(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

Kath / Jowin,
Hp / calulator & TV remote control are Kayson's fav.

Ypg, ehhh i dun think i want to eat the Ang ku kueh after letting kayson step...;p
but the idea of choosing things really seems fun & easy to prepare as well!

Its' Halloween this wkend! a bit late to say to have a Halloween party esp when parties = nite time = babies sleeping time. Shall we have a Halloween Daytime outing?
haha actually tot of going FIDGETS again, esp since still free now! 2 more mths our lil ones are 1 yr old then must pay $$ to go le..
anyone keen? FIDGETS this sat morning?


Yap, doctor will be 听筒, paiseh, dunno the pronounication.

I put toy laptop also, cause now got IT related job mah. Haha...

Mummy, let ur imagination run wild.


Paiseh, forgot to mention, we use steam/boiled chicken. Dunno which way my mum do but certainly not fried chicken.


I put on tons after moving to Bedok but wat to do, my house there can walk to Blk 85 market. In fact, yesterday, just tabao the bak cho mee there there to eat.

Those who stay around Tampines,

Popeye open at Tampines Century Square is it? Saw the poster outside the taxi stand.


Up to u whether to eat or not.
Eating drumstick on 1st b'day
i read an article from newspaper not long ago regarding this tradition... they said the correct way is as this:

get the child's ah ma (mother's mum, which is our mum) to prepare the whole chix, and take out both drumstick & let the baby 'eat' while putting one of the leg outside the house & the other one inside the house, this mean he/she next time (in future) go outside dun need to worry got nothing to eat...

talking abt 抓周ceremony, i was juz talking abt this when i was in my IL place last nite, i told them i must die die put one aeroplane there & it must be super big so can attract daniell to go & grab it, coz i wan him to become pilot so next time can bring mummy daddy go travel & sit in first class... wahahhaa!
The suggestion sounds fun and I'll see if hb is keen to do something like that for Byran's bday. ahahahaha......how big(cm) is the giant ang ku kueh?
hahahha.. so fun.. OMG.. then i shd have ALOT of things for Ashlynne to pick and choose... LOL

example: roulette, p*ker cards... LOL

Become Queen of Gambling..

LOL... i must be mad now..


I like the part about putting one leg outside mean next time 出去外面不愁吃. Haha...

Pilot's parents can sit 1st class free?


I cant remember the size. Here is my gal n the ang ku kueh.


The auntie who sell me, say it is standard BIG size. Haha... Actually my gal one, her both feet can stand on it. But hor, a bit strange so I put 1 feet on 1 ang ku kueh.
YPG, hahaha....you ger so cute! so did you eat the Ang Ku Kueh after that? I love peanut ang ku kuey didn't know they've such BIG ones! hahahahaaha
Very fun to let them to choose.

2nd Bb/YPG,

Maxx choose book oso, heehee.., but now dun really like to read books leh. 4 yrs old liao

Can add me to FB? I think I dun have ur FB. Mine is [email protected] I want see handsome Bryan.

I got eat. But cant finish. So whole family help to eat. Besides the ang ku kueh, we still got red eggs to eat. There is a price to pay for keeping up tradition.

Also, this year our darlings Lunar birthday is later than Ang Moh birthday so u can do all these traditional stuff on the lunar birthday if u too busy to do it during the 1st birthday bash. Haha...
should be captain, pilot can be 2nd or 1st officer too... ya captain's family can sit in 1st class free... my hb's cousin is captain & his wife & children always go travel on 1st class for free... good hor
Hi Jowinbb,
I was just informed last min that I have a family affair tat I have to attend on that day. So I have replaced Santorini's nick in my place.

Can I get the $8 refund from you? Thanks.
You gals must take more photos so that I can see hor... :p

DEC Baby Birthday Bash UPDATE

The Venue and cakes are Confirm and Booked!!

Address: Tampines Junction, Opp to Century Square
Date: 07 Nov 2009
Time: 5.30pm - 7.30 pm
Package cost: $430 for 20 babies (after $100 disc)
Additional babies at $15ea
Average costing:$20.20 per baby
Deposit Paid: $200
** Deposit are not refundable if you are not going in the end, but can find a Dec Baby for replacement

Venue: $20.20 X 25 = $505
Cake: $100
Customised Cupcake: $2.60 each X 25 = $65
Drinks: *** Kath, thanks for your kind gesture but cannot be on house. Just tell me an amount, if not i just go downstair n find out lor.. LOL**
Grand Total : $26.80 + Drinks Pending for per pax

ASAP: i need your actual baby name to put on the cup cake. Thanks

Forgive me if i do not remember all babies name. Too many already.

Prince and Princess

1) Luthadel (HB, BB & Me )- BRYAN
2) Jowinbaby (HB, BB & Me)- ASHLYNNE
3) merydith (bb + me + hb) - RANDALL
4) Pastillies (BB + Me + HB)- KAYSON
5) Evanmummy ( bb +me+hb) - EVAN
6) Joanne81 (BB + Me + Hb)- PENDING
7) 2nd bb (bb + Me + maid) - CLARYCE
8) little_rabbit(BB + Me + Hb)- ETHAN
9) Tina Ong (Me + BB) - RACHEL
10) Fabbie (me + bb + hb) - CLARICE
11) nitestar (BB + Me + Hb)-JONAS
12) Jlow - (Me + BB + HB)-JOSHUA
13) zachmommy (BB + Me + Hb)- ZACHARY
14) Esthers (bb+me+hb) - SEAN
15) Phyl (Me + bb ) - HAYDEN
16) Ah Bur (BB + Me + Hb)- CIDNEY
17) Santorini ( Me + bb) - Emma
18) ikeike (bb + me + hb) - SHANNON
19 & 20) iemik0 (Me + HB + Elder Son + BB)- JAYZON & KAYSON
21) xuelyn (me + bb + HB) -SUMMER
22 & 23) jess (BB + son+ Me + Hb)-DARRELL & DANIELL
24) Ivy (BB + Me + Friend)-JAKE
25) Xiao Pooh -(me + bb + HB)-JERMAINE
HI Iemiko
Since Maureen cannot go, Tara can cover her, your elder son can continue to go. ok?

How is it??

Anyone knows what Joanne81's baby name??
Jowin, updated for Joanne81

DEC Baby Birthday Bash UPDATE

The Venue and cakes are Confirm and Booked!!

Address: Tampines Junction, Opp to Century Square
Date: 07 Nov 2009
Time: 5.30pm - 7.30 pm
Package cost: $430 for 20 babies (after $100 disc)
Additional babies at $15ea
Average costing:$20.20 per baby
Deposit Paid: $200
** Deposit are not refundable if you are not going in the end, but can find a Dec Baby for replacement

Venue: $20.20 X 25 = $505
Cake: $100
Customised Cupcake: $2.60 each X 25 = $65
Drinks: *** Kath, thanks for your kind gesture but cannot be on house. Just tell me an amount, if not i just go downstair n find out lor.. LOL**
Grand Total : $26.80 + Drinks Pending for per pax

ASAP: i need your actual baby name to put on the cup cake. Thanks

Forgive me if i do not remember all babies name. Too many already.

Prince and Princess

1) Luthadel (HB, BB & Me )- BRYAN
2) Jowinbaby (HB, BB & Me)- ASHLYNNE
3) merydith (bb + me + hb) - RANDALL
4) Pastillies (BB + Me + HB)- KAYSON
5) Evanmummy ( bb +me+hb) - EVAN
6) Joanne81 (BB + Me + Hb)- BRENNON
7) 2nd bb (bb + Me + maid) - CLARYCE
8) little_rabbit(BB + Me + Hb)- ETHAN
9) Tina Ong (Me + BB) - RACHEL
10) Fabbie (me + bb + hb) - CLARICE
11) nitestar (BB + Me + Hb)-JONAS
12) Jlow - (Me + BB + HB)-JOSHUA
13) zachmommy (BB + Me + Hb)- ZACHARY
14) Esthers (bb+me+hb) - SEAN
15) Phyl (Me + bb ) - HAYDEN
16) Ah Bur (BB + Me + Hb)- CIDNEY
17) Santorini ( Me + bb) - Emma
18) ikeike (bb + me + hb) - SHANNON
19 & 20) iemik0 (Me + HB + Elder Son + BB)- JAYZON & KAYSON
21) xuelyn (me + bb + HB) -SUMMER
22 & 23) jess (BB + son+ Me + Hb)-DARRELL & DANIELL
24) Ivy (BB + Me + Friend)-JAKE
25) Xiao Pooh -(me + bb + HB)-JERMAINE
ya...since last nite....so quite....

My ILs last nite inform they want to celebrate my boy's bdae following the chinese calender instead of his DOB...Got to re-plan again...haiz....
Only the spouse and children of the pilot can take free trips...parents cannot le...so next time if Daniell becomes a pilot ur daughter in law can go lor.. hmm...

1st Bday:
Decided not to celebrate Jordan's 1st bday at S'pore Swimming Club liao..he is too young to rmb anyways..so we will just find a good restaurant and buy a nice bday cake for him..

FOOD!!! :p
ya lor precisely!!! haiz..we are doing 2 celebrations for each side: my side & my HB's side.. then my HB side aka ILs says want to follow the chinese bdae ...all this preparations n planning..i quite tired of arguing....DUH....
poor thing, if I kenna your situation i'll tell them already arranged and if they want to change date, organise it themselves otherwise just follow what has been arranged. No joke having to do 2 parties :S

I'm already so tired just preparing 1 small party for Bryan hahahaha
same, our intial idea was jus a small party with immediate family, tt's why holding 2 small parties with both side. But i realise the smaller u want it to be, the harder...its like there simply so so so so many relatives both side parents want to invite..cant blame, cos 1st grandson mah..and at the end of the day, its all in the name of celebration for Kayson...still I'm tired with all the planning already.., hope I will get the momentum back soon to carry on planning...tired...

& ya, since my ILs side wan to do celeration on the date that they wan instead of we wan, we (HB & I) decide to throw it back & let them plan. We will just get the cake (cos I order liao, but see!! now I must change date bcos ILs want to change date) & bring boyboy there to cut cake, tat's it.

U there? Can give me the code for new members for 7x5" photobook? I am thinking of doing one now. Today knock off very early. Dunno do wat. Haha...
<font color="ff0000">DEC Baby Birthday Bash UPDATE</font>

The Venue and cakes are Confirm and Booked!!

Address: Tampines Junction, Opp to Century Square
Date: 07 Nov 2009
Time: 5.30pm - 7.30 pm
Package cost: $430 for 20 babies (after $100 disc)
Additional babies at $15ea
Average costing:$20.20 per baby
Deposit Paid: $200
** Deposit are not refundable if you are not going in the end, but can find a Dec Baby for replacement

Cake: $100
Customised Cupcake: $2.60 each - $65

<font color="ff0000">NAMES SUBMITTED</font>

<font color="0000ff">Prince</font> and <font color="ff0000">Princess</font>

1) Luthadel (HB, BB &amp; Me )- <font color="0000ff">BRYAN</font>
2) Jowinbaby (HB, BB &amp; Me)- <font color="ff0000">ASHLYNNE</font>
3) merydith (bb + me + hb) - <font color="0000ff"> RANDALL</font>
4) Pastillies (BB + Me + HB)- <font color="0000ff">KAYSON</font>
5) Evanmummy ( bb +me+hb) - <font color="0000ff">EVAN</font>
6) Joanne81 (BB + Me + Hb)- <font color="0000ff"> BRENNON</font>
7) 2nd bb (bb + Me + maid) - <font color="ff0000">CLARYCE</font>
8) little_rabbit(BB + Me + Hb)- <font color="0000ff">ETHAN</font>
9) Tina Ong (Me + BB) - <font color="ff0000">RACHEL</font>
10) Fabbie (me + bb + hb) - <font color="ff0000">CLARICE</font>
11) nitestar (BB + Me + Hb)-<font color="0000ff">JONAS</font>
12) Jlow - (Me + BB + HB)-<font color="0000ff">JOSHUA</font>
13) zachmommy (BB + Me + Hb)- <font color="0000ff">ZACHARY</font>
14) Esthers (bb+me+hb) - <font color="0000ff">SEAN</font>
15) Phyl (Me + bb ) - <font color="0000ff">HAYDEN</font>
16) Ah Bur (BB + Me + Hb)- <font color="ff0000">CIDNEY</font>
17) Santorini ( BB+Me) - <font color="ff0000">EMMA</font>
18) ikeike (bb + me + hb) - <font color="ff0000">SHANNON</font>
19 &amp; 20) iemik0 (Me + HB + Elder Son + BB)- JAYZON &amp; <font color="0000ff">KAYSON</font>
21) xuelyn (me + bb + HB) -<font color="ff0000">SUMMER</font>
22 &amp; 23) jess (BB + son+ Me + Hb)-DARRELL &amp; <font color="0000ff">DANIELL</font>
24) Ivy (BB + Me + Friend)-<font color="0000ff">JAKE</font>
25) Xiao Pooh -(me + bb + HB)-<font color="ff0000">JERMAINE</font>


IF LAST MIN, anyone cannot go, you can still find the replacement but sorry, the cupcake are done with your baby name. The replacement person have no cupcake already.

<font color="ff0000"> IMPORTANT

For all the health of our babies, if any parents or babies who are sick on that day and not suitable to attend. Please kindly excuse yourself
No offence, ok?

Of course, really sorry, no refund of the paid items too.. But You can find a replacement </font>

Oh my god... apparently it's the chicky pox season now!!!
I just came in contact wit my colleague's boi who just recovered from chicky pox leh! So going to bathe before going home... I kena before... so hope my ger will be fine too...
<font color="ff0000">DEC Baby Birthday Bash UPDATE</font>

The Venue and cakes are Confirm and Booked!!

Address: Tampines Junction, Opp to Century Square
Date: 07 Nov 2009
Time: 5.30pm - 7.30 pm
Package cost: $430 for 20 babies (after $100 disc)
Additional babies at $15ea
Average costing:$20.20 per baby
Deposit Paid: $200

Venue: $20.20 X 25 = $505
Cake: $100
Customised Cupcake: $65 ( $2.60each)
Drinks: $23
Total cost : $693.00
Cost per pax: $27.72
Deposit paid : $8.00
Balance: $19.72 per pax

1) Luthadel (HB, BB &amp; Me )- <font color="0000ff">BRYAN</font>
2) Jowinbaby (HB, BB &amp; Me)- <font color="ff0000">ASHLYNNE</font>
3) merydith (bb + me + hb) - <font color="0000ff"> RANDALL</font>
4) Pastillies (BB + Me + HB)- <font color="0000ff">KAYSON</font>
5) Evanmummy ( bb +me+hb) - <font color="0000ff">EVAN</font>
6) Joanne81 (BB + Me + Hb)- <font color="0000ff"> BRENNON</font>
7) 2nd bb (bb + Me + maid) - <font color="ff0000">CLARYCE</font>
8) little_rabbit(BB + Me + Hb)- <font color="0000ff">ETHAN</font>
9) Tina Ong (Me + BB) - <font color="ff0000">RACHEL</font>
10) Fabbie (me + bb + hb) - <font color="ff0000">CLARICE</font>
11) nitestar (BB + Me + Hb)-<font color="0000ff">JONAS</font>
12) Jlow - (Me + BB + HB)-<font color="0000ff">JOSHUA</font>
13) zachmommy (BB + Me + Hb)- <font color="0000ff">ZACHARY</font>
14) Esthers (bb+me+hb) - <font color="0000ff">SEAN</font>
15) Phyl (Me + bb ) - <font color="0000ff">HAYDEN</font>
16) Ah Bur (BB + Me + Hb)- <font color="ff0000">CIDNEY</font>
17) Santorini ( BB+Me) - \red {EMMA}
18) ikeike (bb + me + hb) - <font color="ff0000">SHANNON</font>
19 &amp; 20) iemik0 (Me + HB + Elder Son + BB)- JAYZON &amp; <font color="0000ff">KAYSON</font>
21) xuelyn (me + bb + HB) -<font color="ff0000">SUMMER</font>
22 &amp; 23) jess (BB + son+ Me + Hb)-DARRELL &amp; <font color="0000ff">DANIELL</font>
24) Ivy (BB + Me + Friend)-<font color="0000ff">JAKE</font>
25) Xiao Pooh -(me + bb + HB)-<font color="ff0000">JERMAINE</font>

Can mummies above, kindly transfered $19.72 to my POSB Savings 137-52764-2? THANKS!!

No COD please.

Please state your nickname when you transfered, if not i do not know who is who.

If u transferred by ATM, post n let me know, cos ATM cannot be seen who transfered to me.

** Kath, calculative no error hor.
Any of you bought the Nov issue Mother and Baby mag? Belinda is in it .. lol :p advertising the Canon camcorder. heheh !!

Hey Belinda is the the Canon Legria really that solid?
Which Belinda?? Ah Bur??

Anyone playing monopoly by mcd?? If u guys not playing but happen to hv the sticker, keep for me ok. Hehe..

ya, Ah Bur .. :p

the blardy Macs sticker .. u playing it too ah? Wa, obviously the un-common ones are Scotts Road, Orchard Road, Toa Payoh, .. so I have most except ONE of each colour. and I don't have either of hte brown properties too.
yes yes Sam.. imagine i had mcd twice in a day and i force my hb to hv mcdonald for breakfast and lunch..hahaha. All my diet plan go down the drain cos of this.

I hv 2 of almost every color except ONE too.. i bet thr is onie 1 scotts, 1 toa payoh, 1 sentosa cove and 1 joo chiat.. darn
hahaha same !! Except for the brown one which I don't have BOTH, the rest all short of ONE. I have a few instant wins .. so still quite happy.

Free fries, free apple pie, $10 off $50 at Toys R Us and Starcruises 3rd and 4th pax free .. what are yours?

Yah, Faye have been drinking Karihome goat milk after I've stop breastfeeding after 6-7mths old. Coz I find that drinking Dumex, she got alot of phlegm, after changing, not much phlegm and she's happy with Goat milk.
