(2008/09) Sep 2008

hello ladies! haven't been here for a while and saw that many mummies here are preg with #2. congrats to all preggie mums!

by the way, any of you went for kindermusik trial class? you ladies keen to form a class? cost is $25+ for a trial session.
Hi Autumn,

I dont mind trying the trial class at kindermusiz, you going for the one at tanglin mall ? We can do it on weekday when i am clearing leave next week. Anyone else keen ?
The trial class for kindermusik, we can do in weekday. I am looking at Wednesday 1130am. But the thing is, we need 12 mummies. So that can be kind of difficult. Trial class is approximately $26.
Hi Autumn,

actually you can just call up and arrange a trial class with kindermusik. Can join in their existing class then no need to form 12 babies loh.
hi, sorry to intrude:
Urgently need to sell 3 Jungle book tickets for this Sunday 13 Dec 09 11am - Original price $90 for 3 tickets, now selling $60. Self collect at any town mrt stations or clementi mrt station. Pls PM me.
Hello everyone, how are you, long time didn't login to chat

Merry Christmas !
Hi jojobar,
ya ya.. can call to join existing class for trial.. but i thot if can form a class here, might be fun, cos all our babies are around same month.

keke.. nevermind la. i think may be hard to form 12 here.
good morning mummies ,
i think i am gg to miss the sale ...heading back only a few days before xmas .. keke.. for my detail scan... then will hopefully knoe the gender by then.
Hello mummies, long time didn't post, went back to a silent reader. =)

Need to ask for your advices & experience.

My baby is having a fever ranging 37.4-37.9 since last night, her norm temp is below 37. I've fed her paracetamol since I have it from the doc from her last vaccination. While I'm monitoring the temperature, when do I have to bring her to see a doc? like 38.5? I'm wondering if I were to bring her to see a doc now (it's still consider mild, is it?), the doc will also give the same paracetmol so it's still the same as what I'm doing now.

Any experience or advice mummies?
Hi Chillicrab

Below 38 is still alright, just monitor closely.
My Boy had fever too a week ago, temp gone up to 38.9 so brought him to PD.
chillicrab, my gal is also sick nw.. had fever and throat infection a few days ago but we din give her any medicine at all coz she cant take fever medicine.. her temperature range from 37.4 to 39.. poor gal.. but she is recovering good and fever only last for 2 days.. but nw she is having cough..

mummies, any remedy and food to avoid for cough??
Welcome Karen!

Thanks annteo & rlenn, will continue to monitor. Hopefully it will remain a low grade fever and go away. =) rlenn, why your gal can't take fever medicine?
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Eu Yan Sang Brown Rice Si Shen Powder
Bought in Singapore
I bought too much for my baby would like to exchange for ntuc voucher
I had 5 bottle with me
One bottle exchange for $5 ntuc voucher
if interested kindly email me
hi rlenn,
some pple will avoid fruits for cough. especially those like grapes or those that are very sweet. even apple, if the cough is quite serious.
hey isnt ok to let kids play with magetic drawing board.

cox my dad seem like doesnt want my son to play say duno wat got poision.
i was like -_-''
<font color="aa00aa">Jas (mobilesuitegal) - Yes Jas, am an ex-Cedarian, though I was most prob there years before you!

Koras - i don't see the problem - Kieran is using the magnetic drawing board. This is an old hand me down from my sister some more, think maybe from 4-5 years ago.

Post-Xmas gathering - are any mommies organizing any post Xmas get together for the babies?</font>
Hi Mummies,

Just want to enquire does ur bb start to show their tantrum, like when something u don't want to give it to them, they start to lie down on the floor or try to knock their head against the floor, or throw things, etc? Do they give u headaches? Mine really give mi headaches.........
LingX2 - My boy already showing his tantrum, when i refused to give in he will stamp his feet n cry. When he does this i alway gavw him a pillow n let hom cry, after a few time he kwn that crying will never get what he wants.

Koras - Ryan hv been play w/ a colour magetic drawing borad for abt 2mths, i think should be ok.
Dear mummies,

I have the following sample to let go. Pls PM me if interested.

1. Gain IQ, 400g, exp 01 Aug 2012, selling @ $10
2. Karihome Stage 3, goat formula, 400g, exp 3 Oct 2010, selling @$10.

Self collection at Hougang. Thank you.
Hi annteo,
I always pretend to ignore her but she still nvr learnt her lesso. Sometime even worst. She simply knock her head very hard onto the floor then cry out very loudly. Sigh!!!(Shake head)
hi LingX2,

i have the same problem. very headache and lost how to handle my gal as well. i think it is frustration not being able to communicate and wanting her way.

any advice from other mummies?

You all going organise a xmas party?

I never meet up with you guys before. time and location always unable me to meet you guys up. =(

Your son is so clever, can speak quite alot already.

My gal till now only call mama n papa. If you ask her point to a object you say she will know.

Oh btw mummies, where you all buy storybooks? those hardcover story books.
Hi rabbit,
I agree with u. It's frustrating not able to communicate/understand them. I know, sometimes it's not tat they really trying to be unreasonable, it's just tat they r trying express themselves but... cannot understand in our eyes
books- my son i tearing it and he feleing happy doing it. though scold and smack him hard on his hand, he will still do it the next time
my son still mumble baby words but he everything just call papa .. -_-'''
My baby is good at that! If he sees something ie tibits and I dun give it to him, tat’s it. He will eh eh eh and den slowly develop into a loud wailing. N it will stop instantly once I gave him the thing he wanted. Sometimes, to make my life less miserable, I just give it to him to shut him up. Guess it is quite jialut to train in this manner but I thot since now they cannot communicate, so can lax abit? :p

I got most of my boardbook from WTS thread. I do not mind 2nd hand since boardbook can use damp cloth to wipe it.. :p

Anyone considering ligation or IUD huh? Me wondering whether shld do ligation or not leh!
Afternoon mummies. just got back this morning ...

Went for detail scan in the morning straight after ...everything is good ... bb healthy .. and it is another boy .. So I have a total of three boys nw ...FaintZ .. hubby said he expected it .. and guessed it already .. guess I am the one feeling guilty for feeling disapointed nw .. and it took me a few hrs nw of eating char kway tiao , muffins , nasi lemak , carrot cake in order to be better nw.... As long as bb is healthy ... i guess that is more impt ... 4 tubes of blood taken from me today after detail scan and I have not even slept from yesterday night.. gg to choing for my hokkein mee and laksa tonight ....
Hi Chewy Ring

Ermm.. my recent scan oso shows a BOY
So, i have 2 BOYS!

Same as u, my hubby oso majiam like expected it and as for me, i was mentaly prepared for it though i was secretly hoping that it will be a gal.

At the end of the day, like wat u say, so long healthy can liao. I try to look positively, at least the boys can fight/play/shit together next time bah?

When is the best time to train bb? I haben start on tat though :S
Congrats Chewy_ring &amp; Goldfish. Ya,so long bb is healthy is better than anything else.
My gal also like tat. When she's crying or throwing tantrum, u give some food to eat, she'll immediate shut up (of cos, provided the food is something she fancy). My gal seems to recognise food or the colour. Anything that is white colour, she dun really like. She'll think is something tasteles just like toufu
Chewy, congrats to no.3 on the way. As long as healthy, i think that's good enough... when are you going back? We can probably have a gathering again...

Congrats on your No. 3! I suppose it really runs in your family, yah? Nevermind, just enjoy the holidays!
Hi mommies.

Haven't posted in here for quite a while. Hope everyone's fine. Read tat many of you are expecting lil' ones. Congrats!

And to all mummies n Sep 08 bbs! Have a very merry christmas!

U intend to go for IUD? I asked my gynae's asst abt it. But they told me not to do it. Will only advise if I hv 2 or more and dun wan to have any more.
Hi mummies, need advice urgently..

My boy is currently coughing quite badly. He had since rejected his milk (enfalac) for the past 3 days till I changed the brand of the FM..(similac) Fortunatly, he started to drink his milk but realize that whenever he takes his milk, he will start to cough very badly.. and when he is hungry in the middle of the night, after feeding him his milk, he would started to cough every 5 mins and eventually, vomited All his milk out,

Mummies, do u think if I should continue to give him his milk?? Thanks in advance!
Jaymickey ,
Yah ...a gathering will be good ... suppose to head back on 1st jan ... but after staying here for a few days ( i think i am gg to forfeit the tockets back) ... haha ... but if i am gg back to shanghai.. I will be back again in CNY

Storeberry ,
can sms me your no again .. i wanna look for u but misplaced your no

Flos ,
I guess all fated lah ... cant imagine nw with three DILs .. haha..

Alovera ,
i am hoping for a gal .. cos close factory already lah after this one ... dun wanna go thru the sleepless phrase again and no holidays .. but after looking at my bois these few days ( they are better behaved in sin) i think having boys are still not so bad ....
congrats, chewy! don't feel guilty la... i think anyone else would've secretly wanted a girl too if they already have 2 boys. eat well rest well now that u're back!

tinkerbell, is your boy having blocked nose/a lot of phlegm too? it may not be the brand of fm but because he is having difficulties drinking. the blocked nose/phlegm makes it hard for them to feed. is your baby eating normally too? if he's not feeding well in general, please take him to the doc.
My gynea told me via email that he will tell me more in my next visit. I am quite keen to do it cos' i doubt i want #3. Hearsay better to do it during delivery since oledi on epidural. Seems like quite gross one lo.. nid to pull something out (hearsay lo)

Anyone has any experience to share? IUCD seems like not 100% safe. Sianz.. why always woman haf to be the suffering party :p

My boy used to be liddat. He had a cough and after a feed, he will cough and cough den end up puke all the milk out! And i will be 'drenched' in his puked milk. It can be quite depressing loh... My PD told me give in smaller portion feed and increase frequency liddat. And it works.

If the cough is due to some phelgm, some PD clinic got a suction machine that can suck out phelgm from the nostril. This was done to my son and after tat, his condition improves!!!
my son recently teething lead to slight cough and running nose. keep throw temper when sleeping and suddently wake up cry. duno isnt due to the pain of the gum or block nose

seem that he love to eat yogurt -yoplait
<font color="aa00aa">Goldfish (goldfish1395) - why not just go on the pill? Alot easier &amp; easily reversible, just need to stop taking it &amp; should get preggers within 3-6 months.

chewy_ring (chewy_ring) - CONGRATS!! As long as baby is healthy, either gender is ok

Goldfish (goldfish1395) - On toilet training, i intend to start after 18 months, though my son does tell me just before he poo-poos already. Apparently 2 years is best &amp; they will still need diapers for nights for some time to come. I think some mommies here have started though.</font>

Hi Tinkerbell
Did u bring ur son to see PD? Is it b'cos due to sensitive throat?
Do u want to try giving ur son to drink soy milk? i have a friend gave soy milk to her gal and it improve, no longer cough so much n dun develope phelgm as compare to normal FM.
Now she's back to normal FM as condition already improve
