(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

phyl, i took urgent half day leave liao.... i also dun feel well and the only way to cure me is 'shopping'! wahaha....

jes, me not bringing bb along. think it will be warm and squeezy there.

haha phy.. TAKE lah.. ur heart obviously nt at work.. wakakaka. me still waiting for a colleague.. so slow.. *tap fingers*

wat toys u looking at? I can help u get also if u want =)
Take leave tmr afternoon lah... :p I asking my mum if she wanna go with me... HAHAH! But then again I haven't ask my boss if I can take leave again! Sianz... later kena black mark!

Gripe water:
Any mothers giving ur bb gripe water everyday? I was thinking of giving my gal cos she like got "colic symptoms"... For 2 days in a row, she will CRY super loud from 9pm to 10pm... I carry she oso cry, i put her down oso cry... Dun think it is teething cos I buy Dentinox for her liao. Mayb my MIL shake the milk until too much bubble... :'(
jowin, will update u gals when i get home.

snowger, i am giving zayden gripe water everyday. 2 times a day after he bathe. only a bit of gripe water then add water.
Hi Mummies

Sorry to intrude.

I've 4 tickets to let go for the Little Big Club Concert on June 7, at 5pm. 1st row seats for Category 4! $100 for 4 tickets or $50 for a pair. *Kiddies under 1 year old get in free*

Do PM me if any of you are interested. Thank you!

so can u PM me ur bb name, ur name, ur contact n ur bb date of birth. Thanks.

I have also secure the 2nd trial next Sunday but I have not got all the names in. And since jess also cant go, anyone want to go for the 31 May trial? If no one reply by 5pm, I ask Nov thread mum liao.

U all take urgent leave to go FP sales? Where got recession? Hehe... I am now praying for all of u that ur boss no time to surf this website. Haha...
wah, thank goodness ur bb ok..
come to think of it, the bb cot also quite high and when he wakes, he'll flip to his tummy immediately.. today, i saw his foot hanging at the top of the cot edge!
now must think of something to keep him away from the edge..
k, i take e slot yea.. thanks!

PM u already. heh.. women dun u/s meaning of recession when it comes to SHOPPING lah..keke
echt, no prob...

ya should be quite crowded & warm hor... then i definitely cannot go coz Daniell is my 贴身药膏, must bring him whenever i go... sianzz
whoa!! u ladies making mi gian lei. so many take leave n im stuck in office. =(

anyone can help mi buy toys? =p

jayzon initially also like tt. chew abit den swallow liao. so i make sure tt rice is soft n his meat n vegetables, i cut till veri veri small pcs lor. smtimes feed tgt wif soup. slowly they will get used to it n start chewing den can juz cut bite size le.

not gaining wt despite taking 2 shares ah? can join my boi's club liao. wt gain stagnant but he eating so much in sch until teachers don dare give him his milk fed. scare he vomit. lolx.
Thanks. Will try to go if can. Today n tomorrow work till 5.30pm n Sat still got dental appointment early in the am. Close shop oledi if I go after work. 

Time to boost economy! 

Thanks. He seem ok after pat pat. Today woke up by 6.20am to play. So energetic n happy.  Will monitor closely see whether got those symptom u mention (nao zheng dang?).

Phyl, little rabbit, ypg,
My boy only know how to reverse in his walker. :p
Yesterday he reverse n kena those fan (put on floor type), then stuck his finger onto the fan cover, n then shout loud loud. Me n mom rush to rescue him but before we reach his side, he self-rescue oledi. Think he more like wanna show off leh. 

All mummies must b careful with those fan (especially on floor), power plug, etc. cos our little one might curious n injured themselves. Oh ya, n oso watch out door. If wind too strong, door might bang n close very fast n if your little one happen to be there, they might kena clamp by door or frighten by loud door shutting noise.
snowger, my bb has been drinking gripe water everyday since birth. Same as iris, i give it to her after she bathe followed by bit of water.
echt, u going todae??

my list:

Brilliant Basics™ Musical Pop-Up Bus (http://www.fisher-price.com/fp.aspx?st=2341&e=detail&pid=48058&pcat=bubrilliant)

Brilliant Basics™ Stack & Roll Cups™ (http://www.fisher-price.com/fp.aspx?st=2341&e=detail&pid=38607&pcat=bubrilliant)

Go Baby Go!™ Bat & Wobble Penguin (http://www.fisher-price.com/fp.aspx?st=2341&e=detail&pid=42970&pcat=gobabygo)

Go Baby Go!™ Bat & Wobble Penguin (http://www.fisher-price.com/fp.aspx?st=2341&e=detail&pid=42984&pcat=bulnl)

U help me to check if it is cheaper than KP or Robinsons or watsoever even after 20% disc..then BUY!!

siao rite..buy so many toys! Last mth my GIRO fail leh..:p not enuf $$ in the account for my income tax deduction...hah
Just curious wat exactly the activity u all talking abt? Keep sawing but really catch no ball leh. Can provide detail? Might join if can. Thanks.

I think baby cot is still safe for my boy. Cos the edge quite high n we put on cot bumper. We always pull up the fence (side of the cot tat can lower to carry baby) when leave him in cot, no matter we r ard or not. N cot bumper actually prevent hig hand n feet to come out n stuck by the cot.
Just curious wat exactly the activity u all talking abt? Keep sawing but really catch no ball leh. Can provide detail? Might join if can. Thanks.

I think baby cot is still safe for my boy. Cos the edge quite high n we put on cot bumper. We always pull up the fence (side of the cot tat can lower to carry baby) when leave him in cot, no matter we r ard or not. N cot bumper actually prevent hig hand n feet to come out n stuck by the cot.

it is a trial class for Kindermusik. The one we are going is for bb n their mum to dance, sing n play instrument to music. I got 1 slot on next Sunday, 10am to 10.45am, at Tanglin Mall. U want to join?

little rabbit,

My mum bought covers for the fans so my bb wun get her finger inside. Dunno if u know wat I talking about.
Is it good? Cos I did rem taking it last time when i was young. And I loved it so much, I rem makin noise/askin my grandma for more. One of my other childhood faves include Rusk (in sugar water) and the Multi-vit liq (the one in yellow n white packaging with a train one). :p
u mean those dust cover from DAISO? i guess i know wat u refer to.
for the Kindermusik trial, tis week cannot leh. my dad, mom n sis come to visit me n my boy. how much is it huh?
hi gals
Got a call from fifi that some Nov08 mum went and there are no high chairs, walkers etc only toys and quite disappointing.

So with that, me not going liao :p
dunno ler, someone commented...

but i went FP sales b4 think 3 or 4 years back tat held in Concourse... tat one really got a lot of toys & i bought a lot tat time & got few still kept untouched in my wardrobe... hehe!
My ger is sleeping in the baby cot (at my place) and the playpen (at my inlaws). I usually leave a bit of space between the cot bumpers for wind to get in (else quite warm). I found my ger's leg dangling out (once) and her hand holding the bars (more than 5 times) while asleep -_-"

In recent days, I notice she like to grap the side of the baby playpen before she sleeps. Else she will scratch (Yes! like a cat) the side of the playpen or the mattress!
ya.. quit le.. now serving for that last 1 mth lor..
Ya will get more time with my baby also.. Im still thinking what i should do or maybe slowly look for job.. as slowly i feel that no job i can die sia! everyday no income. i feel so weird! but at the meantime will do my baby spree first at here lor.

havent look out for job yet leh..still thinking what should i do.. at the meantime do my spree lor.. I got write at my blog.. i didnt say it here. =X i feel so weird to say it here leh. hehe =X

so WHO IS GOING TO FP SALE please share with us ok! ?! my hub say OKAI to bring me go!! YEAH! and today he agree that If my gal still sick he wont go back to his house liao. ^_________^ at last my pig can understand. for ONCE hehe sat if FP sale is good im going to flash my VISA card liao. dun care le. Muhahhaa

Haiz.. im feeling more n more stress liao. how! tmw if clarice is still no improvment tmw.. sat i got to bring her see doc again! yday i on leave taking care of her can die sia! .. she unable to sleep well cus she keep cough and running nose. and keep crying after her cough. cus so xinku. aiyo. so heart pain sia! faints...
Good noon ladies..

Haiyoh.. the FP sales really tempting, me working in TUAS area, so its near.. but.. I dont have transport, and no body can bring me there as well.. the lunch "kaki" with car, all out for sales.. sigh.
Waiting for mommies who go there to update..

Me also giving my boy the "rid win" in his milk, almost every night,before he zzz. He fart a lot.
Or you can put the "ru yi you" also see how.
Me not using the "ru yi you", me using the euchalyptus oil.Everytime change pampers, put a bit.
Tis show tat ur hubby still care abt his ger. 
Must take extra care for ur ger, wish her get well soon. 
mine love to pull and kiap her mattress to sleep. and mine always use her pointed finger and dig dig her ear inner and outside.. duno what it means.. tired mah? Oh ya. scratch her head also hehe
snowgal, i call gripe water: "sweet sweet water" haha.. my gal loves it too. if she has been crying for very long, i feed her some and she will stop crying and will burp some wind out. I think its good la. Worth a try for ur little one if you duno what is her reason for crying non -stop.
thanks man. i hope so!.. btw my hub dun buy toys for my gal. i mean he dun even buy not even a toy. only once when he went to oversea for business trip. he buy a few things and thats it.. no more liao. till noW! whenever i want to buy he will say.. "gerger alot of things already leh" i think he will be thinking since mummy buy so much daddy no need to buy le lor! infact.. he really dun wan to go.. is i make him feel bad of something then he agree to bring me go. hehe thats the trick i always do when i want to go some where. haha use KU ROU QI! Muhahhaha
another update alot of ken barbie batman FP toys really not much oso....... verdict: not worth gg for infants toys unless u want older kids toys. Barbie mommies?
YPG - Glad to hear that ur hubby is getting better. U take care also ya.

FP sale
Whoa! so many of u going. Dun think I'll go since the place is so far!!!

Re: Toys
Me also never buy any for my gal. Cos she got alot given by pple. Some r brand new ones given during her full month celebration, some r hand-me-downs. So i save up lor.. heehee..

Kath - I hv extra 1 set of Brilliant Basics™ Stack & Roll Cups™ given to me during bb full month celebration? U wan? I can sell it to u.. heehee.. Btw, when shld we meet for lunch? My desitin cream still with u. How much do i need to pay u?

n_g - Whoa! Ur bb fall down. Hope he's fine now. Today i dreamt my gal also fall down. So scary! Some more she keep eating papers and i keep digging out papers fr her mouth!!

Snowger - My gal when she sleeps with us, she'll tend to lean her head next to my pillow. Then she'll lick my pillow case! Funny thing is she will sleep when the lights is off and also when she see both hubby and me close our eyes. Day time when she's at her cot, she'll flip until her legs got caught in between the fence. Then cry for help. Of late, we found her sleeping on her left or right side. She was initially sleeping on her back.

Fabbie - Hope clarice get well soon.
Btw, i hv a pair of Jolin Tsai concert tickets to give away. I'm not a fan of hers. Just that i got it free when i get my new Sony Ericsson HP. The concert date is on 28th May. Anybody interested?
so hows ya baby le? better le mah? help me sayang him for me..

Thanks fong..
Lol quite funny that Jolin concert is FREE from buying sony Ericsson HP. haha

thanks for the updates!! i wonder how much is the highchair.. Hmmmm.. jumperoo 220 like not much discount leh.. only 10 bucks different from RObinson?
Fabbie - Ya lor. Maybe the respond also not good i guess. That's y Singtel hv this promo for the HP? Heehee.. I ask my younger cousins if they interested, they also say they r not her fans. :p
thanks all mummy for your concert on my boy.

i just call home n chk wif my mom, my baby cannot finish his milk since tis am leh. usuallly his intake is 140ml for every 3 hour, tis am he only mannage to finish 100ml for 3 hour! is it because of last nite fall???

hi fabbie,
not bad lah, at least ku rou ji work well.

r u too stress? dreaming of your ger eating paper oh.
ypg - hope your hb get well soon.

fabbie - hope your girl get well soon.
my boy also like to scratch his hair-less head, and dig his ear loh. And he got sharp finger nails, now his head many scratches and his ear also got scratches.
Everytime I go back home, sure got additional scratches, haiyah!!
Yesterday he scratch his nose, so looks like his nose got ants hihi...
wow so many posts!!

I bought the millet from those kind of organic shop. The salesperson also told me alot of mothers used it as porridge..

for the 30/5 class, Carmen is unable to attend ..thus can I take over carmen's place...?
Hahah ya GUYS! okai lar 100ml not as so much. mine intake very obvious dun wan to drink milk and i have waste alot. haiz.. You see lor.. if he's still like that.. and very sian sian and moody.. i think u bring him see better.. just scan or whatever at least you will feel better lor.

xie xie.. hahaha so funny de ya boy dig his nose? LOL u must help me cut hor. if not poke his eyes.. i feel so bad that time. i super busy till no time to cut her nails for my gal. then end up. every night come back see her sratch here and there. then when i free i help her cut.. she sit still. i think she know that her nails is long. lol

you so funny.. but at least you dream of ya baby.. i dun ve leh =( i wanted to wait to see my dream like how is it with her. hehe
FP warehse sale:
realli not much FP toys huh? hee.. so glad! cos last min me not going le. my fren's bb running afever so we cancelled. heng ar!
ok gals, e sale sux leh.. dun bother gg
no highchair, no jumperoo etc leh..was there at 11+. only few FP toys. thk Jowin posted a pix of the drum set yea, tt's gg for $20. another piano type gg for $30. than got some talking mobile fones for older kids. other than tt, some toy cars, barbie dolls etc. anyway, just a small miserable tentage! =(
sry kath,
ur post came too late. anyway, only saw "my learning tool" there. cant rem it's $10+ (near $20)or $20+ (near $30).

been on leave yesterday to bring my boy to doc. came back today & swamp with super loads of work to clear..
heng! u gals feedback that not worth gonig to the FP sale...I was almost going to take leave again for tom to go for it...now no need liao..

hope u HB recovers soon.

fabbie, woh u really had enuff ah so u quit ur job... k la, take the opportunity to spend more quality time with ur gal gal..
