(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

i wanna get Ashlynne n my HB's Man Utd jersey.. but HB said season change, the jersey also change due to AIG sponsor mati liao...

Bbpearl n carmen.. Man utd can join in anot.. hahahahahahahaha!!!

Phyl, tell ur HB is warehouse sales.. everything $5 nia... =P .. like tat sure no need to hide le
Jo! U dunno Man U and LFC have bad blood meh! hahaha..can lah..i am ok one..just dun let my hb know...he will go crazy! hahaha..siao one! He bought a mini LFC ball for Gerard liao!! Target to bring him for soccer clinic when he can walk liao!
kao.. all heading to FP warehouse.. my hub say N-O! jialet lar.. and now im trying persuade my hub this sat bring me go.. =( so unfair! why tmw then start and today im on leave! arghzzz

hahaha so cute leh gerard.. then. he grow big liao will have another jersey too lor! faints. ahaha ya hub will be dressing him up like footballer. oh need a footballer shoe too! kakaka
Pop corn got BP 1 meh?! Wau! So many food BP ah? Where to join huh? Sound funny. 

U sure got durian BP meh?! Durian from where? :p

How abt just sneak out a while n fast hand fast leg grab any gd lobang u wan? Can ask other to look out for u wat r those offer.
Haha..then i guess my little Zach can join the LFC team lor.. he is blackburn fan (hb's club) and oso England's fan! All 3 of us got the england jersey and now hb wanna buy him his blackburn club jersey but i refuse to wear cos i m a Man U supporter!!

my bb's godfather very good. He offer to send me to FP warehouse sales this Friday. Think he will be paying for some of the items too. My bb very fortunate, got such a good godfather. He is a long time friend of mine. Treat my daughter as his daughter since he dun wish to get married.

So still no one want to take up my slot on 24 May?


Dun worry about the payment. U can pay me after the trial. I trust all of u la.
confinement time bored ma, so everydae surf net n buy anyting tt looks interesting. keke.

i oso wana get man utd jersey for my 3 bois but hb say season change den muz buy new ones. veri waste money. one set not cheap also. =(

but i got d nike man utd mini football. hehe.
Re FP sale
will be there ard lunch time tom. Carmen, maybe we shd partner.. one q at cashier, one go grab grab grab.. muahaha.. like those aunties at mega sales =P just spent like $150 on FP toys recently actually, PRAY i dun see them tom, else can bang wall wor..

Re food BP
wah, u gals so adventurous one ah.. me kinda 'suspicious' abt these food leh.. feel so weird to order food thru BP. keke

when u mentioned basketball set.. i go see my cupboard..true enuff, got one set from playskool inside!! totally forgot abt it.. gift from a fren.. but coz said for 9mths old, so i just stacked in there.. thanks gal! Haha

dun mind taking ur slot for this sat if no one taking. let me noe?
haha. i Know.. tat why i purposely joke n ask can together anot.. n laugh hahahahahhaha.. so long =P

Yes, the season change lor.. tats why HB said dun get the jersey cos its old version one.. n its very ex too..

Hi Kath..
me hor.. not a fan of any football club.. my HB is Man Utd supporter... I told him, which ever club win the premier league, i support.. haha!! I m a support for championship.. .. KNS...

my Hb already named if we have #2 as a son.. call Wayne Lee..

HI ypg
u also must take alot of care.. ur HB n girl need u..

Hi Fab
u in jurong rite? FP sales in west ma.. pyscho him to go lor..
jo, my hb never fail will get his blackburn jersey every season.. actually it is me that bought for him from kitbag.com.. so fast think of name for #2 liao??
Carmen & Rachel,
I pm u gals my contact no liao. sms me yours k? hope to u gals there tml! can't wait for tml to be here!!
BBPearl & Jo:
haha.. arch enemies take pic 2gether, will be so "exciting" wor!!! hahaha...

i din recvd yr PM leh... i PM u my hp instead =)

Rachel & echt:
so see if we can meet tml lar!
FP sales :
All mummies go to FP sales and tempt me to go. But not going coz there is too far from my place

Baby Walker:
Bought a baby walker for my bb from Kiddy palace for $69. Bb not enjoy it coz still don't know how to move around with the new walker. Only put him inside the walker during our dinner time, he keeps looking at us and waiting for us to finish our dinner then carried him out from the walker. haha..

u know lar.. been spending alot. and he say u not working liao still BUY! -____- hehe but i will try my best to drag him still! hehe

Hahhaahaha if im u, i will shall kill someone if i saw the things that i buy is selling so cheap! and i will buy even more! lol aiyo.. im so eager to go there man.
i think some chinese medical shops can do the grinding.. i heard they kinda add extra stuff inside too.. no idea what is it.. supposed to be good?
where do you buy the millet from? is it some sort of wheat?

at school, he eats rice w/ soup.. according to his teacher, he takes a mouthful, doesn't chew much and then swallow.. am worried that food doesn't get digested properly.. at home, he still eats porriage.. ya, perhaps can give him rice but cook w/ more water so that it's softer?
his principle just called me today commenting that he eats double of what others eat but still isn't gaining weight.. how ah?

I hope this is the last change cause my head going ding dong liao. Hehe...

1st trial:
1 echt or jess?
2 Phyl & bb Hayden
3 Bur & bb Cidney
4 jowinbaby & bb Ashlynne
5 pastilies & bb Kayson
6 zachmommy & bb Zachary
7 santorini & bb Emma
8 Xuelyn & bb Summer
9 Lavendery & bb Huiwen
10 iemik0 & bb Kayson
11 LuthAdel & bb Bryan
12 2nd bb & bb Claryce

echt & jess : if one of u can go for the 31 May, then the other 1 go the 24th May (It is on Sunday, echt) trial lor. Then both can happy. Hehe...

Ladies, please wear jeans or pants as some activities, we need to sit on the floor n pls wear socks too. N u only need to be earlier by 10 min will do.

2nd trial namelist (tentatively on 31 May):
1 Rachel
2 Jean
3 joanne81
4 ikeike
5 tamms
6 poohy
7 candice
8 Jlow
9 stellateo
10 little_rabbit
11 ypg (sighs...)
12 echt or jess

Ladies, dun buy too many FP toys today, left some for my Clarissa to buy on Friday. U all already bought alot on last year FP sales. Haha...

Me on happy mode cause hubby is feeling much better.
Hi Kath
haha.. the #2 name given even before we Know Ashlynne's gender...so he said tat name reserve for #2 if baby is a boy.

Hi Carmen
hahaha... i dun care wat arch enemies la.. haha.. can take cute photos can le.. kekeke!!

hi ypg
haha.. u so cute.. of course there will be alot of toys... for u.. Great tat ur hb is feeling better
3 cheers for him!!

I will try to trf to u today...I shd have ask Kath to help me trf.. haha.. then i can return her cash on tat day on sunday..

Hi fabbie
i see.. try to go lor.. see see no necessary must buy la.haha!!

i dun Know wat happened to Ashlynne last nite. keep waking up from her sleep... suddenly cry at 1am plus.. i gonna carry her in my arms to assure her n she zzz back again...coming 5am plus.. she keep moving again..

I m very tired ah...
u quit ur job already?

i cant make it on 31/5, so only 24/5. how jess? if u like to take e 24/5 slot from ypg, then i give e trial a miss..
better than mine.. faints.. keep waking up at crazy hrs. cus she cant have a smooth sleep cus of cough and flu. haiz.

Hi ypg,
Wau wau wau! Ur baby so so so so lucky to hav such a wonderful god father. Happy for you to know tat ur hubby getting better. 

Hi jowinbaby,
FP sale on west? I thought at east?! Jia lat, must b lao hua, c wrongly.

Hi littlerabbit,
Ur baby so cute in his new walker! I bought a 2nd hand lucky baby walker cum rocker for my boy. Very new condition. S$40. Sound a bit expensive for a 2nd hand stuff oh. But my baby love it! He will take out the whole toy tray to bite! Heeheehee…

Hi fabbie,
U quit? I din c ur post on u quit leh. Now STHM ah? So good! Plenty of time to spend qwif your little 1. 

Hi dee,
How many time solid your baby eat per day? Thought we should b start with 1 time per day?

My baby last night fly from my big bed to floor. Cry until no sound come out. So heart pain… I am too tired liao. Fall asleep wif him beside me. So careless… my pity boy boy make me oso wanna cry.
hahaha.. good morning!! eh... u all very fortunate liao la... last nite hayden wakie 1am, 3am and 5am he wakie n play himself until his 2 legs dangling from the cot!! haha.. then i sayang him until 6.15am then he sleep..... zzzzzzzz... i already take hp wanna sms my boss say i wanna take leave liao.. haha...

FYI.. its not only last nite.. its ever since he born!!!!! when will i get my sleep back????

fabbie- wah... never tell us! hahaha... tai tai liao la? or found new job?
little rabbit... i bought hayden the same walker.. keke..i choose this coz it has rubber wheels instead.. wanted to buy the lucky baby "ferrari" model.. but think think.. abit not worth it.. keke

gal.. anyone wanna sell your bumbo?? there's one mummy i know that wants a bumbo.. condition if v good.. i think she will pay with tray abt $50.. PM me then i give u her contact.. colour nvm..
i sitting on my chair facing my super dinosaur computer!!! and to make it more depressing.. i'm in the middle of botanic gardens! hahaha
FP Sales
Wah you gals make me want to take urgent half day leave to go for the sales too :p By the way, what time are you girls intending to get there just in case I really buay tahan
Botanic gardens is a least theraputic with nice scenary & air as compared to my office! No view, just walls... the bad design of pre-worldwar shop houses *sigh*....
hahaha.. Iris, I also dun know how now :p
Super itchy to take leave this afternoon and go. So near my place !!! Hubby not on leave this week so confirmed if I don't go, sure miss the sales.
my hubby actually say we go on sat but i think all the toys will be gone on sat. btw, that place is quite ulu right? need to take a cab in and out?
good morning!!

Jowin, if u want me to transfer to ypg, can leh..i will transfer tonite!! My token is at home.

I tink i cannot go FP sale alr.. saturday's schedule is all full!!! Can i tumpang any mummy that is going to help me buy n then i collect on sunday during the class?
me haven't started solid w/ #2.. hee.. i let the IFC start lah.. lazy mommy of me.. :p

oh dear, how did baby fly from bed to floor? sayang-sayang..
Hi Kath
Me going tomorrow ( Friday).. Not Sat.
Perhaps u just see wat u wan on FP website.. i go lookout for u lor...

Thanks. later i try n trf to ypg. Now i abit scare scare. Ashlynne taking her jab tomorrow noon. I afraid if she fever.. how is she going to Sunday trial class... Pray hard she is ok. Last 2 jabs, she's ok.. no fever at all. So this time.. hope no fever too.

hi ng
No Loyang way. Is Lok Yang.. in the west. Bus no 192 can reach.

My HB thought its in the east n immediately said OK.. But when he heard WEST, he sian halfway.. but too bad.. he already said YES to me. hahaha!!

Hi Pas
Me sms you. Ok.. see u this evening...
Morning mommies! Getting ready to the FP sale? Haha i know all these discussions are making our hands itchy liao! =p

Sigh, if the sale is at Loyang, it's just 5 mins drive from my place le...too bad its in LOK YANG!

Anyways, xuelyn, carmen and echt, see if we can meet later at the FP sale? Good thing is my mobile number has been archived above liao...else the whole world can see it.. =p

Will keep u guys posted!
Hi dee,
Think he flip flip flip himself then few round later just fly onto the floor lo. Heng nothing serious. The 1st thing we chk is whether he knock his head? His 2 tiny teeth still around? Nose still stand still (mei you zhuang bian). :p

Hi jowinbaby,
West is more convenient for me! Yeah! Ur hubby same as me leh, must b oso c only lo_ yang then thought must b Loyang at east. Heeheehee… but dun think can take leave liao. Open until wat time huh?
Phyl!! Me me!! Me wanna sell my very new bumbo!! Only 5 days old. I bought from Kiddy Palace at Marina Sq. My gal scream and bawl when i put her on it. Errr.. since its new, can i up the price a bit to $70 with tray? Its Lime green, Let me know ya. Thanks
Ok phyl thanks. I also realised i bought it on the 18th, that time i cannot make up my mind on the color so the sales person at KP told me i can exchange the bumbo color within 7 days. I still have my receipt with me and boxes at home.
i think i should take half day sick leave.... hahahhaahhahahaa... i dun feel too well.. i need retail therapy

How? U can make it on 31 May?

For mum who have not PM me ur details. Pls do so by today so that I can send to Kindermusik.

phyl, little rabbit,

my clarissa also use the same walker. So we from the same walker club. Hehe... She very cute yesterday, when she is moving backward, she will turn her head n look out b4 she move. As if she is doing reverse parking. Now she move real fast in her walker so we always watch over when she is in her walker.


Is ur bb ok now? Do watch out for poor appetite or vomit or sleepyness after a fall. Once bb learn how to flip, they can flip really fast hence my mum dismantle her bed n left only the mattress (like the Japanese). If bb learn how to crawl, even worse. My gal attempt to "fly" from my mum mattress to the playmat yesterday, luckily I catch her in time or else she sure lay flat n maybe her nose got flatten.

morning ladies,

me too also cannot make it on 31/5, but if u really wan the 24/5 lot then u can take it, me ok one...

FP Sales
yeah at 1st i also tot it is at Loyang... alamak why on the other end of Spore? btw, u all bring bb along?
