(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

spag, how come u r not pumping then u buy the pump??? Hahaha..waste $$ leh. In between latch, u must oso pump ah..so that supply can increase and u can store.
Hi ladies

My boy is already 1 week old and i still have very little breast milk! I let him suckle every 3 hours for more than 30mins and supplement with fm. each time i pump only get less than 25ml.

omg it's so discouraging and CL and my mum keep laughing at me for not having enough and keep forcing my boy to drink FM as his demand has increased to 75ml per feed. Feeling very frustrated and feel like giving up too.

But gynae says bf really helps the uterus to contract faster and I think so too!

Anyone with the same problem? tell me what to do!
Im going to give my ger the 6-in-1 jet at KKH..cant bear to see her taking the injection one by one..and i hate polyclinic bcos of the sickly enviornment..

me starting to bath my ger next week monday..hee..my MIL going back next week..im looking forward to the privacy time im goin to have between me n my ger..will be busy cos gotta be on my own le..not sure if i can cope well..but i will try my best de..

i oso dun pump..also wasted $$ on my medela swing pump..haiz..didnt expect myself to give up BF so fast..haiz..anyway, im giving my ger FM..
hi mummies, after almost MIA for a week, im back!

sorri for not keeping in touch as im nursing the pain and a very bad engorgement last Fri, almost wanna bang my head against the wall. anyway, now im feeling fine =)

i had and still having a diff time trying to supply BM to Kasia. infact, i had sore nipples since Day 1 (no thanks to some nurses who taught me the wrong way to latch on Kasia, straight after my delivery). When the lactation consultant came on Day 2, my nipples are already sooooo sore. so although i learn the rite latch on technique, i stopped latching on since Day 4 and dats when my breasts becum so engorged. the ironic thing is dat after pumping, i having a miserable 5-10ml supply after each pump (i pump every 3-4 hrs). i keep using hot towels and messaging during pumping, hands are so tired after each pump (I spend 30mins on each side). finally today i experience some let down. though the BM is still little (about 30-40ml each session), it's a BIG improvement from the past few days. so moral of the story for mummies having a hard time like me, DUN GIVE UP, JIA YOU! =)

yr rite nipple still sore? how ru coping with BB Gerrad?

sorry, long time nvr log on, so not sure if you have been posting here. how ru and BB Hayden? i wud have lost my head if not for the help from my CL, so i really cannot imagine how u cud have coped on yr own... btw, hv u found a BB sitter? the BB sitter i got is checking as she said her neighbour is looking for BB to babysit too.
pumping milk nw .... *Yawns*

tamms. very nice shots n u look so pretty

fabbie, take gd care..

mayelynn, bb could have already drank yr milk when u latch on, that's y wen u pump out, its nt that much.
thanks merdith and 2ndbaby
hope these days will faster recover as this sunday is baby's 1 month! and friday im going to sneak out to cut my hair! faints..

so tired.. pumping milk now.. duno is it me or what. i have fever i can feel my breast is like so hot! then is like im always pumping hot milk. haha.
pumping milk now.. sianz..

hi tamms
ur photo very nice n u very pretty

Hi gals
no la.. my c-sect is horizontal but internal, the gynae said is vertical. i also dun know why.. thats why even 10cm above my belly button, i felt painful.. the horizontal wound itself, not so pain instead...

I very envy u ladies can go to massage so fast ( even though u all on c-sect) Dun know why mind recover so slow and till now still pain and not yet remove watever nonsense.. just change wound dressing only.. Monday going back to gynae.. maybe just another wound changing again.. I also hope tummy can go down flat.. now i remove binder, i can see the sagging n though i m like 3 months pregnant.. i m left with 3kg to pre-pregnancy weight.. hope can quickly massage like u ladies, to get back my tummy flat.

Hi Carmen
poor thing.. my lactation nurse at TMC also did not teach me proper latching until i go to mrs Wong. also sore nipple n bleed on nipple.. now i resort to all pumping n latch partially.

Avent cream:
oh.. avent cream taste bad? no wonder my BB dun like to latch leh...
hey jowin.. timing just nice with you hehe. later what time ya waking up again to pump?

damn im so thirsty.. anyone got try to drink normal water?
wah..all so hardworking wake up to pump in the morning!! My boy latched on from 1am to 3am!! DRained my left breast and mummy totally and I knocked out until his next feed at 6am..then onie feel that my breast is super full..after latching now pumping!

Carmen, dun give up ya..since now know how to latch on properly liao.. let Kasia latch on more often, bb's sucking can help to stimulate more bm formation.

Tamms, nice shot! I too wanted to go but too bad, I have to be operated by 37weeks itself..so now no choice but mabbe take family pix liao..hehe..
so wasted last nite..it is time for Zach's feed and usually he will be able to finish 60ml of EBM..so i pour out the whole pack of 80ml tinking he could finish since he was getting agitated..end up he onie finish 30ml!! And i hv to throw away the remaining 50ml of my hard to come by 50ml!

That 30ml last him from 10pm to 1pm.. wonder what is wrong..today going to bring him to see a PD cos realised he has some problems with his breathing..very loud!
morning ladies... *yawn*
juz finished pumping my milk, quite good this morning, managed to get 180ml for both sides within 15 mins... tho it's tired but worth it!

i drink normal water since the day 1 until now, boh chap liao... BF-ing make me feel damn thirsty ler, can't be everytime drink reddates water la, my gynae asked me not to else can get constipation!
I am having my 7th session this morning with Rose, my tummy about 15% more to go, just a little bit more.... I tink have to do cruches to tone it up cos it looks kinda flabby ... U having how many sessions with her?
i tried to wake up at 6am but overslept.. my ger whole nite no sleep till 6am.. latch her, put down, latch her, put down. change diapers until i concast off... now breast very full n hard.. pumping now lor...

my bb also breathe quite loud leh..

Hi Tara
NO Cruches for now.. Mrs Wong mentioned in the class as our muslces are " open" up , give way to the side when we pregnant. Doing cruches now will harm the tummy muscle.
Carmen... keke.. me doing ok la.. besides lack of sleep.. other than that all ok.. still can cope.. initial few days can die.. but now better liao!

the bbsitter thing i also dunno la.. tentatively, the plan is MIL comes after CNY.. but this plan not solid yet... i see how... will keep that offer in view..

i drank plain water since the very beginning.. some kind vistors (friend's mums) will boil the red date longan drink 4 me.. but i find that it doesnt quench my thirst...

i dun do night pumpings.. i just let my breast harden up n engorge.. keke... coz slp more impt to me.. i pump abt 4 times a day n i get an av of 160-180ml per session.. i have been freezing all these coz hayden has jaundice.. want that to clear up first b4 i full give him breast milk..

fabbie, your ML's sister will me massaging me on fri!! keke.. my tummy left the flabby flabby-ness only.. n that UGLY line!!

emerald, why u throw? cannot put in fridge meh?? then next feed give him the remainig?? sayang leh...

Noted, I wouldn't be doing any exercises until I get the all clear frm dr first......but dr has given the ok for light stretches and pelvic floor exercises....so will do those first.......
mi bring bb for 6-in-1 jabs. not much side effects. juz monitor temp to ensure no fever. if fever more dan 2daes, bring to c pd. so far, i din encounter any patients who had side effects to d jabs we give. =p

for massage, can request not to massage tummy one. 6mths post op, can do full body massage. =)

xiao pooh
ur bb gg to c which dr? mi took dr yp yong from pcc @ kkh. =)

nice pics. =)

mi drink warm water all d time. don like to drink red date tea. =p

bb hav noisy breathing coz their airway is small. veri common one. my boi is has nosiy breathing n a bit chesty so i gave him bo ying compound from eu yang sang. now not so chesty n not much noisy breathing le. pd wun give meds coz bb too young.

if bb don finish d feed, cannot store back in fridge. gotta discharge afta 1hr. if not, bacteria grow den no good for bb stomach.

can still give bb hayden bm if hav jaundice. juz limit intake of ginger will do. =)
Tara: Ya cannot do crunches or ab exercises first. Wait for all-clear at your 6-week postpartum checkup.

Phy: You should pump at night...else you'll feel very engorged. I still have a little tummy...like i ate a lot. Think can only get rid with exercise liao.

Fabbie: I miss drinking plain water!!! Been drinking the red date drink and i find it doesn't quench thirst very well.

Wow, Clarice is turning 1 month old!! Time flies...i'm hoping to sneak out to rebond my hair on Xmas eve! I want to do it before my CL leaves.

Jess: Wow, your BM supply is good!!!
Hi mummies,

been MIA for awhile! I've popped on the 10th dec (1 wk ago) & have been super super tired & exhausted ever since.
Really admire u mummies who can come in & post so fast after delivery.

Baby name: Kysn
DOB: Dec 10, 2008
EDD: Dec 25, 2008
Hosp: Mt Alvernia
Delivery mode: Natural w Epi
Gender: Boy
Weight: 3.07kg

Birth story
9th Dec: took 1 extra day leave after the PH on 8th dec to go out & rest relax with HB...(mmm maybe its really the "nursing" instint hitting in. Just wanted to then go & enjoy & relax before I deliver; so even when KTV in the afternoon.

3pm @ KTV: went toilet & noted light spotting..But no other symptoms (contractions / waterbag burst) so carried on with our KTV.

7pm after dinner: noted more bleeding but still light & not heavy bleeding kind...

9pm: called gyn. Gyn say to monitor. Cos with "show" still means labour maybe btw 1 to 3 days. Unless there's other symptoms (contractions / waterbag burst) then go straight to hosp.

10th Dec:
1am: Heavy Bleeding with cramping. decided to wait & monitor.
2am: more cramping.
4am: consistent cramping. confirm contraction as its every 10mins.
Finish packking bag & went for some Breakfast before going to hosp.
530am: admit to labour ward. Put on CTG. Contractions every 10min still...&
i only 1 cm dilate. given Pessary to clear bowels first. Super painful for me! keep running to toilet.
Thereafter contractions become stronger & more painful. Now I koe what it means by real contractions also hits the back. My back was so so pain & sore.

12pm: midwife check. Still only 1 cm? siao liao i tot

2pm: gyn instruct for drip, as the whole labour been taking too long. Thou contractions @ every 5min or lesser, but I'm taking too long to dilate.

4pm: only 2 cm. gyn break waterbag to hasten labour.
After almost 12 hrs I finally gave up & ask for Epi as the laughing gas seems no longer working for me...too long in labour le.

430pm: Epi given. Finally, the pain is numb. Really thank god there's such a invention called Epidural!

7pm: only 4 cm dilate..HB & I almost going to fanit....after so long only 4cm.

9pm: 7cm
10pm: okie 10cm. HB & I tot okie good! finally! But little did we koe that's not the end of it. Still need to push to get baby's head to descend more..

Push for 2 hrs! Fm 10pm to almost midnite! But finally popped our health ltttle Prince just before midnite.

Here's my long labour story...Now really understand what it means by the term LABOUR...
Pastillies: Congrats on your baby boy!!!
How are you? Looking forward to pics of your prince.

Mommies, is there anything i can do help my boy sleep better in his cot? He wakes himself up suddenly and he'll cry...as if he had a nightmare & he got scared. It has been going on for the past few days...he just cannot sleep well in the cot for more than 10 minutes. I put the bean pillow on him, but it doesn't seem to calm or soothe his nerves.
Wow you had a long labour. Congrats on making it through! Post pics of your baby when you can.

Thanks for the tip on the breastmilk! I will try that later. Hope it will help with my sore nipples.

I will be choosing to space out Emma's vaccinations as much as possible. I spoke to my PD and he said we can follow the old vaccination schedule, where jabs are given 3 times, rather than all together as the 6-in-1 jab.

My bb's breathing is also noisy. Doctor said that it is normal, because she's still adjusting to the external environment (compared to the womb).

For EBM, I will let it stand at room temperature for 2 hours, in air-con room for 4 hours. If Emma doesn't finish the EBM in one feeding, I will keep it to the next feeding. If she still doesn't finish after that, then I will throw it away. Anyway, don't forget to pump if you are feeding Zach EBM instead of direct latch. Otherwise your brain will think that this feeding is no longer needed and will make less milk.
Wah. but wont have water retention mah? i tout drink like will become dat dat? i also want to drink normal water leh.. but i heard they all say cannot.. if not i will become fat.. fat as in inside not fats but water. you drinking reddates water? im drinking longan water! but i told my mum put more water.. so at least it taste like water. haiz..

got see his nose got block anot? my gal also will breathe very loud. from far i can feel her air liao.

is it true that when baby grows older they hardly sleep?! mine like hardly sleep liao leh.. really so tired.. must always carry her then she will keep quiet.. jialet!

cool! hope you will - all the flabby thing soon! remember to bind yourself everytime once she didnt massage you.. then u will see effect.. as for the Ugly line u got to wait 1 or 2 years to disappear lar! hehe

i envy you! that you can drink water.. i cant! haiz

same here man!! i miss drinking water with ICE.. haha i even dream yday that i drink coke! damn shiok the coke with ice somemore.. and in my dream, i was worried that i cant breast feed liao.. cus i started to drink coke! and non stop to keep drinking it hahhaa

My gal also the same thing.. cannot sleep well also.. for me i need to carry and pat pat her till she really in deep sleep then she will sleep soundly. maybe you put some music? or hmm pat him to sleep? sometimes we must beside them. if not they will scare too. this is my own thinking lar.. but really sometimes too tired liao. i put my gal sleep with me on the bed. and most of the time she sleep very very soundly.

btw.. my blood now is bright red.. bright red = lochia? or menses huh? you all leh?
tot tt if we breast feed or express out, menses wun come so quickly one? mine came 4mths afta i stop bf wor. mayb wana call gynae to check? make sure everyting ok?
I think it's not your menses. Cos you will have to complete one menstrual cycle before your period will come. So you should have at least 1 month of no bleeding before you get your menses.
ya..same here..me oso booked appt to see Dr Yong YP at KKH-PCC..mine appt will be in 2mth time, end Jan 09..when ur bb appt? tink all the pcc appt will be seeing Dr Yong YP de..wonder hw is she hor?

hmm, am wondering if i shd rebond n highlight my hair next week or nearer to CNY? My confinement ending on 25 dec (Xmas)..will it be too soon to do my hair? scared when CNY time not nice le..
wah is like that one ah? didnt know it will come so late! okaiz.. will noted.. you gals still bleeding below? color is what color?
Rihan - Ok, I'll use the nipple cream. But how long does it takes for sore and crack nipples to heal. So far, i've applied once. Then after that i pump out milk and i notice my nipple still look like haven't heal yet.

Mommies - It's been 4 days since i last pooed when i was still in hospital. Having bad constipation now. Any of u experienced this before? And how to improve this condition? I'm thinking if i can drink more water but worried that i will hv water retention or watsoever as per confinement restrictions. I feel like drinking orange juice too but my mum dun allow. I feel so miserable.. Think i'm getting abit depressed of late..
hello Ladies
I've been MIA for a while, trying hard to work from home and attend to my boy

My boy now stays awake a lot longer now and he KNOWS how to get attention to be carried :S
i dun know leh
my ger still sleep in day, cranky at nite.. so not sure bcos of older bb.. my BB only Day 12 today...

oh.. if cannot massage tummy no use for me leh
haha most impt is my tummy to get flat. i still look like 3 months preggie..still 3kg to lost to pregnancy weight.. but i wanna get rid of the saggy tummy... have to keep on put binder

Hi izu
Sorry for the late reply. Yes, me using freestyle.. so far so good.. its ok..in wat ways are urs not working?
Drink Fybogel. It helps to loosen the stools. my Gynae asked me to drink this daily..U can get it from normal pharmacy.. taste like orange too..
Hey adel~! and WTH?! you working liao? and working from home? your office people so mean! must take more rest ya! okaiz. so its normal that baby grows older they stay awake longer. Then we mummies will be so so tired already! haha adel my baby gal also leh.. always want people to carry her.. and she always LOVE to fake her cries.. You can obvious hear is fake one. lolx

they say we can switch their timing leh. My aunt told me. her baby dun drink milk at night. when baby cry she bo chup and just make her sleep thats all. but im thinking can meh?! i cant bear to see my gal keep crying non stop. cus baby knows that once they cry they will have milk! so we got to train them.. i heard that when in the day try not to let baby to sleep. play with them.. wake them up.. so that at night they can sleep soundly. I duno how true, but im not trying it first. lolx
hahaha, I'm just doing 1/8 of my original workload lah, more the accounting and HR part since it will definitely affects the staff if salary is not paid on time

Baby's development at 1mth7days
My boy can now associate the bib to feeding and he will just stop crying until the bottle is in his mouth. Really amuse at his development :D Also, need to change his diaper size to S but still got 1 more packet of NB size to finish first.
Hi fabbie
i spoken to PD.. he asked me dun try anything funny.. sigh.. i said i have been trying to make her awake in morning n sleep at nite. He said they haven switch their timing yet. we can slowly do it. My girl cry non stop, scream till no voice if i dun give milk. cannot lor..

i try to give more milk to prolong her sleep at nite.. have to slowly adjust la..
xiao pooh
dr yp yong is good. hehe. assisted her on sat clinics b4. =) my appt is on 23rd jan to c her. juz nice my elder one got appt wif dr kw tan tt dae as well. hehe. pcc got a few naonatal drs. she's one of them.

my lochia is dark brown like tt one. afta masssage, even more lochia.

when d/c they din give u meds to help ease constipation ah?

if wan tummy to be flat, can onli massage 6mth ltr. now they will juz avoid wound area.
Pris, u wanna try to on music for Preston. My gal listens to music whenever she sleeps and she can slp soundly.

fong, u can try to drink prune juice.

Red dates tea.. I like to drink. Today CL change to red bean soup for me.
u wana try putting jade underneath his bb cot cushion where he sleep on? mine oso like that so I put jade..seemed better liao..but bb usually dun like bb cot de, they prefer "yao lan" i tink..but must keep letting him try sleep in cot..after awhile, he will get use to it de..

did ur hospital give u the white liquid to drink? i forgot the name, its supposed to soften the stool de..maybe u can try asking ur dr to give u tat..i oso dare not go toilet for the 1st few days..tink till my 5th day then the stool automatically come out soft soft de..n pressure on our anus..

assisted her? u mean u are her assisting nurse huh?
btw, is she a pediatrician? Im actually looking for a gd pedo dr for my ger..is she one? Wat u mean by naonatal drs?

So when do we need to bring our bb to see PD Dr huh, not for injection purpose? is it if bb is ok, then no need to see PD, unless bb not well?? can advise me? cos till nw my ger has not seen any PD yet..

my stain nw is brown in colour..sometime is red..but amt very very little only..im still putting on pads..wondering when can it be over..btw me seeing my gynae only in 6 weeks time frm I deliver on 9 Jan..am goin to ask him whether my stitches has totally dissolved n if my wound ok le??

has anyone already squating? i wana try squating to bath my bb, but am scared will affect my wound..though no pain nw..not sure if its fully recover nw..

my ger oso for the past few days like to stay awake at night n sleep during daytime..we all got to wake up n play/talk to her ard 1am and then 2 hrs later she willing to sleep..i heard ppl said bb as they grow older, they tend to sleep less de..not like beginning when we just brought back frm hosp..i sometimes so tired till i gave her pacifier and she will play on her own till sleep..so nw if nite time she cry or refuse to sleep, i will give her pacifier..not sure if this is a gd way..but really no choice..not enough sleep leh..

some ppl said bb will change their sleeping pattern de..so am hoping my ger can get good sleepin pattern n dun disturb her daddy n mummy when we return to work
anyway, im very happi today as after fabbie's kind advise, i finally realised my confinement shd end on xmas day - 25 dec instead of 27 dec..have already told my MIL n she agreed..

Also asked MIL when she moving back to her hse, she said on 26 Dec..yeah!! im so happi as my house is in a total mess, esp my whitish kitchen..after she leave, im goin to do spring cleaning for my hse..cant stand it nw..

me goin to do rebond + highlight on 26 dec too..suddenly feel so glad that my life has finally resumed back to normal le..me was feeling so depressed initially during my confinement..lucky, its goin to be over soon..
2nd baby,
me not on BF, so mine shd be ok..if u are on BF, then better not ya..

Some said can pump out those milk if you are doing highlighting/rebonding on that day and throw them away, the subsequent days one shd be fine for bb comsumption de..i juz heard only..not too sure..
Xiao Pooh, las time I used to pump and throw away the milk after rebonding and dyeing of hair. But nw still trying to store milk in freezer, so heartpain to pump and throw. Maybe wait till I go back to work, then rebond and highlite.

Xiao Pooh, y no breastfeed leh?
2nd baby,
cos me initially first few days got BF de..but gradually i find my milk supply very little n my breasts engorged so pain till i surrender..so depressed those few days till i cried alot..my hb saw me so poor thing oso told me no problem, can give bb FM de..so I gave up..really cant take it those days..
I'm now 2 weeks post partum and still bleeding a bit, but mostly brownish liao. My bleeding was dark red at first, then became bright red and now is brown. My dr said that the colour of the bleeding can vary and it doesn't really mean anything. It can also be free flowing or in clots. Basically, I think my gynae is saying that there is no real pattern to the bleeding.

Xiao Pooh
How long has it been since you delivered? I got a lot of stitches and my gynae said that they should all heal by 3 weeks after delivery. But I think squatting can be quite a big strain on your wound? Better not to do la, until your gynae checks and confirms that everything is okay.

For sleep habits, I read that it's better not to stimulate your baby when she wakes up at night. This way, she will know that day time is for playing and night time is only for essential things like eating, diaper change and sleeping. When Emma wakes up at night and cannot go back to sleep, we usually just carry her around, rock her or sing softly to her. Try not to talk to her too much or play with her. Even when she's nursing, I also try to minimise the talking, so that she will learn to eat and go back to sleep.

I don't really believe in letting babies 'cry it out'. I think that it can be quite traumatic for the child, if you let them just cry and cry until they fall asleep from exhaustion. There must be a reason why they are crying, even if it's just because they want to be carried. I found this website quite interesting on how to inculcate good sleeping habits in your baby and how to calm a fussy baby: http://www.askdrsears.com/html/7/T070100.asp

hi mummies

how often do u all pump ur milk? and how does milk supply increase if we pump every 3 hrs...?

confused confused....
