(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

iemik0, yr kids childcare centre has outdoor excursion for them. I m sure the kids gonna enjoy. Btw, hw's yr mother's day lunch fr the child care centre?

she gg in d afternoon. tink can Q until siao. hehe.

alot of parents request for lessons out of class so they organise. hehe.

mother's dae lunch - din get to eat there as d noti boi refuse to let go off mi. when they were suppose to perform, he kip crying n pointing to mi so end up sit on my lap n watch d kor kor n jie jie they all perform. clapping n cheering them on. faintz!
he very happy hor. on the plane walker hehe

YEAH its friday!
and now my turn to be sick.. arghz.. i think my gal pass it to me. faints. i think tmw i got to see PD if she still dun wan to drink milk! My mum told me that she doesnt want to drink.. but eat cereal still okai. and whole afternoon like didnt pee! haiz. even we give her milk. she only drink abit only. the most 2oz. haiz. so worried de.. Now she ti ki dun wan to eat med. keep crying and hitting my hand wor.. faints.
fabbie, if clarice no pee, must take note. When my gal had cough and running nose, her intake of milk drop from 170ml to 70ml, so seldom pee also. Her wt also dropped from 7.7kg to 7.35kg. Clarice has phelgm right? So maybe thats y she cant drink milk well at this time. Give her water too.
yeah! its friday... todae is my company volunteer day so will stop working at 10.30 & go do volunteer work in AMK...

phyl... hayden look so cute & happy in his areoplane walker!!!

ypg/kath, me forgot to bring my IB today, will do the transfer tonite.

fabbie, hope clarice & u get well soon..

Hehe... U all quick quick post more so that my HP will be archived. Actually want to give all of u my HP long ago but lazy to PM all or email. So post here.


I want buy crocs shoes too. My mum too. See how later. Cause my hubby maybe can discharge today. Then cant go liao. If not, will bring my mum, bb go expo. I stay bedok. Super near.
Anyone going for Avent sales tomorrow?

Ypg, for the crocs sales, if its too crowded, don't think its advisable to bring your girl along too
Great! I'll bring the formula for you. It is still unopen

Yups, the annual Carnival sales, its at Toa Payoh

Philips Electronics Singapore Pte Ltd
620A Lorong 1 Toa Payoh
Singapore 319762

Think should have Avent, cos every year Avent booth was there. I'm targetting for Early Bird sales for Avent (last year have, but this year don't know). But i dun know what time it starts
lavendry, the sale starts at 10am. i should be going. oh got early bird sale har...... i target to reach there ard 10am after my gynae appt.
This morning when I saw the Philips carnival sales, it kind of reminded me of last year around this time, most of us was undergoing OSCAR or triple test and now all our babies are out! Time flies

Gynae appoint??? Or u refering to PD ?

Last year i remember have, Avent milk bottles, steam steriliser, electric pump selling at very low attractive price, but those are of limited qts.

I heard from my friend (who worked in Philips) that last year, people started queuing outside the Philip gate as early as 9am, targeting for the early bird sales.
Ur baby really enjoy himself oh.

Dun worry, just monitor for another day n if needed bring her to c PD tomorrow. U urself must take care.

i just PM u my details.. will transfer tonight..thanks!


i opting for self collection as usual..will transfer tonight too.. thanks!
u mean force not to give her cereal and make her hungry till she drinks?

Ya she got phelgm.. and yes. like yours lor. intake milk ddrop.. i duno for the weight got drop anot. and whole afternoon till at night no pee de.. how ah.. she drink water like dun wan leh. cus she not use to water leh. =X force her mah?


hopefully lor.. my hub say we got to see her how first.. if still like that. me and clarice tmw go see doc. -____- but i was hoping not to bring her lar.. there so many sickness.. scare will be worst.
Means Avent also got booth there in the Philip Canrival?
The milk bottle? Coz me thinking to get some milk bottle.
Tmr I maybe going (if I can wake up), I wanted to get some milk bottle.

I read from previous post by mommies, start at 9.00 am.
I am at the fp sale just now the potty sold out *sob
So just got the drum set n piano. Hb kept grumbling at me for buying .
Btw The piano stock left 5 sets

Ok Ypg will email u shortly.. Now gg to bring bb for jab keke
esthers, philips carnival sale starts at 9am. hehe... haiz then i cant be the early bird lioa. i also wan to get milk bottles if cheap. wanted to change the whole set for my boy.

merydith, no more potty? guess alot of mummies are willing to spend $60 on a potty. got any other new toys?

dun be sad....take it that you save a bundle by not buying the expensive "tum pui" ....

i still dunno how to tell my hb that i bought that potty....hiaz....i really spent too much on Emma this month.....no more shopping already for the rest of the month!!
Sorry... remember wrongly the time..
So should be 10 am har the sales start..

You going there also..

Me should be going too..
if bring her to c doctor, try to wait outside instead of inside the clinic, cos inside all sick ppl n virus flying ard. When ur q number call up then go in.

just bring back the potty then tell him directly loh. 
sheng mi yi jing zhu cheng shou fan (生米已经煮成熟饭) oledi, wat can ur hubby do? :p
the most nag nag nag. Heeheehee…
thanks for the call.. i call my mum. she told me this morning got pee. then i say better dun give her cereal she say she just now already give liao! -____-

FP sale
Wah.. so little toy left le ah.. i cant believe u gals went to buy the potty. haha good meh?! im trying not to be so gian.. if not will spend again.

ya. that time i did. NOw i see my gal.. i must wear a mask liao. i scare pass back to her again
So correct ha? 9 am?
Haiz..got to get up early.
Me maybe reach around 9.30 like that..
Me also thinking to change the whole set of the milk bottle, actually should change not ha? Coz I heard my fren say change every 6 months..
If change all very expensive..sob sob, hope this sale got really good price.
np. eat liao den nvm la. try to feed milk more frequently. =)

re: kindermusik
anyone received call from them juz now? i was on d line wif my patient n told her to hold on but she went on n on abt details n i din manage to catch any of it. =(
fabbie, try giving her water using a spoon? Works for my gal. She dun drink water fr bottle unless its gripe water. So for water, we feed her using spoon.

if you caught the virus from zy, you wont pass the virus back to her...she would have develop the immunity to it already.....so dun have to worry...unless of course, yours is a different strain altogether....

n_g....yeah lor he will nag and shake his head...my house becoming like a warehouse likedat...i am buying things like Emma going to elope.....
okai. will ask my mum to feed her.. xie xie

Oh is like that ah. Hahaha i duno is she pass to me or my MIL. but i confirm the sickness that we have is from my MIL. ;<
iemiko, the lady called me as well. Juz say confirm on Sunday, wear pants / jeans n rememebr to bring socks. Must take bb's temperature before going to the class
little rabbit: i take out the tray coz my gong gong son like to head butt the steering wheel.. haha

i only give hayden gripe water when he cries uncontrollably..

kekeke... tmrw i think i'll go to the phillips sale.. wanna get teats.. bur.. hayden toopid.. dunno how to use the 6-18mth pacifier.. think gotta buy back 0-6mths...
Woah Phyl, Hayden look so happy on the A380.

Haizz.. wish to join u mummies for the kindermusik but cannnot make it for the dates. Please feedback and take lots of pics and post here, tell me about it ok!

Ladies, i got brand new NUK slim bottles to give away. Anyone wants let me know. I got too many bottles alrdy.
err.. in fact i also got brand new avent bottles too. Most are 4OZ bottles. not using them anymore. Can i sell to any mummies who are keen? Just name me a price ya..

My baby is using Tommee Tipee bottles and only know how to use those bottles.
I ask my mom whether need to change bottle n teat, she said last time where got change 1? So oso dun know whether need to change. If change all very expensive leh…

My boy oso like to drink water using spoon! For him drinking plain water using spoon is more like playing. 

Just let him nag lo. Tell him as guy keep nag nag nag like old grandpa/aunty oledi. 
Tat’s the way u dote on ur little 1 mah.

My boy dun head butt the tray, but he like to took out the whole tray, lick n bite, then throw to 1 side after bored. :D

According to fairprice website, Nepia diaper L size (9-14kg) should hav 42pcs.
n_g, last time ppl dun change the bottles and teats. they only cut the teat if the hole is too small. if i change all milk bottles also very ex cos i using bfree now.

gals ask u all something:If Morning apply half day leave then afternnon must go back to office by what time? If office hours start at 9am?
