(2008/09) Sep 2008

<font color="aa00aa">Jas (mobilesuitegal) - We are also just having a small gathering for Kieran's Bday, with immediate family. Ordered the cake from aimummy, &amp; having the meal at Min Jiang at Goodwood Park Hotel, but still haven't decided on the final customised menu for the lunch! Buffet shouldn't be a problem, but you better order R's cake soon!

Amazing how time flies!! We were all just about to pop 1 year ago today, and now our babies are all so big already

Baby jars:
Is anyone using this baby jar? http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/449183/2743976.html
Is it good?

Kieran is walking quite well aready....wondering if i should consider potty training since he can walk to the 'tam tung'. Who has started, and how? Quite clueless!!</font>


You can try Market Cafe at Fairmount, Ellenborough Market Cafe at Swissotel Merchant Court. Abt $30+ per pax wif promos. How many pax are you inviting? As for us, we have decided to use Town Restaurant at the Fullerton.
Morning mummies,

any mummies know when Popular book store send the 20% voucher ? This 20% can buy all the books with 20% discount? eg, Keywords book or baby books
Bigtoes - my mum started potty training little e. he knows how to say "ng ng", then his face turns all red. So we know when he wants to poop. However, he is so used to pooping lying down, when he sits on the potty, the poop does not come all out.

BB bday - I'm gonna go min jiang too and have the high tea buffet with my parents too. On his actual day, since i will be working the weekend before. Cake - I will bake some cupcake, but cake i think given the tight timeline, am ordering from Lana cake, as they need 2 days lead time only - standard number 1 cake.
The 205 popular voucher was for members and were sent during the GSS, if I am not wrong. Or are they sending more vouchers?
MummyNana, yes, for the member. Till now I still haven't receive the 20% voucher. This voucher can apply for all the books? Thinking want to buy the keywords set for my friend's son birthday next 2 weeks
Bigtoes - wow...Kieran can walk...my gal can walk holding onto something...n my gal just refuses to use the potty....she will push herself up whenever we try to sit her in it....(guess she's enjoying the convenience of the diapers)
blackberryB... now popular don't send the voucher.. you have to go down to popular to collect the pop magazine.. 20% voucher only appears in May/June and Nov/Dec POP magazine

Ladies, any review on Orchard Hotel? Ellenborough Market Cafe at Merchant Court said that I can't bring in any decorations... and I feel that holding a birthday there is not very private..
Orchard hotel also cannot put decor leh. I went to look at Orchard Hotel. They said they cannot cater to my min 100 pax anyway. The only one tt i checked out tat can do it is Fairmount's Mkt Cafe. Or you want to try Marina Mandarin? Hw many pax you have? Coz they quoted me on 100 pax. You let me noe how many pax you have den I help you to ask if they can offer the same price. Got a pretty gd deal for Fairmount using corporate contacts. If you dun mind, can try Furama City Centre. The buffet spread looks gd wif sashimi n lots of others... Price is gd too. Less than 25 bucks!
notice that the new gold 3 can only feed baby two time a day..

so any one have started it already.. i mean baby nt yet sleep thur the night
Morning, mommies!

My gal still wakes up in the nite for feeds. And she only takes 120ml each feed so will have to feed every 3 hrs.
<font color="0000ff">Wah.. it's been a long time since I last visited this thread. Seems like everyone's busy planning for the Big 1!!!

Am just waiting for the day to arrive, cant wait *excited*. Max will be celebrating his 1st birthday this Sunday
Hi hi,

My boy is still waking up for milk once. but the most he can take during his night feed is 120ml. Am thought of cutting down the night feed by 30ml slowly. hoping he can take more in the day and oso stop waking up in the night! sigh.. am sooooo hoping he can sleep thru..

btw, mummies.. would like to ask how many times and hours your bb is sleeping during the day? my boy doesn't wanna take his nap for the past 2 weeks leh.. tried "forcing" him by carring/ rocking him and he kept postesting! urgh!!! before that, he always has 2 naps for 1 and half hour each. thought they will only cut down their sleeping time to 1 only after they turn one???

any mummies interested to sign up???

If yes, please email me at [email protected]

10 babies sign up @ $208 ($30 off our Classic Baby Package)

Classic Baby Package www.seanlau.com
02 Hours Session for your baby with Sean Lau
05 Pictures of 5" x 7" (High Resolution)
01 Reprint on 8" x 12" with Framing (Table Top)
DVD of selected images in High Resolution

In order to enjoy the Group Sign Up perks, we require a 50% deposit
by the 13th of August.

You can make payment via POSB/DBS [ATM or Internet Banking] to POSB

Kindly fill up the form below and send it back to us for confirmation.

Name :
Baby's Name :
Baby's Age :
Email Address :
Contact Number :
Deposit Amount :
Transaction Reference:
<font color="aa00aa">Breadmum, Mich (longmaonu) - think we might just start with the potty training when he turns 18 months? Quite troublesome now also, &amp; we all like the convenience of diapers!

Mich (longmaonu)- yes, he started walking at about 10 months, but is alot more confident now. He has a very smug look on his face when he walks - like he is so pleased with himself
Can basically wander around the home now(also have to start enquiring about grills, esp since a toddler fell out of the 9th storey this week!!)

Tinkerbell Lim (tinkerbell_lim)- is the BP for the photo shoot by Sean Lau? I highly recommend them, though be prepared to wait like 6 weeks for the photos to be ready!</font>
The last time I checked, they charge $40 for the trial lesson. Any mummies wan to bring our lil' ones to places like Polliwogs or Fidgets? It is free for our kids since they are belwo 1YO.
i havent been to polliwogs, but most places like fidgets, peekaboo charge you once your bb turns 6mths. i offered to pay for my girl but coz she looks so small (she is only 7kg at 10mths), they just let her go for free (i have another 3year old boy).

think it depends on how many kids you have and how big your bb is bah.

places like peekaboo is ok, but fidgets have really massive structure. the bb playarea is really small. and sometimes the bigger kids are there so you have to watch very closely
<font color="aa00aa">l'l CY^^l'l CH (lilboymum) - can u share the weblink for peekaboo? I found Polliwogs but not peekaboo...thinking of how to entertain K on weekends
Btw, these allow for close parental supervision right, and they seperate the older from younger kiddos? Thanks!</font>
MummyNana - u using friso gold 3 already?
saw the new fomula stated recommanded using 160ml two glasses a day only.. worried that if i start using when he turn to one, isnt really have to use only 160 two time..
Any mummies familar with bringing baby overseas? Need some help I know there's some items that cannot bring over but dunno wad.
wondering if can bring baby cereal , thermal flask , milk powder and some baby food ?
Tat's wat I tink too. Like so paisey going in FOC. Tats y I wan to ask u ladies for opinion. How will they charge if I bring my gal there?

My gal still can't stand or walk on her own, but can drive her walker forward and reverse like a racer. U gng to Polliwogs on ur own or wif family? Wan to go together?

i stopped Friso after step 1. Switched to between Similac and Nan Pro/HA. Now still at Step 2 so not sure. But when I looked at Step 3 for most brands, they can't seem to cater to my Anvelle's 120ml feeds. Maybe we have to divide accordingly ba. Hehee... Kiasu MummyNana went to grab 2 x Step 2 n 2 x Step 3 Mamil Gold during the promo. But yet to open any coz still hv 2 tins of Similac 400g at home. And to think tat she has never tried Mamil before. But it was a good buy nevertheless. Hopefully she is ok wif it.
I think the airports will allow water for bb. You just have to declare the liquids when you go in. Tats wat I did and I had no problem when I went Phuket in March. But dunno abt now.
Jasmine, I went to the gymboree to ask about their prices.. are you talking about free play? its $12 per hour for members and $20 per hour for non-members.

MummyNana, I've just got the reply from Orchard Hotel, they allow me to bring in decorations leh.. and they're providing me with a private function room. I plan to have 60 to 70 guests. Going to go Orchard Hotel this weekend to recce.
You are doing in Function Room so they allow decor. I intend to do it the restaurant. You might want to check out Traders as well. I forward to you the quote now. Sorry. Take so long to send you.
peekaboo is the former gogo bambini in kallang leisure park. no they dun separate the olde rones form the younger ones. in fact i dun think any of them does. fidgets do have separate bb [playarea but of course sometimes the older kiddoes wander into it. there is a sign at fidgets bb playarea tt warns older children off but kids being kids...
Hi Jasmine.. I hav a pricelist from Gymboree taken last sunday

<font color="0000ff">Explore twoway communication play environments encourage discovery,balanceand coordination as parents learn to understand how the child interacts and communicate with them and the world</font>

*12 classes $399

*1st trial $40

You can try Explorer Kids at Downtown East. They have a separate area for babies, with foam structures and a small ball pool. It's the biggest indoor playground.
lilboymum, Bigtoes:
I bring my ger to the kallang one before, but i went during weekdays, true, they don have any sepration, so it better to go on weekdays.
I went to fidget on monday, it was a lot of ppl, for the infant side, it waqs small and a lot of ppl also. when we saw another side, adult seem like more ppl than children.
then we went down to the Safra at jurong, the min age is 18 mths. as the for the pasir ris, haven't go take a look. but i felt that if we going to bring our little one to play, it will be best for during weekday, cos weekend got a lot kids. it seem so danger.
when i see the kids playing, i don think i will bring my ger in for fun.
This is just my tot.
Morning, Mommies.

Do you noe the charges for Explorer Kids? Any minimum age?

Wat you said is true too. But gt no choice since I am wking. But I am intending to bring my gal down on Sat mornings or early afternoon. Hopefully there are fewer ppl. So wat's your take? Where should we go?
<font color="aa00aa">l'l CY^^l'l CH (lilboymum) - thanks for the updates!
So conclusion --- best play area for a 11+ month old (for weekends since i am also working &amp; at the East since that's where we are) would be:

1) Explorer Kids at Downtown East OR
2) Polliwogs - some details that I googled:

The Polliwogs
1020 East Coast Parkway, #01-02, 5 minutes walk from McDonald’s
Nearest car park: C3
Tel: 65 6442 2805
email: [email protected]
Opening Times:
Weekdays 10am- 7pm
Weekends 10am-8pm
Entrance Fees
Children above 2years, SG$16 for unlimited play
Children below 2years SG$6 for unlimited play
Children above 2 years SG$18 for first 90 minutes and SG$8 for each additional half hour
Children below 2 years SG$6 for first 90 minutes and SG$3 for each additional half hour
Additional charge for Polliwobly (outdoor bouncy castle) SG$2 for weekdays and SG$4 for weekends. Entrance subject to weather conditions
Polliwogs Value Play Pass
This pass gives you unlimited play all day on the weekends as well as the week days. Each Polliwogs Value Play Pass gives you 6 visits and costs SG$105 (works out $17.50 per visit) and is fully transferable.

MummyNana - not sure when we will go down yet, cos hubby is currently on reservist! Maybe next weekend to either of these places?</font>
<font color="0000ff">Hey mummies,

If any of you are interested in getting shoes for your little ones since now they are starting to learn to walk, can check out this site. I purchased a pair of Pediped shoes for Max n he simply enjoys wearing them. It's light and comfy. most imptly, designs are great


Aahh... am so looking forward to his bday celebrations this Sunday
Hello mummies!

I've been to polliwogs, but not the rest, so I can't really compare. But I quite like polliwogs, and baby enjoyed it! For explorer kids at downtown east, I recalled that it's super expensive! Something like $20+ and adults have to pay to go in too! Whereas for polliwogs, it's just $8 and both parents can accompany their child.

Any mummies interested to go Polliwogs on 31st Aug or 1st Sept? Infant care is closed for teachers' day and that's why I'm on leave to take care of the little one!
Hi Rachel,
For explorer kids, is free for children under 1 year old. Adult needs to pay $1.50 to be in. However, if you have union card, is free to enter.

Check out gogo bambini at dempsey.. is $5 for children 12 - 24mths.. seems interesting.. planning to go there next....
gogo bambini at demspey has quite a few angmo kids. im not being discriminatory, but you have to really really watch out for your own kids. the play can be very rough as far as i know...yes even with adult supervision...
Thanks Jaymickey. Perhaps I'll try that one of the weekends since I have union card!

OK, any other mummies wanna join:
31 Aug @ Polliwogs (perhaps 2pm?)
1. Rachel
2. MummyNana
Hi Mummuies,
I'm doing a small survey. Can you let me know what are some of the baby toys, baby items, mummy items such as MIM sling, that you like and find are a real worthy investment? Thanks a million!

haha..can understand your point..even i have to be careful when my elder gal is playing..she so small size compare to them..wait gena fly off when they bump into each other...

rcvd your contact..tks..heard her namae b4...now i deciding if wana get a LC or get my previous massage lady to come n help me do a massage n at the same time help me massage my breast n clear the blockage..coz during my confinement,i gena mastitis b4 n she daily during the massage help me clear my blockage...
Kidz Amaze at Jurong Safra:
As Per entry:
Child below the age of 4:
Guest : $15.00
Safra Member : $12.00
Kidz Amaze member : $10.00
Accompanying adult : $2.00 each
Family Package (2 children &amp; 2 adults) : $32.00 (Guest) / $25.00 (Safra)
Grandparent : Free
any mothers staying in Castlegreen condomimium or any condos near YCK MRT? I want to book one of the function rooms there for my sister's baby celebration. Cos YCK Mrt is near to where most of my relatives stay. Thanks.
Snowhamster, yeh.. breastpump! hahaha..

Angeline, if you are still latching, then you can try this: press on the blockage when you latch. Will be painful, but better to get the milk flowing, than to have it blocked..
