(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

Missed de thread for 2 days & so much had happened. Most importantly, a miracle is made!!
Thank you Phy & de rest of the MTBs for your great efforts!!

morning ladies

ydae too excited liao. forgot to thanx Phylicia and Santorini and Littlebluey for all their great efforts. =)
Thank you to those who went to see the MP, drafted the letters, sent the email, consolidated the names etc. You all helped to make a difference to me and my baby girl
Morning ladies,

I am new in this thread here. Would like to thank phyl and all the mummies who have helped to make this happen! Cheers!!
Hooray! Heard the gd news last nite.. Finally got what we deserved in the enhanced package! Our voices were heard.. yeah! Happy wkend to all here
GOOD MORNING LADIES!! woohoo!! its friday..

PLs dun thank me only.. there is many ppl to thank.. the 500ppl in the petition, Tara, the mummies who went to AMK, Pris, Jowin, Sherline, Kristine, Jappooh, Christine, AdelChia, jolynash, did i miss out someone.. hehe... sorry if i did..

well, i was super happy and felt that our efforts have all paid off.. hehe.. no need to see the ice cream auntie at AMK GRC liao! she will miss us!

life goes on from here.. hehe.. my work piling up liao oh!! good day my dears!
Morning ladies,

It's a wonderful friday morning today =)

Kristine - Next time the young man will be very scared of pregnant ladies liao. Also good, then he will treat his wife very well. Haha...

For those who dunno what we talking about, we sort of "made our presence felt" when we went to the MP session at amk... Kind of overwhelmed a young volunteer there... Haha... Ok la, good exposure for him. Now he knows how to handle angry mummies =)
adelchia, Kristine- we should go down next wed to "scare" them again!! hahaha... the blue stripe shirt one very rude leh.. hahaha... well.. i think they also sigh relieve.. haha.. if not gotta face preggies again!
Hi All gals

Good job! Especially thanks to Phylicia, Santorini,Littlebluey and the other ladies that made e trouble to do all these hard work!

Thank God for letting the govt know our needs!
phyl - i dun wanna go down anymore la... We waited until 11.30pm on Wed! Sit there until want to fall asleep... yawn...

I'm seriously impressed at how fast the Govt reacted this time. Took them only 1 day to respond!

And I was still feeling quite upset the whole of yesterday....
Today ST mentioned about the mummies is enthusiastic , so funny, think it mentioned Phyl Name on the papers and some other mummies who r at the AMK MTP session.
Thank you Phylicia, Santorini, Littlebluey, and mummies who makes the effort that went to AMK GRC.
You all have made other mummies happy. cheers....
reddates, nah.. my name only my initials.. which are not very real also.. haha.. coz i need to clear with my comms also.. the name on channel 5 n CNA also not very correctly spelt.. so hope my comms wont know lor.. wahahah...
phyl, yup, i realised your name is spelt wrongly... then i was thinking who is that. later gg to buy ST and read liao.... yst no mood to read all papers, dun wan to read those sad news, but today is different!
Mr Inderjit Singh, an Ang Mo Kio GRC MP, said he had met a group of pregnant women and their husbands. He was assisting at PM Lee's meet-the-people session in Teck Ghee ward on Wednesday night, hours after the package details were made public.

The group was 'enthusiastic but not angry' and handed in a petition with 125 signatures.

Mr Singh told the group he 'agreed' with them.

I can't help to see and laugh at this statement!!! hahahahahah!!!!
Good Morning!
Yeah...! It works.
Thanks to all the mommies.

Special thanks to those who go down to meet the MP, who draft the letter, and consolidate all the data...

Yeah.. good news in the morning!
a BIG-BIG THANK YOU to Phyl, Santorini, Littlebluey, and all other mommies who makes the BIG-BIG effort that turn the situation around in a short time!

So so happy..

i was sleeping with #1 last nite and hubby came home happily mentioning that they've backdated it! he checked the news to confirm and could still hear him laughing with joy!! haha..

not only me happy, hubby also super happy.. :D
A wonderful morning indeed, ladies....

I think that Phyl deserves all the credit because she was volunteered by me to collect all the names, an arduous task which literally filled her mailbox with more than 700 mails....It's not easy trying to gather all names and deal with all requests and suggestions coming from all directions....

Last but not least, it was a concerted effort by all mtbs here who stood up for what we believe in...At least we "fought" for the welfare for our babies....we can proudly tell that to our kids next time....
Congrats to all the mommies......Thanks to Phyl and all mommies who help out

SO happy yest nite when i heard the news, almost cannot believe my ear n watch Ch U 11pm news again. Hee hee

i hope the young volunteer is not scare by us. I find him poor thing also that knw nothing abt the package and have to face so many of us standing there and look at him. haha.. Still can remember his panic face..

It a tired day as all MTB nearly fall asleep during the long wait that nite. But now our effort pay off.
Thanks to everybody who contributed...our efforts not wasted....i am so happy when i heard the news today!!!

Now we can don worry so much and continue to have our sprees and meetings!!!

Really thank all mommies, phyl, littlebluey and everyone else!!!
hi Juz,
my baby was kickin too a lot last nite, but i think it's because he knows mummy is very happy & got more time to spend with him

hehe he wasnt kicking me much when i was so disappointed the other day..

in any case, really big thank you again to all phyl, littlebluey & all mummies!!

congrats to us all!

now hopefully our bosses are giving us the (willing) green light to consume 4 mths ML one-shot!

really hope i won't be called in during the 4th month.. i wanna spend more time w/ baby..

let's pray that ALL continues to go well, ya?
To all MTBS who made the change in govt stand possible:

Phyl, Tara, the mummies who went to AMK, Pris, Jowin, Sherline, Kristine, Jappooh, Christine, AdelChia, jolynash, and Littlebluey!

Big thank you!
Yeap.. with exception of my leg cramps (on both legs summore), i had such a good nite sleep!! Decided to reward myself tonite with a meal at Sakae Sushi minus the sashimi

Juzyounme, dun be angry with those ppl liao, i m sure she will shut her big fat *** mouth from last night onwards..haha

Shall we resume our discussion on when to meet up? Hehehe
Hi Ladies,

the reporter from CNA would like to do a reaction piece for the amended date for the bb bonus..

any of you wanna do it? it will be on the news tonite
My sis called up this morning to tell me the good news. So happy about it.

Thanks to all the mummies that make the effort to make things happened. Cheers!
Good Morning Ladies

Congratulations to one and all!!! Thank you Singapore for making this possible for us

A big thank you to those who have put in their efforts to get the petition across and for braving the media to get the message heard

Tara, Phyl and all the other ladies BIG HUGZ and LOADS & LOADS of KISSES MUAK!
pastillies - oh, my baby is opposite eh. when i get agitated, he will kick non-stop. now happy, he didn't kick.

emeraldbride - haiz. she better do. i think can start with discussion on meeting-up.
Juz - ya sometimes baby kick quite hard, quite painful actually...but as he kicks often, when 1whole day dun kick i also worried...;p

havent been too active in this motherhood thread previously until the babybonus issue. Is it too late to join in here for babies discussions??
ok.. gathering time!!

so what was the last we talked abt the gathering. This time round we must do it at a halal restaurant so LLIG can join us.. Must be a place with lots of veges too so Jaz can join also.. then must also not clash with all the antenatal classes..

this time round, its open to all hubbies and children. pets not allowed. hehe.. imagine the cats and dogs!!




also want to thank Mr Inderjit Singh for listening to this group of "enthusiastic but not angry" mummies and their husbands and for sending email to PM to help us!

Thanks Mr Singh!

Let's all cut out the newspapers articles today, then next time can show bb how we fought for them =)
...when you all meeting up??

I havent met any of you yet...so happy now...really feel that government did listen to us!!
erm.. she told me last nite. then i say i see if i can find anyone la..

its a news clip to show happy mamas.. haha.. i din promise her so no one wanna do also ok.
Hi Phyl
haha.. paiseh hor.. appear on TV i will invites alot of friends to call me from media... cos i m in media line too.. haha... just like i appear "accidently" on nivea ads not long ago.. kekeke....

I am ok for the gathering... Lets see where n date n time
Additional thanks to the rest of e gals who went to see MP, littlebluey! Of cos, e petitioners & all others who put in feedback in official sites (Reach n MCYS)!

Me so excited I decided to buy a copy of ST today! Will cut out both articles n put it in my baby's journal/scrapbook (a reminder how MTBs worked so hard to get the benefits for them!). *YiPPEEEEEE*

Yest I oso read her post with much hot air (b4 annoucement)! Mayb her bb not Singaporean so can't enjoy the benefits? No gain = No pain= No feeling? *Haha*

Re gathering:
Is it bcos most of us are not free in Sep that's why e discussion stopped??? Can I make a bold suggestion for 4th Oct 2008 (Sat) dinner (since some MTBs need to work on Sat?)
Just want to thank those that help make this "miracle" happened! It isn't everyday that our government change their policy overnight just with people's feedback!

Thank you. You make a imprint on me and my little boy who's due in Dec 2008.

morning all .. im not working today in class.. now having break.. so sianz but think abt the date have change so happy! haha

so we got to wait for the pdf and mom to revise the date is it? sorry and baby bouns how does we apply? apply before birth or after? heheso noob in this kaka
