(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

oops! guess im not really updated in BB bonus policy! hee...

Phylicia: how many week ru in your preg? My MS stopped ard 14th week (juz last week), thou i still get dat irritating stomach chruning feel after meals. I heard from my SIL (giving birth in Jul) dat her MS starts ard 2nd tri, so diff ppl may experience diff symptons. Try taking small dry snacks (crackers and bread) when u feel nauseous, it helps. If possible, avoid food or smells which u dislike.

it may sound drastic but after my 1st tri experience, i think i will stop at 1 kid! hee..

Let's look forward to a happier and smoother 2nd tri! ;)
Hi Winnie, i have a gut feeling i'll pop b4 my EDD too.. haha. nice to have someone sharing the same EDD.

Hi Paulyn, i dun have backaches or shoulder aches.. jus that sometimes the area between my butt and thighs will have a nagging pain for hours.. after tha't it'll jus go away
Hi, Mamamamia.
No, I don't have morning sickness at all... not even for my 1st, I think.. (well, there were a few episodes of puking but mostly in the evenings..) That's partly y i didn't get to know abt this pregnancy until just 2 days ago... (imagine my shock when my gynae's u/s showed a kicking bb in my tummy... faint...)

Anyway, still has no one answered my question of what are you ladies preparing (to eat) for your confinement???

Also, I would like to ask some questions on bf... cos my 1st I only managed to bf for a few weeks... even then it was on/off... so I am fairly determined to bf this 2nd one if possible.
What are milk bags?
Adeline: wow, you lucky you.

Milk bags are those "plastic bags" like thing that is kind of rectangular in shape that you can use to store your expressed breastmilk. I didn't use milk bag cos the quality of the milk bags these days are thinner and so people tell me you have to use two if you want to freeze the milk. Instead, i use the Avent Via cups for storage and for freezing. Hope that helps.
gals.. me had a super full 4 course lunch treated by client.. Full until cannot take it liao... =P

carmen, tats nice.. i m Wk14 5D, but MS still here.. really hope ending soon...Having MS for quite all these months.. sob sob...

oh... take care...
Hmmm... so our babies will most likely not be born in the same month or day... unless mine pops out more than 4 weeks in advance.. still they will both be Sagittarius...
Btw, is this your 1st bb?
Date of gathering: 5th July 2008 (Saturday)
Time: lunch
Venue: marche vivo

1. Jazlyn - Jazlyn or Jaz ok!
2. Bubblepearl-Jojo (okie)
3. raven_1313- Mabel (okie!)
4. mum2ndx
5. llig
6. jowinbaby - Jo - Marche ok!
7. LuthAdel- Adeline - Marche ok!
8. Meilik & Hubby & Son (3pax) - Marche ok!
9. iemik0
10. mummy30- Angie - ok!
11. phylicia - ok!
12. mummyhamster
13. Cherbie
14. santorini - o.k
15. firstbaby - ok!
16. Snowger - OK (dunno if my hubby wan 2 come)
17. Jacqueline
18. Pris -- OK!
19. Carmen - Ok!


so far 12 out of 19 attendees ok with marche vivo. so i will proceed with the reservation. for those who wanna bring their spouse along, pls let me know by sunday by updating this list by adding the number of pax (just like wat meilik done). i will make the reservatio on monday morning. thank u!!!
jowinbaby: hang in there! i had a very bad 1st tri too. my MS and vomitting is so severe dat im unable to travel to ofc and my gynae got me hosp. The experience of being put on 6 packs of drip still frightens me when i thot abt it! Must believe that yr body and BB will adjust to the preg hormones soon =)

Paulyn: mebbe u can highlight yr shoulder and backaches to yr gynae during yr next visit. hopefully there are supplements which will reduce the pain.

Adeline: i dun knw much abt confinement food, but i heard food with vinegar and ginger is good in getting rid of the "wind" from our post-delivery body. eg. pig trotter with vinegar (plenty), shredded ginger with lean meat and sesame oil, steamed fish with lots of ginger etc. Im not exactly a ginger fan, so will have to see how good the cook my midwife is then! wahahaha..
Hi Carmen
I believe we cannot take much ginger if we BF.. as ginger will pass on to our baby and caused jaundice.. This happened to my cousin when she deliver her first baby.. Her mum do not know and cook many food with ginger...
wah.. u gals keep posting till i totally cant catch up!

jowin baby yeah. posb no more. i think after i give birth i will go for Ocbc. hehe

anyone tense to be lazy? and tired still? 1st trimster i everyday wake up very early. now 2nd trimster i feel so lazy and tired. always late for work.
i think as long as u do not ingest the ginger excessively, it shud b fine. not like polishing the whole plate of ginger cooked dish.
jowinbaby: oh really!? thank god u tell me early, cos my mum's generation believe dat ginger is good for mums after delivery!

Oops! Adeline do take note!

Fabbie: i have been feeling lethargic and detest the idea of waking early since my preg! hee hee! but once i get into the ofc, and the momentum comes, i feel better. the diff part for me is the waking up during morning.

heard 3rd tri is the "laziest" and most tired period, due to inability to sleep well at nite lar, heavier "burden" lar or simply tired ;P
Not too much of ginger lor
little shd be fine...
like what Jas said...

Old generation seldom breastfeed ma.. tats why they can take lots of ginger.. Have to educate tell them lor... My mum also heard from my aunt and know she can't cook too much ginger when she doing confinement for me...
Hi gals,

U ppl really post so fast men.

Yeah, me going Genting tomolo for R & R.

Recently I've keep feeling stomachache like got the urge to "do Biz" like tat, anyone have the same urge? So uncomfortable, sometimes really can go 3 times to do biz, so much "la qi"

Thanks! Bringing my 2 yr old boi along, hope he will enjoy oso.

U take care as well, hope ur MS will go away soon.

New mummies to be,
A Big Welcome to all the New MTBs

i oso go to toilet up to 3 times a day to do business. usually, i will keep burping, then i will feel my bowel moving oso. so need to go do business lor. but as long as no cramps, no bleeding, v shud b doing fine.

do enjoy ur trip at Genting ya. do remember not to spend too much time in the casino!!!
Carmen, i have MS since week 7 till now.. haha.. its pantang.. dun talk abt MS!! heheh.. i'm 14wks and 3days. My EDD is 15 Dec.. wah.. more and more ppl 15 Dec! hehe

Reddates, enjoy your trip!! I wanna go too..

Jazlyn, be happy that you can do big biz.. haha.. i do it once a week and its a terrible feeling!! wanna shit but cannot..
have a great weekend everybody!

Reddates, enjoy your trip!

Phylicia, hope to hear about your good news later.. boy-boy!

me gonna enjoy ma korean show during the weekend! hahaha..
iemik0, mine not constipation.. its just cannot shit.. my hubby say my baby like chocolate like me so want my shit accompany!! i keep complaining to him i cannot shit!!!! when i can, its usually smooth and easy.. just ache a while go toilet.. done!
btw, if constipate, don't eat banana..
it'll worsen the condition..
papaya helps loosen bowel.. try dragonfruit also..
dee.. yesterday baby facing up.. then also the scan very blur.. manage to see baby's tighs only.. Zzzz.. but gynae promise next visit she will tell me the gender.. my next visit is 31 July... Long Long Wait!!!!
dee.. try everything liao.. my shit only likes to come out on sat or sunday morning.. the last time i shit is last sat!!!! sigh.. this is so terrible!
My 1st confinement time, my CL cooked normal dinner meals. Not much special because i myself doesn't like vinger pig trotter or pig stomach. The only thing i drink a lot is fish soup for milk supply. Most of the time, i just rest and relax.

I think that eating normal food is still fine. I look back at my parent's generation kampong era, where got money to get someone to cook for you!

Moreover, older generations of MIL very "Kor-Tok". Lucky my mother got a good MIL but she was too old to any confinement for my mother, so my maternal grandma just cook normal food also. We all grow up big and healthy also. Both my grandmothers never fight also. Very peaceful.
totally same as ur situation. cant shit oso. n its once a wk as well. i oso ache abit n its done. hehe. hubby alwaz wonder how can i get it over n done so fast.
mamamamia, my MS lasted till week 16 ..

I'm at 16 weeks 2 days now .. ie, my MS JUST went away yesterday completely and my appetite came back ... THANK GOD.

Damn sian ... MS for so long ... so miserable ...
Congrats and now you can truly enjoy your 2nd trimester

Well, it all depends on how soon my boy decides to pop hahaha. My initial EDD was 02Dec, then it got earlier and finally 25Nov. Guess if he pops out on 25Nov, that would make him a Sagittarius, same as HB, if not a scorpio

Confinement food
For me, I'll just leave it to my CL. But will let her know that I only take chicken breast and hate fats in meat (makes me puke since I was a kid):p

You mean your HB is a Sagittarius..? what a coincidence... mine 2!!!

what abt yourself? (i m a gemini...)

Is this your 1st bb?

wah.. u really leaving your confinement food 2 your CL eh? cos i know if u wanna bf, there're quite a number of limitations on the kinds of food we can/cannot take (e.g. no/little liquor, ginger, even vinegar is said 2 shut down milk supply leh..... so that makes me wonder: what else can I eat for confinemnet??? That was the main reason why I could not bf my 1st bb 4 more than few weeks... cos besides pity seeing him cry so hard 4 milk... (no actually he SCREAMS 4 his milk...), my mother (aka my CL) and HB also could not bear 2 see me not dare 2 eat this, not dare 2 eat that... cos they all VERY firm in their beliefs that confinement is so, so... impt 4 women.
Hi, Mei Lik.

So u took fish soup 4 your confinement? but i heard (from one of those "ah po" lah... i.e. no scientific evidence whatsoever..) that taking fish during confinement can end up giving our bodies a strange odour after the confinement period leh...

so u had no problem rite? then i think i might cancel that out from my list of confinement "superstitions" lah...
actually my MS started ard Week 7 too! juz dat Week 7-9 still bearable, but Week 10-13 is hell... Week 14-15 juz like Week 7-9... so im soooooo glad when my MS finally ended last week!

anyway, recently heard many diff versions of delivery from my colleagues and frens, getting excited abt the delivery, thou im still a good 6 months away from it! ha! guez im a super kiasu mum!

Phylicia and iemik0: Phyl, yr HB super funny leh! try having more high fibre fruits? im a veg and fruit lover, so im still shitting as usual. but heard dat 2nd tri may get constipation. so im forcing myself to drink more water and eat fruits more.

Samantha: so glad for u! im in the same hapi mood last week when i 1st realised dat im getting less MS sypmtons =)
yeah.. i know abt the jaundice given 2 bb thru BM... due 2 2 much ginger taken by mommies... there was at least 1 other food that can cause jaundice 2 bb if taken 2 much... but my memory's failing me nowadays...
Adeline & Lousia: Welcome!!!

Louisa: I have that pelvic pain too. It's quite common among pregnant women. One of my friends had this problem until she gave birth. Sigh...try not to walk around too much & sit with your legs raised if possible.

Jazlyn: Sure no problem...Vivo is fine with me. Am looking forward to see everyone. Btw, roughly what time is the lunch gathering?

Jowin: I also heard that cannot take too much food cooked with wine & ginger during confinement. Whatever we eat will pass to baby if you BF so must take in moderation else your baby may reject your milk.

Reddates: Enjoy your Genting trip.

Chantalle: Ignore those gossip-mongers! It's your wedding day and you deserve to feel happy.

Mimi: My mom also doesn't allow me to drink orange juice or eat oranges. She said baby will be born with a lot of phlegm. I don't know whether it's true but since i found out about my pregnancy, i haven't tasted any OJ or oranges at all. :p

Constipation --
Drink more water & if you eat bananas, AVOID the Del Monte type.

Chinese Gender Chart --
Must use lunar age & lunar month of conception.
seldom eats vege & fruits nowadays leh.. Used to like it, now is like eeeeeeee.. **sigh** Afraid will have constipation too although now is normal..
hey mummies to be, if you are suffering from constipation try the Sunsweet Prunes or sip the prune juice. It helps for me, but dun take too much coz after a while tummy will start to rumble in a really funny way. Think take about 3-5 pcs a day is good. Yaym, drink lots of water! I have the habit of drinking chinese tea can't seems to find anything abt it on the net. Can somebody tell me if its ok to drink 1 cup a day?
Oh Btw, my edd is 29th Dec lei.. alamak.. not 3 not 4.. (Mmm 3 mmm 4 - hokkien) quite sad lah rat baby... aim to have baby ox lei.. wonder can wait until lunar new year.. haha store there 1st.
Hi Chantalle
Dun be sad that u have a rat baby
.. its a bless that we can have baby. Many of my friends.. including myself.. try hard for a baby... when finally conceive, really very happy.. regardless what animal.... and wish baby be healthy

Have a good weekend gals
Hi Ladies

Wow... the thread is sure moving fast and furious!

Welcome all new MTBs!

iemik0 - Not thinking of names now, as my FIL has already set a name. And not having any English name too, as hubby does not want bb to have one.

Reddates - Enjoy yourself at Genting!

Chantalle - Lucky you... I cannot drink / eat Prune juice / Prunes, as the opposite will happen to me. I get more constipated... So I make sure I drink enough water and take my veg...

Adeline - I'm a Gemini too! And maybe we share the same birthdate, if the numbers on your username is a hint!

Still feeling very tired, even though I have been resting this week... Especially tired in the afternoon and lately, no appetite again... Keeping my fingers crossed that I am not falling sick again...
Chantalle: As long as baby is healthy, rat or ox is ok!

Nonetheless, my hubby & I were really trying for a Rat baby cos the fengshui master we consulted prior to our wedding said a Rat or Tiger baby will bring harmony to the family. In fact, we had almost given up on wishing for a Rat baby! :p

Raven: Take care ok?? Rest well over the weekend.

Mummy30: The TCM physician told me that it's good to eat more GRAPES (the purple type) now that we're expecting.
I heard they said cannot eat banana.. but damn im have the craving for eating durian!!!..

think about it rat is fine.. ox they said quite stubborn de. hehe i also wanted a ox. but its fated i have a baby hamster.. and i think im quite fated to rats too! hehhee think about another way lar. it will be better. and thank god that baby is healthy too hehehe
