(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs


i see. Actaully i wan to buy bigger size btu fabbie only left 6 to 9mths so i take loh.. Now let him wear liao.. I bought another jean from her but bigger size so that one have to wait longer than Ervin can wear..haha..
Stella...here's how i cope with hsework:
i used to do my ger's laundry everyday till my fingers all crack, now i lazy, jus buy more clothes and wash in the washing machine twice a week.... hahaha...i have a part time auntie that cleans my hse once a week, i'll clean again on wkends...my ger goes to IFC & we go to work,, even wkends we go out, so no one at home, the hse less dirty... hahaha... i still got my cat who is kept in his own room...

can't lor. I am a SAHM. I refuse to do the housework AND take care of my girls ferrying them around etc. So that's why I employ a maid too. So she can do the housework and cooking while I do the driving and babysitting.

I do Zach's laundy once every 2 days - i will use machine under Delicate. If I wash everyday, then it will be handwash. How many set of clothes can they change per day? Max 4 set, few pieces of hanky, pyjamas..so quite easy.
For my laundry, I wash my own clothes once a week but hb's clothes is 2x per week. We kinda got a schedule on whose clothes to be wash which day..haha.

As for house cleaning, I engage part time cleaner 2x a week then on sunday i will clean myself.

Can cope lar.. see how u manage ur time lor..
Hi Ladies,

have reset my profile.

Dear Mommies,
Latest list update on Stage&Such Trial Class:

Trial: Biligual Speech & Drama + Music Movement (English & Chinese)

Sat, 29 August 12noon - 1pm


Sat, 5 Sept 2pm - 3pm
1) Izu
2) Evanmummy
3) Echt
4) Ikeike
5) LuthAdel
6) Esthers
7) joanne81

For mommies listed here, please revert pm me with the following info:

1) You Name
2) Baby Name
3) Mobile No.
4) Email
Hi Jowinbaby,
Sorry there must be a misunderstanding. i realise there was no more timeslot so contacted Stage&Such and they gave me two more timeslots.

M not trying to get anyone to change.

At any rate, hope your 5 Sept 10.30am slot is ok. If not, I'm ok to put my name there and contact some other friends if they be interested.

Let me know.

P.S. No worries about the Sat, 5 Sept 2pm-3pm. There are already more than 5 pax so ok to proceed with group. Stage & Such has also confirmed.
SAM, i wan to bang against the wall...
forget to look thru the " newborn" page on gymboree n found many nice one on discount..

just my luck, stop me from spreeing more.. LOL
Hi Izu
Its ok. gal.

The 10.30am on 05 Sept shd be ok. As long as have 5, can start

No prob.
Trial: Biligual Speech & Drama + Music Movement (English & Chinese)

Sat, 29 August 12noon - 1pm


Sat, 5 Sept 2pm - 3pm
1) Izu
2) Evanmummy
3) Echt
4) Ikeike
5) LuthAdel
6) Esthers
7) joanne81
8) crabbieong
AIyoh, last night SMH down today all 5th Sept slots taken liao! mummies here so efficient ... ...
izu I PM you liao

Trial: Biligual Speech & Drama + Music Movement (English & Chinese)

Sat, 29 August 12noon - 1pm


Sat, 5 Sept 2pm - 3pm
1) Izu
2) Evanmummy
3) Echt
4) Ikeike
5) LuthAdel
6) Esthers
7) joanne81
8) crabbieong
Hi gals,
How's everyone? Been feeling damn lousy today.. wat a thursday!! I feel super lousy abt everything.. damn sian.. haiz..

Just saw from FB tat u fire ur maid. Haizz, maid issue can sometimes be quite tricky. Hope ur new helper is a great one. U want to get Indo maid? Perhaps someone from the village instead of from the city, around 30 yrs old, married so maybe less vain?


I beg to differ on wat ur agent say. I treat my maid just the same way as how I want to be treated by my boss. My boss will say can u pls, so I say tat to my maid. I dun think they can refuse to do unless they dun want to get paid. Just like I may dislike wat my boss asks me to do but I wun say no lor. Haha...

I treat my maid with respect, she returns it by giving a smile whenever I say thanks in a casual manner. She knows her madam (me la) says it cause this is my way of doing things. I also said thanks to all who helped me even if I paid them to do work. It is also to show my appreciation of & acknowledge their hardwork. When my gal is bigger, I want her to say thanks to my maid also.

But of course, ur agent has reasons to say that to u cause there are many maids who abuse their employer's kindness.

this is exactly how i've treated her .. LOL .. doesnt work tat way ah .. they "fan lian" anytime .. and didnt bother to say bye bye to Evan .. though she CLAIMED she loves him so much .. as if we this family has mistreated her ..

That is the heartache portion .. i don think i'll ever invest in such relationship wit maid ever AGAIn ..

Then I think maybe my maid is those who are ill-treated by bad employers b4 so she know how to appreciate my kindness.

But actually my colleague who teach me this method even luckier. Hers is new maid but can being with her for 4 yrs liao. Never give her serious problem. Sometimes it is a matter of luck when it come to maid so dun be disheartened by this crazy maid.

Invest in relationship with maid? Hehe... Wat a way to say it. Actually I never do much. Just be myself. Friendly but stern where rules are concerned, quite like the way I treat my students. I dun want to change how I live my way because of the maid.

I also wun treat her nice just cause I want her to treat my gal nice. This will give them negotiation power. I will treat her like how my boss or supervisor treats me. With respect, give incentive when she produced satisfactory performance, give chance but will not tolerate nonsense. But hor, perhaps is 职业病, I will on n off teach her the way to behave. Haha...
wahh!! i been so so busy this couple of wks..wat happen?? the thread moving so fast for me to catch up...skim thur a bit here n there:

wah sam! u organise so many sprees le ah! now i must bookmark u blog to check out ur sprees!

ehh wats the 5th sept thingy all abt?? aniway think i late liao..seems like no more slots le..

kath, u throw letter liao! Jowin u too?! how come so many ppl throwing letter these days???for a moment, i was also tempted to do so last wk! man, wah a wk, my co "intends" to make us work 7days wk! imagine the big outrage! then now they say only tentatively, management still deciding...still it has already cos a lot of unhappiness ard...sianz....

rachel,glad ur maid is here to help u , dun feel too stress out anymore ya.

my boy's in IFC, it definately doesn beat being taken care of at home, but so far so good.. guess everything has its pros n cons. if u can find a good IFC, shd be okie, ask them to pay extra attn n care for his skin condition...actually most IFC nowdays are aircon...in fact my hb worries that Kayson is whole day in aircon later too used to it!
for me, when kayson had super super bad diaper rash, i also pull him out of IFC for 2wks..till today, his diaper rash still always recurring..but he has since been back at IFC & my insturctions to them was NO WIPES! just wash with water & dab dry. Think was hard for IFC to not use wipes at first (they are super used to using wipes, the fast n easy way out), but since then they have also gotten use to following my instructions n use only water to wash. How i koe, cos 1) I took back ALL the wipes, 2) I go down everyday lunchtime still so can check..

Chantalle, which wristlet u looking for? drop me a email if u still need.

Luckily got my hb to help nowdays w the coach stuff as my office work is really overwhelming to cope. Urgent Urgent, everything also Urgent..this word has lost it's value already..so tired n fed up at work...cant wait to get a break..
Dear Mommies,
Latest update:

Trial: Biligual Speech & Drama + Music Movement (English & Chinese)

Sat, 29 August 12noon - 1pm

1)Izu * (TBC)
5)Jinomo (Nov 08 Thread) - tentative

Sat, 5 Sept 2pm - 3pm
1) Izu *
2) Evanmummy - Pls pm me your info
3) Echt
4) Ikeike - Pls pm me your info
5) LuthAdel
6) Esthers
7) joanne81
8) crabbieong
[Waiting List: Lemonade88]
Izu, have PM u the details

Talking abt maid. Brought mine over to my aunt's and what I've got? 2maids keep talking to each other. My orders were ignored or forgotten and she did my aunt's maid chores. My aunt whom is under her maid's reins have to quietly remind me to strictly enforce no long nails and long hair. Cos she cant stop her's from all that and her varnished nails too. And what is scary when I witness how my maid dries my bb after bringing her out from the tub, is to shake her dry!! My goodness!! I asked if she did that to her niece and she replied yes and furthermore baby laughed away.... Haiz... so I held a counsel session and questioned if whether I'm mdm or aunt's maid is mdm. Day1 nia already non stop chatting, think when I'm back in ofc, its going to be same or worse especially when aunt has no control over her maid. Though I "rescued" her from her sposedly bad previous employer, I think they will easily forget one's goodness. Haiz....
Ikeike: Sounds like your maid needs to be "re-educated". If you require help, i can send you something i passed to my maid when she arrived on the 1st day. I stated very clearly my expectations & her duties. Lemme know if you need the file, i can email it to you.

For me, i do not allow my maid to keep long hair or long nails. Luckily, she had short hair when she first arrived so the hair issue is not a problem. I just have to bring her for a haircut when her hair gets longer.

I think if this situation continues, you may have to speak to your aunt's maid too. She has apparently forgotten who's boss.

Kath: You quit too? What happened? Paiseh...haven't logged in for many days so i'm very blur about what happened.
i had a talk with my maid yesterday. I told her i do not like the way she talks to me sometimes, and gave her a daily to-do list. I checked with her if the to-do list (daily chores like cleaning the house, feed Jordan etc, and chores like wiping the furniture, do her own laundry etc on Monday..)is too heavy for her, and she said it's ok.

Hubby said sometimes the words i use when talking to her are very chim, and she dun ustd. So ytd i encouraged her to ask when in doubt, and she asked me what 'laundry' is...

I think how u shd treat ur maid is really up to the maid herself. Ypg if ur maid is OK with u treating her like ur student, then why not? My maid prefers me to write down what she has to do, and she will mark off once she has done.

Just one qn: since u have a maid urself, why not spending some time to train ur maid to take care of ur gal at the comfort of ur own home? In that way u dun hv to lug so many things to ur aunt's hse? Also, the reason why i dun alow my maid to do marketing is becos i dun wan her to talk too much with other ppl.. once they have a common topic (their employer - us, of cos) to complain abt, they will talk non-stop...

Also abt ur aunt's maid, how could ur aunt allow her maid to be so disrespectful?! Her maid definitely needs so re-education...can u step in and tell that maid off? Ask her who is the boss here?

Also, u complained that ur aunt's hse is like a oven?

Can email me the file u gave ur maid too? Thks!!
pris, email me the file u gave ur maid to me? i m also getting a maid but dunno when will she be here..i alr paid the agency since early july..sigh.

I resign cos there is a better offer elsewhere, n i m so sure the grass will be greener over at the dark side thus throw letter!!! Hahahaha
Long time no see u liao... The file u have sounds like a lesson plan. :p

Lolz. Rachel, u so cute to give list. Is she the one you showed us her profile one? It's sometimes true we assume the maid understands wat we are saying. Actually handling maid sounds like an art... like managing people under you. So you have to cater your ways to motivate them to work for u in an optimum manner.

glad tat ur boi's rash is in control. Whilst home is always best, I feel the professionalism of the care-taker is most important. If the care-taker is really good n will do as u say, it does not matter where already.

Haha.. Ur hubby is right. Laundry is too chim for a maid liao. I just use wash clothes, sometimes even point at the clothes I am wearing. Haha...


Love this phrase of u: Cater ur ways to motivate them to work for u in an optimum manner.


I never give checklist cause my maid know wat to be done. I will just to remind her or nag if she forgets. Haha...

But at the end of each month, when we give her salary for the month, me n my hubby will sit down together to discuss her performance & ask about her well-being.

Wonder any1 also do it this way? Hurray! Knock off liao. Can start weekend liao.
Hi gals,

wow all talking abt maid..
Look so stress to have a maid.

Yesterday saw Ervin 6th tooth cutting throu the gum. Now 4 top and 2 bottom.
I think ur ervin is the champion in dec babies le...6 teeth now? Some babies(including jordan)are still bo-geh le...can only see the white marks underneath his gum...doc said he has 2 to 3 teeth coming out at the same time...hmm, can't wait!

Today Friday how come our thread so quiet?
Rach, my ger needs 2pax to feed her. 1clown and 1feeder. Why can't I leave her at home with bb? Cos can't leave FIL n maid alone at home and FIL will not stay home the whole day. My aunt wants baby in her house to entertain her hb. Well, my aunt lost her battle with the maid cos her hb(HEAD of her hse) says this maid is EXCELLENT liao. So even her hb sides the maid then all is said and done liao. I can't step in to discipline her cos I'm not mdm though I reimburse her, but she noes I'm not to be mess with. It's my aunt whom loves her maid so she has to tahan all her nonsense lor. Well, besides these, she is great at housekeeping and entertaining their pets so in that regards she is doing a great jobs... haiz... we can't win all so just have to close one eye.

Pris, I do have a set of guideline. I think its good but when I come to my aunt's place it becomes haywire cos got contaminant here. Nevertheless can I have a copy of yours for reference. Thanku

Jordan too, one clown and one feeder? How well said...now that my maid is alone in the hse with him, i teach her to distract him with toys etc...so far it worked...she told me he eats one bowl of pigeon feeding bowl not sure if it's true...

Now that i have a maid, got to worry more..i keep chking on her on the cameras, and will call home to see if she lies...so far OK..but i dun wanna be too trusting esp when it comes to jordan...

My gal now oso still bogeh leh, she's going to be 9 mth old on the 23rd. thought coming out soon, in the end still cannot feel under her gums.

Work: My boss asked me to stay on, well, consider so long liao still haven't give any ans, the offer they given me is actually very good, dunno how and my last day is 25 Aug. Think over the weekend first then say.
kiky, 25 aug is actually next week leh n u still considering? Hahaha.

I hv to talk to my HR abt my last day.. i calculate here n there still dun make sense to serve such long notice.

Gals, my menses came back leh (i tink)..i hv that menses cramp but no blood flow leh.. there was abit this morning when I wipe, but by afternoon, left brownish spot..cant be so little onie rite? Not even a drop leh.. sian lar. Alr the milk ss is juz nice for zach, i can only imagine if my menses is back, it will dwindle.
