(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

Way to go! This kind of maid, let her go n serve other mean employers then she will know!
My maid, although hardworking and is a fast learner, sometimes she will kind of no big no small too, i called the agency explaining to them what happened and she told me, aiya, u r tooo nice to her oredy la!! I know u wanna treat her as a family, but sometimes maid is maid, gotta have a borderline too..so ytd i told her i wanted to talk to her (in the end didn't cos no time), she was a bit scared lor...til this morning guai guai one...

Stella, ask u, when u want her to do something, how do u ask? For me i used to say:" Can u help me do this..." then i kenna scolded by the agent, saying that i'm paying her, i'm her employer and she is there to help me, what for i make it as a favor from her? And she can oways say No le..so ytd onwards, i changed my attitude to her, more firm and not as nice, and it worked so far..

jo, i m ok with the original timeslot that you have arranged. Not to create confusion, u juz take care of the slot you coordinate lor..let izu coordinate for the remaining 2..then no conflict..hehe

stella, good for u!! It's high time u send ur maid off. No point to succumb to threatening.. rach, ur maid so far so good?

sam, jo, the boss that gave me black face is actually the Head of Department.. super bo liao. Tink the whole world owe him a living. I can jolly well surf net the whole day n not do my work but the fact that i m still working and still coordinating things to ensure the smoothness of project etc etc..damn sian. if i know i shuld hv juz go ahead and leave earlier than planned. dun care abt handover.
morning ladies
im on MC again. die la. tis mth dono how many daes liao.

having urticaria. whole body from head to toe look like patchy pink panther. kips coming n gg off since tues. todae cant go work coz my whole face swollen due to it. how to assist my patients? sianz. told my colleague im allergic to work. lolx. lucky ting its not contagious but i gotta kip popping pills and making mi damn drowsy. =(

sori, yet to transfer u $$. will do so u in a while k. when i less drowsy. =)

some maid juz dono how good life they having at d moment. wait till they get a nasty employer sia.
sigh is also abt internal issue .. with my MIL stuff lah .. complainin this and that abt her ..

And i told her that only make call atter 6 p.m .. then my MIL complainign that she has been on the phone ..so I asked anything urgent frm ur family ..is everyhing ok .. then she said ya .. ok ..

Then i askd her do you remember the agreement we made .. abt making calls only after 6 p.m .. then why is my MIL telling me u been on the phone vry long and almost every day ..

sigh, its time to let her go ..don think she appreciates me.. the only thing I'm worry is abt work .. cos i need to make sure the next maid can help out ..

Was contemplating of sedning evan to IFC but again .. bcos of his eczema.. i dont think i can ..
Wah tendered liao har...Good for u!! Your new company, are they hiring somemore?

All this talk abt trial class/playgroups, i have nothing to contribute le...

My maid so far so good lor, but really, cannot be too nice also...else she will for sure climb on ur head and pee..this is what i have learnt so far. Must be firm!! The agent told me having a maid is like teaching a small kid, needs lots of patience!!

Oh yea, they also told me, during her off days (if any), DUN ask her when she will be home, TELL HER when u want her to be home..so much to learn sia, if they didn't tell me, i will for sure make that mistake!!
stella, if dun wanna send to IFC, consider bbsitter lor. Last time i oso dun like bbsitter but now Zach's current one is good that makes me eat my own words. Mabbe she has 6kids of her own (all grown up) so she loves kids. Zach is so much sociable (even more than when he was in IFC)..keep blabbing non-stop, they taught him to clap hands, sing song, play wif toys etc etc.. is good.

rach, u're in HR rite? me not in tat line so dunno if they're hiring but i can see my current org wanna hire or not..haha
Hi Kath.. Ok

Settle on this.

Trial: Biligual Speech & Drama + Music Movement (English & Chinese)
Date: 05 Sept
Time: 12noon to 1pm
1) Jowinbaby
2) Doris ( jowinbaby friend)
3) Zachmummy
4) Fabbie
5) Xuelyn
6) Snowger
7) 2nd bb ** I take it as you confirm hor =P **
8) Ivy ** Have not confirm, let me know again**

Trial: Biligual Speech & Drama + Music Movement (English & Chinese)
Date: 05 Sept
Time: 10.30am class
Status: CONFIRM on this class too.

Hi jowin,

I'm sure the 10.30am class is confirmed. The two time slots given to me are new timing. Per the latest posting by Esther at 9.06am today, we can take the list as the latest update for the Stage & Such Trial Classes.

M happy to coordinate these three time slots (29 Aug 12-1pm; 5 Sep 12-1pm & 5 Sep 2-3pm)if you are ok.

For 5 Sep 10.30 timeslot, pls send a message from your end to confirm with those mommies. Once confirmed, I could take over and consolidate with the rest of three timeslots. What do you think? Let me know if u are ok.

Meanwhile, the latest list as follows:

Trial: Biligual Speech & Drama + Music Movement (English & Chinese)
Date: 05 Sept
Time: 12noon to 1pm
1) Jowinbaby
2) Doris ( jowinbaby friend)
3) Zachmummy
4) Fabbie
5) Xuelyn
6) Snowger
7) 2nd bb
8) Ivy

Sat, 29 August 12noon - 1pm


Sat, 5 Sept 2pm - 3pm
1) Izu
2) Evanmummy
3) Echt
4) Ikeike
5) LuthAdel
6) Esthers
Hi jowin,

you are so fast. thanks for confirming.

I shall coordinate the two timeslots (Aug 29 12-1pm and Sep 5 2-3pm) then.


Thanks...help me find out please? Thanks!!
Hi Bur
Confirm your slot on 29 Aug

Dear Mommies,
Latest list update on Stage&Such Trial Class:

Trial: Biligual Speech & Drama + Music Movement (English & Chinese)

Sat, 29 August 12noon - 1pm


Sat, 5 Sept 2pm - 3pm
1) Izu
2) Evanmummy
3) Echt
4) Ikeike
5) LuthAdel
6) Esthers

For mommies listed here, please revert pm me with the following info
Please confirm and PM me your details
1) You Name
2) Baby Name
3) Mobile No.
4) Email
Hi Izu
The 10.30am class that was originally organise was being break up, I do not Know that if its still confirm anot.

I just sent an email to Simran that i confirm with her on 10.30am and 12pm class on 05 Sep already.

Nevertheless, I will continue to organise the original slot for 05Sept 10.30am and 12pm slot, to avoid confusion.

You can handle the new dates and timing that you receive from Simran, directly with her

Arrgh .. ANGRY:

I went to talk to my maid and guess wat, she refused to answer me!! Wah, like i mistreated her all these while .. I'm totally disapointed and so reluctant now to invest my relationship with another maid .. OMG !!

but what are my other options ..

Kath, how did u find a baby sitter?
Hi Jowinbaby,
Really there's a breakup for the 10.30am time slot? What do you mean? Let me know how i can help.

As understood from Simran, she gave me new timeslots. At any rate, she told me that as long as we have 5 pax to a class, the timeslot shall be confirmed.

In this instance, shall send a note to confirm with Stage&Such for Sep 5 2pm - 3pm timeslot.

Sat, 5 Sept 2pm - 3pm
1) Izu
2) Evanmummy
3) Echt
4) Ikeike
5) LuthAdel
6) Esthers
NTUC having promotion on diapers again, quite good deals this time. Nepia 2 for $28.95 cheaper than ordering. Pampers and Petpet as well
Trial: Biligual Speech & Drama + Music Movement (English & Chinese)
Sat, 5 Sept 2pm - 3pm

Dear Esther,
Yes. Would require the details now.

For mommies listed here, please confirm and pm me with the following info:

1) You Name
2) Baby Name
3) Mobile No.
4) Email

Trial: Biligual Speech & Drama + Music Movement (English & Chinese)
Sat, 5 Sept 2pm - 3pm
1) Izu
2) Evanmummy
3) Echt
4) Ikeike
5) LuthAdel
6) Esthers
Hi Izu
If you see your 1st post after mine. I confirm the 10.30am on Sept 05 ( This is orginally the wait list for the gals)

You came in posting 2 more classes and asked the 10.30am gals to choose the 2 slots that you got it from Simran.

I am fine with the gals to choose again. But i got confused as this was not discussed with me and suddenly the 10.30am class was split up and i do not know if the class still valid anot.

Nevertheless, now, the 10.30am class is confirm.
stella, my bbsitter was recommended by my friend. it's her childhood fren's mom.. so i was quite 'fang xin' to put zach wif her cos she came highly recommended and the previous child that she took care of since birth is a special need bb too.

Prior to finding her, i actually went to the provision shop near my area n ask the owner to help me ask ard.. i received alot of responses from bbsitter ard the east expressing interest leh. U will be surprised leh at the power of word of mouth. U need to go down to each of these nanny's place to interview see the character etc. U can assess bit by bit lar. The first bbsitter we went to, we both dun like her. She talk too much.. keep telling us how good she is in handling bb etc. If she is good, dun hv to tell me, cos i can see it myself. n she say she will bring Zach out to market everyday etc. The worse thing is she knows everyone in her block n next block cos she was telilng me which floor owner sold his house for how much. Super kepoh leh.. imagine if i let zach go wif her..he will be making his rounds wif her. Hahaha..

so much stuff to do ..sianz .. I dont have much faith in maid now .. sigh, wat a timing .. when I'm so busy at work ..and mom gettin tired in helpin out .. ( though she didnt say anything but could feel it) ..

arghhhh .. how how how ?
stella, dun fret!! Tink i noe u hv alot on ur plate now.. take it one step at a time. The last round i m also like tat. Alr alot of things to do at work, then his IFC screw up, his allergy flare up, i hv to find alternative soon.. but then things always work out in the end. They always will..so chin up!

Dun fret!! My suggestion is, get ur mom/mil to help up fully for the time being...then slowly source..

Where do u stay? Can ask around for u...
Hi Stella,

Have already made payment to you for JG class. PM u the details already. Can check??

For the Stage n Such..
sorry I cant make it for 10.30am coz it's my bb nap time..scared he too cranky wait disturb others.
Trial: Biligual Speech & Drama + Music Movement (English & Chinese)
Sat, 5 Sept 2pm - 3pm

Dear Esther,
Yes. Would require the details now.

For mommies listed here, please confirm and pm me with the following info:

1) You Name
2) Baby Name
3) Mobile No.
4) Email

Trial: Biligual Speech & Drama + Music Movement (English & Chinese)
Sat, 5 Sept 2pm - 3pm
1) Izu
2) Evanmummy
3) Echt
4) Ikeike
5) LuthAdel
6) Esthers
7) joanne81

u bought the mothercare one also? How big u buy? I bought the 6 to 9mths.. It just slight loose for the shirt. The pants just nice cos Ervin have big butt. Now he abt to outgrown the L size active pampers. Going to upgrade to XL soon.

u knw why is too big for Zach. Cos his mummy slim so he slim also.

Ervin have a fat mummy and he follow mummy fat fat..haha
Alamak, Jowin !!!! u should've smsed me !!! I aldy placed 2 separate orders cos I tot no more mah ... aldy your cousin's stuff got 2 things oos.
jowin, I can cancel the order and make a new one. how many more u want to add? if worth it, then can add on .. I have an hour to cancel. how??
eh.. hello mummies.. I remember got one mummy here sell coach bags.. forgotten who is it.. Can that mummy contact me? I need to get a wristlet for my colleague as a farewell gift. Any ready stock? Thanks
my maid is gone.. and i cant imagine i've started cleaning and i cant cope !! SHIT ..

wow, cant imagine being a stay home mum and doing house chores and takin care of Evan..

My mom said dont think Evan can go with nannny bcos of his skin condition ..need 24 x7 aircon and intensive care ..( like every hour lotion and etc) .. sigh .. come to think abt it .. only my mom and MIL can do it with maid's help ..

arghhhh .. tonight have to start doing laundry myself and tomorrow have to wake up earlier to clean the house b4 gg off to work .. how sianz

wat about a part time maid on weekend.. Laundry u can do a few days once.. Get a dryer...no need to hang the clothings out lor...
