(2008/09) Sep 2008

I read if waterbag burst... its better to sit down or stand up rather than lie down... cos if u stand up the baby's head will act as a stopper to prevent more leakage of water. Thats provided yr bb head is engaged
If you are having contraction etc, but not very close or strong, can wait till they are closer before u go to hosp..esp for first pregnancy. But if water bag burst, u don't wanna get infection etc...probably safer to go to hosp.

In my case with FB, I had contractions 3-5 mins apart, so I went straight to hosp. they will monitor you on CTG and if not imminent, they will send u home one.
Yup, if water bag breaks - even if it's a small trickle and not a big gush - MUST admit yourself to hospital immediately or you will risk infection to baby. The amniotic fluid is then not sterile so you will be put on drip with antibiotic.
hi blackverryB,
from crayonshin chan-
"I did the strep B tests 2wks back and if i rem what my gynae said, she said that its to test for vaginal infection (but not the usual yeast infection). Cos if +ve, when baby passes thru the birth canal, they will get infected with menigitis (or something) etc. There's no medicine to take if +ve. They'll put u on some antibiotic drip during delivery. "
hope it help u to understand a bit more.. kekeke.
Actually i also not sure one... only know tat it is for some infestion on virgnal area... quite crucial actually.. heard from my gyna..
Hi mummies,

sorry for interruption. my bp for busybaby nursing wraps is now up. do visit at this link:
Hope to see u there
Hihi mummies ,
Just happen to surf the dec mummies thread and saw this posted : Foreigners / adopted bb born before jan 09 can get the bb bonus leh .. haha .. so ironical .. cos we dun even get prorated .. haha ...


From dec thread mummy :
Hey ladies
just read from http://fcd.ecitizen.gov.sg/FCD/Templates/FCD-GenericContentTemplate.aspx?NRMODE=Published&NRORIGINALURL=%2fMarriageNParenthoodPackage%2fFAQs%2fFAQs%2bon%2bBaby%2bBonus%2ehtm&NRNODEGUID=%7bBD96B7A5-AB9C-4745-AF66-3DC082DB0E5E%7d&NRCACHEHINT=Guest#If%20a%20child%20was%20not%20a%20Singaporean%20at%20birth%20but%20obtained%20citizenship%20subsequently

It seems that those adopted foregin babies will get pro-rated baby bonus when they get their citizenship. How fair is that to us?!!!

Why they are able to get pro-rated and we don't get anything? This is really unfair and i feel like a damn 2nd class citizen.

If they can pro-rate for those adopted, why can't they pro-rate for us as well if they really "need time to implement"?

end of message ..

Sunrays ,
congratulations for your little bb .. so auspicious ... 2.08 / 20/08/2008 // kekeke

To all mummies who are popping , just hang on there ..
everyone will get to see their darlings soon ... dun be too affected by the bb bonus ... treat it as something we dun see .. keke ..

I am getting bored at home these days .. should have gone back working instead of taking ML , but my work requires a lot of walking .. so better be safe and let my bb come out first .. sign ... another 4 weeks to go at home + 1 mth confinement .. keke ..
Since we are on the topic of waterbag bursting, how is it like?

Gush of river water flowing?
Trickling down like perspiration?

And if its trickling down,is it continuous flow or will it stop, leak,stop, leak?
chantelle sun
no problem..
will share with u about the induction cost if i manage to get any info on that.. =)

according to gynae, baby's in head down position.. only not yet engage..
i'm also quite worried coz its my 1st child and i really do not want to go thru c-sect..
Waterbag Bursting:

My sister in law describes it like uncontrollable peeing, like water/ discharge just flowing down/ gushing down. Some other ladies say that if it was a really hot and humid day, it'll just feel like heavy perspiration and the V area just feels wetty. The first sign of more wetness than normal may be a sign!

My sister-in-law was also a first time mummy, and she took her time to dilly dally, had a bath .. before heading to the hospital.. BUT!!! please DON'T do that if bag had burst for 2-3 hours, because her little girl POOPPED inside the uterus and had already ingested some meconium.. and she ended up emergency C-section...
<font color="0077aa">Karen, my bb has not head down yet &amp; Dr wants me to give him a date for c-sec already... Told him to give me till next week to decide. I am in my 37 weeks 6days. Am really praying for a hhead down bb next Mon so I can go for matural birth!</font>

Mayb u can try the 'dog' position &amp; then shine a torch towards ur v area. heard tat this way the bb will turn. one of my manager's bb aso didn turn by the 35th wk &amp; she do tis everyday &amp; in the end her bb really turn &amp; she deliver naturally!
but not sure how true is this lah. can try if u r not tired. my bb aso not head dwn yet so think gona try see whther can work or not.
not head down den wats your baby's position now..?
mayb u can check with J&amp;SMum about engaging a doula to help with 'tweaking'
the position of baby as wat she has mentioned in the previous post?

i'm hoping for baby's head to be engage by next check up coz i heard ppl say tat
even if baby's head is down but not engage, also have to go for c-sec..
What an erratic day today! Sun, rain, sun...Have u all had your lunch?

Me just had my Malay massage at home
Shiok shiok!! She told me my bb's position is very 'good', i.e. central. Head is down. I wonder how, by rubbing my tummy, does she know all that?! She has U/S eyes I suppose?

Ava: how was your spa/haircut session ytd in town?

Sunrays: Oh yeah, I didn't realise your bb's time of birth is soooo auspicious! 2.08pm. Nice no. Hopefully u get an auspicious Birth Cert # too. Did u go and visit Sasa at TMC, or vice-versa?

Rxmom: Frankly, I dunno if it's a typo on that pdf pamphlet! "1 Jan 08" for the first section, Enhanced Tax Reliefs...

Hmmmm...I wonder why other threads keep zeroing in on the Aug-Dec 08 mommies' loss. Just becos National Day happens to fall in August, so everyone assumes all govt policies must be effected in Aug? Maybe we should ask govt to share good news at the Feb Budget Day speech; sometimes at the May Day Rally, instead of waiting until Aug to announce all good tidings...

That way, all year round, pp from all walks of life can benefit. And all year round, someone will be bound to 'lugi'. kekeke!

I still think it's a 'budget strategy' to avoid rolling out such grand/expensive policies in bb boom years like Yr of the Dog, Pig and Rat...

Next year is Ox, and traditionally, it's not a year u'd see a spike in birth rate in the Asian world. It's therefore cheaper for the govt to pay the bills? Another one of my silly conspiracy theories again. Too free at home

COLOSTRUM: Did u all notice any white-curdish discharge from your nipples in the past few weeks? I've been cleaning my nipples in the shower to get rid of the discharge.
<font color="119911">On water bag breaking ---
From Baby Center website:
Your water breaks.
When the fluid-filled amniotic sac surrounding your baby ruptures, fluid leaks from your vagina. And whether it comes out in a large gush or a small trickle, you should call your doctor or midwife.

Most women start having regular contractions before their water breaks, but in some cases, the water breaks first. When this happens, labor usually follows soon. If you don't start having contractions on your own within a certain amount of time, you'll need to be induced, since your baby's more likely to get an infection without the amniotic sac's protection against germs.
I read that the water bag bursts for only about 15% of mommies that go into labor. Usually its just contractions that we need to take note of, before going to the hospital.

Meanwhile, are your babies moving ALOT? Mine is squirming away, &amp; it is getting quite uncomfy! Think Kieran can't want to come out as well, &amp; I am suspecting that he might decide to arrive earlier that my scheduled C-sec date of next Sat!! Arghhh..am not prepared!</font>
Is it compulsory to take the Strep B test ?

We can only for grandparent's relief if the grandparents are not working right ?
Haha. i had a fairly tiring day, cos went from gynae to robinsons for shopping then lunch with a friend, then haircut, then pedicure...was zonked by the time i got home...
but at least all done for sister's wedding tomorrow. can relax today
Millie (millie22) - did the Strep B test even thou mine is not natural delivery. Think gyne is kiasu and wants to be on the safe side incase baby comes early &amp; somehow i end up with a quick natural birth or something (also so that they can earn extra i guess)...

grandparent's relief - realistically, if they are working, how would they be able to take care of the baby during the day? I am not sure how we can actually prove that the baby is with the grandparents also...but yah, makes sense to get the relief. Just see the tax relief as an alternative to the infantcare centre rebate other working parents get....(cos we would have to give grandparents some money to buy diapers, milk powder, for their time, etc as well).
waterbag bursting
everyone knows we should be bringing a large pad out just in case, to catch the gushing/trickling if it happens hor?

bb boom years
yr of rat is one of them? rats aren't v auspicious right?
Waterbag Breaking
after reading posts abt waterbag breaking, i think that if waterbag burst, should be quite
easy to know coz it'll be a like water gushing or flowing out..

but just wondering.. if it's only leaking, how can we differentiate it with normal
discharge..? will there be a big difference..? anyone can help to advise..?
Bigtoes: sunrays was induced on 19 Aug morning, admitted at 11pm and ended with emergency c-sec on 20 Aug. I'm not sure of the details, best to wait for her to report her birth story when she's back. ;)
Birth sympton...

Haha..i am also there telling myself scarly i oso dun koe how to recognise a contraction...btw,show dun need to go hospital immediately rite? coz my #1 was c-sect @38weeks so i didnt experience much contraction also..
Waterbag bursting:

It's a gush of water! Even with a big pad, i don't think it will help. At least from my experience, hard to mistake it for discharge.
Millie (millie22) - what i meant that i was wondering why i needed the strep B test since my baby wont pass thru the V-passage way...and the baby only gets infected if he/she passes thru the passage way during natural birth. Anyway, i did my test last wk &amp; tested negative.
I've been getting more tightening sensations lately. M now in my 35th week. Still better than my 1st pregnancy when I had the twins. The tightening sensation came on in my 25th week!

Karenz / Storeberry, I've been adopting the 'doggie position' (on all fours), for about 10 mins each time, rocking gently to and fro, hoping that baby will turn. But from his movements, I think he's still in a transverse position (lying horizontally across). This Fri, I shall ask my gynae if should help shift my BB tho I don't think she will. So, most likely I will engage a douhla who can do something via hynopsis to get BB to turn. Meanwhile, I'm still praying every night for BB to be good, to turn soon. I also don't want another C-sec. The post-recovery for me was very traumatic after I delivered my twins last yr. Or maybe my pain threshold is too low
Back from gynea's visit.
I am tested positive for StrepB. Apparently it is a virus infection that affects the throat, how it get to the vagina, even the gynea couldnt explain. Antibiotics will be added to the drip during labour time.

I am also put on CTG to monitor Junior's heartbeat..it detected braxton hicks contractions on a few occasions during the 30 mins monitoring..i am surprised cos I didnt feel any hardening. The nurse was telling me having occasional braxton hicks means the uterus is starting to prepare the body for labour.

I am crossing my fingers for Sept 1 still
BB position,
Mine is already down but not engaged. Gynea says usually bb will engage from Week 37 onwards but some will engage even later..
ERm.. to simplify it

If waterbag burst: Dun dilly dally. Go to hospital?

If contraction: If the contractions interval is not too close, can dilly dally abit. If too close an interval, better bia down to hospital?

Issit liddat?

I sianz to go hospital and wait there for 12hrs wor..
hi goldfish n all,

re contraction, depends on how serious/close is e interval. my no. 1, i experienced it like at 6am or earlier but it was slow so i ignore it n continue to sleep, but i only end up in the hospital about noon time when i start to feel e contractions coming faster but i still can walk then. It was till 3-4pm my contractions was really unbearable. so u will know it, better go when u still can walk around. must remember every mummy is different, some people dilate faster, so will give birth faster too.

I never experience water bag burst, but was told that if it does, then must admit immediately liao.
hi all mommies! just feel like i am in the olympics marathon....can't wait to reach the end line and get my gold medal. hehehehe

went for my 37wk check up today. was put on CTG. detected some contractions. baby's head down. so, all good. BUT, i have haemorrhoid !!!(yes! now! even before the PUSHING stage!). guess all the pressure is too much to bear.....doc said sometimes can get worse, sometimes wont.
. wonder if any of you have similar condition?

did a strep B test too. doc said that is to rule out infection in that area.

waterbag LEAK:
asked doc this morning if waterbag leaking feels the same as passing urine. she said nope. waterbag leaking is more like 'trickling'....if u suspect any, go see doc, they will have something to test the liquid if it is amniotic fluid or urine. cos the amniotic fluid has different pH.

if waterbag burst, doc said no need to rush to hospital. can take time to shower and eat something. 1-2 hr is ok.

contractions also like that. but if interval already too close, must go to hospital.

i guess regardless what, it is best to call doc ASAP.
when waterbag burst, can still take a shower and go down, no need to bia down

contractions, wait for 1-5 mins interval before gg down.

Thats what prenatal class taught us.
methinks i won't take any chances with the waterbag bursting thing. will go to hosp as soon as it happens. my mom's waterbag burst when she was on the way to hosp, and almost as soon as they wheeled her into the delivery ward, i popped out. i wasn't her first bb though. maybe that's why faster.
on my discharge comments it says " very weak contraction 1 in every 5mins" ... If the real labour, the contractios will be hw long??
Sri Leo
The real ones may be 3-5 mins apart (from start of one to start of the next) and last around 1 min each time. But they will be "strong" ie you wont be able to talk thru them, need to breathe through it and/or hold on to something for support when it hits...
Mrs.T, I had hemorroids too, thats why Iam choosing C-section rather than natural. I dun want to exaggerate the hemorroids coz I heard the piles is even more painful than the stitches wound after birth.
and I rather to pain in one place (c-sec wound) rather than 2 wounds.
But if my son decide to come out before c-sec date, then I will try for natural delivery..If not it will end up emergency c-sec (very costly)
<font color="0077aa">li (piggi): Thanks for the suggestion!

Karen, my bb head is on my left tummy, think he is in a horizontal or diagionally lower left tummy position. I can feel his head there. But don't know if the head is down or up cos Dr didn't say...

Limay: My boy is moving alot these few days expecially in the night.</font>
your doc doesnt draw a diagram to show you? I have a diagram update every visit to show the positions of the babies on my visit card
ava, when i was in hosp, having the contractions, i hold on to the bed rails.. lol.. if the real contractions comes in, i guess i'll hold on to the nurses/midwife hands... hahahaha...

18 aug do a scan n recheck the gender, she says i conceive a bb gal... hehehe... last trimester den i get to noe the gender...
One of my friend just went through emergency c-sec. her waterbag burst in 34weeks, but baby not engaged yet..then hav to do emergency c-sec. She stayed in TMC 2bedded room. Actual billsize is $10.000+, after medisave she paid $6000+.. she is lucky coz her baby wasn stay in NICU, if not...more costly
