(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

bur, i leave my bottles there as well..I found out onie last nite when I gave them a new teats in the morning.

u noe, Zach used to be so talkative, then suddenly after going to the IFC for 2mths..he became so quiet, onie smile..dun even wanna talk. I hv yet to see him 'talk' for 2mths liao
gwen...urs oso gd buy...dun hv to help me look liao, i decided to get frm a seng kang mommy tml...thanks! me kan cheong mommy...
tara... too late liao...me reserve liao... need stuff to entertain nini after i bring her back frm IFC in the evening...so i can go bath/pump/eat/etc... 2 mths later...i getting excersaucer...hahaha...
i left e little gym brochure at home & will only go home on mon. I will PM u e details next week yea

am quite sure e IFC cut the teat to make zach drink faster, coz tt's wat my confinement lady did to my newborn!! somemore use scissors to cut, not needle to poke.. how SMALL a cut can a scissors make rite! which IFC u using now? I was considering little skool hse @OCBC centre previously.. u may wanna chk out

which dumper truck was that? sounds realy interesting! my dad so stubborn, insisted on buying a FP piano dog for my boy though i told him got sale elsewhere.. i noe he wanna pamper my boy, but such a waste of money as FP toys are ex!
hav uploaded kayson jumping in his jumperoo in FB. hehe. those who don hav my FB, can view from my blog. http://lyregl-iemik0.blogspot.com/ =p

hehe. hb threaten to sell my LV bags if i don pack my bois' toys. haha. jayzon loves picking up one toy from his toy box n place in another room or platform or even toilet. lolx.
swingpack - me! me! u got pix? i dunno how heritage version looks like.. :p

boring mommy
speaking of thant, i think i'm not to be excluded.. bb ZEE comes back from IFC, either he'll be lying down or i carry him.. i think he super bored till he flip everytime he's being put lying down.. so he can look-look see-see.. he puts his fingers or rather almost the whole hand into his mouth since 1st month and so far i've never given him any teether.. dunno coz i bo-chap since it's #2 or what.. sigh!
oh, i tried putting him on his kor-kor's high chair and he could really sit so steady! this bb seems like ready for food but this mommy a bit 'lazy'.. :p

wow, the fee so low! even lower than paying for a nanny!
eh.. cindy.. the dumper truck is from FP also.. haha.. its a small small one only.. NTUC also got sell.. hahaha.. my son needs more BOY toys... keke.. i NEARLY bought a thomas train set (only $34) for him.. but i think think better not la.. dumper truck first.. keke.. wanna get the cement mixer next! woohoo..

robinsons sale is that SALE WORTH WAITING FOR one.. so i think its a period of time.. keke.. yesterday 1st day!

Ur boy has 20over teethers!!? Omg....thats a lot no wonder ur hb not happy le... =p


I seriously think mb u shd get Zach out of the IFC and source for another one...since u noticed Zach has became less talkative..it could mean that he is not happy there, just dun know how to express himself.... Cos this is not the first time ur not happy with their service right? Even after u wrote them in B & W?

Oh, so Rosinsons sale is at Robinsons....hahah..fei hua...cos i tot mb they hv a grand sale like Metro, John Little @ Expo mar....

Adel, sorry i can't make it to the 20 June gathering liao...got something on...but gals i would really like to meet up with u gals le..dunno why la..i just joined this forum but i already feel so 'belonged' here...u gals seem so fun...
thomas train set?!? hehe. not so fast la. at least when they 1yr n above. hehe. i bought jayzon one when he 8mths coz voucher expiring soon n he din even look at it. lolx.

robinsons sales juz start ydae ah? din know tt. hmm. wonder if i can take leave next wk anot. sick of work. haha.
Bryan went quiet too initially when we transfer him to the new centre so I wrote into the log for the teachers to have more play & interaction sessions with him. AFter that, he talks non stop
You may want to instruct them to create more interaction for Zach, otherwise he could be down right bored.

Also, I would advised you to take your bottles back each day to clean and sterilised it yourself. For me, even though the IFC cleaned the bottles & feeding bowls + spoons, I'll still clean it one more time + sterilise it each night. I just dun trust the level of care they can placed in cleaning since they have so many to look after.

As for yr options, why dun you meet the principle to discuss and see how they progress first b4 withdrawing Zach. Sometimes, you'll be surprise that they do take pro-active action to correct the flaws.

My boy is currently in the infant division so I'm not too certain what kind of programme they have for 1.5yrs. I would suggest you asked the centre for a trail session of 3 days so that you can have a better idea. However, i'm not sure they will allow trial session if you're on waiting list.
tara.. hayden has no teeth yet.. and by the time he has 20 teeth, i think its the time when i'm buying video games and not teethers already.. keke
Latest List
Tentative Date - 20 June 2009 (Sat)
Time - from 11am onwards till 5/6pm
Venue - Corporation Road

1. Emeraldbride - Self, Hb & BB?
2. Bubblepearl - self, bb, hb(3 pax)
3. Ikeike - self, bb & hb
4. 2ndbb - self, bb
5. Pastillies - self, bb & hb
6. Juzyounme - self, bb
7. Xuelyn - self, Hb & bb
8. Izu - self, bb, (hb)

1. Fabbie
2. iemik0
3. Spaghetti - self, bb & hb
4. Merydith - self,bb,hb,maid
5. Esthers -self,bb,hb
6. Snowger - self,bb,hb
7. Joanne81 - self,bb,hb
8. Echt - self, bb
aiyo Phyl, the mkt for coach bags here is too competitive so margin very little.
Eh u think i need bumbo seat? Or i just go straight for highchair? Cos i forsee my boy cannot sit still one...so dun think bumbo seat might be use for long.. High chair is bo bian so he can join us at dining table next time..

you winner le! u can be the mkt rep for teethers liao...so which is the best so far?? keke

dee here's the link :



blur, i also nv bring back my bottles, leave them there for them to sterlise...think i better check later too.

For me, my boy use to babble a lot too before we put him at IFC. at IFC first few days, he was quite too. Thereafter once he warm up / get use to being brought there every morning & the place, now is back to usual..babbles n babbles
I personally think Combi High Chair is not bad...Can double as a rocker and bed apart from being just a simple highchair lor....saw ytd at Isetan Sale at 230 nia...hb bought it at 279 le...
Thank luthadel mummy for yr advise.

Oh u place bryan so young with the infant care.I must salute you.Cos not many parents 'ren xin' lor.

My gal is abit on the quiet side..and she seem to hv bad temper lor..not sure its becos seldom mix with pple. Currently she is under nanny care, i oso dunno nanny can let her do wat also.
Hi all, long time never post and our bb really grown UPPPPP….all so pretty & handsome!!!!

Teat tear – tat happen to my #1 last time when taken care by my MIL.
No wonder when my girl drinking milk and keep leaking till the hanky wet wet, then we realize the tear….
Maybe is when adult washing the teat and they pressed too hard till like tat…
pastillies.. keke.. best is the pigeon one.. the water filled ring ones cannot buy too soft one.. coz they cannot grip properly yet.. eh.. most ridiculous priced one is sophie..hmm.. the combi ones are ok.. he not interested in the stage 1 teether.. jump straight to stage 2.. haha.. but his fingers too clumsy for stage 3..
We have no choice lor since both of us got to work and we have no one to look after him. But if you sent your gal at 1.5yrs to childcare, she may not get used to being around so many kids :S You've to start getting her into group activities now otherwise she may end up crying.

ya I think they were just really very rough when washing the teats causing it to tear. Especially if u jab the teat brush through the hole .. confirm sure enlarge the hole what. so careless of them. Poor zach .. how to drink milk properly like that .. you're right - he could've choked. Very awful of them - u want to be in the business of takin care of infants, you gotta be more careful lor.
just a gentle reminder!
www.breastfeeding.org.sg bring ya pump or baby u will get a Momo Baby BPA-free wide neck plastic bottles. I duno true anot. but I cant go liao!!! =( cus my hub sat got work.. so sat at hougang. =(

Hahhaaha so funny.. i wanted to sell my LV bag. but my hub like dun wan leh.. Hmm

i heard from my mum today still got! its at straits time news..eh.. whats ya address! i ask my hub to send u the romper later

the high chair quite cute hor! so how much is it?! singapore got sell?

want go Robinsons sales together today? Me very upset with myself for missing the Isetan sales, Toy R us sales. Lavendery offer to go with me but me got to give up cause got tuition. Sian...

Robinsons sales limited to robinsons credit card members? I got OCBC card but not Robinsons 1.

Jowin, how to join as Isetan private members instead of going as guest? Cause Isetan seem to have alot of sales for private members.


I bought mine at $100. So dun think can re-sell at price higher than that. Though my jumperoo is in good condition. No tear or broken part but lot of my gal saliva. She keen drooling.

So anyone got buy the curved spoon for ur bb? Me forgot the brand, dunno is it Pigeon or Combi.
Hi Fabbie
sure have sell la... i saw my girlfriend's home has 2 leh...but hor. i haven research around for it. so dun know where to get it..

Hi ypg
oh.. just sign up the Isetan credit card n u can be member...

Heres the link

its combi spoon.. i just bought one yesterday in a box set
But i just thought why the spoon out of shape one. hahaha!!!
mommies, my bb used to go to the IFC and we noticed that the bottles thought they claimed to wash was still oily. Thereafter we instruct them to rinse only and we wash & sterilised at home. So we bot alot of bottles and everyday we will bring the required nbr of bottles + 1 extra so they need no reuse the bottle with unclean washing or perhaps god noes if they really do wash......

Earlier during lunch ran to a colleague and she shed light on y my bb always finishes her 120ml everytime and finishes within 5mins whereas she never do so in volume or speed at home.... pains me juz to think of it. Haiz she logics that they have so many mobile/infants and all have to wait for their turn to be served so by then its my baby's turn, she probably famished and so can finish all in amazing speed.... makes sense n logic... no wonder they alway tell me "can can she can finish all very very fast" though in the records she is fed within 3hrs as instructed when she entered the IFC.

Now she is out of the IFC and taken care by my aunt. She still doesnt drink 120ml and my aunt once extended her timing and true enough she drinks that amt within a short time haiz.........

Torn teat. I've had that once and we reckon is due to our overzealous cleaning. I was using the blue Pigeon brittles then and the small brush that comes with it.

Hairloss. I've chopped my locks. It's not going to end my agony but I'm in hope I can reduce the amt that is loss daily.... yes I bot ba wang too
1.5 Wella which i saw in Chinatown is going at $19.50 if anyone is keen.

YPG, pls do include me in the next session leh. My name is missing in the last queue session.....
rachel wah highchair also need $230??? nt cheap wor...
jowin, ur one looks intersting & useful but!!! I think it's not going to be cheap judging fm it being so multi-purpose.

I ask just now, my IFC full hse le..waiting list is for next yr...

Teat holes: I just check the milk bottle teats, still okie...but its the IFC teachers who tells me it's time to change his milk bottle teats le.. they ask me to get those anti-colic kind (eg avent) but kayson likes to use Nuk teats leh...

i also hear the pigeon one not bad..issit the one that is like a lolipop?? those normal teether i give my boy he dun like..think he cant hold properly yet, so not fun to play with...

Backtrack a bit, my boy use to sleep thur the nite, but these few nites been waking up! & all i need is to pat pat a bit / put the pacifier in & he sleeps again le...tired.....

Summer, babies nowdays are very very smart. In fact, Kayson actually experience seperation anxiety when we first start him at IFC when he was 3mths plus...how i know, cos he was super unhappy with us when we pick him up & keep "complaining / nagging" all the way home. Then refuse to look at us in the eye. Only then we realise babies actually alrady know how to recognise ppl & places so early. so like wat Luthadel says, it would be good to join some playgp before going full force into fullday childcre.
it took him awhile to adjust & nowdays it's okie when we pick him up after work le...maybe it helps tat i go down every lunchtime so it's like "spot check" too;p
Hi everyone..

Haven posted in a while cos very busy but been enjoying looking at all the baby photos when i have time to logon.. so cute!

Also wanted to ask, if anyone interested in the Combi Highchair? Its the one that can also convert into rocker and be fully reclined.

I just got one 2 wks ago for $279 from mothercare (had to use up my gift vouchers) thinking to ship it to Aussie.. But after chking prices for freight and the amt of things i have, we decided to just cart our own stuff there. So thinking of selling off the highchair to reduce my load and just get one in Aus.

Anyone interested pls PM me. Its brand new but i've opened it up from the box already. Its blue in colour and i am willing to let it go for $269 but must self collect. If not, it will just stay in my parents place like a white elephant :p
Me keen in wella 1.5!!! Chinatown where!!!?! Ocean ah? But seriously speaking.. i hate going to Chinatown lei. Cannot stand the sights of those PRC women holding hands with those Ah Peks who can almost become their grandfathers. Haizzz.. No offence to anyone
patillies.. eh.. the pigeon one is the eh... look like dumbells with rubber teether at the sides.. haha.. dunno how to explain la.. but its a GOOD teether.. keke..

christine, my hair also shedding like nobody's business already.. i used to have very thick hair.. now like nothing much.. so sad lor.. but then hubby dun let me cut.. the carpet ard my office all hair..
krystel, emeraldbride is now zachmommy.

Haiyah, Calista can now commando crawl ... damn dangerous lor. quite fast some more. leave her on my bed can see her moving quite fast to reach something she wants like my phone. I posted the video on my blog.

when they become mobile it's another headache. lol. cos u worry about them hurting themselves.
Sam. my Ashlynne crawl in anti-clockwise on her tummy n also move backwards.. haha!!

same la. i drop hair terribly

one pull a bunch came out... Wella 1.5 useful?
zachmommy ,

Could it be at infant care they dnt have 1 to 1 interaction with bb, so he jus learn to keep quiet.. Very sad and heart pain.. I read I so sad..

Hey I also work shenton area.. ex cheaperst is 1400.. after subsidy

let me know if you need the names
krystel, alr PM-ed u!!! U SMS me can?

Gals, I had a long session with the principal & one of the infant teacher.. All claim they are not aware of the teat incident - which I was too fast to say "Means u guys are not really into doing ur job cos u would hv realised it during washing".. Anyway, having said all these, they are looking into implementing the log books like some of the IFC is doing whereby parents give instructions, teachers sign-off. As for activities as per claimed, they say my bb too young, so sleep is the most impt.. n cos he was observing those older bb it is also stimulating his 5 senses..so he tends to get mroe tired.. but i counter that wif he has even more packed activities with us on weekends but he dun sleep so much..he still sleep for 2hrs after waking up for 2hrs..Principal asked me to give them a chance to improve..so i told them i will discuss wif my hb and see how it goes. I told them i m abit sceptical abt putting Zach in their care now aft the teat incident..how can i be assured of his safety? See what my hb says later lor..

Today so busy..meeting till 12.30 then go see principal till 1.30pm rush to pump 2pm meeting till 5pm!! I just took my breakfast cum lunch!!

Oh..all babies started crawling liao..zach onie started flipping!! Hahaha..summore is those flip that still hv his hands stuck n he will ask for help type..keke but he turns 360deg liao scared he will get his legs or hands stuck in between the cot.

Aurorin, hang on the high chair first ya..i ask my hb if he wanna get that or the FP one..
phyl the teether looks like a dumbbell rite? Hb wanted to get it cos looks like a dogbone since bb likes to buy. Wanted to get it ytd isetan but the cloth area cant be wash rite? How do clean the teether b4 gvg to Hayden??

Chantelle, Wella 1.5 is available at Lee Hwa. The other cheap store is Ocean but they ran OOS. I will be going agn. U want me to help u buy?
Hi Kath
DUn worry.. Ashlynne still stuck with her hands at times
Also need help sometime.. Put her on more firm mattress or mat, can help.. too soft mattress, she still can't flip well.

I suggest u shd start looking for alternatives.. Cos ur trust in this IFC has already shaken n also they dun do a good job. Talk to ur HB n see how
very heartpain to see Zach not in good hands.

BTW, which FP one you are talking about? can share??
pluf, thanks for ur offer.. let me discuss wif hb first on what he says abt giving them another chance or we hire a maid..

Fifi, this is for u!!! Hahaha.. Zach enjoys the activity station very much!


Highchair: Combi highchair is cloth materials is it? Feeding solids can get quite messy at times. So ladies, u may want to consider this factor when u buy highchair. Personally, I highly recommend Ikea highchair, with tray n cushion around the highchair, less than $50. Dun recommend spend too much as some bb, dislike highchair just like some bb hate stroller.


Where u buy this activity station? From fifi? How much? I want, I want. Zach look so cute n enjoying in it.

Hair dropping: A guru mum from Nov thread say that during pregnancy, our hormones prevent hair dropping. So now after birth, hormones level back to normal, we will drop off the hairs that we are supposed to fall off during our pregnancy. So scary.

My colleague also say that n she mention hair dropping will be more serious for breastfeeding mum. I dunno how true it is. She says her gynae recommend black sesame. I am going to try out.

seriously, hiring a maid is not without its own risks. And the maids nowadays are getting from bad to worse. I wouldn't trust a maid alone with my baby.

I'm at home so it's ok .. but for you, you're out at work all day. Try to see if your IFC can improve or switch to another centre. I think a maid alone at home with a baby is a bad idea.

ypg is right .. those swing chairs by Combi .. they're nice and comfy but impractical for feeding .. sure kena food ... then you have to remove everything to wash. very leceh. better those that you can wipe down ... easier.
hi, we bought our bts back frm the IFC todae for inspection... heng... looks ok... oso not oily, tink we r pretty lucky cause the teachers there r doing a great job...

kath... zach looks so cute playing at his station...i thinking to buy that in 2 mos time...

i hav the FP highchair tat u posted, it has 7 height adjustment one rite? but mine is old version (got it in 2005) so the seat cover is not that colourful one...

btw u said u wanna hire a maid mean u plan to leave Zach with maid alone?? not a good idea ler...
