(2008/09) Sep 2008

wah calligraphers ah....your baby's chinese name will look very nice lor...not like my primary school chinese writing....!

<font color="0000ff">Flos
haha... oops.. now everyone noes i saving $$ for wat le. :p

eh.. ur MIL really v kiasu lah.. still got those leaves. better leave her alone.. dun bother.. haha

My handwriting sux big time.. so i definitely wont be the one writing it</font>
Ava: but if the machine is functioning well at TMC on the day of registration, I'd tell them to key in lah...I shouldn't hv told them last weekend they could handwrite. now they want to handwrite...sigh.
tell them to do special calligraphy on the cot
Thanks Alabone. Sasa &amp; Bigtoes! Yah, think its low blood sugar, will go &amp; keep some in my bag.. Feeling alot better today!

SM on butts: I saw some white lines on my butts, are they SM also??

Goldfish: I am going to have the mattress underpad below my bedsheets so that in case water bag burst, it will not stain my mattress protector.. As for office, I think no choice bah..

Flos: Vhive? I shall take a look at their webby. How much did you get yours?

Ava: Great idea! Kekek..
Ava: that's quite interesting! inscriptions? I dun mind making a seal for my bb, then stamp it on the BC
Is that allowed?

storeberry: $400+. Not all designs are online. U need to visit their MEGA Mall at Japanese Garden.
<font color="119911">Mommies, do u notice that ur baby is more active after u consume certain food? Like for my case, i have been drinking milo quite regularly when I get hungry at work - and baby Kieran always starts his moving frenzy during/just after I my drink. Babies are suppose to 'taste' the food we consume, and i think his fav food has to be milo! hehe
Haha, not really leh...its 'low sugar' healthier version of milo. Chocs, cakes &amp; ice-cream doesn't have the same effect!

I would have thot it's sugar high as well.


We did make a seal (enclosed his umbilical cord) and the scholar's brush (using his newborn hair) for J. His Daddy wrote down the Chinese character for him in BC. I'm not particular lah, cos seldom use BC anyway.
Lok: What pen did ur DH use? Hospital's pen or your own special pen? Will the ink run?

I'm just worried that my DH's Chinese scrawls will get too cursive.

Yes, I saw the kiosk at TMC promoting scholar's brushes and footprints. I love Chinese seals, and will get them engraved in China.
i was into carving these chinese characters a while ago! not easy at all. chisel away until fingers cramp. bought some kind of zhuan4 ke4 dictionary and followed the characters. i still have a few pieces of the mian2 shi2 and all my tools. maybe can make one for my bb after she's got a chinese name.
sasa: after reading your posts regarding SM, i quickly ran to the mirror and checked on my butt! i must say i can't see it very clearly cos abit difficult for me to 'turn' around to check at this stage....perhaps need to wait til hubby comes back and ask him to have a detailed check on my butt.

Linda: i make my own rice wine (well...i supervise, hubby is the one who make). mum said need to use 1 bottle a day to cook the chiken soup. so, for the entire confinement period, u will need 30 bottles!!! we are still in the process of making it....but dont think i'll drink 30 bottles of wine in a month! that is ridiculous! anyway, i remember i read on somewhere that u can get the teochiew rice wine at cold storage. this rice wine iss similar taste as those they use in malaysia during confinement.

ava: are u having twins?!!!

sometimes i feel breathlessness (even just sitting down do nothing).....not sure if any of you have the same experience?

will have my detailed scan next week. hopefully everything will be ok...
Hey mummies
Sorry for the delay! I finally received the menu!!

September Preggo Tea Party
19th July 2008

<font color="0000ff">Savory</font>
<font color="ff0000">Brioche Burger with Roasted Chicken and Fig Compote
Croque Monsieur (baked ham and cheese sandwich)
Tomato and Mushroom Tartlet
Finger sandwich of crab meat and egg
Chicken shepherd’s pie
Petit salad</font>

<font color="0000ff">Sweet</font>
<font color="ff0000">Le Royale
Gateaux Chocolat
Rose Macaron
Salty Caramel Macaron
Chocolate Macaron
Banana Passionfruit Sorbet
Chocolate Ice Cream
Earl Grey Tea Crème Brule</font>
<font color="0000ff">Ok, seating wise, no way we can squeeze into 1 long table...so guess we will split into 2/3 tables. Anyway the serving is individual portion cos I dun think it is a good idea for such a big group(with big tummies) to do buffet style, best way is to sit on our butt and get served,ya?</font>

<font color="0000ff">Updated guest list so far....</font>

<blink>25 adults and 6 children...WOW!!</blink>

19 Jul Gathering :
Sunrays 1 pax
Ava 1 pax
Storeberry 1 pax
shazz - 1 pax
Millie22-1 pax
Jaymickey - 1 pax
Cloud (Gail) - 1 pax
Goldfish - 1 pax
Jessi- 1 pax
Sarahmay - 1 pax
stef&amp;seanbabes - 2 pax (hubby with 2 kids)
isa_belle - 1 pax
Mei - 1 pax
Flos - 1 pax
Rxmom - 1 pax (+1 child)
Alabone - 1 pax (may have to bring 2 kids...)
Crayonshinchan - 1pax
lok - 1 pax
Bigtoes - 2 pax (if hubby welcomed)
lilboymum - 1 pax (and maybe 1 boy)
xuanting - 1 pax
Qiuling - 1 pax
twendy - 1 pax

<font color="0000ff">As for identification....I'll make nametags for all of us,hehe!!</font>

<font color="ff0000">Twendy, Xuanting, Lilboymum, Lok, Crayonshinchan, RXmom, Goldfish, Stef&amp;seanbabes + hb...pls PM me your real names so that I can do the nametags.
As for the rest of you, I know who you are!! Good memory test for my preggy brains,haha!!</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Cloud...r u around?? U mentioned u dun take meat?? Can let me know which are the items u cannot take?? So tat i can chk wif my hb whether he can do smthing else for u....</font>
Lok.. hahaha.. I cant really see whats behind my knees so I just ask my hb to scrub them clean! I know for sure my armpits are full of pigmentation!! I really hope they'll go away after pregnancy ;-)

And tonite, my hb will have a new task.. to inspect my butt and check for more tiger stripes!
Flos, are u by any chance Fitness First member?
hahaha.. and as for asking the pedicurist to scrub, they don scrub all the way to the knees one leh! haa.. talking abt pedicurist, its time i visit my pedicurist, my nail polish is no longer shiny and i cant reach down to clean them off! hahaha...

sunrays, haha.. r u serious abt the name tags? ahhaa.. i think pple will think that we're having some corporate retreat for preggie women. PM u after this msg. And the menu is making me lao nua liao.. and these 2wks, I'd been craving for cakes.. *pengs*
Mrs T

Believe us, nametags are NECESSARY!!! esp with so many moms! First gathering only 12 moms but needed nametags already!

Salivating already........drooolll
<font color="0077aa">Sunrays: The menu looks yummy!! I am salivating already! Feeling hungry now! Haha! Thanks for organising all this!! So looking forward!

Cryonshinchan: Yes, name tags is a must!!</font>
Back from my check-up.. went for routine test &amp; there's sugar in my urine! So I took the blood test to check for glucose &amp; lucky it's normal. I was so worried I got GD &amp; can't enjoy all the desserts during our gathering on 19th July. Blood pressure also high &amp; kept fluctuating so I also took a blood test, results will be out tomorrow.. no news means good news.. so I hope they don't call me tommorrow &amp; everything's fine. As for baby Devon, he's 1.7kg at 30 weeks.

Nursing Bras
Mothercare is having a 20% discount off their bras &amp; panties.. I bought a lovely twin-pack nursing bra, pastel blue with polka-dots &amp; the other floral design.. totally pretty &amp; not frumpy! &amp; matching panties..

Drool... your menu looks scrumptuous!!! Looking forward to it!!

I love Kenko too.. glad you went to them for your foot massage too.

When I reached home, I dashed to my mirror &amp; looked at my butt.. haha.. no SM.. phew!
Back from my check-up.. went for routine test &amp; there's sugar in my urine! So I took the blood test to check for glucose &amp; lucky it's normal. I was so worried I got GD &amp; can't enjoy all the desserts during our gathering on 19th July. Blood pressure also high &amp; kept fluctuating so I also took a blood test, results will be out tomorrow.. no news means good news.. so I hope they don't call me tommorrow &amp; everything's fine. As for baby Devon, he's 1.7kg at 30 weeks.

Nursing Bras
Mothercare is having a 20% discount off their bras &amp; panties.. I bought a lovely twin-pack nursing bra, pastel blue with polka-dots &amp; the other floral design.. totally pretty &amp; not frumpy! &amp; matching panties..

Drool... your menu looks scrumptuous!!! Looking forward to it!!

I love Kenko too.. glad you went to them for your foot massage too.

When I reached home, I dashed to my mirror &amp; looked at my butt.. haha.. no SM.. phew!
hi sunrays, i don't eat red meat like lamb, beef, pork or duck.. the menu looks yummy.. for the Croque Monsieur (baked ham and cheese sandwich), what kind of ham is it?

in other words, i only eat chicken, fish and turkey...

bigtoes, my Kieran is also super active, a bit worried that he's going to be hyperactive when he's born.. its pretty funny to have my tummy moving while i'm teaching..
hi sunrays, i don't eat red meat like lamb, beef, pork or duck.. the menu looks yummy.. for the Croque Monsieur (baked ham and cheese sandwich), what kind of ham is it?

in other words, i only eat chicken, fish and turkey...

bigtoes, my Kieran is also super active, a bit worried that he's going to be hyperactive when he's born.. its pretty funny to have my tummy moving while i'm teaching..
hi ava,
i hope i won't have to bring the kiddoes lah. else i will never be able to enjoy the yummilicious food in peace.

the menu has already made me salivate. errm, just to know, how much do we have to pay per pax?
hi ava,
i hope i won't have to bring the kiddoes lah. else i will never be able to enjoy the yummilicious food in peace.

the menu has already made me salivate. errm, just to know, how much do we have to pay per pax?
Hello Mummies!

Sorry for being MIA these past few days. I just got into SG Last nite.

Went for check-up today. Was really great to see the baby again. however, I was a little dismayed to find out that my baby is so light! At 29w6d, he's only 1.398 kg. I was like "Huh?!!! How come so small?" I told my doc abt some of your bbs' weights, and she reassured me that my bb is a good size. And then she said something like, "You are so small. Why do you want such a big baby?"

Sigh. Anyway, I shall eat a lot more beef and fish and drink tons of tonic soups every day now!!!

Sunrays - COOL! Thanks for the yummy menu! can't wait.

Alabone: I'm going to ring Studio Loft soon to arrange a date. I'm hoping to do mine in 4 weeks time in Wk 34...or maybe 35. I don't really care about the SM as much as my uneven tan lines. Hahah. SM can airbrush right? Hehe. Why don't you just do the shots though! I don't think you are fat la.

Preggie: I've to collect my stuff from you right? Let me know how we can arrange. I live in Tampines, but I can meet you in town area too if you work around there.

Flos: I also don't need to do a second growth scan. Do you know why your doc is recommending one for you? Don't think it is routine to do a 3rd tri DS.

Okie...I better run. I shall try to catch up on all the posts I've missed out trow.
Hello Mummies!

Sorry for being MIA these past few days. I just got into SG Last nite.

Went for check-up today. Was really great to see the baby again. however, I was a little dismayed to find out that my baby is so light! At 29w6d, he's only 1.398 kg. I was like "Huh?!!! How come so small?" I told my doc abt some of your bbs' weights, and she reassured me that my bb is a good size. And then she said something like, "You are so small. Why do you want such a big baby?"

Sigh. Anyway, I shall eat a lot more beef and fish and drink tons of tonic soups every day now!!!

Sunrays - COOL! Thanks for the yummy menu! can't wait.

Alabone: I'm going to ring Studio Loft soon to arrange a date. I'm hoping to do mine in 4 weeks time in Wk 34...or maybe 35. I don't really care about the SM as much as my uneven tan lines. Hahah. SM can airbrush right? Hehe. Why don't you just do the shots though! I don't think you are fat la.

Preggie: I've to collect my stuff from you right? Let me know how we can arrange. I live in Tampines, but I can meet you in town area too if you work around there.

Flos: I also don't need to do a second growth scan. Do you know why your doc is recommending one for you? Don't think it is routine to do a 3rd tri DS.

Okie...I better run. I shall try to catch up on all the posts I've missed out trow.
<font color="aa00aa">Cloud
Croque Monsieur is using pork ham but hb says he'll do a chicken croque monsieur for you
How abt crab meat? Can u take tat?</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Cloud
Croque Monsieur is using pork ham but hb says he'll do a chicken croque monsieur for you
How abt crab meat? Can u take tat?</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Mei
Dun worry, I'm sure everything will be fine!! Devon is doing well!! 1.7kg at week 30 is good weight for a healthy baby boy!

As long as the doc assure you Elisha is of good weight then dun worry lor... Anyway I think our baby's weight will definitely shoot up as we approach our EDD. My gf's bb weight was increasing by the day when she was 34-37 weeks. And yr doc is right, why do u want a big baby when u are petite??</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Mei
Dun worry, I'm sure everything will be fine!! Devon is doing well!! 1.7kg at week 30 is good weight for a healthy baby boy!

As long as the doc assure you Elisha is of good weight then dun worry lor... Anyway I think our baby's weight will definitely shoot up as we approach our EDD. My gf's bb weight was increasing by the day when she was 34-37 weeks. And yr doc is right, why do u want a big baby when u are petite??</font>

of course at that time i was wearing the nursing bra lah! i only use the normal ones in sg and i know the place i'm gg to has a bf room. I also use normal one when i pump milk at work.

Btw, u dun need breast pads after some mths when u get more confident. U'll roughly know when u'll leak by then.

of course at that time i was wearing the nursing bra lah! i only use the normal ones in sg and i know the place i'm gg to has a bf room. I also use normal one when i pump milk at work.

Btw, u dun need breast pads after some mths when u get more confident. U'll roughly know when u'll leak by then.
xuanting: what are mian2shi2 ??!!

sunrays: thks for the gastronomical delights! You're most thotful
I dun want to move around to take food also...better to sit down and be served, easier to rem the rest of the mommies' names that way!

Are you closing the restaurant for us?!! kekeke...

Mei: I feel a bit crampy now, so I went home early today. Do u feel crampy after each massage session? I signed up for the 30min foot/shoulder massage package (valid for 18mths) just now. I love their service and room fragrance...

I think I got the same nursing bras from Mothercare as you!!! the very pastel blue ones with polka dots/floral prints...I look quite nice in that design
There are more designs in the UK, but they dun carry them in SG

crayon: I got a stool from Ikea so that I can sit down in the shower to scrub my feet. U can do likewise

SarahMay: welcome back!! I hv no idea why sasa and I need to go for the A5 scan, but if he insists, I shall oblige!! I dun mind getting another detailed report from my gynae

Dun worry too much abt the weight of your bb.
xuanting: what are mian2shi2 ??!!

sunrays: thks for the gastronomical delights! You're most thotful
I dun want to move around to take food also...better to sit down and be served, easier to rem the rest of the mommies' names that way!

Are you closing the restaurant for us?!! kekeke...

Mei: I feel a bit crampy now, so I went home early today. Do u feel crampy after each massage session? I signed up for the 30min foot/shoulder massage package (valid for 18mths) just now. I love their service and room fragrance...

I think I got the same nursing bras from Mothercare as you!!! the very pastel blue ones with polka dots/floral prints...I look quite nice in that design
There are more designs in the UK, but they dun carry them in SG

crayon: I got a stool from Ikea so that I can sit down in the shower to scrub my feet. U can do likewise

SarahMay: welcome back!! I hv no idea why sasa and I need to go for the A5 scan, but if he insists, I shall oblige!! I dun mind getting another detailed report from my gynae

Dun worry too much abt the weight of your bb.
sunrays: Will there by special beverages? Is $25 incl of the drinks? And GST? sorry, just wondering if I can pay by credit card on that day

isa: OIC. It now makes sense!!! I saw someone with AIR last week and it's really nice. The bb looks very comfy in it. Think I'll get it...
sunrays: Will there by special beverages? Is $25 incl of the drinks? And GST? sorry, just wondering if I can pay by credit card on that day

isa: OIC. It now makes sense!!! I saw someone with AIR last week and it's really nice. The bb looks very comfy in it. Think I'll get it...
haiya, went to dr chang yest and was so busy abt baby's movements cos i din feel that she was moving that much, that i forgot to ask her weight! Arghh... So irritating...

Any one of u feel numbness in ur legs? Got a shock last fri. Suddenly had crampy feeling with bad backache, and had difficulty walking. After that i had difficulty moving my right leg and I cldn't even lift up my leg to put on my pyjama pants! My doula said my pelvic nerve was being pressed.
Next morn it got better but yest chang said to monitor, and if this continues mebbe gotta go for physiotherapy! Sianz... I dun understand how this can happen when i do stretching exercise every morning and I can still touch my toes! Sheesh...
haiya, went to dr chang yest and was so busy abt baby's movements cos i din feel that she was moving that much, that i forgot to ask her weight! Arghh... So irritating...

Any one of u feel numbness in ur legs? Got a shock last fri. Suddenly had crampy feeling with bad backache, and had difficulty walking. After that i had difficulty moving my right leg and I cldn't even lift up my leg to put on my pyjama pants! My doula said my pelvic nerve was being pressed.
Next morn it got better but yest chang said to monitor, and if this continues mebbe gotta go for physiotherapy! Sianz... I dun understand how this can happen when i do stretching exercise every morning and I can still touch my toes! Sheesh...
<font color="aa00aa">alabone and all mummies attending the gathering

Price is $25++ per adult...($29.40 nett) i hope u ladies find it reasonable cos that is the lowest price he can come up with.. He kept emphasizing to me that he tried his best to come up with as many items as possible liao..</font>

<font color="0000ff">DRINK SELECTION-HOT</font>
<font color="ff0000">Sweet Meadows-100% organic and caffeine free
A sweet and calming infusion of Egyptian chamomile flowers and bright, tangy lemon myrtle.</font>

<font color="0000ff">DRINK SELECTION-ICED BEVERAGE</font>
<font color="ff0000">Iced Honey Lemongrass</font>

<font color="aa00aa">there is no de-caffeinated coffee available in Canele. But regular coffee is available for avid coffee drinkers
<font color="aa00aa">alabone and all mummies attending the gathering

Price is $25++ per adult...($29.40 nett) i hope u ladies find it reasonable cos that is the lowest price he can come up with.. He kept emphasizing to me that he tried his best to come up with as many items as possible liao..</font>

<font color="0000ff">DRINK SELECTION-HOT</font>
<font color="ff0000">Sweet Meadows-100% organic and caffeine free
A sweet and calming infusion of Egyptian chamomile flowers and bright, tangy lemon myrtle.</font>

<font color="0000ff">DRINK SELECTION-ICED BEVERAGE</font>
<font color="ff0000">Iced Honey Lemongrass</font>

<font color="aa00aa">there is no de-caffeinated coffee available in Canele. But regular coffee is available for avid coffee drinkers
sunrays.. my hubby also wants to come to the gathering, please include him.

19 Jul Gathering :
Sunrays 1 pax
Ava 1 pax
Storeberry 1 pax
shazz - 1 pax
Millie22-1 pax
Jaymickey - 1 pax
Cloud (Gail) - 1 pax
Goldfish - 1 pax
Jessi- 1 pax
Sarahmay - 1 pax
stef&amp;seanbabes - 2 pax (hubby with 2 kids)
isa_belle - 1 pax
<font color="ff0000">Mei - 2 pax</font>
Flos - 1 pax
Rxmom - 1 pax (+1 child)
Alabone - 1 pax (may have to bring 2 kids...)
Crayonshinchan - 1pax
lok - 1 pax
Bigtoes - 2 pax (if hubby welcomed)
lilboymum - 1 pax (and maybe 1 boy)
xuanting - 1 pax
Qiuling - 1 pax
twendy - 1 pax
sunrays.. my hubby also wants to come to the gathering, please include him.

19 Jul Gathering :
Sunrays 1 pax
Ava 1 pax
Storeberry 1 pax
shazz - 1 pax
Millie22-1 pax
Jaymickey - 1 pax
Cloud (Gail) - 1 pax
Goldfish - 1 pax
Jessi- 1 pax
Sarahmay - 1 pax
stef&amp;seanbabes - 2 pax (hubby with 2 kids)
isa_belle - 1 pax
<font color="ff0000">Mei - 2 pax</font>
Flos - 1 pax
Rxmom - 1 pax (+1 child)
Alabone - 1 pax (may have to bring 2 kids...)
Crayonshinchan - 1pax
lok - 1 pax
Bigtoes - 2 pax (if hubby welcomed)
lilboymum - 1 pax (and maybe 1 boy)
xuanting - 1 pax
Qiuling - 1 pax
twendy - 1 pax
isa: huh? dun overfeed bb?!!! But I want my bb to put on weight faster leh!!

sunrays: thanks!! Price is ok, so can swipe card or not? free flow right? I'm already drooling...will bring camera to photograph your DH's great masterpieces!!

isa: huh? dun overfeed bb?!!! But I want my bb to put on weight faster leh!!

sunrays: thanks!! Price is ok, so can swipe card or not? free flow right? I'm already drooling...will bring camera to photograph your DH's great masterpieces!!
