(2008/09) Sep 2008

Mrs T: I bot the Lansinoh one. Then later I got one Medela purelan cream for buying their breast pump. The purelan one can be used as LIP BALM, in case u can't finish it.

Ava: were u all at East Coast beach? I was there last weekend with my DH! LOVE the satays, chicken wings and stingrays at the EC hawker centres.

storeberry: then it'll be either M&S as shazz recommneded to me last time, or Thyme Maternity. However, I find those slightly padded peek-a-boo nursing bras hard to stay flipped open. these padded cups, being rather "stiff" due to the padding, have a tendency to "cup back into position" as u BF, dun u think so? Wonder if u know what I mean.

Unlike those unpadded ones which will be stay down & limp once u unhook the cups.

shazz: For the CL, yes, it's true we need to get those Thermo Flasks (my sis bot like 3 cos she only drank the red date/longan tea thruout her confinement) to store (not boil) the red dates tea; a huge stove kettle to boil your bath water with TCM, at least 2 bathtubs with a scoop, a plastic chair to elevate that bathtub, a huge wok for pigs trotters, slow cooker to boil your red dates tea and other soups as nec, a hot water dispenser which can store water at 60 degrees C for your FM (if u can't BF).

I already bot the CL's bedding set.

sasa de mouse: dun book 12 pm! He is usually seeing those "spillover" IVF patients who come downstairs to L1. Plus he will hv to makan too right? So far, I've always booked 2 pm officially. Sorry, to correct my last statement. I arrived at 1.30pm, did all the nec tests, then I went shopping at the TMC pharmacy and loitering at the lobby...I got to see LC at ard 2.30 pm thereabts, that's why I counted as only 30min official wait time. If I go at 2pm sharp, I only get to leave TMC at 4pm

what are the norm items we need to buy for confinement?

1) Rice wine
2) Herb for bathing
3) Ginger
4) Red dates
5) Dong Shen
6) Dried Longan
7) What else? Anyone can advise?

My MIL mentioned some herbs to help purge out old blood (to drink once after birth)...I am clueless..
Hi all, think you might be interested.

Chest of Treasures

Bet you didn't know that breastmilk can do more than just nourish baby. Check out these other uses for breastmilk that'll blow you away!

If you don't want to see your precious, bountiful stock of expressed breastmilk go to waste, Thomson Medical Centre Senior Lactation Consultant Wong Boh Boi suggests some great functions for your liquid gold…

1. Facial Mask

Packed with antibodies, breastmilk is your perfect organic beauty solution.

What You Need

1 egg
Ground oatmeal

What To Do

1. Mix ingredients and stir till you get a paste-like consistency.
2. Chill for 10 minutes in the fridge.
3. Apply to the face, leaving it for 15 minutes before washing off.

2. Ice Lolly

Your munchkin will love this nutritious dessert.

What You Need
1 tin of peaches with a little syrup

What To Do
1. Chop peaches up into small pieces.
2. Mix ingredients together.
3. Place in ice-lolly tray and freeze.

3. Milk Shake

This refreshing drink will give your toddler an energy boost.

What You Need
½ to 1 banana
1 scoop ice-cream

What To Do
1. Blend all ingredients.
2. Garnish with strawberry slices.

4. Footbath

Banish unsightly calluses on your feet with this relaxing footbath, which is made with any sour or expired breastmilk. Talk about multiple uses!

What You Need
Sour or expired expressed breastmilk

What To Do
1. Soak your feet in the milk and watch your breastmilk work its magic.

5. Cure For Sore Eyes

If your baby has a yellowish or creamy discharge from her eyes, she may have picked it up in the birth canal, or because of poor hygiene. Breastmilk is a natural remedy that contains powerful antibodies that help fight infection.

What You Need
1 drop of breastmilk
Sterile cotton wool

What To Do
1. Wash your hands before you begin, then take a piece of sterile cotton wool, dipped in breastmilk, and wipe one eye from the inner to the outer corner,
2. Do the same with the other eye, using a fresh piece of cotton wool.

6. Cure For Sore Eyes

A natural remedy for baby's sore eyes, but who says you can't try it on yourself or the husband too!

What You Need
1 drop of breastmilk
Sterile cotton wool

What To Do
1. Drop a little breastmilk onto affected eye.
2. Wipe with sterile cotton wool.

7. Remedy For Cold Sores And Mozzie Bites

This miracle treatment relieves pain and itch.

What You Need
1 drop of breastmilk

What To Do
1. Clean your hands thoroughly.
2. Add a drop of breastmilk onto affected skin.
Nope we were at Labrador Park....

He was resting after his active spurt (see the rest of the pics on FB for those)...Bump: yeah! it is huge! cannot move around without my tummy support for long now...and another 6-8 weeks to go!!!
flos, how much did the recep at the fetal assessment unit say the 4d scan costs? just spoken to this girl (who sounded really iffy) who told me that it's $250 + $85.
she said that we have to do a normal scan before the 4d scan and that costs $85. maybe i'll call back again tomorrow and confirm that with (hopefully) someone else. called radlink to check their price also; the person in charge isn't around but the girl "helping out" said "around $220". got to call back tomorrow to confirm also. tsk. so fed up.

can anyone who's done the 4d scan at tmc or radlink confirm how much you paid in all please? thanks!
xuanting: i did mine at Radlink and paid $180 cos baby wasn't co-operative but I still managed to get like 7 videos and 8 shots of baby in a CD-Rom, complete with detailed report.

Price range is about $180-$220, depending on how many videos and images they can capture for you.
<font color="119911">Ava (avalyn) - actually ur bump is not so big for someone carrying twins lah.
Think mine is getting there quickly - have to sit a distance away from my desk &amp; laptop now!</font>
I know what you mean...i was telling sasa i can't sit at foodcourt tables anymore! keep bumping my tummy on the table!
xuanting: will she be talking abt the growth scan for week 32 which is not inclusive in my antenatal package? Are u with TMC?

I won't be surprised that I will hv to pay more than $250
How far along r u this week?
shazz: no la! I hvn't bot those red dates, etc yet
My mom says closer to Sept, she will buy everything for me...

Ava: u still hv double chin? i hv no more chin!

hv u done your Bloom shots yet? Can share share
Ava: it's the camera angle lah!

Flos: yupe, red dates abit early to buy now. I also just got my CL's bedding set from Elle during the JL sale.

I'm thinking of taking baby to my family GP instead of a PD. Anyone knows if we can do that? My family GP is very experienced and she actually saw my hubby since he was a little boy, and their family members all swear by her. We all go to her even though we're staying in another town.
thanks, shazz. it sounds like a good deal!

flos, i'm approaching 29wks and with tmc. my doc already told me that the 32wk growth scan won't be nec in my case cos everything looked alright during the 20wk detailed scan. $250 + $85 is v expensive wor. think i might just book with radlink since it's cheaper and in town so i can go klkk after that.
xuanting: i was eager to see how my baby looks like, so I went for the 3D scan! hee, thank God I did, cos I'm so happy that my prayer is answered, prayed for baby to look like his daddy and he got his daddy's features like i prayed!
so it's worth it for me ... not so much for the detailed report, haha ... cos I just assumed he's in good hands.
I got the CL bedding set from OG. only $16!!! kekeke! later, i found even cheaper and nicer ones outside OG for only $12!! hhehe...

I was restless and itching to buy something from Ikea. So got him a bed canopy (mozzie net)...not sure if I will really hang it up in the end!

Dont think it's an issue not bringing your baby to a GP, esp for the usual sniffles, even jabs etc. probably save money that way! I must say, tho, PD medicines can be stronger, i.e. more effective...but they like to issue nebulisers etc which cost a lot esp if they have to use them over and over again...
wanna ask if anyone have malay lady to massage after birth one. got any recommendations??? or can advise how it goes about the package or price?
xuanting: hmm, no need for growth scan? that's quite odd. dun they need to check the head circumference, kidneys, lungs, heart chambers, bladders, brain, genitals (for boys, testes would hv descended by 32 weeks), etc. At least they can advise whether u shd go for c-section or natural. My SIL's baby's head was discovered to be the higher percentile during the 8th mth scan, so need to go for c-section...cos squeezing thru the vagina would be a problem.

I'd go for the Radlink one if my gynae didn't say I had to combine the growth scan + 4D package, so that he could debrief me in one session. I'm an obedient patient
i got the blue version (mozzie net).. not sure if it will get in the way when carrying bb in and out of the cot..i bought it anyway..
flos, asked my doc abt the 32wk scan when i saw her last week and she said no need, don't waste money! she said the blood flow etc all looked good so no need to monitor wor.
Ava/xuanting: really? so u just continue going for your usual scans until u pop? that's good!

xuanting: u mean she could see the blood flow and everything from her clinic's U/S machine? The one showing all the BLUE/RED patches?? That's very advanced wor...

bacon&amp;eggs: I dun recall seeing a blue mozzie one...possibly sold out cos of last weekend's Ikea annual sale. I saw a green jungle theme one. Mine is the circus theme one. hehe! I think it WILL get in the way. PLUS, I need to drill a hole in the ceiling to hang this circus net!! LOL
flos, i think there won't be anymore special scans for me unless she suspects something isn't right. her u/s machine is the normal 2d type; it was from the detailed scan report (w/pix) that she determined that the blood flow etc were ok. think only tc chang has the advanced machine in their clinic.
xuanting: oic, My DS in week 20 also shows that everything's OK.

I suppose diff gynaes follow diff protocols and maybe my gynae wants to earn some $ from me
I dun mind having/paying for a growth scan honestly. Wanna to see if the body parts are in which percentiles...

I found this chatroom talking abt those growth scans which sounds quite scary to me...

My SIL was worried sick that her bb's head was bigger than usual at week 20. It was only at week 32 when she was told her bb's nose bridge was high enough to rule out the possibility that she was carrying a DS bb. PS: She chose to skip her amnio at her own risk despite obtaining a low 1:250 OSCAR score. But of course, hers was an unusual situation which warranted a compulsory detailed growth scan at week 32.
<font color="0000ff">Xuanting
which gynae u seeing?? WK Tan ah??

u noe, i think only LC calls for this scan.. dun recall my other frens being called for this scan too

Anyone else told by gynae to go for the A5 scan at TMC?</font>
Flos: The bed canopy (mozzie net)looks cool!! How much did you get it for? And how was the sale at IKEA? Worth going?

Ava: Your Hubby is a avid photographer? I like the shots!

My gynae also didn't asked for growth scan at wk 32.

I am feeling heavy now even when I sit on my sofa, I have difficulties getting up.. Haiz..
Hi Mummies,

Done V check up today.. gynae used a long cotton bud stick insert into me (vr painful until I scream out)tand took some discharge and send to lab for test.. the result will be out in 1 week time. think should be fine ba...

I refused the pessaries (coz hav to insert in)and asked for oral cream to apply on instead.

Anybody heard about stemcord Private Limited ? I found it quite cheap lo.. reg fee is $1250. first year free and juz pay s$250 from the second year onwards.
Baby Mall Online Spree by shazz: items are here! am sorting through and calculating shipping charges etc. Will update via email soon. They made some mistakes in our order and I've emailed them, hopefully will get a reply soon and update you mummies again.

Drugstore Spree: Items reached vPostUSA, have paid for the items and should receive them by end of this week. Can distribute during our 2nd gathering on 19 July 2008.
hi sarahmay,
think i didn't reply you regarding the photo taking ya?? maryann said i can only take in wk33 so looks like gotta wait until then. you are taking nude shots ah?? i'm quite tempted yet at the same time apprehensive coz i'm like so fat all over... and hb like quite shy leh. by the way, you will just be taking the pics by yourself right? and have you booked massage with malayheritage?? they took away their biz thread in smh forum and i absolutely can't remember their webbie now. am thinking of engaging use of mayamummy instead.

you aren't alone in this... i can hardly walk without panting much these days and i just can't find a comfortable position whether i'm sitting, standing or lying down.

adan is soooooooo cute!!!!!! hahahahhahahah!!! love his expression in the pictures. like so laid back and without a care in the world. have you thought of sending him for child modelling??

because of my high blood pressure, i've gotta see the doc once every two weeks. so going to see gynae tmr. nice actually coz can see baby. just to find out, when should i book a 3D scan should i wanna do one? Radlink is recommended is it??
<font color="119911">sasa de mouse (sasa_xie) - don't think Xuanting is with WK Tan. I am with her, and due for wk 32 check up next week, with no mentioned of any detailed scan. Unless she does it and automatically charges me!!

shazz (shazzerlyn) - oh, okie, will get the destin cream and stuff from you at the gathering

Baby monitor - bought mine yesterday. This is the Phillips Avent version for $131+.

Flos (flos) - I saw the mozzie net at Ikea too, quite cute ya? Very circus effect.</font>
<font color="0000ff">Bigtoes
hehe... i rem u are with WK Tan. juz tot Xuanting might be with her too
nah, think if she didn't mention it, you prob dun have to do any detailed scan again bah.. looks like only for LC</font>
I have a brand new "My Brest friend" breastfeeding pillow and a tube of Medela PureLan 37g cream to let go. Anyone interested?
<font color="119911">sasa de mouse (sasa_xie) - i don't mind another detailed scan of cos, but no point if we have to top up another $300!

Btw, are your babies moving alot more vigorously now? Baby Kieran feels like an alien tossing &amp; turning in my belly! Doesn't hurt, but just quite surprised how strong he has become &amp; how much of the ripples i can see on the surface. Can't imagine how it would feel towards delivery date!
Oh - and my innie is in the process of becoming an outtie! Finally....abit itchy around the belly button area thou...is that normal?</font>
<font color="0000ff">Stretchmarks
I really have to mention this coz i'm super disappointed with myself. Been religiously applying SM creams on my tummy and breasts (ok lah, breasts stopped awhile le) and happily neglecting my butts coz cannot see mah. hb did mention to me a few mths back that I might be starting to have SM on my butts but i brushed off his comment saying that it might be due to scratching. You noe lah, sometimes our butts juz itch and den i'll start scratching.

Last nite, out of the blue, and after so many mths, I saw my butt reflection. OMG!!! I nearly fainted. Both my butt cheeks were full of SMs. And they looked like I've juz been scratched horribly by cats. Red and long marks. Now I'm starting to apply the cream on my butt but think it's too late

So much of laziness and 'bochap' attitude on my part</font>
<font color="0000ff">Bigtoes
oh yes.. agree that our bb are moving more vigorously now. Feels like earthquake leh. Always got after shock tremors de. haha
Hb is not an avid photographer. just enjoys snapping shots...

Can't imagine u being fat all over leh...we have thot about sedning adan for child modelling (to get back some income out of him hahahah! just joking!!!) but we are too lazy and cheapskate to go for those folio shots, etc.

I got a PM from malay hertiage massage...is this the URL u r looking for?

I'm so sorry but i was laughing when i read your post....! u poor thing! never mind, apply what u can now, then put the strivectin after u stop bf...it should help! and stop scratching!!!!!!
Seems like u all haf a big tummy.. mine is still small leh :S
Bt 2nite will go for my gynea checkup. Supposed to be next week bt I bring it forward since of the recent ‘fall’
I am still able to lie flat to sleep leh.. issit ‘ok’ for the bb? I know we are supposed to sleep at a side rite? Bt I still prefer to lie flat wor..

Yeah! I can feel the bb wriggling inside me as well!! And can see the ripples on my stomach esp at nite time!!!
<font color="0000ff">Ava
haha.. glad it made u laugh. muz 'chase' away the gloominess on a Tue morning mah.. feel so gloomy leh.. the weather so rainy

n back to my post. I've stopped scratching llooonnnggg time ago le. so they are definitely not scratch marks now. sighz... so horrible but thankfully they are on my butt and not on my tummy. so i still can wear my sexy bikini nxt time hor (not tat I will wear oso lah). so prob the only person who will see it besides me would be my hb lor.. oh shucks. and the nurse who injects me on my butt...</font>

hey goldfish

my gynae told me at the last check up 2 very imp things to note until end of pregnancy

1) to count the number of movements within 24 hours ie > 20 movements hiccups counted as one anything lesser must go down and see him coz it may be due to decreased amniotic fluid or foetal distress

2) to lie on left or right as blood / oxygen flow will be better to baby. it also prevents uterus from being pressed down when lying face up resulting in our own breathelessness
