(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

hi ypg, i wanna join too. all dates are fine with me
thanku for organising!

ahh Jowin, sorry, sorry, cos i tot u taking the other empty slot (no 8)
ypg, give my slot to jowin, hee, i'll queue next on waiting list. hee

Iris thank for giving me ur slot, i pass to Jowin first. I queue next one on waiting list.

1 ypg (all dates available)
2 Phyl (all dates avail)
3 Bur (all dates avail)
4 Chantalle (7 Jun and 14 Jun)
5 Iris (all dates except 24 May)
6 zachmommy (all dates except 7 Jun and 14 Jun)
7 santorini (prefer 24/31 May)
9 juzyounme (all dates at the moment)
10 tamms (all dates but prefer later date)
11 LuthAdel (all dates)
12 2nd bb (all dates but prefer 7 Jun)

** Waiting List
1) jowinbaby (all dates except 24 May)
2) Pastillies (all dates except 24 May)

u want to try to pack ur milk for zach according to his feed size...i dun put extra there & i dun let them defrost the milk bag themselves...dun want to risk them wasting my BM... sorry ah,the milk bag can take 250ml??
thr trial class need to dance wi bb? i sure cannot make it, now carry zayden already abit xin ku and my hubby dun allow me to carry zayden for too long.
pastillies, Blue Egg one can leh.. but fill to the rim liao lar..haha. Nowadays i dun give them Blue Egg bag anymore..give them First Years, easier to pour. Blue Egg used to freeze.. :p
eh my input in the required format

1 ypg (all dates available)
2 Phyl (all dates avail)
3 Bur (all dates avail)
4 Chantalle (7 Jun and 14 Jun)
5 Iris (all dates except 24 May)
6 zachmommy (all dates except 7 Jun and 14 Jun)
7 santorini (prefer 24/31 May)
9 juzyounme (all dates at the moment)
10 tamms (all dates but prefer later date)
11 LuthAdel (all dates)
12 2nd bb (all dates but prefer 7 Jun)

** Waiting List
1) jowinbaby (all dates except 24 May)
2) Pastillies (all dates except 24 May)
3) ikeike (all dates)

ypg i've pm u too.

aiya no one share whether take bb pics with flash or w/o ah? hello anyone...........
Helooo all mummies,

I'm Stella and i just joined this portal ..

This is my baby Evan.. Do keep us posted on your upcoming gathering ..
ikeike, I'm not using flash when tkaing photo for BB. it's not good for his eyes.
So far the photos still turn out okie la...
I'm using Sony T70.
sometimes frens / relatvies want to take photo of my boy with their hp camera, i will remind them to off the flashlight.

Paiseh, busy with remedial. Now then finish. The kindermusik lady "chop" 24 May for me liao. So all of u fine with 24 May? But if 24 May, Chantalle cant make it. Chantalle, can u confirm if u can make it on 24 May? Headache. I call her again liao, she say can only confirm 1 hour later on 31 May timeslot. Keep u posted.

1st Kindermusik village trial session:
1 ypg (all dates available)
2 Phyl (all dates avail)
3 Bur (all dates avail)
4 Chantalle (7 Jun and 14 Jun)
5 Iris, replaced by jowinbaby (all dates except 24 May - this is Iris? or Jowin's preferred date?)
6 zachmommy (all dates except 7 Jun and 14 Jun)
7 santorini (prefer 24/31 May)
8 bubblepearl replaced by Snowger (Snowger is just a bit slower than 2ndbb to post for the last slot so this slot is given to her. Snowger, u ok with 24 May or 31 May?)
9 juzyounme (all dates at the moment)
10 tamms (all dates but prefer later date)
11 LuthAdel (all dates)
12 2nd bb (all dates but prefer 7 Jun)

** Waiting List
1) pastillies
2) ikeike
3) fabbie?
4) rachel?

Ladies, paiseh. I think it is better for me to get the 1st trial secured on a fixed date then later help u to organise the 2nd trial. Sorry, they only allow 12 bb per group. N timing is not easy to get. Paiseh paiseh. Hate to disappoint any mum. We all want the best for our bb.

2nd bb: No registration fee. Just pay this trial session fee can liao.

echt: Me 1st to report. How much is the gym class? Where and when? I also looking for such fun things for my bb. Want her to have fun.
hey ikeike.. haha.. ur qns must be drowned with all the happenings. Right.. i nvr use flash on baby becoz i heard my sis say flash is very bad for bb eyes and if continuos using flash on them, the likelihood that they need specs are high! so i nvr use flash on my bb no matter wat. If i need good pics, i will edit with Photoshop lor. No choice. ANd HELLO WELCOME STELLA!
Hi Pas
i m joking one.. no need to sorry la.

Xuelyn taking over No. 8 , right?

1 ypg (all dates available)
2 Phyl (all dates avail)
3 Bur (all dates avail)
4 Chantalle (7 Jun and 14 Jun)
5 Iris (all dates except 24 May)
6 zachmommy (all dates except 7 Jun and 14 Jun)
7 santorini (prefer 24/31 May)
8 Xuelyn
9 juzyounme (all dates at the moment)
10 tamms (all dates but prefer later date)
11 LuthAdel (all dates)
12 2nd bb (all dates but prefer 7 Jun)

Just wanna ask ypg to help us organise another class so tat we can all together too...

Another 12 of us

** Waiting List
1) jowinbaby (all dates except 24 May)
2) Pastillies (all dates except 24 May)
3) ikeike (all dates)
SOBZZ.. dim guy!!??? 24th May i cannot make it lei, got wedding lunch!! Ok i give other babies a chance then. Chantalle is out!!! Ladies give yr feedback ok?? Thanks YPG!!
Helooo all mummies,

I'm Stella and i just joined this portal ..

This is my baby Evan.. Do keep us posted on your upcoming gathering ..

I am so blur. Confused snowger and xuelyn. Hehe.. Yes, no.8 should be replaced by xuelyn.

1 ypg (all dates available)
2 Phyl (all dates avail)
3 Bur (all dates avail)
4 Chantalle replaced by ?
5 Iris (all dates except 24 May)
6 zachmommy (all dates except 7 Jun and 14 Jun)
7 santorini (prefer 24/31 May)
8 bubblepearl replaced by Xuelyn (Xuelyn, u ok with 24 May timeslot)
9 juzyounme (all dates at the moment)
10 tamms (all dates but prefer later date)
11 LuthAdel (all dates)
12 2nd bb (all dates but prefer 7 Jun)

Now Chantalle confirmed cant go on 24 May, if I cant get a timeslot on 31 May, I will have to give up her timeslot to another mummy who can make it on 24 May. Jowin or Pastilles? Also, iris, u confirmed not going?
1 ypg (all dates available)
2 Phyl (all dates avail)
3 Bur (all dates avail)
4 Chantalle replaced by ?
6 zachmommy (all dates except 7 Jun and 14 Jun)
7 santorini (prefer 24/31 May)
8 bubblepearl replaced by Xuelyn (Xuelyn, u ok with 24 May timeslot)
9 juzyounme (all dates at the moment)
10 tamms (all dates but prefer later date)
11 LuthAdel (all dates)
12 2nd bb (all dates but prefer 7 Jun)

yup, i confirm not gg. dun wan to strain myself. haha...
No worries, ypg. thx anyway. I called Kindermusik. they have a class for young bb till 10 mths on Sun afternoon at 2pm. Mommies may wish to put your child's name and they shall confirm it closer to date.

Can waitlist for 7, 14, 21 June & July trial class at 2pm. Otherwise, the studio free on Sun at 10am. can arrange another class if date differ from ypg's group.
Thanks for the welcome mummies.

Hi Stella, I just join this thread too!

Izu, dun worry abt your baby's weight. 7.3kg is actually a good weight. Joey just have a natural ability to suck nurtients. She's already 5kg when she's 1 mth old.

Can anyone share how to encourage your baby to sit in pram? cos mine is really heavy but she dun like to sit too long - 屁股尖尖!
Hi Stella,

Here's the latest on our baby Gathering:

Tentative Date - 20 June 2009 (Sat)
Time - from 11am onwards till 5/6pm
Venue - Corporation Road

1. Emeraldbride - Self, Hb & BB?
2. Bubblepearl - self, bb, hb(3 pax)
3. Rachel - Self & bb
4. Ikeike - self, bb & hb
5. 2ndbb - self, bb
6. Pastillies - self, bb & hb
7. Juzyounme - self, bb
8. Xuelyn - self, Hb & bb

1. Fabbie
2. iemik0
3. Spaghetti - self, bb & hb
4. Merydith - self,bb,hb,maid
5. Esthers -self,bb,hb
6. Snowger - self,bb,hb
7. Joanne81 - self,bb,hb
8. Echt - self, bb

Thing is, if the confirmed attendees are less than 10, I'll not organise it as I'll need to book the function room for this purpose. So dateline is 19May09
Hi all mummies,

So long didnt pop in here to chat.
Been real busy and partly oso becos my company dun allow us to acess internet.
Me trying to find a good child care centre for my gal for next yr within Jurong West area.
Seem that many of these centre are quite hot cakes that they hv long waiting list.

Can anyone of the mummies whom placed their baby in Jurong childcare centre shared their views/selection of the centre.

Me had selected My first skool @ Jurong Point, Bright kids CC and Apple tree.

Would love to hear yr views esp for those whom already placed their babies there.
haha thanks for keeping me in mind for the kindermusik class. Actually if it's on Sunday mornings I cannot make it, because of church. But if there is an afternoon slot, I don't mind going. But you all can go first and let us know how it is.

I never realised that it would be bad to take photos with flash. Now that you mention it, I will take note not to do it again.

BB = big breasts? :p I also hate BB, but I've always been quite big.. Even before pregnant, I was already 36B/C. When my BM first came in, my boobs were huge! But now settled down liao, back to 36C. I find it so inconvenient to buy clothes. Also, when I exercise, must use a good sports bra, cannot just use any bra. sianzz..
i hate big breast too... but same like u, i also 36C (b4 pregnant), i always wanted small breast, last time when i juz stopped BF my #1, my breast shrink from C to B & i was so happy but my hubby dun like... wahahaa... now i'm waiting the day when my breast shrink again when stop BF Daniell... kekee

Got Sunday, 2pm? I ask them what timeslot they got for a trial group. They say only Sunday 10 am since that time their studio dun have any class n it is really cater to trial session group.

I can put myself in the waitlist but prefer my bb to play with bb who I know the mother so that can continue the friendship. Hehe...

News flash,

I secure 2 timeslots 24 May and 31 May liao. So Chantelle, u can still make it for 31 May. But I need to confirm with the lady by tmr. I am so excited.

1st trial:
1 ypg (all dates available)
2 Phyl (all dates avail)
3 Bur (all dates avail)
4 Chantalle replaced by jowin?
5 iris replaced by pastilles?
6 zachmommy (all dates except 7 Jun and 14 Jun)
7 santorini (prefer 24/31 May)
8 bubblepearl replaced by Xuelyn (Xuelyn, u ok with 24 May timeslot)
9 juzyounme (all dates at the moment)
10 tamms (all dates but prefer later date)
11 LuthAdel (all dates)
12 2nd bb (all dates but prefer 7 Jun)

xuelyn, jowin n pastilles, please confirm u r ok with 24 May.

2nd trial on 31 May (secured) or other dates if u want (but not secured yet):
1 Chantalle?
2 Rachel?
3 echo?

Or u can go for the Sunday 2pm timeslot individually. Is it on waitlist now for individual, izu?
Wah YPG u really go th extra mile.. kudos to you. Our kids really need teachers like you.

Hmm.. I think for May is really tight for me. I will forgo 31 May as well. Would be keen on June.
thanks for organising!! more than glad to take up the slot!! wow dance waltz w baby sounds romantic.. ha haa.. thanks agn for giving me the slot gals!!

Can do me a small favour?? when 24 May draws near PLS remind us agn.. super forgetful these days!!!

1.5 wella shampoo:
Gals i went to all 3 "beauty shops" at TPY during lunch time.. all dun haf the 1.5 shampoo lei. they haf 1.3, 1.6.. jus no 1.5 lor! the shop ppl say OOS n not sure when the stk coming back in. any idea where else can get huh? every nite see my toilet flr full of hair.. so sianz!!

when shall we go gymboree?? so eggcitted...!!
My son is in JP centre. So far I like it there as they don't have any mobiles yet. I think my boy and another girl will be the first mobiles once they master the art of crawling!

I prefer a new centre as the facilities are cleaner and new. The fact that there are no mobiles and only babies (6 so far) means that our babies get more interaction and playtime outside the area rather than just stay in the cot.

However, having said that recently we had some issues with the centre but so far the principle has dealt with it and we're having a meeting with her this sat to see how she intends to improve the care giving.

Overal I'll rate the JP centre 7/10.
hi ypg
24 May wat time?? i shd be ok already.. cos appt change to 23rd May liao..

1st trial:
1 ypg (all dates available)
2 Phyl (all dates avail)
3 Bur (all dates avail)
5 iris replaced by pastilles?
6 zachmommy (all dates except 7 Jun and 14 Jun)
7 santorini (prefer 24/31 May)
8 bubblepearl replaced by Xuelyn (Xuelyn, u ok with 24 May timeslot)
9 juzyounme (all dates at the moment)
10 tamms (all dates but prefer later date)
11 LuthAdel (all dates)
12 2nd bb (all dates but prefer 7 Jun)
AuntofEnQi - my bb loves to sit & now stand. still not rolling or crawling. so worrying. better to lie down first s aid crawling, right?

Ypg, yes can put on waitlist for Sun afternoon at 2pm.

Echo, u may want to try.

LuthAdel, here's the latest list:
Here's the latest on our baby Gathering:

Tentative Date - 20 June 2009 (Sat)
Time - from 11am onwards till 5/6pm
Venue - Corporation Road

1. Emeraldbride - Self, Hb & BB?
2. Bubblepearl - self, bb, hb(3 pax)
3. Rachel - Self & bb
4. Ikeike - self, bb & hb
5. 2ndbb - self, bb
6. Pastillies - self, bb & hb
7. Juzyounme - self, bb
8. Xuelyn - self, Hb & bb
9. Izu - self, bb, (hb)

1. Fabbie
2. iemik0
3. Spaghetti - self, bb & hb
4. Merydith - self,bb,hb,maid
5. Esthers -self,bb,hb
6. Snowger - self,bb,hb
7. Joanne81 - self,bb,hb
8. Echt - self, bb
wat is gymboree?? hahaha

I juz wrote a super super long email to the principal of Zach's IFC. Felt that writng them down is much better than talking. At least got black n white! Stuff like no activities conducted despite being told there will be, feeding amount, diaper change, etc.. all i wrote it in the email..hahaha.

if after this incident, still no improvement, i hv to find another IFC nearby my workplace liao. anyone knows of any near raffles place? The onie good thing abt Zach's IFC is that they are opened till 8pm!!

Ur BB IFC still not yet replied u? Thought quite long ago liao.

Confirmed 1st Kindermusik Village trial on 24 May, 10am, at $23 (I waive off $0.35, troublesome for u to remember the cents to transfer):
1st trial:
1 ypg
2 Phyl
3 Bur
5 pastilles
6 zachmommy
7 santorini
8 Xuelyn
9 juzyounme
10 tamms
11 LuthAdel
12 2nd bb

Chantalle, thanks for ur compliment. It is my childhood dream to be a teacher who can help students. U dunno lor, in school, sometimes if the teacher dun go extra mile, the student really gone case. Sighs... Their parents got their own set of problems to handle than to take care of them.


U want go gymboree? I find it a bit too expensive n dun seem to have much activities for my bb. Maybe I am wrong. Any mum got go gymboree b4?
My elder gal attended one term of kindermusik class and one session of gymboree class when she was like 8 mths old. I find she enjoys more at gymboree class.
hi, I'm new and my son was born 4th dec.. Read abt ur discussion rgd kindermusik & gymboree. Just to share, I brought my son to kindermusik when he's 4mths and he enjoys d class v much. D teacher voice is superb & d music r v catchy. My son can relate to d songs. Altho there's carrying of bb for sme songs, it's not tat bad. Will b better if bb been fed & had their nap so they will nt b cranky. They will enjoy d class better. I hv enquire abt gymboree, will b more suitable when bb can crawl. For our bb age, d program at gymboree is similar to kindermusik but more $$$.. My 2cts worth.

Paiseh. Now the 1st trial on 24 May is fully taken up. U want to put ur name as reserve in case any mum withdraw last minute? Or u prefer to arrange for another time slot if there are enough 12 bb to form another trial class.


Thanks. I will try asking Kindermusik tmr.
thanks =)

itchy gums shouldn't have 'timing' right? perhaps her gums bother her more in the evenings because she's trying to settle down for the night? ie no distractions from the itch..? my boys both had that same problem, normally when its time to sleep. a teeny bit of bonjela works like magic =)
