(2008/08) Aug 2008

Oh by the way...

Re: HT Cereals
My son hates it. Prefers porridge anyday... Wasted $$$ liao...


same lah. Hahaha!!

sometimes just refused to sleep, but u can see yawn and rubbing eyes,etc liao.

Then feed her... she will drink abit n complain that I force her to sleep.

Maybe this age is the same.

Everyday different pattern liao liao. Hahaha!! Just enjoy the fun !!
wah, miaki still win. i must load some pics on facebook 4 u to see too

yrs also lei, yeah...we got companion liao

i dun like steaks lei

val, yuuri,
strangely gg seems to know lei, like wen i wore the same outfit tat i wore wen i left 4 london.....she cry until v badly n refused to sleep n grab my arm. then i remember n promise her i will not leave her n go tour alone liao then she sleep...cham. i better stick to my words

actually hubby say go n do dnc to test mayb better to have a peace of mind.....i am still thinking. got till tues to think

how's the mil thinggi? hehe. mine is on leave...as in busy with sil's kids for a mth so i have 1 mth break, hehe
Haha.. ya quite frus with her sometimes but no choice. Yup, I do have a nursing cover but sometimes, I'll forget to bring along. Usually the bf process is ok cos the nursing tops can cover pretty much of the process.

I'm not hopeful that my Anna will sleep thru now. She has been waking up at least twice every night!!!

twin stars,
Haha.. yes I'm pretty tall. Is it cos of my nick? Giraffe's my fav animal. Another one is duck! =p
Thank God all's well with you. I can't imagine the scare you had. You don't like steaks, how about liver? Can "bu xue" too.

Heh, sorry.. I'm confused. Hope you don't mind. =)
I used to do yoga but some poses are pretty bad for my back. I've stopped for a long time liao. Ya, swimming will be good but I have not been going cos is always so busy with my 2 gers. Hehe.. excuses for myself...
Twin Stars,
Whooooppie!! scary hor, muz go to ur 1st gynae and scold him ah..
So still need to do DNC or con't wif pills?
Wow..still rem those preggie days? Steak and iron pills..u wan some more? i still haf..can mail to u..hehee..
GG is such a darling hor? btw, u are realli good at communicating to bbs..!
Char oso grabs my nipple now leh..oh, not grab, it's pinch!!!

Ulike har? haha..
i used fresh apples..din boil..too lazy..tomorrow i'll jus grate it. Go the fuss free way!
Anyway fresh apples more nutritious, once boiled, nutrients will all be lost in the water.
aiyo just grate la. thot u boiled them and want to make alot puree. just peel the skin and grate so simple. i make it almost every morning for bernice. until i so sick of eatin the balance apples. haha
little twin stars: yes pls upload gg pics at FB.. lookin forward to seeing it
I think Mi chan, Gg, shint's Kai and Mousse's son are the 9kgs and up hehehe.
I dont know why she's heavy..dont think she drinks very much le..hmmm

Mummy giraffe: hehe its okay laa.. its my hubby who's japanese.
.u singaporean? yeah me too always can find excuses for not going to exercise.
interesting program : saw there's a belly dancing class at cc nearby hahaha...anyone?
u gotta take care.. keep u in my prayers

Anyone bought cloth puppet from babysoft
do u wash the cloth puppet before playing with baby cos my cloth puppet smell yucky..
me up for pump. trying to skip the 12am pump and wake up at 530am but can't so end up wake up now.

you have been busy? seldom see you here. i finally bought my freezer liao.
little twin stars,
Glad to hear u are better. Must have been stressful to even think there was a remote potential of a health problem.
Be careful still cos dun wanna drop bb since your blood count is low.
Must also check what u can eat to BU back your loss of blood.

Kai's like gg, he also grabs my face, sometimes scratching it if his fingernails are long. I told him, "Don't scratch mommy" and he smiles.
He's now 9kg @ 74cm(Height i roughly measure myself)

Kai will grab my fingers, hand, then pull it towards his mouth and lick it. He vv strong.
Sometimes feeding him milk, he will also pull the bottle towards himself and then push is away then pull it back, like playing game like tat.

Heavyweight babies drinking vol and schedules
I am wondering how much the heavy weight babies are drinking for now?
For those on FM, how much do u give per feed?
for now, Kai just started FM this week .... he can drink up to 90ml of FM + 70ml of BM ...
yesterday, maid tried to give 40ml BM first + 120ml FM, turned out he vomitted everything again. Prob too much.
His normal BM is 180ml per feed @ 7 feeds per day.

Now with FM, his total intake per feed is cut down.
Wonder how much does your bb take per feed?

Haven't started on cereal ... cos maid going this week liao ... i dunno got time to start anything new.
Can start cereal abit later? 7 mth??
Maybe will start since i am on leave next week. Clearing my ML.
Who is gonna start also? can do together.
Mensus. Mine still not yet ... the other day, due to maid issue, i was on half day leave. Then on the way to work ard lunchtime, i felt uncomfortable in cab ... wanting to vomit and feels like i was going to faint.

The vomitting feeling stayed on for a while and i had to go toilet ... felt the whole sensation of morning sickness (vomitting) part ... and i was like, shit ... did i kenna?
Heng, the nausea feeling went off.

Scared later kenna #3 i sure faint.
What's a good protection u gals are using before planning for next bb? with no side effects?

use condom lor, haha. dun stress yourself up over maid lah. you're feeling nauseous prob coz' of stress. i feel like vomitting also when i'm feeling stressed. actually it might be a gd idea to try cereal while you still have a maid. if your bb likes it and isn't too messy, you'll have more confidence in feeding him yourself. i think the only drawback from feeding cereal too late is bb will be deficient in iron coz' you're giving him BM. anw, cereal very easy to make one...just add water can liao.


u can get plumber referral from ntuc. shld be quite reliable coz' they are accredited.
I haven't start on raeann too.Manage to gather info fm past achieve and other source. Dun wan to start clueless. Gg to buy HT and standby first. When r u planning to start? I'll try this weekend if can squeeze out time. Haha
HT cereal
Mousse, how do u settle the rest of the cereal? I dun mind taking over the opened box. But how to pass it to me? Can pm me to discuss further?
hi mummies
sigh...kaer pooed 5 times again yestd..n i thot porridge with pork and spinach was ok..i think i better call the PD later...at this this rate she poo-ing...her butt will be very thin liao..keep cleaning ..sigh...
These past few days so many posts like can write drama serial I read until blur! Anyway 'hi' to all the newbies.

Don't know if it's coincidence with teething but Dominic stopped sleeping thru the night since we started solids! He'll wake up crying and will only calm down when we put him to sleep between us and he'll sleep thru' then. Which is ok. The only problem is that he'll keep moving closer and closer to me ... in our case it's not the baby but the mummy falling off the bed! Hopefully it's a passing phase otherwise I might have to consider moving into the spare room if I want a good night's sleep.

Twin stars glad to hear you are alrite. Do take care of yourself. You wouldn't want to be in the UK at the moment. It's snowing and causing havoc.

Oh to all the SAHM ... enjoy your gathering!
morning mummies

oh poor kaer. maybe she is not used to porridge. i think stop for a while then try again a few days later.

recently i feel giddy when i'm in the car, i wonder what happen. had been like this for about a week, lucky it stopped liao. but i'm very sure that i'm pregnant. haha....

i not taking any precaution now cos finish the left over condom liao. heheh... so my only protection now is bf but still got some chance of kenna.

jocelyn & mousse,
for open ht cereal, it can only be kept for 1 month just like fm. so must remember when its open up then throw after 1 month.
maybe i should start giving Kai cereal on Sat, at least got help for the few days.

Kai has switched to FM this week and i'm doing mix feeding. So far 90ml FM + 70ml BM is ok. When it was increased to 120ml FM + 40ml BM, he vomitted (too much we concluded). Then switched back to 180ml BM, he went back normal.

Anything to look out for when switching to cereal ah?
I know i am asking a question everyone had oredi asked. How many teaspoon/tablespoon of cereal with how much BM for the first time? BM has to be fresh ones?

Water? now how much do u all give babies? those who started cereal?

It's gonna be a new experience for Kai.

The HT cereal arrived liaoz? can i come over to pick it up during lunchtime today?
can PM me your contact and address so i can call before i come?

Kaer ok? is her poo like lao sai? alot each time or just a little?
recently another mommies giving spinach to bb oso cause bb to poo few times i remember vaguely ...
i not only giddy but feels like vomitting.
So i went toilet to try to vomit (cos with Kai, i oredi mastered the art of vomitting as i had practice 6-7 times a day) -- and nothing came out. My face was all red.

giddy prob due to low blood sugar? my colleague told me.. haha.
i am prob statring tomorrow in that case. else next week i alone at home, struggling .... can imagine.

will see me online alot thenz.
Ya, being a FTWM, diff to handle too many kids coz must be fair and spend enuf time with them mah...if I can be a SAHM, then can consider but I think I will probably be in IMH if I become a SAHM with 3 kids...hahaha

I got my KS bag liao...quite fast...seller shipped out last Thu and I got it on Wed...

my girl also got many patterns when she drinks milk. She has to be in her sarong sling when she's drowsy and i'll jus pop in the breast for her to suckle. after a while she'll doze off to sleep. since i started work my MIL needs to do the same way in order to pop in the bottle of EBM. now is 8.5kg.... She also walk here and there, rock and pat her while the other hand is holding the bottle. At least she sling her so not that tired but as she grows bigger.....
why dont your try porridge + prok and porridge + spinach seperately to see which is causing kaer to poo so much. Spinach is very good for bowel movements.

you pregnant ??
if the pipe just choke can try to use the pipe unclogging that u can get from fair price as first aid. Last time I was so silly when expecting bb then vomit in the wastafel then it got choked :p Thought OMG !! Then I use the drain unclog and it's ok.. heheheh.. so sometimes no need plumber leh... not bad...

yes that's true... great relief to hear that u dont have cancer ... GG so good uh can remember mom's dress when mom went w/out her :p and u r so good too to rem that :p

so infantcare really really costly uh ? then bbsitter looks like a better option then.. I mean at least she'll b busy with our bb only n they provide some of the things for bb.. and it's cheaper :p

The posts here so many oredi read til blur blur hehehe

ya use condom lor... But I think stress, lacking sleep then low blood sugar can cause that feeling..
Happens to me several time b4 I got married.. then time I travel to ofc by bus.. very crowded then long journey so sometimes I feel like wanna faint n vomit then need to sit down fast n calm myself.. Usually I'll chase out ppl who is sitting :p

ur bb is one of the heavyweight uh ?? mine just diff one day from urs but still light then
Dont think she has reached the 9 KG

Kaer ok ? Heard my mum said porridge has cooling effect to the stomach so maybe this is the cause.. but how's the poo's like ?

Mrs N
I'm so excited.. my 1st gathering and bb can meet all her bb gang within her age

Your PT cleaner sounds really efficient. We too have a PT cleaner who comes once a week (usually Sat or Sun). She's from Nepal. I think she is ok but a bit on a slow side. My hb seems to think it's because she is being thorough but I've observed her and I cannot help but think she is toying with time. We live in a 4-room flat and she does the following chores:

- Wipe shelves, cabinets (exterior only), TV console etc etc
- Vacuum and mop
- Wash two toilets
- Iron

And.. sometimes she can take up to five hours!

I really believe I can accomplish all that she does in 3+ hours.

So.. maybe it's time to explore alternatives. How much does your cleaner charge per hour? Mine $10/hr. Is she willing to travel all the way to Tampines?

To all the SAHM:
Wana do a "survey".
1) How many children do you have? 1
2) Do you have a foreign domestic maid? No
3) How do you cope?

- My MIL comes to our place about 3 times a week for 2-3 hours each time. That gives me time to do grocery shopping and some very basic housework like magic clean the floor (we have PT cleaner who does the chores once a week)
- Before and after work, HB will help to take care of bb if I need to do stuff. He said he will only start learning to bathe bb when he can sit steadily on his own (can't wait for that day to come!! Haha..)
- My meal times are prepared and settled during bb's nap times. Very basic cooking - I basically steam everything! HB buys dinner or sometimes if I feel like it.. I prepare very simple meals (one-pot meals)
- Try to put bb down to bed by 8pm so that we can have dinner and some couple time.


My period came like barely three months after delivery even though I TBF. Super duper sianz.


How often do you go marketing for fish? Or do you buy more and freeze them? And how much of fish do you add for your 1 cup of rice?
morning. =)

lucky u got a 2nd opinion, hope u are better now.

dun worry too much, my mensus not here yet also.
sometime if over tired, will feel giddy and nausea also lor.
try to get as much rest as possible now.
hi mummies
i called the PD and nurse ask me to dun give fish/pork first..try porridge and veg...or stop for a few days and see how..her poo is normal..sometimes just a little each time..not the lao sai kind..but wash butt 4-5 times also shag for her butt...sigh..so worried...nurse said if stop porridge liao still poo so many times but go and see dr liao...maybe sometime wrong with her digestive system..
linx & yln
eh...porridge will cos "wind" in weak stomach 1 hor.
i have gastric problem, so my stomach will feel very bloated after eating porridge.
just fyi lah.
Talking bout PT cleaner
prev when we stay in the east I got this PT cleaner recommended by my neighbor.. Very fast one man...
She's a phil. I use to mess my kitchen n the cabinet that time and she took ard max 4 hrs to do all cleaning in the house.. When we moved to Hougang we still use her but then we moved again to PG :p too far for her lah.. beside she's very busy one.. got so many clients so now I'm trying many PT maid lor..

Actually as I typed here, I got this PT cleaner fm the agency one, the one that has to spend at least 4 hrs at one come..got her # fm other mummies. 1st time she came I wasnt ard only my sis. She broke the glass where I use to put soap n shampoo in the shower.. Sis said mayb the screw bit loose oredi.. ok..SO told her just now, I need her to clean my kitchen ( cabinet no need ), my windows (not that dirty actually), the toilet n just wipe for me above my fridge.. then she asked me, then floor no need to do ?? Ehh ?? What sense was that ? I said off course floor a must mah.. sweep n mop cos I hv bb in the house.. she said mite cant do all in 4 hrs.. HUH ?? 4 hrs is not a short time rite ?? She asked me whether she need to dust the cupboard !! So I told I have vacuum, just use it.. It comes with 5 type of brush.. she said wanna use cloth instead cos vacuum bit diff cos got many thing on top of the cupboard.. Confusing 4 me cos even though use a cloth, to dust mean also have to move the things first rite ?? And ...... she doesnt do ironing.. she said going to take up the whole 4 hrs if we ask her 2 do so..That's all... her last time here :p

HIhihi.. we mummies can really rant abt anything uh :p sorry flooding the pages like this

maybe dun feed so much and try spinach another day. jonah also cannot digest spinach properly...keep on pooing everything out! but when i tried apple and carrot, it was ok. and kaer seems to be eating a lot now. at this stage, i think milk is still more impt. solids is just to get her used to diff variety of foods only.


u can try any kind of cereal. start with 1-2 tbsp, mix with water (read instructions on tin/ packet). if u want to mix with milk also can but i find it too troublesome. u can either give in between feeds or after milk (but give less milk so he won't feel too full to try out the cereal). use soft tip teaspoon to feed. btw, PD recommended not trying new foods on a weekend coz' if got allergy, very hard to find doc on weekend. so u might want to start next mon instead.
twin stars
Hmm, u had to eat steaks during preg becoz of low bp yah?
Nvm, can eat lotsa other stuff to get the iron intake.. Like popeye!!

hahah, sometimes i also forget to brign nursing cover then must chiong somewhere with nursign rm

I didn't buy any nursing tops.. Coz i thought won't use tt long. And i thought they might be warm to wear.. Are they?

Last night she woke at 1245 & then i got her to sleep again & then woke at 315 for a feed. Phew, today she slept till 8am..

Gosh, better check with PD.. Maybe spinach is too much for kaer? Let us know how it goes k?

Catch up again later
my hb is the one that does the marketing :p for our own consumption we can keep a week cos the place we buy very fresh and even after a week or two the fish meat still very white and fluffy. but for baby we buy 1 slice then when finish then we buy again. 1 slice we eat 2-3 times depending on the size of the fish.

porridge cannot eat too cold it will cause wind. must eat warmer than eating cereal.
Uhh.. porridge make u feel very bloated uh ?? THink I'm the ah mah type.. I likes porridge especially when I'm not feeling well... easy to digest nua nua :p if u have gastric problem then u cant b late for ur meal then ?

thought the last time, if i'm not mistaken is Krex's bb.. She gave him spinach puree.. He pooed like 5 times a day :p
but Kaer ok when taking cereal mah ?
Oooh, enjoy ur new bag!! Show pix of u modeling the bag? hahah

U're right.. Our bb like to catch our fingers & attempt to put into their mouths. Finger licking good!!

How are u feeling today? Still dizzy?

Wah, u started on Proj #2 oredi?
*congrats* if you're expecting yah? *heehee*
ling ling
ya ..kaer ok when taking cereal only..so when i started giving her porridge her constant poo-ing came about...

kaer is ok..she loves the porridge..but im worried that if she's poo-ing so much...something not rite leh..initally i gave only fish porridge ..also poo so much..then gave pork n brocoli ..also poo so much..then spinach and pork..also poo so much..sigh...dunno how le...just listen to nurse n give just porridge n vege..see how lor...
pai seh...althought i got gastric problem, sometime i'll still ignore when i'm hungry middle of the nite. =P
porridge is ok for normal adult lor.
ur bb sound like mine.. hehehe... wanna play play play then too tired will fuss n cranky... refused to sleep but rubbing eyes, face n nose.. :p if we try earlier she'll struggle like anything thought mayb we forcing her to sleep hehehe... wondering bb do have similar pattern uh ?
so kena or not? Congrats if kena!

are you feeling ok? Did you kena or not? if yes... a big welcome for joining the club!

I also still not menustrating. BB is 5 mths 1 week old. My 1st two births, didn't have mens until i stop BF, which is at 14 mths and 13 mths. I hope i won't have mens until I stop BF for this one too! crossing my fingers very hard!

How are you today? Better?

Exersaucer vs Jumperoo
Can give me advise on this? Wanna buy either one of them, to put in my mum's place and because her place is not that big, i can only choose one. which one?
I also have not start BB on cereal yet. now he is demonstrating that he likes to try, with the mouth moving when he saw us eating and he is also very interested to see what we are putting in our mouth. He will try to use his hand and touch my mouth and put his fingers inside my mouth... cos i didn't allow him to do that!
bb mission #2:
no lah. not pregnant lah. not so soon. 'touchwood'

going out liao, come back then read the rest of the post.

Hey moms

I've been wanting to ask this but keep forgetting!

Any moms teaching their babies to sign?

I've been showing him signs eg: milk, more, please, mommy, papi and hope that he'll pick it up soon.
