(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

morning all~! hi Enne! i love ya babies having a piglet and a hamster! so nice! hehe

snowger wha.. thats what im scare of. eating too much durian and fall sick! hahaha I have tried plamers and it sensitive for me. so im waiting for the clarins oil. i heard its good! and not sticky at all!

Pris Oh really huh.. i tout what happen to me! keep sratching my back and its damn irritating lor! haha now that i know u have the same with me. I dun have to worry liao haha. thanks for the info. will ask hubbie to apply for me next time. hehe

Oh talking about horoscope i hope my baby is not fall in scorpio! cus my date was 25-27 nov, its quite close to scorpio. scorpio quite tempermental. like mE! cus im a scorpio hahha so i hope i will be either earlier than scorpio or later than that. Just dun like me can liao. Cus i have alot of xiao pi qi. hehehee i click on spaghetti link and i saw
Scorpio Rats are the strong, emotional types. Few would suspect quite sensitive these Rats are. They have an intense aura that allows them to channel their energies.

noooooo it sounds like me! im so sensitive and emotional always.. T___T but its just a thought. if really scorpio i will teach her not to be like me! kaka =P

Btw my friends told me that before giving birth must eat at least 3 coconuts so that it wont bleed so much and its cleaner. is it true?

morning ladies..

Me Gemini too...

My TCM & MIL oso said that when we reach the third tri, we muz drink coconut juice and finish the flesh..
2nd baby,
Do you mean that i can actually buy the soup from TMC? Will be delivering at KK and doing my own confinement like the 1st preg so if really no time/energy, can make husband pop by and buy... keke.. <s>lazy</s> easy way out

If you would be so kind, can share the tried &amp; tested secret recipe? I'm not vegetarian but generally dun like eating meat/fish so anything less fishy wud be appreciated. Yup, i was pretty stressed out with 1st baby..everything have to do myself. But this time around should be better cos have maid already.. *fingers crossed*

my tummy is super itchy too but must really refrain from scratching too much..heard that it will contribute to stretch marks. Have been applying stretch mark cream (Palmer's Cocoa Butter) religiously each time i leave home. Helped during 1st preg so am going to stick to it. They now also have the organic version for those with sensitive skin.
Hey you're born in 1980? Me too..fellow monkey

my hub's a gemini and me a capricorn and we get along well. But i understand where you're coming from..I'm prob going to have a sagitauras baby (edd 14 dec) but hope he/she wl be 1wk overdue cos i don't get along very well with my sagitauras sis. End of the day, its the people and not the zodiac/horoscope that makes the diff. I'm sure your kid will love its mummy

I ate a lot of bananas during 1st preg n my boy does have quite a lot of phelgm..hmm..but i need the bananas to prevent constipation. Will ask gynae for the duphalac syrup mentioned by louisa.
Yup, will recommend someplace halal next time around. Prob some buffet eatery like Sakura cos i'm sure it'll be value for money for us now! keke..
llig: Oh ya Sakura sounds good! I went there with my Muslim colleagues before and the spread is quite fantastic. Just too bad we can't eat sashimi now. :p

Fabbie: I'm a Scorpio too!!! But my baby will be most likely be a Sagi i think.

Ya, i apply the Clarins oil to my back too after my friend told me strechmarks can also form at the back and around your boobs!!! So scary!!!

And the coconut is true i think! My friends also told me the same thing. They said last trimester take more cooling stuff and a month before your EDD drink fresh coconut juice. Baby will be very clean and won't have the sticky coating on him/her when born.

Enne: Then you must pray hard that baby will open his/her legs. Checkups with ultrasounds will cost more.

Mimi: Which Mango outlet did you go?? I want to check out the sales and buy those bottoms too!!! The sale price is much cheaper than many maternity wear shops' pricings.
yipe. will choose 1st dec if possible. hehe. edd is on 6th dec. pray hard baby cooperate n not decide to pop out earlier dan expected. hehe. my boi refuse to come out despite being induced so no choice but to c-sect.

heard tt coconut juice is for easier birth. =)
llig yeah monkey pals! hahha nah in the end i decided to go for clarins heard its non sticky. and heard oil is better. hehe

Pris haha although mine is not confirm scorpio but i hope it wont fall to on the date. and sagi is quite good i like! hehe. Ahhh boobs also got?? Oh my.. Btw clarins oil is it sticky? cus plamers i did apply was sticky after i apply wor. so i stop using it. as i feel so uncomfortable

Okai. will remember that last month must eat coconuts! hahhaa. Do you gals eat raw food? like sushi? sometimes i do crave for sashimi. and my hubbie and frds dun allow me to eat! and said I can have only 1 piece! hahah
Hei ladies.. sorry for not posting for a few days!! Crazee schedule at work and upcoming weeks as well..

Saw u ladies mentioning abt Baby Bonus, fyi, 1st child no need to choose Baby Bonus bank.. $3K will automatically be banked into our account (one which we will specify).. Baby Bonus or CDA is only for 2nd kids till 4th..

I went for a scan on Friday, dr says most likely a boy liao..baby wasn't very cooperative at first until at one point, he was squatting facing us.. so funny!! We will noe for sure in another 4 weeks time. Oh.. I am only in 13weeks but baby measures 7.7cm so baby is considered long.. esp the leg which is good, same as daddy n mummy..heheh

Ooh...i also took the OSCAR test, pass... Trisomy 21 is 1:5xx and Trisomy 13/18 is 1:13xxx, dr. say nothing to be alarmed.. so.. happy happy!!
Now that emeraldbride mentioned it i've finally remembered wat i wanted to ask you ladies.. (nowadays super-forgetful!)

Baby bonus..Which bank to go for? Having 2nd child so need to choose the bank but somehow can't get into the mcys site to find out more.. Anyone reserached and care to share?
llig theres only 2 bank for baby bonus. only is OCBC another one i forget liao. but if its me. i will go for OCBC ba. its just my personal deicision hehehe.
hi fabbie, the other is standard chartered... the benefits are better coz the interest rate is 2% and also baby get a free insurance... but OCBC is more convenient..
Hi ladies
u gals are fast posting.. can't catch up.. hee hee

Hi mimi
Share with us which mango outlet? i also wan to see see n buy...

Hi Llig
I agree that its the person character instead of zodiac.. usually when i read the zodiac personality.. not always tat accurate.. I am aquarius and HB is scorpio....still we click...
i went to wisma isetan mango outlet. there got more 'maternity' bottoms. long pants with elastic pants cost $42, original price is $60, think someone posted here b4 when she bought the linen pants before the sale.
Fabbie: The Clarins oil isn't sticky at all. It's absorbed quickly and i love the scent. I find the smell very relaxing.

As for sushi, i tend to crave for it cos it's cold. I like eating cold stuff nowadays! But i stay away from sushi made with raw fish &amp; i miss eating sashimi. Sigh...

Jowin: I bought my breast pump liao! 2nd hand set...Tell you more via MSN.

Mimi: Thanks...will go check out the different Mango outlets when i have time. Hopefully the sale won't be ending soon.
woohoo.. the thread moving super fast, hard to catch up these days

Just went to kiddie palace and bought 2 BFree bottles (5oz). Will get more after bb is born to see if he is ok with this brand.

How's everyone today?

My due date is similar to yours and I'm also hoping that my boy will be born 25Nov, Sagittarius like his daddy
llig, TMC cafe sells papaya/fish soup. So u can have a bowl of soup there in the cafe or packet it. But if u buy fr there, will def be much more ex. Portion is small too.
okie, thanks.
Waiting for snowger's recipe..hoping its a simple no-fuss type that i can prepare myself. But its good to know that TMC sells. Where exactly is the cafe? Me only been to TMC once and passed a delifrance onli..
Yes Pris.. i tends to like cold stuffs too! but i tout isnt that no good for us? maybe im sick of drinking warm water for the first trimster, thats why 2nd i start to drink ice water =X. But i remember that time i ate yummy yogurt wah.. my tummy was pain like hell. i think i was taken it too fast, that my tummy pain!.

Phylicia seems like standard chartered has a better deal! but its quite wu lu to find lolx thanks for letting me know the offer kaka.

LuthAdel hey! i also hope my baby fall on 25th! 25th seems a good number! kakaka

So is there a record in our thread how many baby boys or girls we have? haha so exciting! 7 july then i could know the 100% gender. But its abit sianz. we use to visit them 2 weeks.. followed by 3 weeks.. the now 4 weeks? thats real slow...

Btw my cleavage there also got quite a number of hair! would u gals have too?! wah.. i will be embrass when i wear low cut now hahha. but will the hair grow off? can we shave?
Thanks Jo for the clip.. ask u ladies hor, next time before we breastfeed, u think we should clean the area first?? Hehehe
My fren was telling me need at least 6 baby bottles?? That is alot hor... I think I will get Dr. Brown's and one glass bottle
Morning Ladies.

llig, its the opp side from delifrance. Its near to the side entrance of the upslope car park.

emeraldbride, before we breastfeed, yes, its better to clean. Before I pump, I will place a hot towel over it.
Hi Emeraldbride
I ordered my Dr Brown BPA Free bottles under my friend's spree. I ordered the larger bottle (3 in a packet)first as the small one for BPA Free are not out yet...


She can re-open the spree..if reach more than US$75.

U have to be careful with glass bottles as i read b4, due to the temperature change/ dropped/ mishandle which may lead to small cracks which can't seen by naked eye. So just check carefully everytime b4 baby use it
hi mimi
there are 2 types of bottles ma.. one is plastic another one is glass.. Beside the BPA free bottles, another good bottles are glass made as they are non BPA at all...

Glass bottles are also good or alternative for storing breast milk.. instead in milk bags.
oh, thanks, jowin.
btw, only dr.brown available for glass bottles? cheaper to buy online? so far i havent buy any milk bottles.

wat abt sterilizer? which is good?
How many of you have constipation?
The worst i got is 2 weeks nothing!
Wonder what happened to all the waste?

Now i am on liquid medication to "make the waste". If kept too long will have high fever.
No , Dr Brown have plastic bottles too.. but the small one are available in glass not in BPA Free yet, the big ones have BPA Free bottles.. I also dun know when Dr brown is launching the BPA free small bottles..

Avent is launching their BPA free bottles too.. i dun know when...

Hi meilik
Me!!..for around 3 days if today have nothing again.. sianz la... i feeling burpy which lead to nauseas bcos of that, i think..
.. Ur 2 weeks sound serious leh..
Morning Ladies

For the milk bottle, i'm just getting 2 Bfree (BPA free) bottles first and will try it out on our boy. If he is ok with the bottle we can buy more. This is just a precautionary just in case he does not like it and need to change. As you know all the BPA free bottles are not cheap.

I'm also seeing my gynae on the 7th july but for detailed scan this time and need to take at least half day off. Crossing our fingers &amp; toes that our boy is ok
morning ladies..DFS at changi still carrying Stretchmark tonic oil....i just ask my bro to get from me..when they came back from indonesia last week..
LuthAdel so good.. my detail scan so long! 19 july =S duno must wait till when =( Dun worry your boy will be fine! hehe. im wonderng after detailed scan what scan must we have? btw do you have alot of hair on your body?!
fabbie..my detail scan..even longer...24 july..wait till neck long long...

last fri..i finally pack all my pre-pregancy clothes...and unpack my pregancy clothes which loan for my friend and SIL..keke..but most are still v big for me..
Adel: i love the idea of bulk purchase! we will have more discount if the volume if good! im looking to share buying milk bottles, diapers and milk powder (heard Mamil Gold is very good). any recommendations for milk bottles and diapers?

Fabbie: i dun get any itch or hair, but my stomach has a very bad stretching sensation recently. it makes me feel like puking! try not to shave off the hair as the new hair growing out will be coarser and thicker. may want to check with yr gynae if there is any way to get the hair off besides shaving.

MTBs: im lucky dat im still moving my bowels daily. Guess my love for fruits and veg helps. i need to eat alot of fruits and veg daily and i tried to drink as much water as possible. i like to eat alot of papaya, watermelon and apples recently. so for MTBs wif consti prob, may want to folow a strict fruit regime for now? ;)
im going for my scan this Sat (28 Jun), will be asking my BB to open legs from today! haha... cos im sooo eager to see if BB is Mickey/Minnie. Been seeing many cute BB clothes recently but have to hold back buying!

pardon me, 1st time mum, so extra excited ;D
lol. Carmen ... no need to apologize .. I'm a 4th time mom to be and I am still so very excited!! I've been staring at all the baby clothes .. wondering WHEN I can buy .. I can't wait .. my hubby is quite scared ... lol.
i got to wait for 3 more weeks before i can know my baby gender. such a long wait...

carmen, we can eat watermelon? until now i have been eating apples and guava.
Pris - soak fish in milk. will the fish taste milky? ;P

llig - thanks for comment. i don't have a lot of confidence that my kid will generally love me. coz it is never so for me and my mum (a capricorn) since i was young. in fact, we have not contacted each other for years.
i dun feel good today. a bit uncomfortable and i dun know why. maybe i have a heavy breakfast, ate sausage macmuffin. my mgr jus tell me i dun look good. haiz... maybe i look tired.
You're seeing your gynae on the 7th right, you should be able to do your detailed scan then as you &amp; I are in the same no. of weeks. Why don't you just asked him to do the gender plus detailed scan all at once 'cos detailed scan will take almost half a day if your baby cooperates. Not too much tummy hair at the moment but I guess it is more obvious now 'cos tummy expanded hahaha.

I share the same sentiments esp Diapers &amp; Desitin Diaper Cream as the ones in the stores are constantly without discounts. We should put out a list so that we know what are the iterms we shared in common. Easier to decide which items to bulk purchase.

So far, I only read good reviews on Dr. Brown's &amp; BFree. The only thing is that Dr. Brown's bottles without BPA is not launch in SG yet and dun know when. So I purchase BFree since the reviews are on pars with Dr. Browns
Advise is not to buy too many now, 2 small bottles (4oz) is good enough to start as you need to see if your baby will like the bottle. BFree smallest is (5oz) still ok lah.

I think that is what they called milk bathe for the fish. The process is to kill the fishiness. For me, I just squeeze some lemon juice on it
Samantha: wow! u oreadi have 3 kids?! hoho! Sg govt loves u man! i oni plan to have 1 cos me scared scared after my 1st tri! Hmm... actually my HB oso very scared of me.. esp when we go shopping, cos he knw i will splurge on our 1st and oni BB! hahaha... mebbe yr HB and my HB can hold hands and become good frens!

Mimi: i restrict myself to 1-2 helpings of watermelon per week (thou my helping is at least 3-4 pcs each time).
morning ladies,

i m so so so sleeeeepy this morning!!!! even now too!!

i managed to get some maternity pants from this carrano shop at bugis, located opposite OG at bencoolen. the materials r comfy, n priced reasonably too, less than 30 dollars per pair of pants. good recommendation.

so i c dat u gals r talking bout horoscopes, clothes, n bulk purchase. i bought a set of avent bottles fm OG yest, with 20% discount
Hi Luthadel
The BPA Free Dr Brown bottles are out. but for the bigger bottles only.. Small one not yet

Hi Mimi
Take care.. dun feel good, can take MC home n rest hor

Hi Carmen
Me also 1st time MTB ma.. also as excited as u... My detailed scan is not even scheduled... Week 15 already... going to see gynae only on 08 July then schedule the Detailed scan... also hope to know the gender on 08 july

Yes yes, we can spree together
I also like bulk purchase.. can save $$
jazlyn, there got sell maternity tops? i need to get some tops as i have bought a few bottoms already.

i have been craving for ice cream lately, maybe bcos i did not eat any during 1st trimester

yah, i love bulk purchase too if can get discounts.

now everywhere is having sale but i have yet to get any baby stuffs. feel that it's still early.

yes, they got some real nice maternity tops. i wud said their selection is not bad.

u can get some baby items dat is necessary but quite pricey when no sale. so i oni get bottles n bumwear. nothing more liao.

Hi ladies

just wondering how did you break the news to your boss about your pregnancy? I have not told my boss, think he's going to freak out given that i am in this job for abt 3months only.

regarding constipation, even though i have been taking fruits religiously, i still suffer bad constipation. Dunno what else can i do to prevent it. Any advice?
