(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

Hi reddates,

actaully bogeh good lei.. then their baby teeth drop later??

Both my boy teeth come out in 5th mth.. Dunno in future will drop early anot..

rec'd e cap w thanks. v nice!

envious leh..ervin guai guai wears it. Aiyoh, my notti aydan, takes it off n throw on e floor EVERYTIME i put it on! -_- thinks he hates wearing caps. waste $ again

thks for sharing on e biscuit puffs, aydan simply looves it! to e pt tt he eats non-stop n cry when i take it away leh..keke

mummies gg for e trial on mon, anyone wants Happy Belly brown rice cereal? got a new unopened tin to give away coz my boy doesnt like cereals..
Dear Mommies,
There are still some timeslots available for 29 Aug (12-1pm)session. Pls sign up if you are keen.

Trial: Biligual Speech & Drama + Music Movement (English & Chinese)

Sat, 29 August 12noon - 1pm

4)Jinomo (Nov 08 Thread) - tentative
8) Izu*

Sat, 5 Sept 2pm - 3pm
1) Izu *
2) Evanmummy - Pls pm me your info
3) Echt
4) Ikeike - Pls pm me your info
5) LuthAdel
6) Esthers
7) joanne81
8) crabbieong
[Waiting List: Lemonade88]

Well, every mummies would want their bbs to grow progressively rite, hehee....not tat she's not growing, eating and drinking well, getting heavier and can attempt to stand on her own holding on to the sofa or other thing.


Yah lor, coz they only tell me what they r actually offering me on Wednesday mah.

Hiaz, 1 is regular time, almost double salary after calculating the profit sharing, the other is irregular timing, exponential income, no fixed working time, no boss to report. Hard to choose leh
ya i more concern on other development then tooth.. haha..

bogeh also very cute lar..

BTW i receive my iherb parcel liao. I order my stuff on sun and receive today.. iherb fast hor..

I'm concern of other development, but hor my gal super slow on her teeth leh, think my boy faster. But very cute lah, laughing/smiling bogeh.
eh, not really leh cos zach onie has 2 teeth when he turn 8mths.. n he was really super duper cranky! he woke up to cry from 2am til 5am tis morning. Guess it was really painful for him, cos he was actually very sleepy (he cried with his eyes closed) and he kept using his head to push me, sign of frustration..yet i cant do much except to let him latch n latch n latch..
kiky, if i were u, i will stay on, cos the money is alr there at ur face and summore ur relationship with ur current bosses is not sour.. hehe.

do not cos is boys har?? then i dunno liao..

maybe in my family genes. My sil gal have tooh on 5th mths also. Though my bro son later..

Did u try to rub teething gel on the gum?

u may wan to consider to stay on 1st with that good pay and do some aprt time property 1st. Till u have the circle of client liao then quit to do full time? Wat u think?
i went n buy a pacifier juz now from robinsons, dunno if he wants or not. Ltr during dinner will pop by guardian to buy teething gel (dentinox or first teeth ah?)

Had a big fight with my boss when I tender, but after that ok liao lah. Still let me go Taiwan for the Sales team company trip. Had put in alot of effort and sweat in my property biz, and results is showing liao, tat's y hard to choose

Hee..the agreement is tat no moonlighting if I choose to stay on, coz my company believe in giving employees ample rest. They dun 1 me to be set a bad example for my team and bad impression when going out to c customers, whether u r selling steel or property. I have close deal for my property liao, on hand got a property to market.
wow, so many posting .. Super busy .. meeting after meeting ..so many battle at work and home !!

Evan still toothless.. Japooh, Ervin has so many teeth already ..wow!!

Evan is also super cranky .. his entire gum is swollen .. I use my finger to feel and I can feel like teeth everywher.WHY huh? possible? maybe all teeth cut thru at the same time? very strange but non is cutting thru ..so irritating ..

My mom is the greatest leh ..
Cos my maid left and no one does housework .. she woke up 6 am this mornin to wipe the floor and get everything ready for Evan .. I'm so TOUCHED !! mummy the greatest !

My hubby now contemplating getting a younger maid w/o kids.. maybe one of my maid prob is tat she has too much baggage wit her.. her sis, daughters all kept calling.. maybe she misses home ..and wanna go home .. SIANZ ..
how ?? married with kids or single ?

Polo Ralph:
I'm so busy at work and maid issue .. totally forgotten abt POLO sales.. any gd buy?

evan loves tat biscuit too .. Tara's mummy bb also loves it .. hehehe..

yup, i got your PM on shoo shoo .. will order this weekend ..sorry was busy battling with maid issue ..

Ur Ervin really win hands down in growing teeth. Hehe... My gal is 10.5 months but still 2 bottom teeths onli.


Talking about non-cutting through teeth. My gal upper teeth have not cut through for 3 months liao & the best thing is now her bottom side teeth are growing.

Younger maid without kids may be worse. I know of some who are here on a hidden agency. Find a local man. Then she will start giving alot of nonsense.

My suggestion is to find 1, around 30 with children above 5 yrs old. Best not to have ex HK or Taiwan experience cause they are treated very well there hence they will ask this ask that.
Dear Ah Bur,Ethanmy, JLow, Jinoma & Lemonade,

The session for 29 Aug at 12noon has been officially confirmed - got 5 pax liao.

Confirmation email shall be sent by Stage & Such to you.

Just to share my neighbour has a FANTASTIC helper and she is single, not married and of cos without kids.

I tend to think their age does not matter as long as they are willing to learn and can take care of the baby v well... But for helpers wo kids, u will need time n patience to train. My neighbour took about 4mths to train the maid. She got the maid before her maternity and trained her thru the 4mths she is on ML. btw, the maid is with her for 4 yrs alr.

If not, getting one with experience in children will be good.
Hi gals
feeling damn fedup at work recently. Think its time for a change. sigh.. Hubby still not well... his on-off fever went on for a 3rd wk liao. been to A&E twice. did blood test twice. Doc can onli cfm its not dengue and tat its viral fever. other than tat no conclusion. Haiz.. see him like tat i also pity him.. then he cannot come near bb.. so i gotta coax her all by myself (when maid is bz la)... super sian sia..

paisay.. jus need to vent abit...

Just to share:

My prev 2 maids are of Indo 24 yrs and Filipino 42 yrs. 24 yrs single. 42 yrs ex taiwan w 6 own kids. Currently my maid is 26 yrs with 1 kid. The current one I m most satisfied w. Young, energetic and married w kid. With own kid, she had experience in taking care of baby. If maid is single, she may not have the experience. Dun reali recommend ex taiwan or ex Hk. They are too experienced and they come here to enjoy life rather than to work. Over in TW, they are more relaxed so cant keep up w the pace here. Personally, I prefer Indo. They dun have hps and they dun talk back. My filipino requested to keep HP and thus saw her using HP every few hrs when carrying baby.

Hope ur hubby get well soon. My hubby also down with viral fever in may, even admitted to ICU. Scare the hell out of me. I know this kind of feeling.

2nd baby,

Feel the same as u, prefer Indo maid.

Big Blocks,

Just received my Big Blocks ordered from BP. Think tmr can build together with my gal. Me so excited now.
his eye okai le mah? op le mah? hope things will be better for you. my hub also sick.. siao one. i think the air not good ba. but dun be unhappy ya! stay strong and bad things will pass soon! very very soon! ^____^ *hugs* Monday u joining us?
you are wrong leh.. my indo maid from TW come to singapore talk back to my family leh! like my mum that time keep rushing for work.. and my mum say faster faster take things.. here and there cus she late liao. then she will replied "mdm ah.. if you wan to be late, then next time come down early lor" Wah.. my mum was super angry. especially she very late liao.. hahah

and today. i ask my maid to help me take stroller to the bus stop. she keep asking me not to take stroller and ask me to CARRY zy out only without the stroller and just a bag. and i told her.. OK.. then when baby sleep how? put where?! i carry All the way ah? then she ah.. ahh.. ahh Okai lar.. She very funny one. she like quite KPO. saying like going to cry liao leh. you still want to go out ah.. like kinda control my life like that. -___- and give me a face liao.. "you sure you going out huh" then i was like THEN?! i need to go out.. how?! kaoz! faints..

Anyway.. my gal is taking in friso gold stage 2 liao. im happy! and im increasing scoops to not so dilute milk. ^____^ previously was 3 scoop 150ml.. now 4scoop 150ml. haha
PM u my shooshoos orders. 3 pairs (1x19.95 &amp; 2x7.95). thanks!

here's e biscuits
bought both apple &amp; banana flavours, butcant taste e diff..haha..it's just like our breakfast cereals, yummy..

hope ur hubby gets well soon
Hi Echt
Where u bought it?
I saw them online at Amazon when i wanted to buy Happy Bellies cereal. Its the same brand as this biscuits. Vitakids at Paragon?
echt, how much u bought the biscuits at harborfront organic shop? it is selling at USD3.39 online, wondering it will be cheaper to order online.
ikeike, I pass u the similac
U gg JG on Mon?

Fabbie, its reali luck to get gd maid lor. That's y not recommended to hire ex TW or ex HK.

Ypg, big blocks looks reali interesting. But I gave it a miss cos of space constraint. Jumperoo, walker, walk n ride car, inflatable bouncer, hi chair, bumper mat, storage drawers n boxes of toys... taking up lots of space in the house liao.
I think getting a good maid really depends on luck.

My previous maid also indo, fr West Java, 36 yrs old, married with kids. But got attitude problem. Work for me for 2 mths, then i fired her.

Current maid also indo. Work for me for 8 mths le. Young and single, fr East Java, hv experience taking care of kids back in Indo though it's not stated in her bio-data, fast learner (her english quite good now), humble and got initiative. We r v happy to hv her with us.

If want to employ indo maid, i will recommend to choose maid fr East Java. So far, I heard bad reviews on indo maids fr West Java.
2nd bb, at least u hv 2 kids, so not tat bad. I onie got 1 and my hse is alr full liao.. duno how to manage. I must wait til my maid comes and then ask her to help me tidy the hse liao..duno whr to hide all his stuff!
What is inflatable bouncer??

ooh gals btw, i went to robinsons yesterday (raffles city), got big selection of shoes leh! Eyes open big big..haha. n their toys section, alot of leapfrog toys! Got a blackberry like toys too.. so tempted to buy. N i envy one woman whose basket is full of toys..sigh
Hi Izu,
alamak, tot the 29th class not confirm...any mommies want to take over our slot cause we can't make it to the 29th class. sorry izu, paiseh..thanks on your effort in co-ordinating the class!!
Inflatable bouncer? Is it the type carnival have? But super big at outdoors type?

Big block is great! I have only do up the 1st setup (Playhouse) &amp; we have so much fun in doing it. Yes, we, cause me n my hubby enjoy it as well. Another 12 more setting to go.

It dun have sharp edge, plastic material &amp; big enough, so very baby friendly. The colour also very attractive.

Also, I put it on the bumpermat. So wun take up too much space. As for my playyard, it is easy to assemble &amp; disassemble so not so much of space constraint. I sell the jumperoo cause now my gal dun like to jump at all. Think she is over the jumping stage.

Here to tempt u:


My bb also got viral fever recently went to a&amp;e once and seeing PD 2 for times, bb is recovering and hope your husband get well soon.

Viral fever:
My bb down with high fever for 3 to 4 days, his temperature was between 38.5 to 39.5c for all the times, after taken paracetamol his temperature still unable to suppress.

Day 1 : bb temperature started with slightly fever in the morning, feed him paracetamol but his temperature was going up to 39.5c in the midnight. We rushed him to KK a&amp;e but doctor can't detected what is causing the high fever and suspected may due to flu then prescribe paracetamol and flu medicine. Doctor mentioned will prescribe TAMIFLU in next visit if fever up to 41c or bb fever not subside after 4 to 5 days.

Day 2 to 3 : Brought bb to PD at day 3 since his temperature remains above 38.5c after medicine, still no symptoms of flu then decided to take all the test for him for H1N1, urine infection and blood test in dengue. All test results in negative but PD confirmed from the blood test result some reading showed that bb got viral fever.

Day 4 : Fever was subside in the afternoon and has rash appeared on his face.

Day 5:Rash was appeared on all his face and body quite badly.

Day 6 : Rash started to subsided from his face to body.

Bb feels very discomfort for whole week especially during night time, he can't sleep well for longer then one hour, he rolls over on his bed and cried for every night from 1am till morning.
Husband and I almost fall sick due to lack of sleep at night and still need to work during day time, appreciated my nanny suggests to look after bb for one night and we can get into a good sleep for that night.
Bb is recovering now except totally rejected all foods and drinks started on day 3, PD says his throat was infection causing by the viral fever. We used syringe to pump all drinks into his mouth and he cried very badly each feeding.
Dear Mommies,
There are still some timeslots available for 29 Aug (12-1pm)session. Pls sign up if you are keen.

Trial: Biligual Speech &amp; Drama + Music Movement (English &amp; Chinese)

Sat, 29 August 12noon - 1pm

4)Jinomo (Nov 08 Thread) - tentative
8) Izu*

Sat, 5 Sept 2pm - 3pm
1) Izu *
2) Evanmummy - Pls pm me your info
3) Echt
4) Ikeike - Pls pm me your info
5) LuthAdel
6) Esthers
7) joanne81
8) crabbieong
[Waiting List: Lemonade88]
My boy just came back from his 9th mth assessment and the PD is really pleased with his overall. Weight 9.08Kg &amp; length 73cm. Now he is in the 75% percentile

the big block look sooo great! how much you bought? see that you put on the bumpermat will it cover the whole of the mat? cos my place is really small after the mat not much space liao
Hi Izu,

Pls pm me if my slot is confirmed, thxs!

Trial: Biligual Speech &amp; Drama + Music Movement (English &amp; Chinese)

Sat, 29 August 12noon - 1pm

4)Jinomo (Nov 08 Thread) - tentative
8) Izu*

Sat, 5 Sept 2pm - 3pm
1) Izu *
2) Evanmummy - Pls pm me your info
3) Echt
4) Ikeike - Pls pm me your info
5) LuthAdel
6) Esthers
7) joanne81
8) crabbieong
[Waiting List: Lemonade88]
eh. there's a 9month assessment? lol. must go n check the health booklet - i usually write the appts on a post it n stick it on the cover.

I bought it for $149. It din cover whole of the bumpermat. It sounds expensive but if u think it as a big lego set, u wun think it is expensive. Cant imagine paying how much just to get such a big size of assembled set-up. Also, it is true that guys love legos, my hubby can hardly contain his excitement &amp; keep changing to different set-ups.

Also, u can do up 13 different set-ups according to the manual. My hubby has done up the playhouse, living room, make up room + seat, airport runway, kitchenette. I just bought a few kitchen appliances, false food toys &amp; transfer it to a kitchen set-up.

U can even do up a table for ur child to write on it, an easel stand for ur child to draw on it too. U can save $ &amp; space on getting these individually.


My gal never go for 9 months assessment, KKH just give us an appointment at her 11 months or rather 1 yr assessment. But we just assess her ourselves based on the health booklet criteria. It is supposed to be done by the parents actually.
