(2008/08) Aug 2008

Aw~ all the babies eating cereals now! sooo cute!!!

We prob have to set off quite early.. But I most likely wun latch her on. Will let her continue sleeping when she reaches my mum's..
Breakkie? I can forget it liao, prob find time to eat when i reach work

baby emma
*hugs* Sounds really siong..
U want to try feeding him at 11+pm & hopefully delay him waking up at night?

heheh, 'nothing to shop'.. Think it sounds impossible in my dictionary.. *kekeke*
U stayed on at work today?

Yu Ze is hilarious... He actually cried when u & hb finished all the food & packed up. He's certainly ready for solids!!

Did he like it?

The teethers are cheap.. I shd go seesee looklook sometime soon. So far I think I've only got 1 teether, and tt's a gift.. I saw ice-cream shaped teethers by Combi, so pretty, but pricey wor

Char is such a tall ger!! Super model quality leh!!
celyn, M2B
frankly speaking, i also dunno how is my son. never went to check him up... maybe will call tomolo to check how he is..
i think as long as babysitter don't call you, he should be fine. don't worry.

yah, we were quite shock when he cry too. never expect to get such a reaction from him. for the whole day, he didn't finish the milk he is suppose to.
I was there at 3.30 and it was still crowded. Went to register and left them a number. THen went Chinatown point to sit down and then they called me when it was my turn. did not wait in the studio as it was very crowded. Think Fri being last day will be more jia lat.. may want to consider going early in the morning, be more KS.
He certainly gave u a very clear sign tt he wants to start on cereal!! Did he enjoy the feed?

Aiyoh, so many of u have started oredi, I'm still hanging in there for Ashley to hit 6m.o
frankly speaking, i also dunno how is my son. never went to check him up... maybe will call tomolo to check how he is..
Hi mommies !

I just checked the HT website and they are offering free delivery for orders up to $80. Since we are having gathering on Sat, would anyone like to order the HT brown rice to be sent to my place for collection on Sat? We need 11 boxes at least for free delivery. Price is at $6.90.

I'll start the ball rolling first

Order for HT brown rice cereals
1) Happy mummy -3 boxes
Reirei / val,

as long as the brand is Nissen as what you saw in the spree or BP, my frd can get them in Japan. She's coming down 1st wk of Feb.

Just give me the links to the items you want, then I will inform her as I have sent extra money over to buy some items when she is buying her. So you can just tag along.

Order for HT brown rice cereals
1) Happy mummy -3 boxes

order for ht mixed grain cereals
1) celynlee - 1 box

order for ht maple biscuit teethers
1) celynlee - 1 box

too early too tell. maybe after a few days he'll be xian of the cereal already, haha. are u using HT as well? now me dunno whether to continue with brown rice or try oatmeal and barley later on.


how was your first feed? believe it or not, today when i tried to BF jonah outside during dinner time, he wasn't too interested. by the time he went to 2nd breast, he was already kicking away. he smiled when daddy carried him in front facing his food. he was banging table and kicking away, as if it wanted some, haha. sure hope he got enough milk!
haha how u know? hahaaa she kept v quiet when i said tt to bb. ;P Must say 1st, if not she'll confirm say bb is calling her. hahaa

I washed the feeding crockery then use hot water to rinse before use.

tt time i bought my boy to a wedding dinner too.. aiyoh mistake man.. he oso mang zang and end up he finally slept after the 5th dish.

R: hair dropping
Think i wanna go cut my hair short liao. Buay tahan seeing so many strands of hair falling...

welcome to this thread!

Valnsw, Catherine,
haha yah lah.. men are all procrastinators! I always have to grumble at hubby everytime we go out... imagine we having to get ourselves, baby and diaper bag ready, then still have to wait for them!

hehee.. yah man.. got to do major adjustments to the schedule. Anyway, by the time u return to work, u still intend to bf? Bf as long as possible?
Happy Mummy,

LV bag hor... I think with Jap Yen so high, it will cost you over 2k for the bag leh.

Plus my frd not stayin near city area. So if want her to buy, have to add transportation fees,etc... will cost you even more leh.....

Maybe when I fly over for work around July, then I buy for u? Possible? Will it be OOS?
Hi mummies,

I was at the photoshoot today. Baby Keri was very cooperative and was smiling and laughing all the way. Luv the pictures taken! Didnt regret going.

Hi Happy Mummy,

So happy to meet you there! And it was great talking to you. So did you choose the 'towkay' pic?
Hsve been totally stressed out at home as hubby as been working OT everyday, including weekends since Xmas. Often coming home after midnight. That means I have to look after Mabel from morning till night, do the housework and at the same time, try and put in some working time. Told hubby if this continues, I will probably loose my temper with her one of these days. Sigh.. Only consolence so far- internet shopping.

Looks like most of us started our babies on cereals. I did too over the weekend. hehe! It was a very messy affair. I read that supposed to let baby feed herself if she wants to and to let her 'feel' the food. Even with the extra big, waterproof bib, it was still messy. I bought the bibs from Ikea. Must say I'm very pleased with it. Think will go buy another set.

Todate, we have about 8 signups ... we need 2 more leh.

The deadline is 15 Jan la, still got time to find more people ... those who are interested and have not inform Ruixuan, please do so.

Me oso wan to go cos i think it's worth it esp when they return ALL the pics in high resolution format. Some other studios only return a few and the rest in LOW resolution format. If we wan to make the trip and take the effort, might as well do it good right?

Who else interested ah?
Anyway, the deadline for shoot had been extended to 31 May instead of 3 months from signup ie Mid April.

Update pls.
sorry sorry, just read that SL is sick. Do take care ok? Alot of babies are now not feeling well. I think it's the weather.

My #1 oso down with flu. I myself oso caught the flu bug .. but more serious with my cough. On MC for these 2 days but due to work, I went back to office yesterday. Today, it worsened ..

Doctor prescribed me a mild cough medication called PROSPAN .... not sure if it's working. If get worst, then maybe have to see doc again and might disrupt breastfeeding .... cos it's prob not safe for breastfeeding.
I think being sick has affected my milk ss ... last nite i oso so tired to pump. Last pump was 9+ .. then now i pump again - 8 hours.

i dare not bring my boy to wedding. end up he won't sleep and he gets even more cranky at nite! why dun u try the hair loss treatment? i also dropping a lot of hair but can't bear to cut. but can tell in photos my hair is really thinning and starting to have bald patch liao
gotta do that treatment soon...sigh! but just can't find the time to do it, esp since still BF.


my boy wanted to hold his own spoon yesterday when i fed him but i didn't let him...very bad hor? can't bear the thought of having to clean my high chair coz' it's also a combi bed made of cloth material and he uses it to sleep during weekends. end up my maid held his hands down coz' he tried to put it in his cereal-filled mouth and touch the chair. otherwise he's not that messy coz' he didn't spit his food out. hmmm...maybe shld consider getting the ikea high chair then he can make all the mess he wants in the kitchen!
morning mummies.

i didn't do the feeding but babysitter say he is ok. she told me must control his intake cos it seems like he doesn't know what is full and will keep asking for more.
hi valnsw & catherine,

thanks! will check those supermarts out.

was telling my hubby to start cereal this wkend, but he mentioned maybe we start after his jab on the 19th jan, so will see how it goes.

hi snowhamster,
i staying at bt panjang, which part are u at? me at segar.
celyn, u started yuze on porridge not cereals?

Ruixuan/Shint, can count me in for the phototaking package?

krmeow, the bib that Mabel is wearing was brought from Ikea? How long is it? Is it long type that can cover till toes?
what do u mean by one tablespoon of cereal to three tablespoon of milk? u used FM or BM? three tablespoon of milk seems quite little.
re: feeding solids
wow! so many babies started on solids. i've yet to start mine. also cos i'm not very confident about it. krex...well done!!!!
we're supposed to gradually introduce solids right? then when do we know when to give more??? i'm so confused about this whole solids thing!

u can start with 1-2 tbsp of cereal first. then work up to more each time. according to packet, it says 5 tbsp is one full feed. like celyn said, sometimes bbs dunno when to stop. they can be so excited about eating solids that they just want more!
hi everyone!

i have a long absence becos of the bz x'mas wk as well as i went 4 a holiday w/o bb!...........i can;t believe i did it but i didn;t regret it. hee. it was a super rush decision. tues decide, wed book tics, sat flew off to london n paris. up to sat jus before we fly, then we decided n book our hotels. spend the countdown in london with the fireworks frm london eye...... ( no more s'pore flyer so took london eye lor) in short: did lots of shopping until i called back on the first night n the night we r flying back to check on baby. i almost forgot i have a bb at home! it felt like a swinging single or couple again.
came back, alot of packing n settling to do. bb didn;t forget me although i was away for 8days. she took back to me rather fast so .phew

allergy test:
sent bb to do a string of test yesterday n end up bb is allergic to egg
she also reacted ( not allergic type )to cow;s milk n dog dander ( i have a dog at home........lucky never bring mom or mil along with me if not my dog will b in spca last nt)
hubby very upset about the egg thing cos it will eliminate so many type of food tat taste so great with eggs n when she goes to children;s party, she can;t eat their bday cake. oh well, gotta retest again in 6mths in hope tat she will outgrow it

wt;s the latest topic? photoshoot?
i wanna arrange for family photoshoot too. hubby want those whole family type ( including parents n grans )to hang on the wall. anyone got lobang?

wAh, yr char really got supermodel potential lei, hehe
mine hor....hold yr breadth:
weight: 9.2kg
height: 69cm

pd still say, dun worry. once start crawling will loose it all
We're going to have dry runs of our arrangement before i finally return to work.. heheh! I intend to bf as long as possible, def till i return to work.. Hopefully my schedule allows me to express too
bernice jab also on 19th. we initially wanted to wait after that too but thot nvm la just 1 tbsp try out. hahaha. so bad hor like bb to play.

which is the photo studio selected ?
Good Morning!
I’m gg for the PS this Fri too if nothing goes wrong…

Yalor, I think I really need therapy for my shopping habits man…hehe, I only bought 1 of the teethers, the other 2, 1 is gift and another hb bought…Ya, she likes the Mr. Strong 1 a lot!

The bibs I got from Ikea are like what Mable (Krmeow’s bb) is using…

My office hours till 6pm…normally nothing will chiong home liao…
i use FM. little meh ? i felt quite ok lei..

I'm also thinking of fri morning. but not sure if i want to hire bernice out cos she got kindermusik at 3pm. what time you going ?
celyn, buy clothes and shoes for family... haha...

happymummy, u went for shoot oredi want to go again ah?

happymummy, cat, m2b, can register for me in the morn or not? hee... I dun think can take leave leh... sianz...
celyn..oh I thought u meant to start cereals first, how much porridge did yuze take? I'm planning to start my gal on porridge next week but not sure how should I plan her meal schedule yet...
Celyn & Coolsnow,
Mae had tried brown rice, cereal, those bottled food and porridge already...she likes them all! Maybe she is greedy?? She tried those Pigeon biscuits (for 7mths onwards)...hahaha

I'm thinking to go at between 10-11am. =P
Hi Moms!

I'd like any advice you can give where day napping is concerned.

My son who will be 5 months this Thursday still cannot nap during the day on his own. He is so used to being nursed to sleep and then staying asleep in my arms. When he was an infant, he already didn't really like napping during the day a lot.. so then, the only way to keep him asleep was to carry him after he dozes off. The moment we try to put him down, he'll wake up and cry. And unfortunately, that habit of being nursed to sleep and sleeping in my arms has continued to this day.

Being almost 5 months old, I think enough is enough and he should learn to nap by himself. Carrying him while he naps means I'm being held 'captive' by him. Simply because I wouldn't be able to do anything else. If he naps for 3 hours (which he has done), I'm stuck on the sofa for 3 hours. It's really quite bad.

I've tried letting him cry it out.. but this boy of mine would rather cry than fall asleep. Quite strong willed.

I'm almost desperate so will really appreciate any tips or advice.

Thanks so much
Little Twin Stars,
Waah! So nice!!! I also spent my 2007 christmas at London and 2008 New Year countdown at Edinburg. Is it you or hubby who suggested the trip?
Hee hee... my baby is trailing behind Georgine at 8.8kg. Btw, what prompted you to bring baby for allergy test?
Hi Wendy, have you tried using pacifier? All babies like to be held, including mine.
But gotta put them down once baby goes into deep sleep. My baby usually sucks on his pacifier when he's sleepy. We'd then let him hug his little bolster and pat him to sleep.
M2B, wah Mae is very fast..she can take those Pigeon biscuits liao? got teeth to bite? Can check with u ar, starting should feed plain porridge first or mix with 1 type of veges har? Does it replace 1 milk feed or give porridge first then follow by milk feed har?

Wendy, my bb initially when younger also needs to be carried and pat to sleep..my MIL LOVES to put her to sleep in sarong..they keep saying that bb will feel being hugged/carried when sleeping in sarong..if u dun mind can try ba..what i did myself was that i gradually shorten the time needed to carry/pat her, then place her on bed and lie down next to her..continue patting but gradually lighten ur patting when she's sound asleep..don't know whether it will work for ur bb..another thing i feel is true with bbs is that they need a security item when sleeping..be it a blanket..a beanspout pillow...
<font color="0000ff">baby emma</font>
yeah if he's struggling like wanna touch/hold the spoon, most prob he wants to feed by himself. ;)

<font color="0000ff">coolsnow</font>
huh still can seep thru? but i tot it looks like plastic material type. is it coz of the gap at the neck area?

<font color="0000ff">M2B</font>
thanks! that bib also looks good. like cover up all parts of bb clothes ya.

<font color="0000ff">krmeow</font>
Mabel is a pretty gal! her hair like brownish colour, ya? next time no need to highlight hair liao ;)

<font color="0000ff">Catherine</font>
ur hubby is really good at feeding Bernice! he's so neat!! *impressed*

<font color="0000ff">twin stars</font>
wah! 9.2kg &amp; 69cm? wow wow
hehe...georgine n charlotte next time can 'fight' for top supermodel status liao...kekeke

he took 1 or 2 tablespoon of porridge. it should be 1 tablespoon of rice before cook bah. i didn't ask in details.

my boy need to be rock to sleep in the beginning too, then slowly progress to sleep on me. i will put him down to sleep after he falls into deep sleep but i will still sleep beside him. then slowly, i cut down my rocking. in the end, i just give him pacifier put him in his cot and let him sleep. he will cry in the beginning. then i will carry him, pat pat him for 5 mins or so. then put him down to sleep again. if he cry again, i will just repeat the steps till he eventually sleep. usually it takes about 3 cycle for him to settle down and sleep. now i will just put him down, give pacifier and pat a while then i walk out even though he is still awake and ehing in his cot. i will not carry him unless he cry. after a few minutes of eh eh, he will sleep.
