(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

I confirmed iemik0 will collect HT stuff on my behalf. Thanks for organising HT spree.

Please collect on my behalf and SMS me when are u avaliable to meet then I go over to ur place to pick up HT stuff and pediasure.

Can someone tell me I can put the comforter and the bumper
Pillow n bolster bought from Aussino into the washing machine
To wash?
I qn I think many of u can help me with... do we need to store the cereals after we opened the pack? Can we juz store it in airtight containers w/o refrigerating it? TIA.
I can't wait till 1st week of Dec coz need the HT cereal urgently due to run out of stock at home. Last night went to cold storage compassspoint also sold out therefore I need to self collect from Snowger by next week.

May I have your contact number for pick up my HT stuff?
I store my HT cereal in Tupperware after opened the pack and it seems like ok.

I do put my boy's comforter and bumper pillow into the washing machine but for bolster only let the sun shines for few hours.
Hi beautiful mummies,
i'm a SAHM who has a diploma in Early Childhood Education n has worked in childcares n infant cares for the past 5 yrs.. im now looking into bbsitting as i wanna spend more time w my son.. can email me at [email protected] for more details.. thank you! =D
Hi Mummies

Those who had ordered buffet from Neo Garden before, is the portion big? To cater for 50 pax, if I order 40 pax portion, will it be enuf? Which menu do you recommend? TIA

can snowger pass you my HT stuff and i meet u to get it at KKH with the biscuit?

Now i am looking for buffet too. Last min my MIL say wan a small celebration for Ervin. So only invite my hubby relative, few of my MIL fren and few of my hubby frens.

Had not got ur email on my HT order. Can I collect the stuff from u after u received all of my order in early Dec? Thanks.


May I know if u have sent out my bowl cause I still have not received it. Thanks.
We ordered Neo Garden for Bryan's Birthday and the portion was good, not overly excessive. We ordered for 35pax (actual 35pax). We still have a lot of left overs. But for 50pax, I would rather order for 45pax (me a bit kiasu, rather hv more for just in case) :p

Oh, do inform them that you want some lunch boxes in case you've left over. We didn't know we have to tell them in advance so last min we have to find ways to da bao the left overs.

Which dishes are good? I just placed an order with them but still in time if i want to make any changes.

Any mummies want a abbott discount voucher for $3 off purchase of 900g of Gain IQ? Can only be used at cold storage, guardian and selected shop n save until 28 Feb 2010. Let me know if anyone is interested and I can mail it to you.
Little rabbit,
I sms u liao... Wasted! I was at pun yesterday!!!

I wrote on ur FB wall leh... plus I told ur hb on fb... ur fb nvr log out so I "msged" u... He said u sleeping and will tell u leh...

Dec is ok. I will just keep aside for u first!

My nieghbours catered Neo Garden for thier baby's birthday lunch! If not wrong, the curry chicken is nice! hehe, I order fr the sister company- deli hub.

Food portion wise, I won't encourage u to order lesser than the pax u require unless u are expecting pple to not turn up. The last time I ordered just rite and when extra guest came along, there was nothing left except for staples n curry sauce! Yikes. So this time, I may order 2-3 pax extra just in case.
hi snowger, i see, perhaps ur guests all big eater? =P joking... I asked Neo Garden staff.. they said often they give about 2pax share extra..

I am going to order lesser this time.. cos my HB relatives tat side.. no RSVP one..
it's very hard to get relatives to RSVP laa... my hb side also like tat one, no RSVP so i really dunno how many of them coming, very sian so i hope the food is enough lor... anyway i get my mum to cook penang laksa as an extra dish so hopefully it will make up if in the event more guest coming... hehee...
i have send out everything le wor.. and most of them they receive liao.. prays no missing mail.. i go and check it out. *finger cross*

the most if left over food you tabao home lor. or hmmm maybe you order less then you order KFC if they suddenly pop out. haha
ypg pm you liao. ya address to double confirm.. sometimes some area the posting will be abit slower. hope you get it soon. =)
Tat's what happen. HB side nvr RSVP. Cos coming in fr msia. So I din count them. In the end, all came... And they came early... so lagi those pple who RSVP come later got nothing to eat. SIAN rite???

My parents bot roast duck n pork lor... still no use leh... like wat jowinbb said, the pple who came are BIG eaters!!! And ERHm... they did tabao the curry sauce back with the staples...
btw, e 2pax extra not enuf to "ting" the 10pax+++ extra tat turn up lor... tat time i ordered 70pax so told him i wanted 2 diff buffet lines... He told me not too cos my guest will most prob eat all the different dishes n land up I will have not enuf. Heng I listen to him, else sure cham! :p
Snowger, sian lor.. but i dun care already.. not so much $$ to order so much extra... eat catering food until sian if tabao.. today i ate 3 times... LOL... 2 of time.. Neo garden..

I order 80paxs.. ask them to seperate 40, 40 paxs.. not enough, i fill in slowly to the tray... at least i can keep for those RSVP people.. LOL
Zombie today!! BB had fever over the weekend
We went to KK OPD and was given panadol after the urine tests showed negative. Her temperature is still swinging whenever it nears the end of the dosage, 6hrly.... Haiz after hours no PD, if I go to other hospital's OPD, they would have to page for the PD and that will cost me $200-$400... end up go KK, cheaper....

Last nite she refuses to sleep. We gave milk to no avail and she was crying very badly... Then we applied the teething gel and managed to catch 2hrs of sleep before she started to cry again.... We felt her molar gums very hard and she kept sticking in her fingers at that area.... Anyone with cutting molar?

Ervin have 4 molar cutting through. Now all 4 are half out already. Look big. Ervin also keep pushing the teats to the side to bite. I think he is really uncomfortable when it just cut through. Now ok already. But dun really wanted milk nowadays. But wanted solid so much. he have been eating 1/4 bowl of rice during dinner for few days liao
wow jappooh, 4! Goodness whenever teeth cut, she will cry in the middle of the nite... Her appetite has decreased. I really hope it will resume cos she is eating a tiny morsel each meal. I noticed her stools becoming runny and I really hate to believe that the onset fever is due to teething cos there is no scientific proof to it. Haiz....
I also order neo garden, so far the portion is enough, and the feed back is good.
I always use neo garden, if we have party.

Most of the dish are ok, but never tried the curry though.

Its true lah, when the guest come than got nothing left, paiseh right.
But if over-ordered.. we suffer also leh.. 3 days keep on eating the same food sianz man..

But usually, we will ask the relatives to ta pao lah.. but we will keep some for dinner.

i find Ervin have very soft stools these few days as well. Maybe cos he keep putting toys into his mouth + the 4 molar are growing germs get in ba. HE have no fever though.

Ervin milk intake also terrible but solid he take alot so i still not so worry abt it.

Now total he have 12 teeths already..

I didnt expect 4 comes together also. Poor boy when the molar abt to cut through few nites he cant sleep well. I guess all 4 are molar cos in between there are hole for another teeth. the 4 mloar are really big loh. can see 4 big big one.

ya 12 already.. Ervin nothing in advance only teeth.

Anyway i find no good to haev teeth too early lar. Cos later drop early how? My 3 yr old boy hate to brush his teeth, I have a hard time forcing him to do so..
Hellloooo Mummies,

I gotta Question hope you can advise. My bb now 11 months Fully Breastfeed but on solids since 8 months, Very fussy eater, Now I want to slowly intro her to formula...I am trying her on Nan 3... She dnt like,, but will drink when asleep..
Why is it milk got metalic taste ah?? which better Enfapro or Nan or which brand good???

Fiest time mummy...

Its been A while , I M.I.A
OMG 12 teeth! so fast?? i think Kayson's upper 2 teeth is only coming out now..so far he only got bottom 2;p

Pluf, ...mm dunno how to say which is better...I'm giving Enfapro thou..

My boy had very interesting menu over the wkend:
Sat: I prepare roast chicken served w Butternut Mash + brocoli + carrots.
Sun: Baked Fish fillet with melted cheese served with Baked potatos.
mmmm what shd i prepare next wkend....
pastillies (pastillies) and Mummies

Thank you Pastillies for your fast reply, wow muybe thats why my gal dnt eat , I like not very interesting leh when I prepare.. ok I will this week to prepare like Gourmet stuff hahahahaha maybe she will eat... No wonder when I go outside and eat she like "model" baby eat so well muahhahaha

I just called Enfapro for samples and they are Couriering a 400g 6-18 months.. So nice ah for me to try out... so mumies who are like me and need to find out whats best...you can enquire too
Your weekend menu sounds fantastic..
I have given him the baked fish..
Going to try your roast chick receipe...
Pity my boy.. his menu is porridge and porridge daily hehehe..
kayson is teethin now too. end up refuse milk totally n abit warm to touch. sianz. everytime teething = lose wt.

so fast got 12 le ah? mine onli got 8. has he start crawling or walking yet? mine juz learn how to pull himself to stand up onli. veri slow.

he ahve 12 teeth but the 4 molar have not totally out yet thought i can see they are big..

He have start crawling and can climb sofa liao. He can only hold on things to walk. Cos walk free hand yet.
wow.. so many babies have so many teeth already. Avery still only two! She drools and rub her finger at her gums but still nothing is cutting through le. Just now see her trying to bite thru grill cheese bread like so jialut.. think will be easier if she have some upper teeth also. :p

Pluf: hey u! how's blythe? I am using Nan Pro 3.. but my gal dont like to use the bottle so i have been using the milk to make her cereals or include into her food. She will drink some from her straw cup or from spoon... but not alot. Are you trying to wean ur gal already?

Any one tried cooking with tuna yet? I just made a Cheesy tuna and pasta gratin... using tuna from the can and macaroni. Not bad.. easy to munch thru esp for my gal with only 2 teeth. Hahaha
I've used both canned tuna and salmon. So far so good. I bought both in water and for the tuna(no salt added) I made Salmon and potatoe croquets with the canned salmon and it tasted really yummy. My hb was eyeing and hoping that Bryan will have some leftover!
esther / pluf,
Mine wkdays is standard porridge / pasta ...working no choice, cant give fanciful menu...so only wkends can try more interesting menus

adel / aurorin,
i hvnt tried tuna too...but gratin is good! yummy I like potato gratin alot myself

HB commented saying our Boy's meal v "ang mo"

Ya.. that's what i got too.. those in water, not oil. Have not used canned salmon though. Usually the fresh salmon fillets are pretty reasonably priced here but so hard to get cod :p
Maybe I'm picky but I just dun like the look of the salmon fillets sold at NTUC so I've to rely on canned ones instead. At least even if there are any bones, the bones are all super soft due to the canning process.

Ya.. gratin is nice! But my hub say so fattening. Haha baby eat can, we eat sure grow fat (but then he still ate it for lunch since it was a pretty big dish of it).

Eh ur HB and mine the same.. also say my gal's very ang moh.. but then what's chinese? all kind of porridge? not like my gal is eating all that type of dishes and rice like us lor. So until she can manage our type of table food, the ang moh dishes provides variety mah.

Ya i can understand.. which is why i dont get other type of other fillets that they have at the fish market here.. esp if no look good. But salmon, one of the safe fish for babies, is thankfully fresh, plentiful and not ex here. But surprisingly, i hardly see cod (not very nice looking also) and of cos nothing like those ikan kuning etc here. And those dun have canned! Heheh
