(2008/09) Sep 2008

How do u train K to signal to u that he wants to poo poo . I've not started toilet train as well...too lazy...sigh...Most of the time, i either smelt it myself, or i can see him tampering /scratching his diapers and i will know he's not comfortable down there...haha

<font color="aa00aa">Millie (millie22) - Didn't train K to tell us, he naturally started informing us "ngee ngee" &amp; will keep repeating it as he does his business! Can also detect from the smell/red face if abit constipated/him being v quiet &amp; standing/squatting to do his business! I guess I will start toilet training him from 18+ months...pooing should be quite easy, but peeing into potty would be way more difficult!</font>
Hi mummies.. Happy New Year!

I haven't checked this thread for the longest time. Erm.. I think I'm the next to pop? I'll be popping at the end of the month to my #3 to a baby girl.
Am really looking forward to unload my weight now.

By the way, my boy only has 8 teeth (4 upper and 4 lower) to date! It's really very slow and I'm not sure if I shd be concerned. He's eating his solids ok though. :p Any advice?

Millie, Bigtoes: On toilet training, I'm not in a hurry at this moment. My boy does signal when he's pooing though. He will squat down and we can tell he's "geking".. Whenever I see that, I tell my maid to just bring him to sit on his potty. There was a period when he would actually walk himself to the loo when he wanted to do his #1. But we didn't really follow-up on that cue, so I think he's lost interest in walking to the toilet now.
Hi mummies,

Do you have any idea how to prepare HT cereal more appitising?

Normally I just add FM into the cereal and recently by boy keep pui-ing the cereal out leh.. aiyo.. headache..

I have also tried adding pear and apple puree into the cereal. but was told that its not advisable to feed them fruits if they are coughing.. hmmmm.. any suggestions from you mummies???

Thanks is advance.. =)
Tinkerbell: You can add whatever ingredients you want to the cereal. Cook the ingredients separately before adding into the cereal. Maybe your bb is ready for more textured food, hence he doesn't want the mushy cereal anymore. You can try to give him more textured food like home-cooked porridge/rice. My boy is over and done with porridge now. We're giving him pasta, spagetti and he likes rice.
Oic, Thanks Jo. =)

Hi A&amp;A&amp;A,

I'm actually feeding him 3 x solid in the day.. (BF, Lunch and Dinner).. Intend to give him cereal in the morning (easy for me oso la.. cos no need to wake up early to cook porridge.. heheh)and porridge for lunch and dinner..

but whenever i tried to feed him cereal, especially his first mouth, he will give me that "wanna vomit" look and pui it out...

I always have this thought that HT cereal is more nutritional than those normal porridge.. and just yesterday, he had stop swolling his porridge for his lunch and dinner. tried to feed him water to "induce" the swolling but not successful.. sigh..

gal, can share how you prepar pasta and spagetti for toddler?
Hee.. mine also lost interest in HT cereal liao!

Eve, go for pandan bread / raisin bread?? Or you can buy those kids cereal (like coco crunch / cinamon stars, etc)...

Childcare gives these types of cereal when they hit 18months.
Hi mummies,

Being a long long time since I last came in.. Last week my girl was also down with serious high fever of 40 degree.. N we were so lost &amp; helpless.. As over here in states, they will just tell us its normal.. N this make me miss sg even even MORE!!!

Lucky, it was finally over after the 5 days n her 2 upper molars pop with rashes covering all her body(even her face).. so wondering is it bcos of teething? The doc only mention its virus infection.. It was so scary as the medicine i fed did no help at all(the temp just kp shooting up).. even ibuprofen!! so doc increase her dosage with tylenol &amp; ibuprofen to mix feed...

I feel so relax after reading abt the behaviour of yr baby.. As recently my baby kp whining when she cant get the things she want.. n its really irritating when the whining continues.. haha but not forgetting.. she is also getting cuter n funnier day by day.. she just enjoy making us laugh by being a clown.. or imitating us.. haha.. really cant get enough of her cuteness..

erm.. ya, I also have a news to share.. not forgetting to congrats to all mummies with bb no. 2 or 3.. I am having bb no. 2 hehe.. erm.. i'm into my 4th months pregnancy.. haha.. so shld be able to know the sex soon.. Like everyone, I hope to have a balance.. hehe..

breadmum - my girl also used to hate cereal.. so everyday, I will eat all meals together with her.. erm.. maybe u can try pao? kueh? yogurt?

N i need help!!! As this time rd, I intend to hire a CL, N i have no clue in this area.. Cos no. 1, my mum help me with my confinement. So this time rd, I hope to find a really nice n helpful CL so that I can rest...

Mummies, is there any CL u tried b4 is gd? can intro? thks a lot.. U can also PM me.. Thks.
tinkerbell, u can also try giving him bread. spread a light layer of unsalted butter or unsweetened jam on it and cut into small pieces for him to feed himself.

as for pasta, just cook the pasta (make sure pcs are small enough – i use broken angle hair pasta which is very fine) like normal and add any other ingredients u want to feed him. it's quite easy actually. just toss the whole thing with some olive oil or butter. i also use a salt-free seasoning from mccormick.

congrats, qqq! r u coming back to deliver the bb? perhaps it was some sort of "fake measles" your girl had? some bbs in this thread got it before... i think i would've freaked out if i were u. 40ºc is scary...
Tinkerbell: I let my maid cook for him. Agar agar tell you how cos I actually haven't done it before. Wahahaha..
Boil the pasta/spagetti in water until soft. Steam separately the potatoes, carrots, minced meat, fish etc that you want to add into the pasta/spagetti. Add a bit of tomato sauce if desired to give more taste. Then scoop the cooked pasta/spagetti and add into this mixture. Viola! If you think the pasta/spaggetti is too big, then use scissors to cut them up before feeding him. I find my boy wants to have chunkier food and enjoys being able to chew on his food. These days, he wants to self-feed too, so we give him another spoon to hold onto just to make him more cooperative during meal times.

At this age, they shd be able to try most food now. The idea is to intro new food slowly (in case of allergy) and not give them anything too processed, too salty, too sweet etc.. I stay away from giving him outside food on a daily basis, but once in a while, will give him a little of what I'm eating to try.. The more adventurous foods so far are my he2 li4 bee hoon and mcdonalds' french fries etc too.. Wahahah!! But I
m holding my brakes on seafood still. So other than fish which he has for every meal, he's not had other types of seafood yet.
<font color="aa00aa">Congrats to all the newly preggy mommies &amp; those about to pop!!

Food - I don't even think twice about feeding K anything that we are eating now, as long as it is not too oily/spicy/loaded with MSG. Of cos, he still eats porridge that i prepare for his main meals (or sometimes pasta or rice) but also nibbles on everything we eat, including all types of seafood &amp; nuts(we don't have any family allergy to food, so highly unlikely that he would have too.) The good thing is that he is very open &amp; eats anything (even semi-raw onions, capsicums, bitter gourd, parsley, liver, frog, &amp; other stuff i don't eat myself).

Breadmum - breakfast food - I usually feed petit miam yogurt with whatever bread we are having (from bakeries, or sliced bread with jams, peanut butter, cheese), buns, bits of corn flakes, pancakes, etc.</font>
breadmum: mine lost interest in HT cereal too. Now feeding him with wholemeal cranberry/raisin rolls or steamed buns + a portion of fruit or Petit Miam yoghurt.

like big toes: i feed my son with almost anything that we're eating, as long as it's not too salty, sweet or contains MSG...

I hv been feeding him with Bellamy baby pasta as well...
Thanks all mummies.

I've tried man tou for 2 days, then 3rd day he spit it out. Bread a week, then started spitting out. HT for sure spit out. Quaker oats for 10 small spoonful ( and i added condensed milk) and he still spit.

The only thing is the Nestle Honey stars. I soaked in milk, he also spit, so i give it as it is and he eats. Aiyo. what fuss pots they have become.


I've also started adding half a teaspoonful of soy sauce and pepper into his porridge for taste. He eats a whole banana by himself now. So i guess i will progress him to rice soon.

Looks like I'll have to cook more nutitious meals for the family. Its so tiring.
xuanting - ya, will be flying back with bb alone this April.. Pray that my bb will be guai guai throughout the whole 20 plus hr flight..

Ya, 40 degree is really scary.. n the worst is the doc doesn't bother much.. I sure miss our pd in sg..
Hi Mummies,

I'm new to this thread. Congrates to all newly preggy mommies here.

Acutally like to ask mummies here huh, now my boi 15mths liao and he's only taking solid food like cereals, porridge and bread. I also thought of letting him try out new receipes but not sure what type of food can give? Any experience mummies here can advise? Can take spaggetti now?

2months ago, my boi also had high fever almost near to 40 degree celsius and develop the rashes all over body(fake measles). Quite similar as ur girl. Come to think of it, quite scary.

My previous confinement lady is not bad. She is a malaysian, if you don't mind, I can PM you her contact.
The fever also happen to my boy last week too high fever almost near to 40 degree celsius and develop the rashes all over body(fake measles).

Think all bb need topass throught this stage.
Snowyee11 - Really? After hearing that I think I feel a bit better.. really scared during that time as I find that my girl kp getting sick. N her fever is like getting higher n higher each time.. Make us so worried.. haha n we kept calling back sg to consult our PD..

Pls pm me her contact thanks.. Erm.. can describe more abt yr CL n the price she charge? thanks a lot..

Snowyee11, annteo - Yr boi has any tooth coming out after the fever?
Yes, I think all babies need to pass this stage. Mine is in the IFC so I guess fall sick more easily.

My boi tooth did not pop out after the fever that time. I think could be viral infection.

have PM you the CL contact and details. So ar u staying overseas with your hubby?
No mood lo.. my bb suspected to have bronchitis.
Was told to rent a nebuliser machine at home and he was hook to the machine 4 times a day

ARghh.. hope it will not worsen cos i dread to go KK.

Btw, any one has nice massage lady for post-natal massage from ur past experience in 08 delivery? :p
Hi Snowyee,

At this age, they should be well on all kinds of food including rice, pastas, noodles, cereals, starch and flours.. exposure is important to make sure they don't get choosy. I suggest a vitamin supplement of C + zinc and/or omega 3.. this should be good enough to help you on your way to a stronger immune system.

2 cents

Tks for your reply. Ya, I oso wanted to exposure my boi to more kinds of foods now cos' in a few more mths to go, he is gg childcare, he shld be having more variety of food. Yes, I giving my boi vitamin C bought from GNC now. 1 bottle quite costly. But I reaslise that he dun have flu so often after taking this vitamin.
hello mummies, Happy new year! though it's a bit late already.. hehehe.. :p

can give sphagetti or macaroni to your boy. i give to my girl, because she loves to eat! I usually cook with tomato sauce.. or sometimes i cook soup-style. I also feed her rice, with soup/fish etc.. basically they can eat anything le. just give in small portions first to test for any allergic reaction.

how about giving fruits for breakfast? honey stars is ok too.. just mix them with other types of cereals? I mix with Cheerios - supposed to be less sweet and more healthy kind.. but my girl will sometimes dig out all the honey stars to eat, just leavin the cheerios in the bowl. haha..
USA Grad Student Research with Singapore Parents - Quick Survey

I am a graduate student at the University of St. Thomas in the United States (Minnesota), currently participating in a study abroad course in Singapore at the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technical University.

For my doctorate program I am conducting a research study in which I am requesting your assistance. The study is to learn more about couple's relationship as they take on the role of parenthood. Since this website is designed for parents, I thought you and/or someone you knew may be interested in helping me with this project. I am hoping to compare my data from USA parents to Sinagpore parents.

This may or may not apply to you. If you doesn't, please forward this to people you know so it can reach other first-time parents who may want to participate. Thanks for your help!

Do you meet the following criteria? Do you know someone who does?

* Have you had your first (and only) child in the past six months to two years?
* Do you live with the co-parent?
* Is it the first child for both partners?
* Do you want to share information that could help other couples transition into parenthood?

If you answered YES to these questions, and are 18 years of age or older, you are eligible to participate in this parenting research study. This survey is being conducted through an online questionnaire and is estimated to only take 5-10 minutes to complete.

To start the survey, please click the link below or copy and paste it into your Internet browser.

If you have questions about this study, e-mail [email protected] or contact Dr. Kurt Gehlert at the University of St. Thomas Graduate School of Professional Psychology at (651) 962-4656 or the University of St. Thomas Institutional Review Board at (651) 962-5341.

Participation in this survey is completely voluntary. All information will be kept confidential. Thank you for your consideration.

Robyn Maley
Hi autum,

Thks for sharing. U mean can mix with those bottle of tomoto sauce we usually with bought?
I giving my boi macaroni this weekend. Hope he likes it
Thanks autum

The only fruit he chooses to take now is banana or blueberries. sigh. This morning i gave him half a slice of bread with cream cheese and then again he ask for the honey stars. ok will buy cheerios for him to try.

I have not given him any home cooked pasta. maybe i'll try as well.I have fed him ikea's spaghetti when i eat though.
Breadmum, another fruit that Kydric loves it rock melon.

I just bought Earth Best toddlers cereal bar. You can try that too! Sometimes, I give bread with unsalted butter too.
Rach - little e does not like rock melon :-(

Cereal bar - ok. i'll try that. I've yet to try butter. But i think he likes sweet stuff which is bad for his teeth, very much like his dad . LOL.
normally we do pay half price for a 16mth old boy.
If flying with those budget air can we allow to bring water and food up
i don't use the tomato sauce (maggi). I use those can tomato puree. There are many brands, like Leggo, Del Monte etc. Leggo is cheap and nice. Del Monte is very sour. What I do is

1. Chop all veg into small cubes - potato, carrot, brocoli, can button mushroom, baby corn, big onion etc. you can put many types or just 2-3 types, up to you.
2. In the pan, I use butter! Melt the butter, then fry the onions first.. then proceed to add all veg to stir-fry. Brocoli leave to later then put if you are putting.
3. Pour in a can of tomato puree.. then continue to stir fry a bit. Then add mince meat (i use mince pork or mince beef).
4. Then just switch to low flame to let it simmer for a while.. then add brocoli.. then continue to simmer till cook.
5. If you like watery sauce, u can add water. If u like thick sauce, u can add a bit of corn flour. Or just don't add anything, and leave it as it is.

In the above process, I also add sugar/salt. haha.. not very healty i know.. but add a bit is ok. If you don't want to add, it's fine too. For the pasta, just boil them separately first. I use big shells and big macaroni. Then just scoop the sauce over the pasta, and that's it!

Disclaimer: what i do is the usual normal cooking. it's not baby-cooking.. but i believe our baby can eat le.. cos they are 1yr plus already. Use at your own risk!
<font color="aa00aa">Pasta - Autum (autum) - ur recipe sounds abt the same as mine
, i use some butter as well, but salt-free spices instead. Btw, they sell tiny flower/star shaped or ABC pasta (HT has them, or several other normal pasta brands). These are smaller &amp; easier for babies to swallow incase the big shells/penne etc are too chunky. I took a photo of my flower pasta recently- see my Facebook update.</font>
can try not to use sauce..just pasta aglio olio..nice and healthy and yummy...i add some seaweed (can be unsalted), good for iron and taste
I find the smaller pastas very hard, so must boil very long. I am lazy. haha.. so i just boil the big shells, then I cut! :p flower pasta sounds nice..

seaweed sounds good! fried pasta.. okie, will try one day.

Thks for sharing your pasta recipe. Will try out this recipe, haha. Prob start with some simple ingredients first. BTW, what type of butter do u use?
I just normal salted butter.

I use Cowhead butter. If you want unsalted, can go for SCS unsalted butter. But to me, I don't feel it's necessary la. But it's up to individual preferences of mummies la. :p
USA Grad Student Research with Singapore Parents - Quick Survey

Thank you to those who have completed my survey - I have already received 12 responses!! I am hoping to get 18 more in the next week so I can do my comparison study. Can you share this with other parents you know? I really appreciate the help and am so excited about studying in your country! Here are the details...

I am a graduate student at the University of St. Thomas in the United States (Minnesota), currently participating in a study abroad course in Singapore at the National Institute of Education.

* Have you had your first (and only) child in the past six months to 24 months?
* Do you live with the co-parent?
* Is it the first child for both partners?
* Do you want to share information that could help other couples transition into parenthood?

If you answered YES to these questions, and are 18 years of age or older, you are eligible to participate in this parenting research study. It only takes 5-10 minutes to complete. To start the survey, please click the link below or copy and paste it into your Internet browser.


Participation in this survey is completely voluntary, anonymous, and confidential.

Robyn Maley
Just to share! There will be a Fun in the Sun Bazaar this weekend Jan 16 - 17, 2010 at East Coast Park Big Splash area. There will be over 70 stalls ranging from baby/ kid items to face painting. There will be new and preloved items for sale. The bazaar starts at 10 am on both days !
HI all,

I'm new here. Nice to meet you all here. My bb gal is born in Sept 2008..i saw you all can share everything in this forum..hope i can join u all..

btw, just want to share with you. I just received SMS from Mead Johnson that Enfagrow/ Enfakid A+ is having promotion now..Buy Enfagrow/Enfakid A+ special value pack 1.95kg @ 1.8kg price!! i think is quite worth it and my bb is drinking Enfagrow right now.. Whose bb is drinking Enfagrow now? Hurry up and go and buy few cans...
Hi BBdarling,

I have got 2 sachets of enfagrow A+ which I receieved from Mead Johnson.

My girl is drinking Gain IQ and I do not wish to waste/throw away this milk powder. Expiry date is on 28/11/10.

Hence, I would like to pass/give it to u or any1 whose bb is drinking this brand.

Kindly PM me.


hi mummies...
i'm new in this thread...
just very curious..so i thot i wud drop by n get some feedbacks frm u guys...

my son is gg on 16mths...n he is not talking..
not even simple words...wat he says is just "naaa" to all! he understands instructions given but he is just not talking yet..
i am even tinking of gg to a SLT...but i thot he's just taking his own sweet time...

ur kids of that age are already talking rite??

don worry so much...my bb knows how to talk "papa', "mama", "nen nen".. since 6 months old.. but until now she also still talk these simple words and seem like no improvement..
she is talkative gal and at home she keep talking her own bb language and i also don't know what she is talking about..

some bb will start talking when he/she reach 2-3 yrs old.. every bb has different milestone.. give your bb more time and i believe he will speak when he is ready...

zai- my son only keep saying papa. very seldom will call mama.. and the most fav words he like to say is ng ng mean he want something which he cant get. he recently just started to do the hand sign of byebye
guess he is taking his own sweet time
