(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

emeraldbride, what is it that you are applying on bb for? My bb got alot of the little pimples on his face, I use breastmilk or hazeline snow instead. It works! I was told breastmilk can do wonders! ahhahhaha

anyone knows if there's any BP for the sarong sling?

jlow, can use BM on bb's face?? I never use anything to apply on his face leh! I tot our BM usually will cause milk rash as well?? My fren's bb got it leh.. quite bad! So I dont tink BM shuld be applied on their faces.

Izu, thanks for the additional info!

I have a Medela PIS advance 2008 backpack for sale at $400. Will include new parts for hygiene purpose. Warranty till end of May 2009. Interested, please PM me. Thanks!
hi kath
i think my gal too.. every 1.5 hrs to 2, she cry for milk.i keep giving her. normally is abt 9 feed per day. today not even pass 12, got 11 feed liao
bubble pearl,
my boy born on 10 dec. Today i just increase to 80ml. He finish it. But the timimg to ask for milk like the same lei. When we give him 90ml he will stop at 80ml.

wow your boy drink alot lei.
not sure le. tried n tested, his bigger bum seem to subside. i only dab on it direct from breast not the frozen ones.

Any mummy tried too?
i'm getting sian of drinking reddates tea leh.. very heaty.. i've been drinking some water once in a while.. cannot tahan liao..
today went to see my gynae for postnatal check.. also got some fenugreek from him.. hee..
what's ur bb's jaundice level? my #1 has mild jaundice (7.3) but still OK not to be admitted.. PD (MC Tan) said that TBF will take longer to clear jaundice.. about a month.. so, we just "sunbathe" him in the morning when the sun wasn't so strong..

heat and bb
i agree!
bb doesn't like heat at all! my bb hasn't been sleeping well during the day today and when we brought him to the hospital for my check up and his, he was sleeping all the way! and PD said the rashes that he's got are also heat rash.. he said should try to cool him down..
no wonder! i thought what's wrong with him today coz he seemed to sleep less and wanting to nurse so often.. it's the HEAT!!
infact i tout need to consultant fee like 10 bucks but no leh! i just pay the breast pump the GST is the one is killing me so expensive.. anyway i just went there i wanted to test my pump a lady told me say come i see how you latch. then she like teach me. but im kinda give up. but i will do latching again if im DAMN free =X . They treat me like frd like that wor.

Then later i test breast pump a lady will be guiding me this and that and tell about my breast. she told me is not normal tat my nipple is always pain! and is not right for the areola to be suck in lor. it will be so pain and sore le. when i try the pump in style i dun feel pain at all wor. its very good! Now i thinking is either my motor abit spoil or the speed is like that for the starting to be fast then followed by slow pace. I was looking for other pumps. But seems like Mrs wong only promote Medela Pump in style. She told whatever you see in this room is the best! she has been tested out so will promote it. Those are not there she say is not advisable. Cus infact im looking for Medela freestyle lor.

Infact i was having problems with my gal drinking.. sometimes cry half way when drinking. Mrs wong told me the teats is too small must get a med or large teats. and so i got a large teats just now MUhahha and its too big liao, cus it flows so fast! im so kaisu.. Tmw i will buy a med one for my gal and try it out.

Oh ya she told me baby sometimes will split abit milk like vomit like that some milk that she will split. She told me thats good. Is like we adult got flame. so does baby. the more the better to split it out.
japooh..ya lor..my boi only 3 days older than ur..wah his intake really a lot..just fed him...he finish 140ml..i just change to bigger avent bottle...the small 125ml..cannot use liao...hmm...but his poo poo also a lot..

ur CL practices are very different from the usual practice. Though agree with u that most babies dun like heat, I dun think I will give my gal drink such cooling drink to "cool" her. My mum will kill me. Hehe...


If baby will cry on particular timing for consecutive days, it might be colic case. Maybe u should bring him see doc. Doc will know better. If it is colic case, there is medicine to help a bit as well as colic massage that help to soothe BB. Maybe u can ask the doctor about it.

Try not to let baby cry for too long, they will end up taking in more wind inside and more discomfort.

Also, if we let baby cry out, they might lose confidence in us n it will affect their trust in others. I remember reading something like this during my children psychology course in NIE.

Actually, I very scare my gal cry also. When she cry, her lips will tremble. Look very ke lian n make me feel so guilty that I din take care of her well. But I try to pacify her, do things that she usually like. I force myself not to be panic or frustrated or else my gal will sense it and cry even louder.
scarletGal - i boil ng kee herbs for last 2 weeks, baby still yellowish. they say won't so fast one, take time to go down. i did swaddle baby after feed, he still crying his head off.

Ivy - i have already gotten CDA letter n $1K cash. when did u register the baby n apply for baby bonus?

ypg - haiz, i think i really hack care until i let him cry in cot for an hr or more. v tiring.
hi ypg
i agree.. i also very xin tong when my gal cry alot and lips also tremble.. then she will sigh.. looks so cute when she sigh..but seem tat i m not doing a good job in pacify her. A few times i even cry with her cos i really no idea wat she wants.. nowadays better, like i force myself to be strong and try my best for her.

hi juz
did u sunbathe ur baby??? the morning n evening sun
purposely woke up to pump!! Arrgghh.. N i was thinking not even first month yet and I alr sian half way liao. Hahaha.. imagine i read from magazine best to breast feed for 6months. I tink my breast will either
1. Sag
2. Overused
3. Overlatched
4. Nipple dropped off
by the 7th month..muahahaha

My boy onie very fussy in the day time dunno y.. after the last latch which was from 6pm - 9pm (with breaks in between where mummy takes her dinner, baby takes his cat nap of 5 - 10minutes), he slept till 1am!! Hahaha.. the routine continues later on.. but I will not be ard for him to take my nipple as suckign ice cream cos MUMMY GOING FOR FACIAL...

I tink i siao liao..oh btw i m hv cold war wif hb now.. i got new tactic. Dont wanna argue with him but give him cold shoulder, ignore him!!! Hahaha
Hi Kath
haha.. i also very sian.. tats why my pumping time have been prolong from 3hrs per pump to 5 hrs now.. SS also drop because of this.. although i also latch my gal sometimes.. Why m i posting at this hrs??? cos i m pumping lor.... SIANZ!!!!

the medela freestyle already in sg? not cheap, ya.. how much ah? but i think that's the best ard.. smallest and can be done handsfree!

So u got the authorisation letter as well? Cause some mums say dun need the authorisation letter to open CDA account, just need to submit application form together with the BB bonus form can liao. So I confused confused. Haha...

For me, I apply at my daughter's 5th day and I got it before my daughter's full month celebration but the CDA letter only got it about 2 weeks after the celebration.

So he sleep from tiredness of crying for so long? I know it is tough on u since u got no confinement lady but try to endure for future good as it is really bad for baby to leave them crying for so long.

They want attention n if they dun get it, they will cry even more. I know there is a saying that say dun carry baby too often or else they always want to be carried. I only agree that we should not rock while carrying them. I read b4 in quite a number of baby magazines & books that babies who are carried often fuss less. They need the assurance that they are loved and also carrying baby will help us to bond with our little thing.

I personally enjoy the time when I am carrying my baby, pat her buttock while singing to her. She look very happy n often sleep after a while. Now she getting bigger, she dun want this liao. Make me so sad. She want me to carry her n play with her or walk walk see see my house. U want to try patting his buttock lightly or try to hold his hands. Perhaps put a beanspout pillow over his stomach?


Ur baby so cute, know how to sigh. My baby only know to frown at us when me n my hubby are not doing things as good as my mum. Kind of protesting against us!

Today very happy! Wake up to see my daughter able to turn from back to tummy. My mum say she is very early in this development. She looks so cute after able to turn successfully. Cause she been trying to turn for quite a while n always feel frustrated when she failed to do so.

I think baby swimming help in motor skills of baby. I got her to swim around her 2 months n since that, she always kicking her legs. Think this help to strengthen her legs ba. But hor, very expensive, $22 for 1 lesson at Huaxia. But once I saw her enjoying so much inside the small tub, I will die die find the $ for her to swim.

Paiseh for the long post.
ypg, how old is ur bb liao?? Sorry ah, u could hv mentioned but that was long time ago.. hehehe

Ur girl can flip liao.. as parents we surely are happy at their fast development hor but at times i oso wish they could stay like tat forever..then i can always carry them and kiss them. Imagine when they grow older, esp boys, will not want mummy to cuddle them in public or kiss them in public or even call them darling in the public..hahaha

2 months can go swimming liao?? i oso intend to send my baby to Huaxia since it is juz nearby. Will let him try swimming and then when he is older see what other things / sports he may be interested..hb kept saying he got long legs must play soccer or basketball..hehe

She is turning 3 months on 8 Jan. I will let her stand upright and let go. She will tahan for about 2 sec n fall. She enjoy playing this game with me. She also like me bounce her up and down. Ladies, endure. About 2 months plus, it is great fun with ur baby liao. Actually I also mixed feeling about it. Want her to develop fast but yet worry she will fly away from us very soon. But no choice this is life...

Huaxia ppl said can liao. Some even earlier. Best to let baby start early or else when they get much older, they develop fear n will dread swimming. Not so easy liao. On that day, I saw a baby boy, around 4th month, was crying when put inside the tub. That is his 2nd try. According to Huaxia ppl, he start too late. But I think it depend. Different baby like different things. I know my daughter love water. She very reluctant to get out of the tub actually.
i duno leh.. but i wanted to get freestyle one. but mrs wong say no good. she say see whatever things here she all tested and she would recommend lor. I go there test breast pump. is machiam tested 1 pump which is pump in style de. lolx

im getting the kick of it. Not bad. the motor is not as loud as my electric de. At least now i know the way normally i pump is so rough that makes my nipple to change shape. now is less pain than last time. but one thing starting the motor is like got 1 2 1 2 1 2 very fast then after like a few mins it will go 1..2..1..2.. which i felt is abit slow. I see the book is normal leh.. no wonder mrs wong told me.. pump 5-10 mins Stop massage breast.. then pump again.. keep repeating it lor.

the areola will be suck but it would be suck till your areola so pain lor that i usually have. the lady give me an example taking a bigger funnel and tested on my breast everything just suck inside(which i normally do) she say is wrong lor. thats why my nipple will change shape(as in swollen nipple)
i tout so too! lolx.

ya something like that. when suck you can see your nipple is moving. and areola moving abit lor and not suck the whole thing. if not very pain.

oh ya. where got 6 in 1 jab? sengkang polyclinic dun have!

I distributed the cakes myself but she will packed them into boxes and I told her the no of cupcakes to pack for me...

She'll deliver the cupcakes to only 1 location.. So I told her to deliver to my place..

I really like her service and cakes!!
juzyounme,i submitted the form around 2 weeks ago...so think not yet processed...

pastillies...yup its all 3 jabs...the clinic is Alexandra Clinic at Dawson Place...
hi ypg
oh. ur gal so cute too. can play and flip already..
today i latch my gal n sleep with her on my bed. looking at her so angel sleeping n sucking and wonder one day if she married off, i be crying like mad.. hahahaha!!! me siao mummy...

Yes, abt the hua xiao, i also think its abit ex.. but dun mind baby to try as my gal abit scare of water. She still cry 2 times out of 4-5 bathing time.. no good!! still scary cat cat... must train her not to be scare of water. I definitely want my gal to learn swimming.

Hi fabbie
Me n kath using Medela freestyle, so far, i find it quite good. Its same as PISA, fast fast like 1 2 1 2 ( This is follow baby's suckle- stimulation) then when let down, is 1 2 1 2... like tat.. fast fast 1st then slow slow... Freestyle also same.. If u do not like it, u can immediately press the button n press " let down" button.

Aerola cannot suck in ah... which is correct? mine seem to be suck inside.. aiya..
thanks Ivy! I'm also waiting for my BB CDA a/c to be open..
it's been 2 wks..wanted to call up to check but HB says the ICA officer mention min 3 wks when he submitted all the forms at ICA previously...so i just wait lor...

how long does a period of growth spurts last?? 1-2 days? 3-4 days?
My boi i think definately going thur one the last 2 days..practically every 1/2 hr fm dinner time all the way till nite where he finally goes to sleep (allowing mummy n daddy to sleep)..
Eveytime I try to put him down after his feed, he will cry again & start to look for my breast for more milk..then my CL will say need to feed somemore..I really feel like a cow...

hi Sam, thanks though BB is on total latch on, but just wanted a rough est on how much BB drinks so can set aside enuff EBM when i'm out...I think it's try & error bah..
pastillies..the clinic number is 64797022...best to make appointment before going...CDA can be use...so i am waiting for my CDA...

ypg..confirm that if we bank in the money into CDA then use it the next day...the gov will still match next mth...although the amt has already spent...
hello again
Stealing some time to log in while baby is zzz again
Since yesterday, my boy has started to stretch his feeds to 4 hourly
So that gives me more time to rest and to catch up on stuff!

Yes, me MIA for quite a while. No choice lah, handling alone so quite tight on time hahaha.
thanks ivy for the contact!

hey luthadel, 4hrs tt's so good!! I'm really looking forward for my boi to hv his feeds stretch this long too...
Fabbie, i use the breastshield initially from the PIS, then my nipple hurts, so i use the mom&fairy L size one, my whole areola and a bit of my breast is suck in, there's only a little pain. if whole areola cannot be suck in, then its like the PIS breastshield leh...very painful.. i oso wanted to buy the M size mom&fairy ones, but its only 4mm or less different then the PIS one, so i bought L size. The PIS one are 24mm..

my pump at 3am this morning oni yield 50ml on both side, i so sad, tot my ss is dropping/stopping...when i pump at 7am, it yiel 140ml... anyone know y got so much diff??
baby jaundice down from last week's 221 to 162 today.

jowinbaby - i did sun a bit in morning, he sneezes v fast. anyway, kkh Dr don't want jaundice babies to go suntan, coz they say will lead to dehydration n worse for jaundice cases.

ypg - well, i got several mails from OCBC n another mail fr MCYS. basically they send me the babybonus card, pin no, internet access & pin... and $1K went into my account. anyway, i acted fast, i deposited $1K which i received fr baby bonus into CDA account this morning. hopefully can match dollar by time i take him for vaccination. have checked w infant care ctr that they will accept CDA payment on 3rd mth onwards. I don't really have a letter to open CDA account, its just open for me when i register his birth n at same time submit whatever forms. He always have a beanspout pillow over his stomach. I did try patting his buttock n sayang his chest. hold his hands? they r covered w mittens. i just came bk fr polyclinic, apart fr jaundice check, was asking that Dr what to do w cranky baby. She suggested that even with 1 burp still just continue burping & suggested burping him upright instead of sitting position. upright meaning carry him up head at shoulder. kind of works a bit, at least he is releasing more gas & the crankiness is shorter. hopefully it works in long run.

Ivy - 2 weeks ago, hmm, u have received no mails at all, from bank or MCYS? maybe give another 1 week. or u call baby bonus hotline n ask them how's ur application? i submit on 15th dec. by yest all the things including pin & cash all settled. Where's Dawson Place?

Extract from baby bonus website:
The Government will match your savings in the month after you make the savings. For example, if you deposit $500 into the CDA in August 2008, the Government will make the matching contribution of $500 around the third week of September 2008. Kindly note that bank's requirements with regard to the cut-off time for deposits made on the last working day of the month.

For the Government to make a matching contribution, it is your total savings into the CDA that counts, not how much is left after withdrawals.

So I supposed it mean match up the deposit amount rather than the balance left after withdrawal.


Good to hear that u got the baby bonus cash n CDA done. So u sending ur child to which infantcare? Ur MIL cant help u take care?

Currently, my daughter is taken care by my mum who stay with me and when she is working, a nanny who stay upstairs my house will take care. My mum work on alternate days.

In Mar next yr, the flat opposite my block will open an infant & childcare centre but I only sending my daughter there for childcare. Cause I prefer 1 to 1 during my child 1st yr.

I will return to school to teach after CNY. Time pass very fast. U taking 4 months ML straight or break it up?
ypg..u are teacher?i am thinking of changing my career to be teacher...

i am giving up on BM...supply low...dropping...thinking of selling my Medela Swing set and other BF accessories...if my supply still dont increase...

anyone taken fenugreek and see results??
I wanted freestyle leh but mrs wong say not good. I also duno whats so not good when its hands free. Anyway. I dun like the slow slow leh. i like fast fast.. maybe im too use to my electric mini one thats why i feel abit slow lor. When the air suck hor. your nipple will be sucking in only lor and the areola will be like 10% of it sucking in with your nipple. Its not that pain. But anyway jowin yours pain mah?

only 10% of my areola is suck in with my breast is not pain leh. but the Whole areola suck in hor is damn pain sia! my breast shield the lady told me to get small which is better. I was surpise that bigger breast shield is more painful than smaller ones. cus she took out the bigger breast shield and do a compare. and its quite pain. but bur your breast there pain mah? after you take L?
jowin - Where did u get the freestyle from? And how much does it cost? i'm considering to buy a new one cos the current swing is damn slow.. Zzzzz...
Hi gals,

wow look like most of u are done with the baby bonus stuff. My baby bonus form still sit in my cupboard. Havent send out yet.

It is my childhood dream to be a teacher. Though lot of ppl say teaching very stressful, I am enjoying it very much. Maybe because I teach primary school, lesser stress. My students are all very sweet. Especially the Primary 1 students, they even draw me cards to congrat me. Very cute drawing. They draw me carry my baby n play with them.

Now MOE is recruiting alot of teachers. Perhaps u want to seek this opportunity to join me?

If I din remember wrongly, 2nd Baby n Loveangel also school teacher.

2nd Baby, u r secondary school teacher right? Loveangel, u leh? Never ask u b4. I teach Chinese.
Hi fong
i bought it at a spree with a few gals from drugstore. Kath is one of them.. about S$500+ but no warranty la.

Hi fabbie
i dun know why she said freestyle no good , cos to me, its the same as PIS except it is much lighter and handsfree. i find the handsfree really useful. suction wise, its the same like PISA.

oh.. my aerola no suck in, only nipple.. abit pain when the suction too hard.. but usually ok.. touchwood la...

hallo hallo ... 4 hourly? .. yay for you
So u still pumping and giving Bryan EBM or is he on total FM? ...

I must say I really admire you ladies who are pumping. I think I would have surrendered long ago and just gone full formula ... For me, it's either total latch on or complete bottle feeding with formula .. I'm too lazy to pump then bottle feed. I tried with my first one many many years ago. lol

ya my nipple suck only lor. but sometimes its quite long when i pump leh usually u take how long to empty your breast? did u stop massage pump stop massage pump. I also duno leh. but i quite like freestyle bag and and its hands free! SG like didnt sell it huh. Mayb thats why its not in parentcraft ba??? duno. hehe

but i use this pump.. sometimes my breast will be pain abit. think i massage too hard liao lol.. kaisu scare become stones again.
