(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

your girl so good girl... sit still let you cut.
Mine.. haiyah.. little worm, cant sit still... I scared I cut his flesh sometimes..
mine notti boy LOL..
His leg nail also very long, and difficult to cut.

hi esther,
my boy oso dun like to sit still. so i cut his finger nail when he is sleep!
n_g/fabbie - dunno y i will hv this dream leh.. Sometimes i think i quite paranoid. Scare anything will happen to my gal.. Do u think this is some kind of depression or wat?

Is your hubby still there? Can you confirm if there are high chairs and more toys? Coz our Nov mums went in the morning and found exactly 5 FP toys only. If have, then we go. Thankx.
really ah.. so jialet huh the sale.. kao. then make me so excited about it. lol

i wanted to ask you. so hows ya jumperoo? got it le mah?
Hehe... boy is notti lah I guess..
Whn he zzz I did try, and this notti worm, still moving. He wants to flip to zzz lah, side zzz lah.. haiyah. If I never touch him. He keep still.
Sometimes I dont care,I cut his nail when he is awake, force him.. and he doesnt like it (me very bad mommy)

Oh ya mommies, anybody know when is Gucci sales?
My friend thinking to get bags, asking me when ithe sales is.
hi, jus came back from FP sale. got highchair & jumperoo leh.

jumperoo - $200

got highchair, take along swing, booster seat (think $60), rocker, potty (think $50)
Hi echt n ikeike
oh.. nothing there ah.. then i dun go le..
aiya.. have the drum set.. shd have ask Echt to help me buy :p

seem not worth for me to travel all the way from East..

Lets wait for rachel & phyl's update.. she is going rite?
i only saw these 3 toys at FP sale

1) Little Superstar™ Bop ’n Beats Drum Set - $20

2) Little Superstar™ Jammin’ Band™ Piano - $30

3) Laugh & Learn™ My Pretty Learning Purse
Heya all!

Was still thinking of going to the FP sale but luckily read the reviews here say not worth going. Must be 老天爷 telling me to stop shopping cos i am exceeding my baggage limit liao..

Happy to know your boy okie. My gal also fell off the bed, threw up somemore. In the end rush to A&E but she turns out fine. So dun worry ya? If no throw up, or lose consciousness, shd be fine

i must say your gal very good! can sit and let u cut her nails. when i try to cut avery's nail, even when sleeping she will wiggle here wiggle there. :p

All the mummies talking about buying jumperoo and exersaucer etc really make me envious.. think my baby 没福气 cos mummy never buy such toys for her..
Dun try to scared urself. Cheer up!

I hug him tight using my arm when cutting his finger nail while he is sleeping. So even he move oso won’t b tat big action (da dong zuo) so I can stop on time before cut his finger. My boy oso like notti worm, no matter hug, lying or sitting in his bumbo chair/walker oso like to move here move there.
jowin, how much is it retailing for item 1 & 2? i dun know the price selling outside but i bought item 2 cos i cannot go home empty handed! haha
Hi aurorin,
Thanks. 
Hope he will b fine. Lively n happi as usual.

Heeheehee, my baby oso no expensive toy. His mummy a bit conservative in $$$ spending. Living in small hdb :)P), n my SIL had many preloved toys (she bought for his son), n think tat some baby stuff (as long as not for consumption) buying 2nd hand more worth it since baby out grow very fast, I oso din buy a lot of things for him. Must save a bit for raining day. Guess me lack of 安全感 in $$$ issue.
oh $69.90!!! i saw phyl when i was abt to leave. never call her cos i was rushing, hehe... cos a friend there and he offered to drive me home so no chance to talk to her.
iris, wat time were u there?
kns, went there earlier but got nthg much leh.. u mean they push out more stuff after tt? hmph~ i specifically asked e sales pple there if got more thgs, n they said thereabt liao..

i wanna get e jumperoo! keke.. maybe asked hubby go get now, since he got e car & we working quite near e place. dunno whether he will scold me nt *cross fingers*
hehe.. same same here.
I dont have bumbo chair, usually I put him on his bouncer, but must guard him, if not sure fall off, coz he likes to flip.
I will try your method, hug him tight =) and cut those sharp nails..

n_g Hope your bb ok. Maybe next time zzz must put your bolster, pillow surround him.
Thats what my aunt do to my boy, she will take all my pillows, boster, even the quilt to sorround him.

Re Toys,
Me also seldom buy toys, the only toys I bought is the gym and the one that Robinson on sales (forget the name) similar to gym got star2 one.
ahhh... i wanna get that purse toy!! look so cute and fun! who can help me get ah??
hey aurorin, dun say ur bb mei fu qi!! We dun have to get our babies all the gadgets de mah.. My baby ah, i put her inside the jumperoo she dun even dare to move! Put her inside Bumbo seat, she cry like mad. So forget it, save money no nid to buy. haha
thats only when she know she cut herself too much then she will sit still.. oh ya toe nail i hardly cut. but too long i also will cut lor. but not as often as nails. but hor.. haiz. toe nail also can cut her THIGH! lol

hannor! cannot take it liao.. yup will spend more with her.. and see what can i do next hehe So hows ya BOy? what did doctor say???

Hmm i duno is it depression anot.. for me i felt i keep thinking of bad i felt abit depression. AIya i think whatever we think of our baby good or bad is always depression till we are like siao like that.. lol. dun think so much. USUALLY bad dreams will turn to good de.. so dun have to worry. Hmm or maybe if im u.. i will take note of her more lor.

ya at aust already? aust i think at there quite cheap than singapore ba? my gal do wiggle.. just that theres once she knows her face aka scratch too much so she HOLD. lol infact my mum ask me not to buy TOO Many toys for her.. cus she will not treasure her toys next time.

The toys that you posted is real dirt cheap than outside?? anyone can confirm mah????? if outside is expensive i want to buy! LOL i think i got this bad habit. if outside one is very expensive i will go wack one. cus i think the price quite reasonable?! or the pricing is it the same as outside?

Okai. i saw you all say 69.90 and now selling for 30 bucks?! WACK LIAO LAR.............. hahahah i hope sat still have! T___T
I called Phyl.. she left liao la..
She went with Santorini n carmen.. n they bought the purse toy. !!!!

Item 1 posted by iris is $39.90 at isetan before 30% discount. so after discount abt $28.. jsut $8 cheaper at the warehouse sales lor..

Hi jo81
i wanna get item 1,2 n 3 lor.. haha... cos 1 & 2 are wat i aim at isetan ma...

Seriosly i wonder if shd still go tomorrow morning anot.

Only the three toys which Mimi posted are alot cheaper than outside...The rest like Jumperoo, Highchair, potty are not that much cheaper compared to outside. The purse toy cost $49.90 outside, and is selling for $18 at the sale.

I bought the potty...though it'll still be a long time to go before baby will use it....Got music one leh...nice
LOL same! i also want to get 1 2 3 muhahahha sat just hope theres still got stock. if not too bad.. fated for me not to spend any money hehe
Tara.. oh.. got music one.. haha
u thought of something funny..
tats mean when they drop one poo poo onto the potty. the music will sound?? haha!! like the musical coin bank.. then it will encourage babies to poo into the potty.


wat nonsense m i talking abt...

yeah the potty is like this...


Now your little majesty can enjoy a throne of their own! You’ll love training your little prince or princess with the Royal Potty because it has a reward system built right in, and plays different tunes - a musical reward for your child’s potty progress. The royal potty can also be used attached to a regular toilet seat, complete with royal tunes (not recommended for use on padded toilet seats). And when your child needs to wash up after going to the bathroom, this potty chair converts to a handy stepstool! Perfect for helping your toddler reach the sink! Bowl removes easily for cleanup. Deflector shield included. The chair features removable legs for easy storage.
oh tara.. this is amazing.. really one poo drop in, the music will sound... I really tempted to get it .. haha

Hi Jo81
Ok.. if i m going tomorrow.. PM ur handphone number 1st.. if i m there n see it.. just sms u..
HI Mummies,

Sorry to intrude... From the oct thread and I am trying to organise a group signup for Sean Lau Photography.

Sean Lau Photography

Any mums keen on a group sign up for Sean Lau Photography?
Sean Lau Photography Promo Package

10 babies sign up @ $208 ($30 off Classic Baby Package)
20 babies sign up @ $188 ($50 off Classic Baby Package)

Classic Baby Package
02 Hours Session for your baby with Sean Lau
05 Pictures of 5" x 7" (High Resolution)
01 Reprint on 8" x 12" with Framing (Table Top)
DVD of selected images in High Resolution

*Additional Pax can join in the session for $25/pax instead of $35. If both parents join in for a family protrait,will get an
additional picture worth $30.

If keen please let me know by 30th May and confirm with a 50% deposit payable to the studio.

View his work: www.seanlau.com


got sensor....got toilet seat cover....

and also got music with lyrics to encourage babies to use toilet paper and flush!!!

close up of the magical potty ...

Tara, i wanted to that potty earlier, but mil ask me...what happen if one day the potty dun sing song...will my boi know how to poo poo? kekek..
fwahhh......even better than our adult toilet bowl lol...so cute leh!!
think tmr I go down n get too heheheeh

eh..but for boy need to stand n pee rite..i wonder the deflector shield can remove or not..
hehe the bowl below reminds me of my hamster cage tray
Hey ladies, I back fr fisherprice warehouse sale. Bought the potty and piano toy. For fisherprice toys, only drum ($20), piano ($30) and purse ($18)toys. Jumperoo selling at $200 only. But last set was taken . Fisherprice rainforest swing along at $170. Rocker at $110. Potty - $50. Play gym - $100, Rainforest Hi chair - $200. If wanna get rocker, swing, hi chair.. then can make a trip there. If looking for toys, not worth the trip. Its a small tentage set outside the warehouse so not many things actually.
then LS can only get continous song isit ah?? my hb oso wanted to get the potty, but i stopped him wahahahahah.... now reconsidering ekekekek....

Merydith, nah he was in JP earlier so it was sort of nearby

1st trial:
1 echt & bb - I need ur details urgently. Thanks.
2 Phyl & bb Hayden
3 Bur & bb Cidney
4 jowinbaby & bb Ashlynne
5 pastilies & bb Kayson - PAID
6 zachmommy & bb Zachary - PAID
7 santorini & bb Emma - PAID
8 Xuelyn & bb Summer
9 Lavendery & bb Huiwen - PAID
10 iemik0 & bb Kayson
11 LuthAdel & bb Bryan - PAID
12 2nd bb & bb Claryce

For the 1st trial mummies, no hurry to pay. This is not a post to rush u for payment but a post for myself to keep track.

ECHT: U R WANTED! Hehe... Please PM me ur details asap.

2nd trial namelist (confirmed on 31 May):
1 Rachel
2 Jean
3 joanne81
4 ikeike
5 tamms
6 poohy - PAID, Details given
7 candice - PAID but need ur name, contact, BB name & DOB
8 Jlow
9 stellateo
10 little_rabbit - PAID, but need ur name, contact, BB name & DOB
11 ypg
12 Merydith

Except for poohy, the rest of u never PM me ur details. Ladies, I really need to finalise the namelist to Kindermusik. Thanks thanks.

Think I will give FP sales a miss since u all say nothing much. My bb godfather call me, say it is ok, he will buy my gal other toys during the coming Great Singapore Sales.


Dun bother with 2nd hand. I also buy 2nd jumperoo n 2nd bumbo. We all shop within our means. For some, they can afford it so they buy. For some, they got other commitment so they dun buy. It is ok wat. Remember we all grow up without such jumperoo, bumbo or watsoever.

Ladies, thanks for all ur well-wishes. My hubby can either discharge tmr or on Sat if his blood test is cleared

ypg, i PM u about ur bank details... can't find the thread on ur bank acc, can pls PM me. thanks!
take care of ur hubby & urself!
