(2008/09) Sep 2008

Googled and found this article: http://www.pregnancytoday.com/reference/articles/beautyprocedures.htm

I still went for my pedicure but I was very irked by the smell of the vanish so I actually stopped painting my finger nails as they're so close to my nose. It's my sense of smell that is super sensitive that I stopped.

I suppose it's best to use nail products that are reputable for their safe components.

limay : maybe those MTBs are not aware they're not supposed to do any chemical treatments to their hair.
wah din check thread for a while now the mummies all talking abt age.
ok, me 27 yrs old 2nd preg. But feel v old leh...

baby atom
me too. my bb also woke up every 2 hrs. Then by the time she slept i had only 1 hr left to sleep b4 waking up again. Somemore i tbf, every shift also i kena...
uh oh. today i went to salon and did hair treatment to make my hair smoother. Cos i thot cannot dye and do all those perm or straigtening kind of treatment. But now too late to regret oso. Guess i just have to pray and hope for the best...
dun worry about it. it's not proven anyway about the side effects. Anyway, what's done is done, no need to worry about it. Worrying only adds stress! So just let it be lah. Just avoid in future will do. ;)
I saw it on page 82 of Mother & Baby (Jan 2008). It just said, $26, from selected professional nail salon. Poshe has base coat and Super-Fast Drying Topcoat. Not sure about their range of nail polish. I think OPI should be safe as well.
guys, just remembered something and thought i should share: do be careful when doing your laundry, you know, sometimes after spinning dry, the clothes can get tangled together and be hard to remove – it's impt not to use force to yank them out cos pulling hard like that can cause spotting v easily. same for if you have to put bamboo poles out the window or up the ceiling to dry clothes. better to get someone else to do this or get the shorter clothes hanger to dry your laundry.

also, if you have dogs and you walk them, you have to make sure they walk properly and don't drag you around.
I haven't bought much maternity tops yet, just one top.. CNY is close & I haven't go shopping for clothes yet... Hiaz...

Yah, I must sit down & discuss with hubby on who to take care of baby when he/she crys at night.. but I think most likely I am the one lo... He sleeps like a pig!!

Today my tummy seems bigger!! Or is it because not much came out past few days??
storeberry....mayb u can try to take formula milk like anmum or frisomum.....appears to be working well in preventing constipation for few of us here.....=)

btw did u juz order from ON? hw did u arrange for shipping? thanks...
Hi I drank Frisomum with Milo today but the taste still abit hard to swallow... :p But today also came out little bit...

For ON, I took part in a spree so the organiser took care of shipping, she ship by comgateway. The shipping came up to be about $4 per item...
u will get used to it slowly....im rather immune to the 'milk powder' taste by now....=) have a little patience....more will be released soon....

i have been on the watchout for ON spree too but keep missing them by mins.....=(
hi mtb, good morning. has anyone heard of empty sac ??? yesterday i went for 2nd scanning, my gynae say i might be having an empty sac. no bb in it !!! how can that be...but i can feel all the symthoms of preggy like everyone here. how can there be no bb at all. then what is the sac doing inside me ??? and i am still tested positive. but my gynae say this is very common. i am so confused now....aiyo, what should i do now..... my gynae has schedule 1 week later to do another scan. if still no bb inside the sac then will need to remove else will cause harm to my body. so sad, so sad, so sad...i am crying all the way when i left the clinic. do u all think i should go for 2nd opinion ??? any recommendation ? thanks.
how many weeks r u now? My first preg the dr also told me that my baby could have dissolved! So i can imagine how scared and sad u must be. But one week later i saw the fetal pole. So dun worry. There is hope! Sometimes too early cannot see anything... and the gynae must also prepare us for the worst. Can't give us empty hope u see.
isabelle, last friday i am 5 weeks. and yesterday i should be in 6 weeks already. but gynae say there is no bb inside the sac...if 7 weeks still no bb, then will need to remove my sac....
i've been going to the toilet more often than ever. didnt have this when i was preg with my elder one.
i'm now 6 wks plus. anyone having the same problem??

btw, if u heard of any glamourmom nursing tank top spree or old navy or gap, pls let me know ok?
my email [email protected]
the first time i saw the gynae he calculated the weeks based on date of last period and thot i should be 6 weeks. So same thing, why no fetal pole? Me n hubby were so sad and worried too. But one week later when gynae checked again, the fetal pole appeared and he said that the first time i saw him i was actually only 5 weeks. So guess sometimes the ovulation date may play a part. Mebbe u ovulated later? So dun worry first. Perhaps next visit u can see the fetal pole already. Meanwhile pray hard!
thanks isabelle. at least now i know there is still some hope. in fact, my gynae wanted me to go back on next tuesday to remove the sac. me & hb were so sad and reluctant. i do not want to remove it first. since i am only 6 weeks, i should give it some time to develope right. but gynae say is not good for me if the sac stay inside me for another 1 week. the problem is, i did not have any spotting or pain in my tummy till date. will there be any risk ?
Porky (porky_jean): Don't worry too much, I guess your gyne just wants to prepare you for the worse? If I were you, I would give it maybe 1-2 more weeks, and if the scan still shows an empty sac next week,maybe go for a 2nd opinion? Most probably baby is still too small to see properly? Take care okie!

shazz (shazzerlyn)& other MTBs - I was checking up on using nail polish & coloring the hair while preggers, and it seems to be generally safe. Just need to make sure you are polishing your nails in a well-ventilated area (I would think safer at home, standing in front of a fan, than in the stuffy manicure salon). As for hair coloring, if you want to be on the safe side, then maybe don't color till after 1st trimester. See: http://www.babycenter.com/400_is-it-safe-to-color-my-hair-during-pregnancy_505192_1001.bc
if i were u i would wait, like bigtoes said, another 1 to 2 weeks? Afterall mebbe u r really only 5 weeks? My gynae asked me then to also take blood test to see if my hcg levels were gg up. That's also an indication the preg is gg on smoothly. Did u take blood test too? Hmmm ur gynae seems rather impatient. So fast fix appt ask u to remove. Hope everything will be ok for u
bigtoes & isabelle, i really feel so comfort after hearing ur advise. i also do not understand why my gynae seems so confirm that i am having an empty sac. he even ask the nurse to make appt for me to remove it on tuesday. and i am only 6 weeks preggy ! my hb and i immediately said that we wanted to give our bb another chance. we wished to wait another 1 week. my gynae like so impatient and say ok, is up to us to decide. he say if i feel any pain or spotting then must come back and remove the sac asap. from the day i tested positive until now 6weeks. i did not have any spotting at all. and i even can feel a bit pop out at my tummy. but why the scan shows nothing inside the sac. mayb still early or my bb is too small....
Hi Porky, it must have felt terrible for you!! But the main thing is to wait now & be positive, I kow its difficult but for the baby, we must do it!! I will be praying for you!! Yah usually gynae would think that this is a unstable period now so don't want to give us too high hopes...

Dr Adrian Woodworth
5 Seng Kang Sq
Tel: 63888125

Take care my fren!
hi porky, i agree with the rest too. your gynae seems very hasty; wait a week or two. your gynae might not have dated your pregnancy correctly; for all you know, you might only be around 5wks now. i'm abt 5wks too and yesterday's scan only shows a small black circle. my gynae said it's still early and she will see me again in 2wks. at this early stage, one week can make a lot of dif in terms of size and what you can see from the scan. i hope it will all turn out well for you. must keep your spirits up ok.
storeberry, thanks for the contact. my hb say we should go for another gynae. since i stay in punggol so i can consider gg to see Dr Adrian.

xuanting, thanks for ur concern too. i have waited 2 1/2 hours to see my gynae, and after scan, the first thing he tell me is that he wanted to remove my bb...we also think his decision is too hasty. we should seek another gynae.
Can we still wear makeup and what kind of facial products are prohibited ? I'm using Lancome & Biotherm products.

I've yet to visit a gynae. Any recommendation for a good gynae ? I see that a lot of you gals here use TMC docs.

Hi Bigtoes,
Is Dr. W K Tan stituated at TMC only ? Does she has a clinic elsewhere ? Can u give me her contact # ?
Hi Porky ,

Suggest u wait a week or so to decide for your case as it might be too earlier to see the bb as different pp ovaluate at different time and u might have ovaluate later and so no baby till now .

After next week scan , you can request to do a blood test to confirm the preganacy .

Btw , who is your gynea , personally feeling he is very impatient and don't try to understand your sadness and ask you immediately remove the sac . Is this your first pregancy .
hey porky....my advice would be to seek a 2nd opinion and meanwhile stay positive like the rest of mummies advised....i rememer during my 1st scan at 4 weeks (although by last menses shd b 6 weeks), all we see is sac onli.....one week later oso cant see anythg except for growing sac untill he uses Trans V scan then spot a slight heartbeat after searching for sumtime....there's still hope & we will support you too.....cheerz up ger!!!
Hi, Porky

Have been following this thread.. saw your posting.. my suggestion is to go for a 2nd opinion.. Most likely the Gynae will check if your HCG is up or not.. If HCG level does not match with the level of the no. of weeks of pregnancy, then chances is it is a missed pregnancy, which is an empty sac..If HCG level is constant with the week of pregnancy, then should be ok.. In any case, you should wait for awhile and not go for the removal yet.. Did your first Gynae did just a ultrascan or a Virginal scan?
Another also, Porky, like some here suggested to wait for a week or so, be sure to rest well and dun let your imagination run wild.. Have to really relax and think very positive, cos body is very smart to detect the owner's emotions and this will affect the growth..

I know for tis one week, it is a tough and super long one for you and hubby but really have to stay positive.. all will be fine..
Hi Porky ,

Stay strong , I lost my 3rd preg last Dec as I was sick and baby lost its heartbeat at 7 weeks plus and I did cry a while and then accept the fact that it is not fated as for my 1st preg , I had bad spotting and almost lost my girl but my gynea was good and he gave me injection and save my girl .
oops not last Dec , is Dec 06 and I still remember that day I know I lost my baby , that night still have to attend my elder girl concert and then next day admit to remove the fetal . But this is life , have to accept the fact lor ...
porky, so sorry to hear abt ur plight. When u did the preg test at home, was the positive faint or dark?
hello ladies!

I am probably having a baby in Sep too. Did my own preg test (positive).. so will be going to see gynae on coming Wed. This is my 2nd baby.. and I am active in this forum in the Mar07 thread (of my first bb). My son is now 10mths+. Thought I will come in here to say hi.

I see quite a few first-time mothers here and many are new to this forum too. Glad that all of you are here.. cos the forum has been very helpful to me.. when I had my first bb, I learnt a lot of things thru the forum.

Ok, I saw a few concerns on food issues.. just want to share my thoughts on this.. for my first preg, I ate everything and anything.. crab, mutton, salmon, sushi, hum (cockels!), runny eggs etc.. I just want to say that eating all these stuff will not really harm your baby.. Doctors and books advised you not to eat it's because of the risk to YOU.. ie, in case you get food poisoning or salmonella (like the case of the Prima Deli cakes).. then if you kena all these, then it's risky cos you have to take drugs or antibiotics to treat yourself.. In Singapore, the risk is really quite low because our foods here are rather clean. I won't eat all these things if I am in a foreign country where I am not sure abt their health standards. well, I believe eating in moderation la.. just don't eat like everyday or what.

As for colouring hair and nails etc.. again there are conflicting school of thoughts. Actually the risk of chemicals going into your bloodstream is really very low. The chemicals quantity is very very low. Use good quality hair dyes or nail polish.. if you have already done it, don't worry.. i have preggie friends who colour their nails every week and it's ok.

Sorry for such a long-winded post. Hope you all don't find me lor-sor!
I read some of the posts and saw your story. Just want to share that one of my forum friend had a similar experience as you. I think her doc saw an empty sac too. but after another week or so, then 'found' the fetus. She is now quite pregnant. You try to be strong, ok. Take care.

anyone tried the new flavour Anmum honey flavoured? i tried today & find it yucks.haha.maybe i cant stomach the taste.till now i haven started drinking the milk..cant take the taste.during my #1 also like that.

RE: spotting

I am still spotting leh.so sian. I already see my gynae 3x liao & got to see him again 10days later as he says as i am still spotting so be to be on the safe side.
angeline....i cant stand the taste of milk powder too but it bcum a little bearable with spoonfuls of milo.....drink it while it's hot so the taste is not as strong.....=)

**touch wood**....after 2 weeks of spotting & double dosage of hormone pills.....it's gone for the last 2 days....praying hard dat it's gone for good.....im 6 weeks now & have visited my gynae for 3 times....4th cuming up next week.....=D
Hi Piyobaby ,

Rest well and walk less if you are spotting as this will help to settle down as this happen to me when I was with my 1st preg . After 3 consecutive jabs , I'm ok and now my girl already 6 this year . Nearly lost her that time as my spotting is bad as I was walking and climbing staircase too much as was looking around for a unit in punggol that time .

I think I'm pregant this time round as my menses is stil not here , should be here from last thurs or latest Sat leh .. mine quite accurate but when I test last few days all show -ve .... think will test again next week ... hopefully I kena .. praying hard now ...
Porky, dont worry. 2 wks ago when I went for my first gynae check, I had an empty sac too! I did the vaginal scan as well and nothing showed up. I was 5wks6days then.
My gynae ordered 2 hcg test on consecutive days and the wait was excruciating. But the HCG level went up and it was a good sign. So I was given hormone pills and asked to go back in 2 wks.

The 2 wks wait was horrible! Yesterday I went with my HB and I was so nervous that my palms were cold and clammy lor. And guess what, I managed to see my bb's super duper fast heartbeat!

Porky, there is hope. Wait for ur next checkup and if u still see nothing, get a second opinion. I had to do vaginal scans on both visits just to see the heartbeat!

I'm sure all will be fine.
hey girls,

I cant stand milk too! not bcos i feel nauseaus but mainly cos I've nv like the taste since young. So what I do is, I will hold my breath while i pour my milk down my throat. I will only let go when I've swallowed all the milk. Then suck on a sweet! hehhehee... bobian...
I'm new to this thread and has been tested postive by home test kit.

Can we still wear makeup and what kind of facial products are prohibited ? I'm using Lancome & Biotherm products.

I've yet to visit a gynae. Any recommendation for a good gynae ? I am staying at Lavender area. I see that a lot of you gals here use TMC docs.

Hi Bigtoes,
Is Dr. W K Tan stituated at TMC only ? Does she has a clinic elsewhere ? Can u give me her contact # ?
hi, i'm new too.

i also just tested positive with e home kit, but hv been testing e last 3 days n e test line is always lighter, am very worried cos i was on slimming pill starting last wk but immediately stop e day i tested positive. any1 was like me, but all is well? i'll only be visiting the gynae tml to check.

Hi Millie (millie22) - Dr WK Tan's clinic is only at TMC. As she is, her schedule is pretty tight already, so quiet certain she doesn't have a clinic elsewhere.

She is highly recommended and is the gyne for some of the TCS stars (Zoe Tay, Huang Bi Ren). However, her charges are abit on the high side, and the wait to see her for your appnt is quite long.

Btw, if I remember correctly, she doesn't schedule appnt on Wed (surgery days). Her contact: 62534122

She also doesn't see any MTBs till week 8 onwards.

thanks A&E for ur advise....my gynae told mi he no longer recommend administering the jab thus replacement wif oral horm pills which serve the same purpose....have been trying to rest wif less 'movement'......hope dat u will see a +ve for ur 2nd preggy soon...
