Sengkang/Tampines.
Pls PM me if u have any to sell.

Pls ignore my order for the herbal garden range, think I will just stick to California baby and Gaia range... It's just that emma's school alot of the babies were using herbal garden so I got curious...

Agree that Gaia is very nice... But it's really quite expensive.... I love California calendula cream and their bubble bath.... I think it's good value for money... I will try their citronella stuff soon.... Thanks for all the feedback...
dun have leh. supplier dun have the pic. she told me the white is excalty like the black but its in white.. infact black is okai lar. depends on how u see it. u can match with jeans or jeans skirt. quite cute. BUt anyway im getting for my gal white. dou i didnt see the picture too. depends on u lor. hehe let me know ba. cus will be submitting the orders tomorrow le. =)
morning ladies

draggin myself to work todae. ydae over-used my muscles in restraining kids during blood taking. lolx.

mother &amp; baby fair at expo from 19th mar. anyone gg? =p

all you tired mommies out there....what about we take leave on the first day of the taka baby fair and then we go for nice lunch and shopping afterwards.....?

so sianz of working....need a break...
u going uh? I was thinking of subscribing to that mag leh... ;p wonder if this year wat their freebies are like...

Wat time u go. I dunno if I can take leave or not...
shangri-la is celebrating their 38th anniversary this year so up till april (dunno which date), there'll be 38% discount if you dine there..hehe. aiming for The Line buffet.

nothing to buy at baby fair alr...i m taking leave next Monday for Zach's MMR + Chicky Pox jab and then going childcare hunting..dunno if i can take leave on mar 10 or not..

oh it's on the 11th March....

For me it's nothing to buy as well......it's just an excuse to meet up without babies....and have some time to ourselves....
