(2008/09) Sep 2008

Hi Yun, Thanks. My friend give me 2pcs to try, not bad, so maybe swith to this brand. I using Fitti 360 and Huggies Dry Comfort, only full on the front , behind still empty.
Thanks mummynana and Jessi for the info. Mummynana , not sure if u wan walk in straight anot. cause the person ask me to register member for my girl , for a fee (forget how much) and gave me 2 memebercard , one for my girl and one for me , so need no pay the $1.50 for adult.
Hi mummy!

anyone order their cake from kellie (www.aimummy.blogspot.com) can give me some feedback after u've eat the cake? like nice or not, or which flavor is nice?
Cos i'm aso getting my cake from her for my boy bday.

thanks in advance !
Hi Mummies,

Are you bringing your little ones for enrichment classes? I brought mine to little neuro tree for trial classes and he enjoys the classes. But it is very ex, 3 trial for $150. But right now, the centre at bugis is having discount for its weekday lessons -- 44% off. It is a really good deal. I intend to go for Thur evening classes. Any mummy interested? They need min. 2 to start a class!
<font color="0077aa">l'l CY^^l'l CH (lilboymum): Agreed with you. Cos brought Zane there on a weekdays &amp; there were quite alot of ang mo kids &amp; they were quite rough... But must be around to supervise so still ok.. Wanted to go Peakaboo but no chance..</font>
<font color="aa00aa">li (piggi) - I ordered Kieran's cake from aimummy for his bday on 30th Aug. Will let u know how it turns out after that. Btw, when is ur boy's bday? I think she is fully booked till Nov!
ethanmy (ethanmy) - Am not enrolling Kieran for any enrichment classes cos we would rather he just develop naturally &amp; learn thru play (so far, so good
), but there are plenty of mommies here who have signed up i think. I am sure u can find people to join the classes!</font>
Hi ethanmy, I went to Neurotree at Jurong safra just now, intend to let my boy join some enrichment classes cos I find my boy is difficult to focus on something, he really ignore me when Iam teaching him ABC, reading story book and sing to him (vomit blood)...
Iam interested, but Bugis is so far from me (stay JW)
Let me consider... anyway, when is the class start ?
Topic of the day : enrichment classes

I think our babies are still very young to pay attention. I'd invested in storybooks that can be read till 3 years old. Since kids love repetition. The more your repeat and read to them, they will reciprocate once they can talk.

Like today i just spent $42 on Chinese books, for the 1st time i am so impressed with the books. The stall is at Bras Basah but they were at Forum today.
<font color="#3300ff">
Hi Mummies, sorry to intrude

Selling a quite a few packets of Pampers Active Baby Diapers (the purple packaging premium ones).
All bought locally from GIANT, unopened and brand new.
Selling at $15 per packet due to my girl changing brand.

M44 Size (9-14kg) - 10 packets available
L38 Size (6-11kg)- 28 packets available

Bigtoes, my sis dont believe in all that too. She doesnt send her kids to enrichment classes but her 2nd girl is outstanding! I guess i am one of the kiasu mummies

Yun, they just need 2 to start a class. So anytime basically. Not convenient for me too, but i just thought it is too good a deal to miss.

Breadmum, again, I am kiasu.. i intend to buy kids encyclopaedia too when he is older
Bigtoes, my sis dont believe in all that too. She doesnt send her kids to enrichment classes but her 2nd girl is outstanding! I guess i am one of the kiasu mummies

Yun, they just need 2 to start a class. So anytime basically. Not convenient for me too, but i just thought it is too good a deal to miss.

Breadmum, i intend to buy kids encyclopaedia too when he is older
My baby is down with H1N1 cos i kena it.
My friend then, was telling me that i shld let baby eat more vitamins.

Ermm... baby at this age can eat wat kind of vitamins huh? Anyone done tat so far?
Goldfish.. ai yo, poor thing.. Babies at this age can take multi-vitamins. Mine is from PD, called "Medvite". There are other types of multi-vitamins as well, and 1 quite well known one is Sambucol. However, I think Sambucol is suitable for age 1 and above.. You may wish to check with your PD?

Mummynana, I went to explorer kid on sat! It's FREE! Union members is free, even for my hubby (though hubby is not a union member).
Julia Gabriel Play Nest: 3 SLOTS available..

Hi, I'm from Dec thread and we're organising JG playnest .. I have 3 slots avialble. Please PM me by end of today if you're keen to join us..

The proposed Date: 24th August, Monday, 1 p.m.

Who's keen?


The playnest program will cover:
- Shapes
- Color
- Story telling
- Audiophonics
- Music / movements
- Outdoor play (swimming and etc)
- Art &amp; craft
- Organic snacks

The cost - SGD37 plus 7% GST

24th Aug, Monday, 1 p.m
1) 2nd bb (confirmed)
2) joanne81 (confirmed)
3) ikeike
4)Jowinbaby (Confirmed)
5) zachmommy (confirmed)
6) Echt (Confirmed)
7) Fabbie (Confirmed)
8) Iris
9) Merydith (confirmed)
Goldfish, I remember seeing from the indications on the Scott's Emulsion Cod Liver Oil that babies from 1 year old onwards can take it. Everyone in my family had taken it as a child. Really builds your resistance.
Mamyvelle, Avent is under philips.

Philips Consumer Service - 68823999
Philips Consumer Service location:
620A Lorong 1 Toa Payoh
TP4 Building Level 1 - Consumer Service
Singapore 319762
Hi li (piggi)

ordered Marcellus cake from ai_mummy for his party yesterday, it is on her website now... I like the taste of the cake as well. Breadmum, since you tried the cake as well, maybe you can give some comment

Hi GOldfish,

There is vitamin you can feed baby from infant. I have been giving multi vit drop to marcellus since six months. It is from US and it come in liquid form with a dropper. Just 1 ml a day into his cereal. You can get it from Vita Kids at paragon, i see it mostly at the organic shops.
<font color="aa00aa">Jojobar (mummychanel) - oh, the cake looks lovely - very sweet &amp; regal
What flavor was it, and how was the celebration?

I ordered a small 2 tier cake from aimummy for Kieran's day coming up on 30th Aug as well - am excited to see what she will whip up for him (I picked a colorful animal theme, with orange &amp; green background!)

Vitamins for babies - Am thinking of getting the one you suggested for K as well...not sure if I am providing him with a sufficienly well-balanced diet. Will go to Paragon later to check it out

Goldfish (goldfish1395) - Hugs!! Hope you both recover soon</font>
Birthday Celebration

Me finally order the cake from ecreative.
Hubby chose a carebear 3D cake for our princess. Can't wait to see the actually size.
Me will be celebrating her birthday on the 1st week of sept.

By the way, where can I get cheap and nice invitation and thank you card?
My MIL want to send out to her relatives, this really pissed my hubby off, cos she also went to get one the relative to do up pairs of earing to be given to the relatives plus goodies bags for the kids. This make hb want to cancel the celebration.
Wow...it can add up to quite a sum...i'm not planning to do any invitation card since can just sms or call friends n relatives on the invite ? Anyway, most of them will juz chuck the card...juz my tots. But i bot party favours for kids la. U cannot convince her to do ur way ??
Hb told her no need, but she said wait they don know where, can show the taxi driver. faint lo....
Some more we holding at chalet, so when we know the unit, need to sms them again, double work.
Hb tried to convince her, but no use.
Since she paying for that, so we can do nothing.
Ethanmy, I saw Scott Emulsion Cod Liver too! Din realized it is also meant for 1 year old baby. Erm… may give it a try manz!

Jojobar, I shall also check out Vitakids too. My friend is telling me how her baby has been taking vitamins and hardly fall sick. I am so envious loh!

Thanks everyone for ur concern. My bb and I are still coughing slightly, but guess we are on the road of recovery! The worst is over liao esp last week when bb can literally vomit his 180ml of milk out and literally drenched me with his milk :S

And I oso quite ‘vexed’ cos I lately tested positive in Clearblue loh. Though we are keen to have a 2nd baby bt din expect it to be so soon. Jialut loh.. firstly duno how the little bb is affected by H1N1 virus, and moreover duno how to break the news to boss. And also, aiyoh, how to cope with a toddler + newborn??? Wan-dun liao… stress-stress…
Morning, mommies.

Congrats, Goldfish! Dun be too stressed out. At least get all the pregnancies over at the same time ma. By the time ur #2 is born, #1 will be almost 2 liao.
JoJobar - thanks for inviting and having us over. Little E throughly enjoyed himself. He poofed out once he hit the bed when he got back for a full 2 hours. Afterwhich, the balloons kept him busy for the hour after he woke up.

BigToes - ai_mummy's cake is yummy, especially the moist choc cake with butter cream. her fondant was not the super sweet type. For what JoJobar paid, i think its worth it, cause now that i am going for classes soon, i found out that fondant actually cost like $38 for 2.5 kg. So mummies on the thread, this is why fondant cakes cost so much.

There is also an option to make your own mashmellow fondant and this might be cheaper, but because its a lot of hand work and all figurings need to be dried out for at lest 2 days. Its time consuming.

I hope this gives you all a better picture of what you are paying for.

Goldfish - Hugz. Congrats. Get Well soon.
Care to share how u make the marshmallow fondant?

Re:Birthday Cake
Unfortunately, Aimummy is all full for sep. I am deciding between pinkginerbynee and cupcake divinity now. Havenbakery's strawberry fresh cream cake looks and sounds delicious but we want a more 3D kinda cake. Any suggestions?
<font color="aa00aa">breadmum (breadmum) - thats nice to hear, cos usually cakes look nice on the outside &amp; blah on the inside (Like some people! haha!) Anyway, i think the cakes by aimummy are really amazing - i really wish i had that kind of talent! Would love to quit my job &amp; open a fancy cake shop one day
Of cos, hubby was like "why do u need to learn how to bake like her? I can do the figurines as nice (or nicer)" - yah rite!!

Btw, i was thinking of keeping most of the fondant decorations - such a waste to eat them up, or throw them out - she said it would most prob keep well in air-conditioned room. I still have my flower deco (fondant too, i think) from our wedding cake 5+ yrs back, still nice in our fridge!

Vitamins - so i went to Vita Kids at Paragon last evening &amp; bought the liquid multivit (1 yr +) &amp; some orange flavored fish oil for Kieran. Just need to mix into the milk feed once a day. At least i know he would have all the required minerals even if his diet is not balanced enough.

Jasmine Yeo (jasyeo80) - Try designing ur own invite card &amp; just emailing it to the invitees? No cost involved
Or even just print on photo paper. That is what we did for Kieran's (but ours is a small party, just immediate family). Our invite card is in my FB account if u want to have a look. </font>
MummyNana, i'm ordering from pinkgingerbynee for my girl's birthday cake. tried both her and cupcake divinity's cake, i find her cake is definitely nicer. the fondant not so sweet and the cake is more moist.
MummyNana - hmmm...i tot you are in the same baking thread. Mrs Teng mentioned you. I read fatmum or pink's blog for the recipe. I'll surf tonight and give you the link.

Bigtoes - its my dream too : quit and open a fancy bake shop. Maybe we can do some biz venture together :p At lest we are entrepreneurs and self sufficient as well.

Wedding cake fondant can only be kept for a year, esp if its marzipan made. Else i think at most you can keep it for half a year for it to be still edible, then u'll have to toss it away in case, bacteria sets in.
Jasmine Yeo (jasyeo80)
Which chalet u booked?
I booked downtown east, Ryan be celebrating his birthday on the 5th sept.

Congrats. Me too expecting No.2, EDD March'10
Goldfish &amp; Annteo, congrats!! I would love to have no. 2 too, but I am waiting for a little rabbit!

talking about wedding cake fondant, i kept my wedding cake for more than a yr before it turned a bit mouldy and we threw it away
Thanks, breadmum and Jessi. I am deciding whether to get fondant or cream cake. If getting cream den i will get from cupcake divinity. If fondant, den it's pinkgingerbynee. The only thing is for Pinkginger, the figurines are not provided.

You can also consider doing an e-invite. Write a short note to invite ur frenz and family and paste ur lil' one's picture on it. Tat's wat I did and the response was gd and not too much of a hassle.
What software u using? Me tot of that too, design and print out.

I book costa sand cos I find the space infront of the chalet very useful cos I having buffet plus my mil is inviting a lot of ppl, just relative already 70ppl. As for downtown east, we might not be able to get it on the grond level unit. Imagine, I book 3 unit for 3 family.
and we are celebrating on the same day, 5th Sept.
When is ur bb actual day, mine will be 09-09-09 (wed), so we bring forward.

I wish too, why she giving the inviation are for the old folks, say wait they don know where, can show the taxi driver. Was telling HB, ya, so ur mum is only inviting the old folks w/o thier children, so they have to come on their own, which is not true lor, new year time, they came by gang gang lor.
Ai ya, don know what she is thinking. Anyway, HB is dealing with her.
Know what, she insisted she paid all the expense for this celebration, so we just do as what she say lor, lucky during the discussion for the celebration, I faster voice out, i will source for the cake, if not I think my ger birthday cake will be very oldies, the one we whave it when we were young, can imgaine the design is "1" with chocolate chip beside.
Thanks everyone for ur well-wishes on my #2
However, my baby joy is not here yet cos’ I haf so many things in my mind.

1) Dunno how to announce to boss leh
2) Dunno bb ok mah since I H1N1 and took tamiflu lah
3) Wonder how to cope wif 2nd bb at nite when start working. Oledi tinking how to handle if both bb cry at nite and refuse to sleep. DIE…

My family support is weak. My parents are old and stay too far from my home. My MIL is ‘fit’ but dunno she wants to help out at nite or not loh. We are pretty much on our own for #1 actually.

Any lone-fighters out there as well?
<font color="aa00aa">breadmum (breadmum) - Argh, i don't think i have the guts to go into business (at least not using my own money)!!

Anyway, on the wedding cake deco - mine is still keeping very well in the chiller compartment - its all hardened now, but not mouldy at all. I still have a slice of the fruit cake from our wedding (5+ years ago) in a tupperware in our fridge as well!!

annteo (annteo) - Congrats on baby no 2!!!

Goldfish (goldfish1395)- Don't worry too much, things will fall into place somehow. Who takes care of no. 1 now when u both are at work? Your MIL?
For our case, we don't have domestic help as well, and dont intend to hire a maid at home even when we have no. 2. My MIL takes care of Kieran during working hours, but other than that, its pretty my DIY. When no. 2 comes along, our plan is to hire a maid to live with my MILs - maybe u can consider that if she is helping out. Also, send no. 1 to a play group by 18 months, so there are a couple of hours breather for your MIL?</font>
Hi Goldfish, I'm pretty much the same, that's why I think our babies are in IFC?

I guess you have 2 options:
1) Quit your job if your hubby can support the whole family (cos it doesn't quite make sense to send both kids to IFC given the high cost!)

2)Employ a maid to take care of both kids. If there's nobody to "watch" over the maid (not sure if you MIL is staying with you...), then perhaps you can install cameras all over the place for ease of mind.

Either options, you must be financially stable! Ahh... having babies are never cheap! :p (That's why I'm not thinking of having a 2nd one despite getting old!)
Marcellus cake was nice! wat flavor did u get? how abt the portion? is it enuf or too much?

my boy bday is next mth. i quickly booked her 1st without even confirming the no of pax haha...kiasu me... no choice she very fast fully booked wan.
ya let me noe after ur celebration ok? wat flavor u ordered btw?
Goldfish ..
u better take care .. how u discover u kena the virus ? take care of the little one ... think will be allright ....When no 2 comes .. u will find a way to handle .... dun be too stress over this preg wor ..


congrats! Agree with chewy_ring. Don't worry too much.Bear in mind:
1. Childcare is usually cheaper than IFC.
2. Ethan might already be sleeping through the night. If he's not, trained him to. I trained J#1 to sleep through around 13 months.
3. Consider nannies as another alternative.
For me, I sent both to CC and IFC. My maid is alone at home cos my MIL/mum stays too far away. Nobody to jaga but her primary responsibility is not to take care of the kids. Expensive but I won't risk it otherwise.
