(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

jowin.. thats the reason why i stick to dr foo all the time.. coz she know's hayden background very well so she can relate the incidents and all.. try to find ashlynne a PD for her to grow up with. its better for her n yourself so u no need to repeat you story the whole time..

was unable to sleep last nite..
see another artscow product


$1.99 Promo code: XMASONMT
Actually I think the spray is btr... There was once I forgot the Dettol wet wipes, I put the Dettol hand sanitiser on the table and wipe with normal tissue... :p

Me oso sticking to one PD cos the PD got my ger's record since birth. Not cheap and the PD is located in (the irritating) TMC... I only go to the GP downstairs for small ailiments (like diaper rash when she was an infant, insect bites, etc)
Strangers touching bb nono rite? My bb is total opposite...want strangers to carry her ZZzzz.....

Go everywhere she will eheh beckoning the stranger to carry her jialat lah... I hv strangers from maids to stall holders to waitresses etc carrying her liao....

My mouse has this tasting hichair tendencies too... Zzzz.....

Talking about bad hygiene. My helper has terrible teeth issues that we have sent her for major root canal overhaulS. 1rotten left molar and 2fracture rite molars....Zzzz...... No wonder she has bad breath haiz.... Don't intend to switch maids so I have to bear the treatment cost upfront for her ZZZzzz...... Think my ger is exposed to the bad germs very often.
She is doing alright. We don't want the hassle of changing/training maids and we have been satisfied with her performance so far. How's yours? Are you still using the monitor camera on them?
We are so far happy with her work performance and Jordan is always very happy to see her around too, and that matters...I still monitor her everyday when i'm at work but i call less..

What about u? Do u install camera to monitor her? Or u still send her and Shannon to ur aunt's place?

Do u plan to send Shannon to IFC or wait til ur maid's contract ends?
No, I didnt install any cameras. I still ferry them around. Never helper & bb alone for me.

Send bb to IFC? Not at the moment. I will put her in a CC when she is older I guess.
not worth it if order w/o coupon offer.
can do the book first and wait for their offer then buy.
as mentioned by littlevictoria...better do 1 more...
Hi mommies..
Haiz.. so many days I cant even go into the forum. The thread only until Oct'08 the rest all blank...
I tot my office band SMH hehe, but no leh.. today can go in.

Re: Baby sick...
I agree, once baby sick, the mommy will be exhausted.
ya i planning to do one more haha..cant take it sia..by the way which bank credit card u all used?
I try using OCBC and Standard chartered all rejected lei..end up have to use my bro in law's paypal!
Potty training

Wondering if all babies here have already started their potty training?

I have tried several times to put Emma on the potty in the morning, as she usually has her morning poop first thing in the morning....but she wants to stand up all the time....what should I do to make her stay seated on her potty?

Am I too late to start her on her potty?

mommies who bought the FP musical potty? do we need to put in batteries ourselves or batteries are already included?
Despite me starting potty training for my ger sometime back, she still stands (aft she learn how to do it) when i put her on potty.

What I do is to give her a toy to "distract her" to sit down...
Then you can sing the "poo poo" song (i.e. the sounds we make to induce the baby to poo). Hope this will help.

hahahah! That's what I do .. I use the Dettol hand sanitizer ... pour it onto the highchair and use a wet wipe to clean ... !!

I'm now considering getting the dettol wet wipes .. in the plastic cylindrical container .. saw it at Carrefour the other day .. wonder if it'll be too weird bringing that whole container out to wipe stuff. lol.
eh.. batteries not included.. haha.. hayden sometimes sit sometimes doesnt. so it takes time.. dun force her.. she might reject the potty..
got cylindrical container ones? So far mine is those in tissue packet size. Quite expensive per pack. Tat time NTUC got offer, I bot about 4-5 packs.

Hehe... if it doesn't add weight to wat u carry. I think it is ok. I dun like bringing large packs of baby wipes cos it makes my diaper bag soooo heavy... :p
What does toilet train means? BB able to signal to us that they nd to do business and we assist? Or bb goes to the potty station themselves? Err...I'm quite confuse..... anyway here's what I do....

I got the traditional tumpui but she doesn't like it and stands frequently, instead I seat behind her on our normal toilet bowl and do her business together. So far whenever she shows the sign, we will take her to the bowl. Every morning we will do her business as well. So far so good. However, I am still unable to anticipate her pee pee so by then I read the pee sign, all will be out......

Hmm, I egged and encouraged her that she is doing a good job by pushing hard hahahah.... I read a potty training write-up and it teaches us to incalcate them that poo stinks & yucks but I don't subscribe to it. Why make them feel lousy abt poo-g when it's a natural detox process hehehe...

Tara, I think for normal potty, its placed on the floor so its easy for them to get up. Whereas on ours, they will not be able to. Perhaps you can try my method to train her on poo-g then move her back to her potty so she will not stand whenever she does her business.
same here.. bought the normal tumpui and ashlynne stood up always.. then turn behind to play and put her hands inside.. faintz...i have the small cover that can put over our adult's cover.. have not let her try on it...
Yeah. I sit behind her hahaha..... enough space. Em, you sit on the back of the bowl with legs apart. Then you position bb between your legs with her legs dangling over the bowl. Do you understand me?

I teach her how to swing her dangled legs as a form of distraction hahahaha..... then she will be happily swinging and then when sensation comes, she will PUSH!
Ikeike, Jowin,
I also tried my boy to poo in our toilet bowl, put the cover there, usually he will play2, touch2 the toilet bowl (haiz... dirty right) but after that sure wash his hand.

There are several time, when I saw him wanted to poo, quickyl bring him to the toilet bowl, and success. But the problem is the cleaning up.. he cant stand still, keep on moving. Sometimes I just use the shower head to clean him up, which end up both are wet.

But nowadays, failed to make him poo in the toilet bowl, still he poo in his diaper..
Sigh.. must patient ah..

Have a good day mommies...
hi santorini,
u r not late on potty training.. in fact i read from somewhere tat the best time to start potty training is around 18 mths whereby the child able to tell their urge... so dun stress on this!

actually hor i hav potty but i dun use it, i put daniell start on toilet bowl, with the child seat on of coz... i hope to let him get used to toilet bowl coz last time we started our elder boy 1st on potty then later he refused to sit on toilet bowl until 4YO i think... very leceh laa to clean the potty, poo in toilet bowl easier, juz flush... hehee

u ladies very ON! i registered my account since end Oct but until now still haven't started doing anything... hahaa! very lazy & dunno how to start also...
Esther, I clean up using the wet wipes first. Sometimes when its not in sight, I will use our normal toilet tissue.

I don't allow her to stand while I clean hahahaa... I will fold her legs up exposing her bottom to wipe clean...abit unsightly but no choice. Easier to clean and confirm it will be a clean job done. Then I proceed to wash her bom bom. Touching things around, I will offer her other things I can grab in view. Just ensure her hands do not wander hahahah.....

Btw, anyone can enlighten me the meaning of potty training ah.....
see this:

Experts suggest taking the cue to begin potty training from your child. These cues start becoming evident anytime between 18 and 36 months of age. Some cues to look for include:

Your child is aware of the need to empty her bladder or bowels, and shows facial expressions that correspond with this need.
She is able to say words like “wet”, “wee wee”, “pee” or other simple words associated with wetting her diaper or going to the toilet.
She is able to pull her training diapers or elastic waist pants up and down.
She stays dry for at least two hours or through a daytime nap.
She is uneasy or embarrassed when her diapers are wet or dirty (developing a sense of social appropriateness)
She is happy when she pleases you (so be sure to praise her when she gets it right).
She asks to use a potty or an adult toilet.


ya those tall plastic containers .. these wipes are meant for kitchen/bathroom clean up not hands. But I think definitely it'll be cleaner wiping highchairs and tables with it ... but sian la, it'll make the baby bag heavier. lol !
Potty train:

i only train my elder one to pee on potty when he is abt 2 yrs old. Nite time i didnt train him. I am a lazy mummy.

When he start go cc the auto dun wan diaper. Even nite time we put diaper for him he will wan to take it out. So he is auto toilet train. During nite if he wan to pee he will wake up by himself and use the potty that we put in his rm.

He only use adult toilet when we go outside. at hm he use potty cos have another younger crwaling ard we cant watch over the elder one if he is alone in the toilet. Dunno wat he going to do there.

So for Ervin we will just wait. Sometime when see his facial express then we give him potty loh But once awhile only.
Gals who have ordered. The guy is delivering the stuff to my house this evening. So I will be contacting you all shortly aft everything has been sorted out. ;)

can u imagine whipping that out in the foodcourt? Peopl might think you're th cleaner. lol ! ... then again, foodcourts can't afford to use such disposable wipes to clean tables.
chris.. demo demo!! hahahahahaha.. but a question.. do u put the kids seat on the adult seat or just let shannon sit like that..

tara.. i hold hayden's shoulder when he is on the potty.. if he really need to poo, he wont struggle.. if he no feeling yet, he will struggle..
hahaha okok I demo next time we meet hahaha.... I din buy the kid seat, she is sitting on the adult seat. She will be steady on the seat, all I did is to hold her arms & nggggg..... away...hhahaha

haha.. chris, if u read ur post carefully.. i feels like the 2 of u doing the business at the same time.. kekeke.. so cute.. yup yup.. just like last time when u n tara compare stretchmarks in the toilet.. kekekeke...
