(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

i only heard that from Indian culture, they avoid papaya in 1st tri coz they believe it'll induce u-knw-wat..
i saw someone in my office building.. she preg (shud be in 2nd/3rd?) and she bought a few slices of papaya to eat..
papaya's good source of vit A & C.. good to eat but everything must be in moderation..

i also enjoy eating papaya.. hee
we have the same EDD. but maybe you will get your wish to be on your DOB - 17 Dec cos for my no 1, i give birth about 2 weeks earlier then the EDD.
mine says boy from chart.. next scan will confirm 100% if correct..
if accurate, like that i got two boys.. am surrounded by boys at home.. and most of my life.. me the only daughter and i had 3 younger bros..
ya, gals tend to be closer to family but MIL somehow still prefers boys-no matter what! dunno why..
wow Carmen.. so serious!! U have to be hospitalised for 1st tri?? But as old folks always say: bitter first then taste the sweetness later! Hope everything goes well for you now!

Louisa: My ROM is on the same day as my AD. aiyah.. heck already.. taking the bo chap attitude. hehe

iemik0;so sorry to hear that! hope ur boy is doing well nw! Aaargh.. i have to pray hard hard that my bb won't be affected by my large dosage of OJ. Just cannot help it! hehe
bubblepearl, if still feel very uncomfortable and u're unsure.. better to check it out.. make sure everything's ok..
mimi: good qns sia! Lunar age ah?? ok ok i'll try again.. maybe will tio girl for me! haha.. For me i take my ang moh age and ang moh mth of conception.
thanx. my boi now ok. juz 1st mth everydae go polyclinic for bld test. damn heartpain.

now he is a healthy but veri noti boi. lolx.

d table quite accurate. i got both bois. hehe.
Chantalle, i also dunk now if should use which age cos it's a Chinese Lunar Calendar mah

i wanted me drink orange juice also but mum dun allow me to drink and i dun know what's the reason. the only juice i drink now is apple juice. so boring...
Oh btw i told Dr Tham that we do not wish to know my baby gender until birth. So now just guessing around. I wonder will have any difficulties in looking for the right names when baby is due. How much time do we have to submit the docs or get the name into the Birth cert? Also, does anybody know about the baby bonus thingy? How do we apply?

For no 1, the gov will send you a letter & you just need to give them any acct no will do. don't need to have your child name in it.

For birth cert, apply within 1 mth.
oh, then mine is a BOY! let's see if the chart is accurate, think i should be able to see my baby's gender on 15th July. by that time i should be 17 weeks liao
Dear Dee,

Thanks for your kind words...

Everything seems ok after visit to the gynae... cos that was the 1st time I had an u/s... it showed the bb fully formed and moving around in fact... (frankly didn't know whether to scream in joy or to cry at the sight...)

wondering if any mummies who's have irish twins (apparently that's what they are called.. i.e. babies born less than 12 months apart... though I don't quite like the name as it was meant to be derogatory...) can share your experience... especially on whether it was hard on your body or not huh?
Dee: thanks! guez i will resume my daily intake of papaya then! hahaha...

Chantelle: well, i cud not absorb any food/liquid drinks from my 11th-13th week, its a hellish period for me. think i have depression and harbour very negative thots. but now im better, at least can eat and *cross fingers* no more vomit now =)

I think we have 2weeks-1mth before birth registration for BB. as for BB bonus, i think during hosp dicharge, the hosp staff will pass some forms to the Dad/relative helping to discharge, and the parents just need to bring the form to preferred bank (POSB/OCBC/SCB etc) to "claim".

going by lunar age and lunar mth of conception, i will get a gal! hip hip hooray! ;D
mine is 16mths apart. i guess mainly is whether u got rest well n eat 'bu' during confinement. i got fren gave birth w/in a yr. no prob. but she did mention tt she rest alot during confinement. =)
i thot of a boy and gal names oreadi (both chinese and english)... but may still double confirm with those fortune teller after birth.

Bubble Pearl: take care, try not to eat too much acidic food (like sour stuff or OJ) as it may induce more vomit). Chew on some bread or biscuit when u feeling nauseous, it helps some time. For me, a glass of hot milo helps too =)
haha.. haven't thot of baby name yet.. not till 100% confirm the gender..
my DS name is 4 syllable long.. maybe the next one should be as long also.. else the #1 will sure complain! haha.. already some ppl think it's mouthful to pronounce.. :p
it's alright to eat papaya. but in moderation. eat the ripe one as it tastes better. plus, its high content of fiber will help us to move our bowels daily
wat's ur DS name? mine is jayzon. =)

i onli tink of english names. chinese one is those suan ming list for mi den i choose.
Dear Mamamamia,
no lah... according to my doc, she says it's too late to terminate now... (but also wondering why then the need for amnio...)
Dear Adel,
Yeah, I noticed you've got the same name as me... but wondering when's your EDD?
Dear jowinbaby,
I am now at wk 14, I think...
No lei Paulyn.. I just had some minor backaches.. maybe u didnt position ur pillow well when u sleep?

Regarding irish twins, i heard from my cousin who also went thru it mention that women are considered very fertile after giving birth to the previous one. So the chances of getting preggie again are usually much higher. Well, she said 2nd pregnancy was much easier to cope and was not as fussy as the 1st. Also, knowing what to expect, everything was well and smooth.
Dear Carmen,
i also hope the 2nd one will be more obedient & "easier to discipline", as you put it...

I won't be able to make it for the gathering.. sorry...

yup. it is super easy travelling with a newborn .. all u need are your boobs .. lol. We even took our newborn to Disney World before coming back .. she was a month plus old then ... hahaha ... of course she was too young to bother la ... it was more for us and my elder daughter .. we all love Disney World including my hubby .. lol

Really? .. your kids must be super cute then ... my kids are mixed too ... I'm Eurasian and my hubby is Chinese/Sri Lankan ...
Afternoon ladies...

Feeling so restless till dun even wan to log on pc..

Yesterday went to TCM, she say cannot eat mango and bitter gourd.

I do have shoulder aching on and off, but thought i nv sleep well..
Dear Iemik0,
Thanks for the info... I didn't rest that much for my 1st confinement... will get a professional CL for this 2nd one i think... (1st one was my mum...)

By the way, what "bu pin" (soup & tonic) did you all take or plan to take during your confinement?
Dear Chantalle,

i also knew about the "extra fertility" period immediately after birth... but sigh... still didn't take enough precautions loh...
But keeping my fingers crosses that my 2nd one will be well & smooth like you said...
Hi Ladies.. Busy day at work for me.. hmm... today went to site.. sigh.. puke there too.. tot all this supposed to get better?

Bubblepearl, you ok?

Welcome Louise, adeline!
Chantalle: yeah, i also heard that the first 3 months after giving birth, we are the most fertile...

Samantha: wow, your kids must be really cute too since they have all eurasian blood and your husband's mixed heritage too!

Adeline: I am also at week 14. Do you have morning sickness? I still have mine.. sigh..

Thanks Chantalle.
Mummy 30, Mine aching also on n off, at first i also thought i nve slp well too but now i don;t think so lor. if nve slp well, won;t cm on n off, really veri uncomfortable.
