(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

I oso felt it's not a gud idea if there's no supervision. My parents rushing down tis weekend to see Zach so can care for him for few days.
Ooh.. Guess I'll skip the combi chair then. I'll get the FP high chair la. Excited tmr starting on solid. Hehe

I saw Calista commando crawl video on ur blog, so cute can crawl so fast. My bb just started to flip, most of the time can't flip back from his tummy then crying for help.

Spoke to nanny that intend to get a walker for my bb by weekend, but she suggests hold on for 2 weeks coz my bb still not strong enough to sit in walker or have to put pillow in to support his body.

My bb has turns 360deg and get his legs stuck in between the cot since a month ago, once he get stuck will cry for help. after 1 or 2 week he knows how to rescue himself from stuck so don't need to worry too much.(hehe.. I did feel very worry for the first few times for his stuck and did sleep in his room for few night till he know how to release his leg from stuck.
Thanks little rabbit!! I went to the one at centrepoint..their stocks are so messy till the lady cant find it. :s

Will ask hb if he wanna go later todae.. :p

I tried feeding cereal to Zach this morning.. he had his milk at 7.30am..i fed him cereal at 8.30am..he dun like leh..he kept pushing them out with his tongue. So I end u onie giving him 3 spoon (using the pigeon soft tip spoon) and throw away the rest.. try again tmr. If tmr he is still like tat means he is not ready for solid, right?
kath, we gave cereal to nini this morning too... we fed her milk around 8.15 but she can't finish so i mix her milk with 2 teaspoon of cereal... jus to let her try, she manage to finish half. then still drinks another 50ml of milk...it's quite fun feeding her except her hands keeps wanting to go into her mouth...
wat cereal did u start zach wif? we use the free sample that we've got from mother&baby fair the last time... it's from nestle...
i hav ordered le. hehe. =p

most likely mean he's not readi. if bb is readi, wun push out wif tongue one. can try a couple of daes ltr.
bur, i gave heinz rice cereal..yeah, quite fun!! wanted to strip him naked to feed but scared he catch a cold. keke

iemiko, will try tmr again.i place him on bumbo to eat but he kept moving here n there..so difficult to feed..
u receive le mah? im thinking is it good and useful anot. and does it really work? as its not from LV its self leh.
Eh ypg, sorry for missing ur msg...u still wanna go Robinsons sale ar? Me went with hb and friends liao le...here is my finding:

Combi, FP, PlaySkool, Sassy, NUK, Pigeon etc = 20% off

We went ytd in the evening but there wasn't much crowd le....and to my surprise they do not carry as much FP toys as Isetan so maybe u shd become Isetan member instead of Robinson's....i think there is no point gg to Robinson's sale cos its rather disappointing....but if u wana go we go tml? Bring bb along? HB works tml so i'm free! U call me?
not yet receive. gotta wait 2-3wks den receive wor. actually a thick cardboard will do d trick but im lazi. haha.
Woah all babies can crawl liao? Jordan can only flip from back to tummy and he doesn't know how to flip back yet..oways cry for help after being stuck...

How to encourage bb to start crawling ar? More tummy time?

Kath i'm also very interested in the activity station...How much? Bb Zach looks so contented playing it!
LV base - i oso use a thick cardboard and then wrap it nicely with a dark brown wrapping paper to be used for my Speedy..

I am going to go for LV spree soon. I wanna get an LV bag as a reward for being a cow mama, then wanna get a LV wallet for my dad as father's day gift and a bag for my mom for belated mother's day gift..wah..sure cost a bomb!!!

It is ok. I not going for Robinsons sales liao cause went to Kiddy Palace as they got 20% discount for members too. I bought a FP twist n turn toy that can stand on the highchair. BHG also 20% discount. Guess the Great Singapore Sale bug is here. Ladies, better save some to spend then. Haha...

Next time we go together for Isetan sales lor. Hope not on Thursday again.

My bb today surprise us by able to crawl up n down the mattress. She go from the 15mm playmat to a mattress (cot mattress) then from cot mattress crawl on to my mum 8" thick mattress (we dismantle the bed n put the mattress on the floor to avoid her falling down). All this is to get her favourite toy. The Pigeon wipe box.
She love to open n close it. N put her small finger inside the hole to dig n dig.

Then after crawling upwards, she turn n go down the mattress. Maybe she think very fun. We so scare she will fall down flat. But apparently she know how to balance herself. So funny. Again, we miss out recording again.

Maybe u want to encourage her to crawl by putting some toys in front of him n get him moving towards the toys by crawling? This method works well for my bb.
Hi ypg,

i'm keen too..was too busy to login the past few day! Thanks for organising...=p

2nd trial on 31 May (secured) or other dates if u want (but not secured yet):
1 Chantalle?
2 echo?
3 Rachel - 31 May 09 - Yes
4 Jean - 31 May 09 - Yes
5 joanne81 (any date is fine)
Hi ypg
Isetan pte sales is always on thursday.. haha!!

wah kath
u wanna buy so many LV ah.. me stop buying after sometime already...

no friends goes to france..buy in SG very ex la..
yeah!! Today finally able to get Gerard to take his first solid! All thanks to Pris, who told me to add a bit of his milk into the cereal..1st i got Frisocream which dun need to add in any milk..then he reject..so i add a bit of his milk in..as advise by Pris..and he finish the whole bowl! He still want somemore leh!

Kath: I also got the pigeon spoon and i realised Gerard dun like it..he like to use the FOC spoon which come from the weaning set in the bb package which was given to us when we discharge from Mt A.
managed to get wella 1.5? can try getting from kimage (but more ex la)
do you stay or work at toapayoh?

high chairs..
i'm using the Jane high chair. converts to table and chair.. got it from kiddy palace.
<center><table border=1><tr><td>

high chair.bmp (47.1 k)</td></tr></table></center>
dun leave baby alone with a maid. Not safe la.. If you think you'd rather switch to having a maid, do so only if you can leave baby+maid with a relative you trust who can help you supervise.
Why not wait and see first if the IFC improves?

hahaha ya farneee right seeing Calista crawl like that .. I actually was quite shocked .. now really cannot leave her on my bed aldy. sure crawl off the bed.


yeah even those cereals that claim that you only need to add water .. it actually tastes quite yucky if u only add water.

Adding milk gives the cereal more flavour and it tastes nice and milky ..
yeah!! Pumpkin Patch parcel has alr reached vPost in US!! Now left GAP stuff.. hopefully can received those stuff in another 2 weeks time.

I hv yet to check my credit card transactions on the exchange rate leh..hehe

wa LV spree .. sounds good man .. Jowinbaby, is it really a lot cheaper in France? ..

Gosh, I'd really like to get a new bag soon too .. LV or Gucci sounds nice .. hubby says DON'T .. we changing car again so he said don't spend unneccesarily ... *sigh*
I work at TPY.. haven get the 1.5 wella yet. OOS at the cheap cheap shops lei.

Summer is teething!!
gues wat.. my little one has grown a tooth!! ha ha spotted a tiny white line of tooth of her lower gum, no wonder she drools so much!! her milk intake oso went hay wire.. drop fr 160ml to 120ml. sumtime no mood only drink 100ml. sian! how to ease their teething displeasure huh? other than give teethers n apply bonjela???
u got mail!

I got 1 of the FP paino keys toy that u posted. bougt it last yr at the jurong warehse sale but Summer still dunno how to play yet!
wah lau.. this weekend im super busy..my gal keep fuss and fuss non stop! i pat her sleep she dun wan. drink milk also drink abit.. and i felt she like abit fever, cus she abit warm.. sighz.. not sure what she wants.. and i hope she's not falling sick! just recently i heard her keep cough. sometimes cough only not always cough. then her cough i can hear got "tan" de.. haiz..

Really quite hard to pat her these days. duno is she really sick or teething is it? keep crying de.. arghz... haiz.. hope she will be better soon! btw. i went to baby hypermart today and i bought the maxi cosi dory for 238 bucks! I love it! but its quite big dou. =)

wah xuelyn so fast man!! big gal liao! hahha
Jowin &amp; fabbie,
ya man! she's only 4.5 mths and i can see her 1st tooth liao! realli din expect her to teeth so soon! no wonder she so cranky recently.. but then agn she always cranky tats y i din suspect anything.. ha ha..
Hi Luthadel
Happy Birthday to u!! Happy Birthday to u!! Happy Birthday to Adeline.. Happy Birthday to u!!!

Love from Jowin &amp; Baby Ashlynne...
jowinbaby, ohhhhhhh. too bad for us la .. I don't know anyone in France currently that I can bug to buy on my behalf.

eh, the Dory is big huh? .. I want to get a new car seat leh .. but the ones I like all huge.

waaaa she's teething ?!!
For those who wants to get ikea's model: antelope high chair(under $50) is currently oos at the alexandra's branch.

Hi ypg,

Here's my name in the standard format. Thanks agn for organising

2nd trial on 31 May (secured) or other dates if u want (but not secured yet):
1 Chantalle?
2 echo?
3 Rachel - 31 May 09 - Yes
4 Jean - 31 May 09 - Yes
5 joanne81 (any date is fine)
6 ikeike (any date is fine)
ikeike, there is oso another model (forgot which one) but oso OOS at Tampines branch. I went there for lunch earlier. Guess it is fated for me to buy FP then.

Juz now fed Zach water via spoon. He opened his mouth so big as if it is sumthing nice..keke
my hub also duno how to fix it.. HE super angry lor. Hahah and keep curse and swearing.. till he give up and ask the person to come down and fix for him. LOL. mine is avante.. its quite big lor.. but looks not bad lar. hehe
Oh.. i did tell my hb to bring it to the store n get them to fix, he stubborn n egoistic..dun want. Then fix until I cant take it..i say it is wrong but he say it is correct..end up zach can get in cannot get out.. *faint*
hehe. zy reali looks as thou she sitting roller coaster. so cute. hehe.

u've got mail!!

so fast summer teething le. hehe. eu yang sen got sell one med tt can b use for lots of saliva one. i tried n find it effective. kayson's drooling lesser.

ikea highchair
din know so popular. i got 3 of it. 2 in white n 1 in blue. hehe. one at home, one aunt pl n one mummy pl. need to get one more for home so tt kayson n jayzon can sit n hav breakfast together. keke.
fabbie..wah..ur car seat looks big leh..hmm..my car seat bb shield in my Rio also make my car cramp leh..for sure ur avante is bigger than my rio..

Kath..i agree leh..for this kind of car seat..the belt is more complicated and the 1st time i use..i dunno how to open the seat belt..
Ya lor. hahhaa

My car seat is fat! i saw ya bb shield not bad leh! i wanted to get that infact but then i think again the cover if wana replace maybe abit hard. so forget it. i buy maxi cosi.. okai lar.. avante i think can sit 2 thin person behind or 1 thin 1 fat person hahah.

LOl my seat belt also very very tight sia! btw. my car seat is facing the back de. and i find it funny that the carseat belt must go on top of the carseat also. Haha since cant put toys . so hang toys at the belt like hanging clothes haha but this car seat is higher than i have previously this time she can look outside. so i think she's quite curious looking outside. hehe

ahhh so sad,, my gal is sick! down with coughing! i hate to see GP! they gave me a SPOON 2.5ml and 5ml to feed my 5mth+ old gal! they didnt give me a syringe. i didnt ask cus i was outside walking around. when my hub collect the med. NVM. they say AFTER food then drink med. Okai. i did it. and guess what. She vomit everything when i feed the med. cus she keep coughing and just dirnk her milk! i was so so angry. and my GP didnt even tell me why she having a slight fever or why she's coughing. what causes it?! i say is it due to teething thats why slight fever. he look at her teeth say NO teeth lar.. teething usually 8mths. and i was like WTH im asking u the symptoms leh! got teeth or no teeth i cannot see meh?! and i told my hub i was to see my PD and he scold me being over worried ARGHZ! and now i kana my mum nag cus i went to see a GP. kaoz. im like squeeze in between lor.

I suspect Why my gal is sick! i eat "Ma La" food 2 times per week. maybe its cus too heaty thats why she will get cough? but the i dun see why 1st time i eat she got cough leh! 2nd my MIL is sick down with flu and cough?! i duno is it cough anot but i can hear her cough.. but not too much flu is even more. But my MIL didnt carry her much. did carry for awhile. but face to face contact with my gal totally dun have. 3rd maybe my aircon is too cold thats why she fall sick to have cough and slight fever? her fever was 37.8. Hmmm

Seriously now i duno should i feed her Before milk or after milk with that med. haiz.
sorry for the long post! and to vent it out..
fabbie, give ZY more water .. how abt putting the medicine inside her milk so that she can hv it together? but tat way u need to make sure she finishes her milk leh else the medicine will not work. U din keep the prev medicine syringe?? I keep all end up i hv abt 5 now..haha
kath in the end i found a syringe that i can use lor. thats the one and only in my MIL house! ahhaa

haiz. im thinking to give her before her milk. what u think? can bo? if i mix with the milk is like not effect is it?
Fab, i tried to mix med into Jordan's milk then end up he only drank a few mouth then refused to take liaoz...i think it's becos the med made the milk taste weird..end up i had to make a fresh bottle...so not advisable to mix it in the milk...
yeah, actually tat's the risk of mixing med into milk..bb may reject cos of the strong n weird taste..hehe

dr din say give before or after milk? But so far i realise most bb's medication dun state so i guess can give before or after. Give before lor..then when she cry u can stuff the bottle into her mouth..to cover up the taste of medicine. If give after, scared drink too much milk, eat medicine puke out everything - waste of milk n medicine.
he didnt say anything lor.. damn. next time i dun wan to go anyhow doc. i think go to my own Pd doc better. i feel more safer. at least he will talk to me. and listen to what i say. this GP dun! tmd.

okaiz.. xie xie. so poor thing she drink cough med. now she cough 1 time. -___- and always those vomit action. faints.. think i go PD better. at least i can ask n ask. i ask GP he dun entertain me. i wan to say this. he cut me off. puiz
<font color="0000ff">GAP / ON / PP Spree</font>

Card statement reflected liao..exchange rate of 1.53xxxx so round to $1.53

<table border=1><tr><td> </TD></TR><TR><TD>S/No</TD><TD>Nick</TD><TD>Item Name</TD><TD>Color</TD><TD>Price (US$)</TD><TD>"Price (SGD) </TD></TR><TR><TD>Exch: 1US = $1.53"</TD><TD>Total Payable </TD></TR><TR><TD>1</TD><TD>zachmommy</TD><TD>Cheeky graphic bodysuit</TD><TD>China Blue (12m - 18m)</TD><TD>$9.99</TD><TD>$15.28</TD><TD>$51.99 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Water baby graphic bodysuit</TD><TD>Fish (12m -18m)</TD><TD>$7.99</TD><TD>$12.22</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> Surf-Graphic Rashguards</TD><TD>Moss Green (12m - 18m)</TD><TD>$8.00</TD><TD>$12.24</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Embroidered Graphic Swim Trunk</TD><TD>Bittersweet Orange (12m - 18m)</TD><TD>$8.00</TD><TD>$12.24</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>2</TD><TD>echo</TD><TD>Women's V-Neck Flutter-Sleeve Tees</TD><TD>Pink Shag (L)</TD><TD>$12.99</TD><TD>$19.87</TD><TD>$61.17 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Men's Plaid Shirts</TD><TD>Cabot Cove (S)</TD><TD>$14.99</TD><TD>$22.93</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Men's Chest-Stripe Jersey Polos</TD><TD>Dark Chocolate (S)</TD><TD>$12.00</TD><TD>$18.36</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>3</TD><TD>joanne81</TD><TD>Pieced polo</TD><TD>Evening Blue (12m - 18m)</TD><TD>$9.99</TD><TD>$15.28</TD><TD>$38.08 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Floral beachcomber</TD><TD>Navy Floral (6m - 12m)</TD><TD>$14.90</TD><TD>$22.80</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>4</TD><TD>ah bur</TD><TD>Airy pleated blouse</TD><TD>Classic Sepia (XS)</TD><TD>$29.99</TD><TD>$45.88</TD><TD>$45.88 </TD></TR><TR><TD>5</TD><TD>kristine</TD><TD>Hooded Sea-Graphic One-Pieces for Baby</TD><TD>Buenos Aires (6m - 12m)</TD><TD>$12.50</TD><TD>$19.13</TD><TD>$46.63 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Secure-Close Sneakers for Baby</TD><TD>Pavement (6)</TD><TD>$13.99</TD><TD>$21.40</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Plaid Newsboy Caps for Baby</TD><TD>Blue Plaid (6m - 12m)</TD><TD>$3.99</TD><TD>$6.10</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>6</TD><TD>ikeike</TD><TD>Bubble Shorts for Baby</TD><TD>Pink Plaid (6m - 12m)</TD><TD>$10.00</TD><TD>$15.30</TD><TD>$38.25 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Printed Jersey Halter Tops for Baby</TD><TD>Pink Dots (6m - 12m)</TD><TD>$7.00</TD><TD>$10.71</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Mixed-Print Rashguard Swim Sets for Baby</TD><TD>(6m - 12m)</TD><TD>$8.00</TD><TD>$12.24</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>7</TD><TD>jowinbaby</TD><TD>Sea-Creature Applique Tops for Baby</TD><TD>Blue Stripe (6m - 12m)</TD><TD>$5.99</TD><TD>$9.16</TD><TD>$100.90 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Floral Rashguard Tankinis for Baby</TD><TD>Light Pink (6m - 12m)</TD><TD>$8.00</TD><TD>$12.24</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Flutter Sleeve Top</TD><TD>Lemon Drop (6m - 12m)</TD><TD>$8.99</TD><TD>$13.75</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Allover print cotton reversible sun hat</TD><TD></TD><TD>$6.99</TD><TD>$10.69</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>French Terry Shorts for Baby</TD><TD>Pink Pony (6m - 12m)</TD><TD>$5.00</TD><TD>$7.65</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>French Terry Shorts for Baby</TD><TD>Blue Stripe (6m - 12m)</TD><TD>$5.00</TD><TD>$7.65</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Dolphin-Hem Skorts for Baby </TD><TD>Bright White (12m - 18m)</TD><TD>$5.00</TD><TD>$7.65</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Printed knit dress </TD><TD>Cl Aqua (12m - 18m)</TD><TD>$9.99</TD><TD>$15.28</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Soft striped wrap-around headband </TD><TD>Creamy Yellow</TD><TD>$2.99</TD><TD>$4.57</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Mixed-Print Rashguard Swim Sets for Baby</TD><TD>Purple Combo (6m - 12m)</TD><TD>$8.00</TD><TD>$12.24</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>8</TD><TD>Little Rabbit</TD><TD>Parent graphic raglan bodysuit</TD><TD>Wind Blue (12m - 18m)</TD><TD>$9.99</TD><TD>$15.28</TD><TD>$143.68 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Fun word graphic bodysuit</TD><TD>Light Blue (12m - 18m)</TD><TD>$7.99</TD><TD>$12.22</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Pink Flamingo (18m - 24m)</TD><TD>$7.99</TD><TD>$12.22</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Pieced polo</TD><TD>Evening Blue (12m - 18m)</TD><TD>$9.99</TD><TD>$15.28</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Skinny striped polo</TD><TD>Stripe (12m - 18m)</TD><TD>$12.99</TD><TD>$19.87</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Flower socks (3-pack)</TD><TD>Pink Blossom (12m - 24m)</TD><TD>$4.99</TD><TD>$7.63</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Robeez® flower shoes</TD><TD>Pink (12m - 18m)</TD><TD>$19.99</TD><TD>$30.58</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Embroidered flower striped shirt</TD><TD>Blue Stripe (4yrs)</TD><TD>$14.99</TD><TD>$22.93</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Ribbed tennis socks (3-pack)</TD><TD>Marine Blue (12m - 24m)</TD><TD>$4.99</TD><TD>$7.63</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Total</TD><TD></TD><TD>$344.18</TD><TD>$526.60</TD><TD>$526.60 </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
All items are now shipped to VPost address pending shipment to SG..then onie will noe how much is the shipping charges.
Thanks for the bday wishes

Wah, after feeding Bryan with rice cereal for 1 week, today his poo is soft but smell like our poo! Heading to Tanglin Mall later to get some organic fruits and veg to make puree. I'll start with Apple Puree as I dun want him to get constipated. After 4 days, I'll intro pumpkin puree.

do u all have any clue why a baby who used to sleep through the night since he was 1 mth old, will cry v loudly every hr through the night and will fall asleep after some pats? He isn't even hungry, no changes to his sleeping environment, etc.

like that v telok, just 3 nights of such nonsense, v tiring coz need to work next day.

the only few changes from him will be he likes to suck his toes and he got 2 teeths coming out slighly at lower gum.
