(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

gals, is it true that although govt announced the enhanced package, coy need not follow?

i overheard my coll talking to another coll that coy might not give 6 days of child care leave, it's subjected to coy also
Hi, a rly big TQ to Phyl, Santorini, Littlebluey and all mtbs who went down to c the PM till late night. Me, bbs and hubby r very grateful for your effort. As our twins r due in Dec08, tis bb bonus means a lot to us. At first wanted to close shop after tis preg but now hubby said maybe can consider 3rd one...haha
wow..still feeling very excited now..

Do u all know if all the benefits mentioned in the bb pkg will kick off immediately, or must still give time for the administrative paperwork to settle in first..Read from the Straits Times that all will settle in Oct 08..So guess we Dec MTBs wont be affected rite??

Anyone got any latest news on this? me kiasu lah, juz wish to be doubly-sure that we really got it..hee..
pastillies - it's not too late to join in discussion. mine also eh... got his own timing to kick one.

Snowger - nm about her anymore.

Mimi - for my company is as long as u apply for child care leave, they will give. if you forgot to finish clearing that year, then too bad, u can't carry forward. if the company does not compily, i think can appeal to relevant bodies. it's just like maternity leave.

LuthAdel - i think if the place is centralised it will be better? and the place is spacious so that we can slowly eat and occupy there for some time without being chased out. the link you have given seems to be mainly fast food?
If PM Lee hear this from u about No.3, he will not regret his decision of backdating the dates for us

Hi juzyounme
Forget abt those ppl la... i also have friends/ colleagues telling me that changing of implementation date WILL NOT HAPPEN and i replied that we just try our best, as long as we tried and fight....Some are more evil.. they said wish remain at Jan 2009, cos they also delivered in early 2008.. SIGH!! They dun get it n wish others dun get it too...
i may not be able to attend the gathering..

but maybe i can suggest some places?

how about swensons or fish n' co?
i should think they are halal?
jowinbaby, haha..PM Lee will not regret his decision tis time. My hubby usually dun tink govt is so generous but tis time is exceptional and fast. He is quite impressed wth them and the mtbs forum. I m veri happy...
btw, i have called the hotlines to ask for free samples of diapers & milk powder. Seems that for milk powder they won't entertain, as they said MOH encourages breastfeeding. hmm, haiz.

i think two of the mothers mentioned to me that they used pigeon brand cotton buds to clean baby's nose. i went to check out. seems that pigeon brand got 3 types of "cotton swab/buds" range. which one exactly are they referring to? coz i did see one from Tollyjoy which is thinner & smaller compared to pigeon brand.
Mini - i got these contacts, i think from girl80...

FOC Sample

Drypantz / Drypers Diaper 1800 466 3002
Fitti / Pet Pet Diaper [email protected]
Huggies / Pull Up Pants / Little Swimmers Diaper 1800 484 4437
Mamypoko / Pull Up Pants Diaper 6265 1648
Dumex (Mamil series) Milk www.dumex.com.sg NutriLine at 1800 265 3188 (call again when baby is 6mths old)
Friso Milk http://www.friso.com.sg Friso hotline at 64198484 (call again when baby is 7mths old)
[email protected]
Abbott (Similac / Gain / Grow / Pediasure / Isomil) Milk http://www.abbott.com.sg/family/free_sample.asp Wyeth (Promil Gold / Progress Gold / Promise Gold) Milk http://www.wyethnutrition.com.sg
Nestle Milk 800-6011633
Mead Johnson (Enfa series) Milk http://www.meadjohnsonasia.com/
Karihome goats milk Milk Punggol Plaza 2nd floor kids shop
Good morning ladies!

A lot of post-reading to do but A big THANK YOU to all for your effort.

Caught the announcement on the news last night and couldn't believe it. My husband was saying that this is the power of the scorned pregnant woman! haha!! But really, well done and thanks for all the time/effort/anger (keke) you've put in

Apologies that I've been missing-n-action cos my boy's been having diarrhoea/vomitting.. So afraid that its rotavirus cos my 6m nephew just got that and was hospitalised and put on drip. Next time must get your babies vaccinated against rotavirus okie..?? I'm going to schedule my son once he recovers.
now become peition for Jan - Aug08 Mummies ...

Dee, can i opt out of Fish n co.. so sorry.. as i experience a few times of Fish n co.. i still puke alot after eating from this restaurant after i m pregnant.. ? Sorry gals.. Can i opt for Swensen

NZ.. great.. i m still happy abt it
Will treasure the 4 months n $$ since its not so easy to fight back..
reading Today now...

"the changes do not affect the Parenthood Tax Rebate, which will still apply to all eligible citizen births from 1 Jan 2009, or the enhanced qualifying child rflied, handicapped child relief and working mother's child relief, which can be claimed for income earned in 2008"
Juzyounme, the Piegeon cotton buds is called Pigeon Cotton Swabs - Extra Thin Stem. Costs about $4, but nw price shd have increase liao.
I oso dun like fish & co... I prefer Swensen, aft tat can eat ice cream! :p Hope Llig and Dee can join us (even for a shortwhile).

Any objections for early October?

Date: 4th October (any objections?)
Venue: Swensen Singapore
(Plaza Sing? Bugis? Marina? Suntec?)
Time: Dinner, 5.30pm?

List of attendees (I will start the ball rolling):
1. snowger (2pax)
mi take pic of d pigeon cotton bud i hav den send u pic wan? hehe.

milk powder sample
friso got give free milk powder for newborn one. they eva gave mi a 900gm tin of milk but my boi onli wan breast milk n similac. hehe.

Gathering (lunch or dinner)
4th Oct 08
1. Snowger (2 pax)
2. LuthAdel(2 pax)
3. iemik0 (2 + 1 pax)
sorry me no newspaper..bug you instead.

The tax reliefs will apply to 09 income earned or not? Actually me was more interested in tax reliefs than increased ML :p
Re makan place, swensen's sounds gd but where's the most convenient? PS? Since there's both MRT and NEL...

Personally, i wud prefer suntec. Can go shopping oso!
erm.. i dun wanna fight for the jan- aug 16.. that one losing battle.. if they get it.. it becomes a 2007 one.. OMG.. haha.. but jan to may babies all finish ML liao ah.. unless they fight for the CDA only la.. wahaha..

well, so tired this week.. everyday not enuff slp.. so happy its going to be weekend liao!

Me swenson's ok.. hehe.. got salmon baked rice, fish and chips, caesar salad, sticky chewy chocolate ice cream... Mmmmmmmm...

gill, sayang you boy boy for me oh.. hehe.. hope he gets well soon!
Mummies, we can start to spree liao...

Phyl, does it ring a bell?

By the way, will we be sending an email or something to thank Inderjit Singh?
mommies dear,

sorry for confusing some..
me can eat non-halal also lah.. hee..

just giving some idea..

tho chances of going will not be high..
i'll check out your finalized date and see if the chances is high or not..

you all must CELEBRATE, ok?
i decided to stop spree-ing for this month liao!! haha.. poor!

looking out and waiting for the neck float spree so i can dump my little bugger into the pool!! haha.. i want my son to get 10 Olympic GOLD by next olympics.. hehe.. he win michael phelps then ask michael phelps to come my house sit sit!! then i can see that fish in person!!wahaha.. sorry la.. i sleepy + bloated = crazy! haha

I sent email to thank Inderjit Singh liao... if you also wanna send him email, can send to inderjit @singnet.com.sg

He replied to say "Your proactive effort has helped many other parents. "

back from lunch.. haiz.. i went to si ma lu the temple there i go pray got a "qian" then my qian was bad..saying.. what family not good.. marriage dun have.. dun have pregnancy.. loss of life.. or loss of a fortune when i look more into the book. sighz i pray got me and my baby safetly this is what i get. sighz.. damn low moral sia. duno what its trying to tell me.. is it telling me i will lose my baby gal mah? haiz.. how to overcover it sia.

btw opp the bugis temple wheres the shop? that u all saying? i cannot find leh. i only find a shop which is near the toliet that got alot of clothes like baby little clothes.. selling very soft material. others like manertiry pads or new born pampers didnt see it.
The shop at bugis only sells baby clothes..wholesale shop...

anymore good deals at Taka Baby fair??

Who is going for the gathering..my hubby sure cant go with me...
2nd Baby - ooo. i check out again.

iemik0 - i have just PM you. yes, want to see the picture. ya, but when i called, they said they won't be able to give me sample until the baby is 7mths. how to get baby vaccinated againist rotarix? have to tell Dr during check-up and how much is that?
Venue: Not confirmed
1. Snowger (2 pax)
2. LuthAdel(2 pax)
3. Mei Lik (3pax)

I am able to make it. Looking forward to seeing u all.
Why u go n ask for "qian"? Did the gynae tell u something? I only ask when I am @ e crossroads! :p U must be specific when u ask (verbally or in your heart). Did u throw e two pcs thing to determine if the "qian" is correct one? Then e "qian" is intepreted based on what u ask. Do get someone experienced to help u read ok?

Dun be too worried based on the english intepretation. If in doubt, go n ask another time...

ST paper got advert for the following:
Robinson - 20% (see in store for wat is included) off till 24 Aug;
Metro - Up to 60% storewide
Metro Featured Ad:
(a) Tollyjoy steam steriliser + 2 bottles ($59.90) avail @ woodland & sengkang outlet;
(b) 3 NUK Silicon bottles (250ml) + 1 pack oral wipes ($30).

Taka - Dun see one for Taka Baby Fair
For gals going, just to let u noe that the Britax Baby Car Seat ($199 one) and Safety 1st ($179 one) is out of stock! I went there on Wed n was super dissapointed! :'( Every other offer saw from first day of fair still got.
will email u pic over d wkend k. =)

for friso, they call mi up themselves. wan mi take d formula as standby so i juz take lor. hehe.

for rotarix vaccine, its optional one so hav to inform ur dr. eg like when baby go for his immunisations, ask dr for it. can be given from 6wks to 6 mths. afta tt, no prove tt its effective. its abt $90 per vaccine. have to take 2 dosage n has to be taken orally. hehe. some baby dr may hav another brand instead of rotarix, however, tt one has to take 3 doses. do check it out wif ur dr 1st. =)
snowger. i ask since im there lor. i didnt not ask gynea anything leh. but coming check up im going to ask my gynea alot of things liao. cus scare man! ya i and i did confirm the two red thing is right leh. hmmm i was worried so call my hubbie to go and pray for me. then he just call and said, his one is good. for praying safetly for me and my child. and very zhun that the qian say your wife having a baby ger! O.O maybe i pray wrong ba. or mayb i long time didnt pray. cus im more to christian side de mah =X but im a freethinker..

i dun think i will ask another time liao. kind of scary to me liao.
