(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

LuthAdel, it is very very possible to NOT have an episiotomy. BUT your gynae MUST be on the same page here ... some gynaes cut because they don't want u to tear at the last minute.

Thankfully my gynae is very pro as I am about episiotomies so when I told her I did not want an episiotomy, she totally agreed with me and we worked together to achieve it. You just have to listen carefully to her as she tells you when to push and when not to and when to push a bit ... even though you feel like just pushing the baby out in one go.

Seriously, having no episiotomy done means you have zero recovery time because there aren't stiches ... everytime I give birth, I am so worried that I will have an episiotomy but so far, I've managed to get away without having one at all.

As dee said, the pain of labour is intense but really it's very bearable. I am so thankful I also didn't take an epidural or episiotomy or any kind of medication all 3 times - the needle for the epidural looks HUGE. I'm more afraid of THAT going into my back then giving birth. lol

did gynae comment anything about it?
my colleague had same problem but her placenta somehow moved up on its own and she didn't have any complication.. even opted to be induced to have baby our earlier coz she's very tired of waiting already..
That is why I'm kind of worried when the nurse showed me the terms of my gynae. To me, giving birth is a very personal thing. I also want to have zero down time so that I can enjoy my baby right away instead of feeling the pain each time I tried to walk ! I'm pretty stubborn so I'm going to see how my gynae react and if she is pro cutting even thought she is damn nice, I'll change my gyane.
dee, the doc did tell me to wait to see whether the placenta will move up or not.. if up to 7 to 8 mths still haven't move up, i 've to go for c-sect.. when i heard this, i felt a bit worried cos i really want to go for the natural way..ur friend wait for how long for the placenta to move up?
wow, samantha.. *salute* no epi-epi..

my baby's head BIG, unlike asian baby's head, gynae said..
i had episitomy, no choice.. actually, i could FEEL the sewing part more than the labor itself.. lol.. even asked the gynae quickly finish it!
i agree.. no episiotomy means freedom also! no need to sit on float waiting for recovery..
ya you're right about that ... I see other women walking around the ward, wincing and walking like a zombie (walking realllllly slowly cos of the pain of the episiotomy stiches) ...

I came back from delivery ... had a hot shower and waited on the bed munching on snacks and watching tv relaxing till they sent my baby to me ... that's why I enjoy childbirth ... lol. My friends think I'm insane but I think that since I suffer no pain afterwards (other than your uterus contracting now and then) it really is an enjoyable for me. I get to enjoy my baby and visitors when they come visit me ... lol.

yes, talk to your gynae and see what she says ... change if necessary if she really is reluctant about what you want.
hehehe ... actually dee, each time I had a baby, I was also worried that my baby's head willbe big because hubby and I aren't SMALL sized ... but so far, the head size is ok other than baby being big ... my last girl was 3.9 kg .. when she plopped out, I was in a daze cos she looked like a huge red sausage ... my gynae didn't want to alarm me so everytime I went for a visit in my 3rd trimester, she kept assuring me that my baby would only be about 3.4 kg ... SHE BLUFFED ME I THINK. lol She knew I would panic if she told me that baby was big ... lol
wow, dee you COULD FEEL the sewing ..????!!!

See that's what I am SO SCARED of la, the sewing up and the pain of the epidural administration ..

I'd rather go au naturel. lol
Got this from baby centre website, hope this helps.
quote "It may help to try to increase the elasticity of your perineal muscles by doing daily perineal massage starting at about the 34th week of pregnancy. To do this, put some vitamin E oil or pure vegetable oil on your fingers and thumbs and around your perineum. Place your thumbs about 3cm inside your vagina and press downward and sideways gently until you feel a slight tingling. Hold this stretch for about two minutes. Now gently massage the lower part of your vaginal canal back and forth for about three minutes. When you are in labour you can try perineal massage and warm compresses to relax your vaginal muscles. "

go to http://www.babycentre.co.uk/pregnancy/labourandbirth/labour/episiotomywhyexpert/
for detail information.
date of gathering: 5th July 2008 (Saturday)
time: lunch
venue: marche vivo

1. Jazlyn - Jazlyn or Jaz ok!
2. Bubblepearl-Jojo (okie)
3. raven_1313- Mabel (okie!)
4. mum2ndx
5. llig
6. jowinbaby - Jo
7. LuthAdel- Adeline - Marche ok!
8. Meilik & Hubby & Son (3pax) - Marche ok!
9. iemik0
10. mummy30- Angie - ok!
11. phylicia - ok!
12. mummyhamster
13. Cherbie
14. santorini - o.k
15. firstbaby
16. Snowger - OK (dunno if my hubby wan 2 come)
17. Jacqueline
18. Pris
19. Carmen
date of gathering: 5th July 2008 (Saturday)
time: lunch
venue: marche vivo

1. Jazlyn - Jazlyn or Jaz ok!
2. Bubblepearl-Jojo (okie)
3. raven_1313- Mabel (okie!)
4. mum2ndx
5. llig
6. jowinbaby - Jo - <font color="0000ff">Marche ok!</font>
7. LuthAdel- Adeline - Marche ok!
8. Meilik &amp; Hubby &amp; Son (3pax) - Marche ok!
9. iemik0
10. mummy30- Angie - ok!
11. phylicia - ok!
12. mummyhamster
13. Cherbie
14. santorini - o.k
15. firstbaby
16. Snowger - OK (dunno if my hubby wan 2 come)
17. Jacqueline
18. Pris
19. Carmen
Hi gals, I was told that if you follow the doctor or nurses instructions when you giving birth, you shouldn't tear too badly. She did say however that if you push hard at one go (which most women just feel like doing to get the pain over and done with), you will most prob tear jia lat jia lat. So must tong and listen for instructions.

I also hope dun need to do the episiotomy. Sure very painful one...
So far my gynae never discuss anything about giving birth leh... Maybe he dun want to scare me. But I heard Paul Tseng is pro-natural.

mamamamia, u also under Dr Tseng right? Did you get his services for your other pregnancy?
think hers went up sometime during her 2nd tri..
don't worry too much yet.. perhaps u can check w/ ur mommy/sister if she experienced the same coz i also heard that it could be the same..
heard that some gynae actually pushed the placenta up also.. that gynae must be gung-ho! not sure if there's any risk tho..

ur baby VERY BIG!
my gynae didn't do last scan to check baby's weight before delivery.. and nvr expected a big one coming out.. actually best not to know else more anxious.. haha..

oh, i read at mind-ur-body last week that Dr. Tony Tan actually delivered one baby out of the quadrulets and delivered the 3 other babies 10 days later! nvr knew such can be done! amazing!
i think could feel the sewing coz got none other thing to distract me.. baby also out and in relieved state.. haha..
my fren also said she could recall the sewing more than the labor.. strange ah..

i read abt that exercise leh.. but didn't really know how to do.. also couldn't get myself to go down under.. seemed uncomfortable.. :p but i think the outcome is ALOT better than getting episiotomy..
Yup, Snowger .. you are right ... just listen to your gynae's instructions (she's the only one giving instructions once you've started pushing) ... and go slow .. sure won't tear at all.
ooo.. LuthAdel, i think you are right, we should all think of how we want (best case senario)our birth to be and if our gynae not acceptable to our wishes, we should change... hmm.. i dun want stitches or needles or C-SECT!!

mum2ndx, haha.. the massage is interesting.. we should teach our husbands.. coz when we become really big, dunno my short arms can still reach not.. hehe
dee, just trying to IMAGINE the sewing makes me wince. aaaaaahhhhhhh!!! Can't blame u for remembering the sewing rather than the labour pain.

Ya, when the weighed my baby .. my gynae jokingly said, I can go for bigger one next time around ... sure no problem.

Ya, Phylicia, I don't want a c-sect as well. I'm so afraid that my luck will run out and this last time kena c sect for some reason.

I DOWAN !!!!!
all ur 3 babes' weight gets bigger and bigger? is it coz they've got more room to grow?
aiyo.. like that i've got to be prepared..

with all ur 3 babies, is it true that bigger babies are easier to take care?
coz heard quite alot that smaller babies are a bit more challenging to care..
I really dun appreciate gyanes who just insist on their ways despite knowing your wishes. Just hope that my gynae is more flexible than her piece of paper

I've come across this topic before and was sharing it with Jazlyn yesterday on msn! I was thinking of bringing useful info during the meeting so that all of us can benefit from each others' knowledge.

hahah you are super woman lah! I wish i can be like you when it is my turn to give birth
BTW can you bend your thumb to your forearm just like what mamamamia has decribed???
Samantha: I salute you!!! But it's very encouraging to hear 1st-hand from you that you enjoyed your totally natural childbirths. I feel less scared!

My mom went through normal delivery for all 3 of us, no epi-epi too! I hope i'll be like her. She said it's very painful but can tahan one!

Luthadel: ^5. I also do not want anything foreign sticking inside me and i believe childbirth should be as natural as possible. If no choice my baby is in distress, then C-sec.

I have not spoken to my gynae about birth but she delivered my auntie's baby boys and my auntie was natural-birth. I hope she is pro-natural!

My thumb cannot touch my forearm!!! Aiyo i tried!!! Shucks.

Just now my MIL brought me to TCM physician to take my pulse. She got him to prescribe herbs for tonic soups. The TCM doc said i must sleep earlier every day &amp; drink tonic soups every alternate day.

Ladies, can i suggest Marche SUNTEC instead of Vivo?? Sorry if i sound very troublesome...if cannot, it's ok.

date of gathering: 5th July 2008 (Saturday)
time: lunch
venue: marche vivo

1. Jazlyn - Jazlyn or Jaz ok!
2. Bubblepearl-Jojo (okie)
3. raven_1313- Mabel (okie!)
4. mum2ndx
5. llig
6. jowinbaby - Jo - Marche ok!
7. LuthAdel- Adeline - Marche ok!
8. Meilik &amp; Hubby &amp; Son (3pax) - Marche ok!
9. iemik0
10. mummy30- Angie - ok!
11. phylicia - ok!
12. mummyhamster
13. Cherbie
14. santorini - o.k
15. firstbaby
16. Snowger - OK (dunno if my hubby wan 2 come)
17. Jacqueline
18. Pris -- OK!
19. Carmen
dee, phylicia,
hee.... heard from somewhere that asians has shorter "perineal", think it's between virginal and anus. unless u have really practise else i think an episiotomy is pretty common esp chinese... i got it cos i had an assisted delivery.

Lucky samantha,
How i wish i could munch on titbits right after birth but i had a bad after-effect from the epi if im not wrong... can feel the room spinning but dun dare to tell hb. somemore tell him to go lunch quick.. cos i cant concentrate on talking to him liao!!haha and u r right.. needle for epi is really HUGE!!! hb cant stay inside the ward but he say he can even SEE the outside!!!
LuthAdel, u din go back to same gynae as last time rite?

personally, i feel that science and medicine is so advance now.. but certain things we should still leave it to nature..
hahaha .. forget it, I was reading mamamia's instructions for that bending thumb to forearm thing ... I don't get it ... hahahahahahha.

Actually, my very first girl when I was 25, was a preemie ... she was only 32 weeks 3 days ... and weighed about 1.8 kg .. so of course she was small no episiotomy required .. that was a very scary delivery and subsequent few months for me ... *sob* seeing my girl in the Special Care Nursery at KK with tubes in her ...

My 2nd girl was 5 years later .. she was full term ... 2.94 kg ... also no epidural no episiotomy ... then my 3rd girl was in 2006, also full term ... 3.9 kg ... so ya, they're gettin bigger ... lol .. also no epidural and no episiotomy.

Hey Phylicia, my eldest girl who's already 9 this year, is in Grade 2 ballet .. so she has class that day ... at about 5pm. I can't promise yet whether I can be there on the 5th of July as I live in Woodlands ... quite a distance from Vivo .. even tho I drive.
The current gynae that I'm seeing now is diff from the one who monitored my last miscarriage. I really like my current gynae 'cos she is super gentle and all raves about her fine stitching skills. I like that just in case I need c-sect.

So I'm crossing my fingers that she will be flexible on my request as I really like her.
snowger: yeah, i am under paul tseng.. i had him for my second child. My first one was born in the US. He is awesome. He let me birth without my feet being up on the stirrup the last time. He will not intervene unless you ask for it. He really like your body to do what it is supposed to do.. that is why he has a lot of angmoh patients. He also does not do episiotomy but he lets it tear naturally. He said it is easier to heal that way than episiotomy. He also does homebirth.
sam.. ooo... who is her ballet teacher.. hehe.. i did ballet b4 too.. love to see little girls prancing ard.. hehe..

LuthAdel, wah.. got ppl hao lian stitching one ah.. scary.. tonight i'll go ask my gynae.. haha.. ask her can she NOT use needles, knives and thread.. haha.. if use thread her stiching rating 1 to 10 is wat.. hahaha..
hey, if you gals have very specific instructions about how you want your birth to be, you can do up a birth plan and give to your gynae. I did that and it worked out great. Paul tseng and the nurses (the hospital will have a copy of the birth plan) do follow what i specified.

if you already have a pediatrician in mind, you can also put it down on the birth plan and they will call the pediatrician when your baby is born. I had a good one who is very pro-bfg and hence when my DS had bfg jaundice, she was so encouraging. It was especially helpful during the jaundice scare. My son's jaundice level was very high. If anyone wants her contact, i can give.
Does Paul Tseng has any package? If so, how much are we looking at. My boss used him for her birth 2 years ago and she did suffered bad tear and yet happy.

I'm thinking if my current gynae is not comfortable with my request, I may switched to Paul Tseng.

aiya she did not praise herself but I found out form various forums. Most of the mummies there raves about her stitching skills. I'm very vain mah, so in case got to go for C-sec I want the scar to be as thin as possible :p

Frankly speaking, she is a very nice gynae and in fact I'll feel sad if I have to change.
LuthAdel: Paul Tseng used to do packages (when I had DS) but now when I asked the nurse, no more packages. His fees for delivery is $1500. For the visits, you pay according to what you "used".. so if no scan, $50+gst, if scan, add another $30+gst. I always want to scan cos want to see baby mah. He delivers at both Mt Alvernia and TMC.

Here is one wonderful birth story i was reading today by someone who had him

LuthAdel, i think sometimes this forum cannot totally believe la.. haha.. classic example is the confinement catering.. hehe.. well.. if mine tells me things that i dun like to hear tonight.. haha.. i will change lor.. coz i find the most impt is to be comfortable with the gynae..
Hey mamamamia,

Me too !! I had my 2nd girl in the States !! The gynaes there are very pro natural .. a lot of my friends tore cos they prefer NOT to perform an episiotomy.
Wow Samantha, you gave birth in the States...does that make your 2nd child a US citizen?

Phylicia: I agree with you. Cos what's mentioned in the forum are personal opinions sometimes so it depends. I have a friend who loved her confinement catered food but some people in forums said it's not nice. It all depends.

Btw, any Mommies bought breast pumps yet??
hello all mummies.. i am a newbie here.
First time mummy, so getting very gan chiong and scared at times. My EDD is on 29 Dec, seeing Dr Tham fr KKH. In my 12 weeks now, and not much of MS, but today suddenly whole day puking away like a merlion.. wonder if this is normal?
yeah, she has both American and Singapore citizenship. she has to make a choice when she's 18 .. duh, I'd rather she be an American citizen and a Singapore PR .. it'll be cheaper and easier to send her to the states for university education. we'll see la .. long time more to go .. lol.
samantha: yeah, i had a totally wonderful birth experience there for my DD and so when i got pregnant with my DS after i came back, i want to find a gynae who is also pro natural. I went to a couple of gynae and then settled on Paul Tseng.
Pris, I bought one avent manual breast pump at robinson sale cos my colleague said avent brand not bad.. i tot of buying the electrical one but scared waste money if later no breast milk after giving birth. I also bought one avent steriliser at mothercare cos got discount.
Welcome Chantalle!

A birthplan is something that you decide for yourself when you are in labour B4 labour.. And that your health providers are agreeable to follow it.. in layman terms its like the Admin Programme for an event. and its is the Best Case Senario and there is not complications of any sort.

THen for emergency, its the Wet Weather Programme. I heard that some Drs will ask for a back up plan. but usually is on the spot. e.g. do you wanna c-sect? induce? etc..

Well, we all hope for the best.. hehe.. i dunno how painful labour would be.. i dunno how big my baby is going to be before birth and i dunno if the umbilical cord will be ard baby's neck not *touchwood*.. haha.. so these things must see how lor.. but good to communicate when we are SANE.. hehe
haha.. ladies.. i'm weird, i'm also a control freak plus perfectionist.. haha.. so i tend to like things very much in control and i need to know whats going to happen next.. but since i got pregnant, ppl keep asking me questions that i dun have answers to.. so i'm learning to be less morbid and also to let go a little.. hehe.. my temper still sucks but i find myself more patient but i still jump, run, hop ard as usual.. i keep telling my colleauges, i'm pregnant not disabled!! hehe..

pregnancy is weird!! It really changes a person!
shirley: don't be afraid of not having breastmilk. It is usually the exception rather than the rule that one does not have breastmilk. What you have to try to do is to keep feeding. Don't forget, the milk may not come in till the 3rd or 4th day, in the meantime just keep letting baby suck the colostrum. A lot of people gave up after a few days because they thought they have no milk.
Paul Tseng..super Handsome leh. If my gynea is him, i let him do whatever he wants leh. LOL

my gynea to me, i find him handsome la but got residing hairlin...can kok his head.
Here is my birth plan for my two kids if anyone is interested...

Specific desires for Labor
No pain medication during labor
Active labor (walking, rocking etc.)
Birth in position mother is most comfortable
Delivery assisted by father
No vacuum extraction (discuss at time of possible use)
Small tear preferred over episotomy
Cord cut after pulsation is complete (by father)
Baby to breastfeed immediately to assist in natural delivery of placenta

Specific desires for Baby:
Pediatrician - xxxxxxxx
Newborn to stay with parents at all time
Breastfeeding only; absolutely no bottles, pacifiers, artificial nipples, formula or water
Thanks Phyl and Mamamia for sharing! Oh no.. this is all so chim! I dun think i can digest so fast! I am still trying to cope with my body changes and I really take my hat off for all the mummies here who appeared so cool and knowledgeable and know what to expect. Yeah being pregnant really changes my life and character. Hope to learn more from everyone here!
I share the similar views as you in your birth plan

We are having a gathering on 5th July, do post if you'll keen to join. The list of attendees are right at the top of this thread
Thks for inviting Luthadel!I'll be around Vivo that day too.. just to share; Mine was a surprised pregnancy.. I was in the midst of preparing my wedding and found out i was preggy at the same time.. stress level really shot up. I have to alter my gown size!! Sobz.. wonder how big the tummy would be already?? I think many guests will also gossip.sighzz

Hey Mei Lik, I agree! He is charismatic lah. You just get attracted.

He did not give me multi-vits until aft 12 wks. When I told him no appetite, he said "Nvm, as long as your baby is growing well.". So if you looking for practical, straight in the face gynae, Dr Tseng will be the one. He was also the gynae who will speak your fears aloud (I was spotting and he said maybe it's natural miscarriage. But he proposed to do blood test to see if it is). I guess most gynae won't even broach the subject of "miscarriage unless necessary.

Adel, I spent about $300+ seeing him on the first consultation (due to the various tests, scans and well it was a last minute appt cos I was spotting). I braced myself for the 2nd visit. But it was affordable. The fees are as what mamamamia mentioned.

Can I copy your birth plan please, mamamamia? btw, when is your EDD? Mine is like 15 Dec at the moment.
