(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

jowin, cause i remember someone telling me that they r available in S'pore but i can't remember where... btw its very good... so i am buying more...

really? Tats why when i told my friend i selling it away.. kenna " scolded" by her and said its so good n why go n sell away :p

N when Ashlynne start FM, can use , cos FM more air than BM...

So not selling le lor.
I am giving up my place to lavendery for 1st trial.

the 1st trial:
1 ypg & bb Clarissa
2 Phyl & bb Hayden
3 Bur & bb Cidney
4 jowinbaby & bb Ashlynne
5 pastilies & bb Kayson
6 zachmommy & bb Zachary
7 santorini & bb Emma
8 Xuelyn & bb Summer
9 lavendery & bb Huiwen
10 iemik0 & bb Kayson
11 LuthAdel & bb Bryan
12 2nd bb & bb Claryce
wat time wud u be there? im going with 2 colleagues during lunch time =)

update u gals tml!

Finally Kasia's mummy "taking action"!!! hahaha...
hahaha, chain to chair no use lah, you still can walk with it. Make sure you nail the chair to the floor! ahahahahahaah

I'm trying to get my hubby to go for the FP warehouse sales on Thu as he is on leave.
haha.. ya.. can someone should knock me unconcious, destroy my IB and cut my ATM card up!!!!! hahaha..

iris, marilyn.. u 2 damn happy spree-ing hor... hahaha..
Hi dee,
Great to know tat ur #2 ok liao. 
Ur hubby really notti leh, ur #1 oso funny, not scared of spicy food oh.

Hi fabbie,
Better keep ur clarice at home until she is fully recover. Dun need to quarrel wif ur hubby 1 lah. Just tell him y u decide not to go back tis weekend will do. If he care enuff for clarice, then he will agree to you 1. else ask him to go back himself lah. U at home wif clarice.:p

Hi phyl,
Really? Fisher price warehouse sale coming ah? Such a good news! Cos from WTG/WTE forum got mummies say the sale will only start by dec! heeheehee… can go look ard if my hubby getting better. He still not recover leh. Body temperature keep up n down. 

Hi zachmommy,
I never go out for lunch even once after back to work. Always lunch in cos pump pump pump. 

Hi iris,
Yup. Saw the kiddy palace sales last nite at JP.
Hello Carmen...i should be there around 1-2pm lor...when is ur lunch hour? If u r there around that time, sms me so we can meet up for a while? But of cos SHOP SHOP SHOP is our first priority hehehe! My mobile: 93879948

Get a hold of urself Phyl! Tell u wad la, i lock u in my cage okie? Then u wun hv legs to go to the FP sale liao! =p
pengz... u sud PM me yr hp mah... hw cum "publish" yr hp here??! hahaha... ;p

u sure can jaga Phyl??? she got the "fo shan wu yin jiao" (foshan shadowless leg) leh, so fast dat u cant see u knw?! hahaha... ;p

My hubby transfer to high dependency ward liao. Wat a relief.

He is doing good, can eat n poo. I got to wipe his poo. Haha...

Anyone want to go for 24 May Kindermusik trial? Please let me know cause I cant go now.


u going for the 31 May trial? Or totally not going liao?
zzzzzz.. Hayden dun need a nike romper!! hahahahahahahaha....

chantalle.. tmrw they all go FP warehouse sale wor.. u stay here entertain me ah... hahahahaha...

carmen.. u high liao la.. kekekek
so many of u gg to FP sale tmr? remember to update us ok? if got gd deals then i go on sat after my gynae appt.

cham, so many sales and BP, keep spending $.

phyl, i so bo liao and i even join BP to buy pop corns!
U wan to buy my b-free bottles + extra nb teats at how much? U sms me the price. I got so much stuff until I want to faints liao...

Then I also got new Pigeon bottles! :'( Come to think of it do u think i shld keep the pigeon ones for my next kiddo. My hb is already thinking of having a 2nd one. And I am like ....... "Eh, one enuf liao..." HAHA.

WAH SO many sales going on... Today my MIL is sick with flu, so I stay home to take care of my ger. Fabbie ^5, why the sale not today? Anyway I am stuck at home cos my FIL took my car keys by mistake to Msia! -__-"""
d popcorns r veri nice especially chocolate one. the rest so so nia. hehe. i ate many times le. but i buy from consumer sale cheaper dan bp lei. laz time bp sell $10. now increase to $10.50. hehe. my consumer sale still sell at $10 onli. =p

u not gg kindermusik ah? tot can mit u n pass ya d nuk bottles. hehe.
iemik0, not going leh... My hb dun wan... Then I bo bianz... :p Oh I suppose to pass u my BIG bottles too!
Eh, when is ya class?

iris, will look out for ur PM... popcorn ur preg craving? Eh when u noe ur bb gender must update us orh!
Then we noe ur boi boi got little sister or brother to play with...
ya, i crave for popcorns. i purposely go watch movie jus bcos i wan to eat popcorns! haha... not bcos i wan to watch movie. think 1 or 2mths later then will know bb's gender. now me 8w+ nia. sat gg for my 2nd appt.
reali! hehe. u will munch non-stop one. rememeber to drink more water ah. =p

tink ur edd n my sil one same period. ydae we juz received news from my mil tt she preg wif #3. wonder how r they gonna survive n feed 3 kids if they alwaz complain no money. lolx.

d durian bp is d fried durian oen ah? its not nice one. i tried b4. rather eat fresh durian. =p
phyl, i dun like those fried durian. dun look good. but i quite tempted to buy the kueh lapis but too bad she cancel her BP liao cos response no good. also got muar otar and abalone BP...

iemik0, u tried so many BP food.
no wonder ur HB said no recession la.. cos even pop-corns are bought through BP liao. hahaha!!!

joking hor..

i m going on Friday... Rachel shall update us abt wats there at FP warehouse sales lor...

come join us la.. come la , come la, come, come come come join us!!! ATM card cut up also can sign card.. draw cash from bank one. hahahaha!!!
One jumperoo not enough la.. shd get more toys for hayden =P

Kenna box....!!!

My friend even go thru the FP website n wanna me to lookout for her... Have.. buy! Make me so excited.. Friday quickly come lor..
Hi gals,
wanted to post the FP warehse sale details one.. but phly faster! I'll prob go on sat then hee. kip me posted on the gd bargains hor!

can u post ur posb acct no agn? i also tot of passing u cash on sun de. now cannot liao. take care ok!

pumpkin patch also having 20%-60% sale on selcted items
and got 15% disc for UOB Credit Card. so happie shopping!
wahha Jowin , yay. i can picture myself busy munching popcorn and spreeing away! Durain Buffet??!! Drooolzzzz

Phyl.. hehe.. tao yan!!I love shopping too!!

Dun tell me I am going to miss the FP warehouse sale after missing the Isetan sales. Hope my hubby will get well miraclely n discharge tmr. But this is fat hope! Doctor say the fastest he can discharge is this weekend.

If I tell my hubby about this, he sure say go ahead n buy. Dun bother or worry about him. How to not bother or worry about him. Haizz...


My hubby kena lung infection through breathing in bacteria. I strongly suspect it is occupational hazard. My hubby is an aircon man. It started as normal cough n mild fever.
Bb pearl...haha.. I told my hubby .. wah!!Liverpool got a new player very cute and handsome! he say ahhh got meh?? Then i showed him ur bb pic!! lolz
If you're not going this sun for the kindermusik class, shall I still tranfer the $ to you or shall I pay when I'm there?

Thank goodness your hb is ok now! I hope he will have a speedy recovery
cannot cannot... must control.. hahahaha.. i bought him a basketball set from FP that day at isetan.. haha.. and now i so scared my hubby find it so i hide below my sofabed...

keke.. i like to go cinema to eat jumbo hotdog, nachos and popcorn.. if nv buy food.. i will sleep in the cinema.. keke..

jowin!!!!!! go away!!!! hahaha..
Chantalle..haha..ya..this new player is the shortest in the team..i think the ball is bigger than him..keke

ypg, glad that ur hb is better now..take care

KP sale: not all items got 15% or 20%..leapfrog nett price liao..
now gotten the leapfrog..i feel like getting leap lily and caterpillar..hahaha..

Warehouse sales: hmm...i am thinking going on sat..will most item OSS liao? cannot take leave to go this week leh..

Fabbie, what happen to zy ?
FP warehse sale:
Yo! I found a khaki to go wif me tml. gonna take half day leave andd go in th aftn. whose going tml huh? maybe can x-change contact nos.. hee
so eggcited now!!
hey rachel,
thanks for the offer
Would take it up if i am going to perth but i am going to melbourne la..

Think me going to bring the combi high chair to melb.. i wrote in to ask for extra baggage allowance for migration. Heard SIA can give up to 40kg per adult.. so cross fingers!

Hey Xuelyn,

I'm gg tml around 2-3pm too....my mobile number has been published above liao...thanks to my itchy fingers and also was tooooo excited liao...now we hv a mission to accomplish! To update all the gals here abt the sales items! =p

Hello aurorin

Oh, Melb is a nice place...much beta than Perth i must say...
