(2008/08) Aug 2008

Hi mel_ocean,

My PD also say minimum hit is at least 500 to 600ml even they are taking solid... My boy also never hit... These are the magazine article contribute to my anxiety loh... But i like mother & baby mag as well...
I working in raffles place so quite central can jjust grab a cab to anywhere during lunchtime...vivocity is 10 mins from here : )
No choice leh else I hardly got the time to shop!
And of cos online is another avenue also... thank God for sprees and spree queens (*looks at Snow..hehe*)else life will be so boring for working mummies like us!!
sorry didt read properly..hehheh
How abt original puff sgd7?

Ok lah i lelong one of my beco k..hehhehe..so i can buy pikkolo..

Mommies who intrested in my organic joey beco butterfly 2 pm me horr..i lelong...ahhaha..i bought on jan.still got reciept with me..
Just selling so i can buy pikkolo!
Coz if i dont sell cannot buy..hubby will nag at me.ive got 2 beco so must sell 1.ahaahaha
Yes, my PD also mentioned minimum is 600ml. But to grow, baby should drink 800ml-1000ml per day

My boy's weight has been consistent, so she suggested that I should increase his milk intalk by another bottle (180ml). Also donno how to squeeze in another bottle as his schedule as below:

5.30am - Milk
9am - Milk
12 noon- Porridge
3pm - Milk
6-7pm - Porridge/Cereal
9-10pm - Milk

He takes 180ml per feed and will zzz around 9-10pm liao
i also run errands during lunchtime, last time is to go bank/post office/buy clothes etc... now is shopping for baby stuffs and fresh fruits/vege for cayla... hardly enough time cos mine is exactly one hour only

you are welcome, me also lost about the ingredients inside the milk... yup, important component like DHA and AA must be high high???

re: milk intake
7am - 180ml BM
11am - porridge
3pm - 180ml BM
7pm - cereals + 60ml milk mixed together
11pm - 240ml FM

cayla only gained 1kg in 4 months but the KKH doc say she is 50% percentile and her growth rate should be much slower now than last time... will go The Kid's Clinic for jab and review again...
heh the perils of working in town lei.. shopping! I went GAP and bought rompers (for fren who just popped), a sleepsuit and a pair of shorts for Izzy. spend money again!! I really couldnt resist.. Adult clothes nothing much lei..

Hmmm you work Jurong area? Can shop after work on the way home lor keke.. Thinking of La Senza too.. maybe tmr!

you feeling ok? dun need to print coupon. storewide everything 30% off.. maybe you oredi shopping by now :p

www.partypro.com - happy online shopping!!!
Mummies I hope to get your opinion:

If you are SAHM like me, offered a job that u always want to try,(u have no experience in that), work for 3-4 hrs per day. flexible timing, for example 6pm-9pm or 4.30-8.30pm up to u,
working place is only 10 -15 WALK ,very near your place. but salary is LOW, basic is low, less than $9 per hr, commision can be good if u can sell. (ok its a sales job).
will u take the offer?

truly need your opinion. thanks mummies
I’m spending a lot of BPs here too…jialat…not adding what I bought on weekends…think if hb knows, he will kill me…hahaha…my colls are wondering what are in the parcels that are delivered to my office man…just received paw paw ointment yday and rompers today…hahaha

I really wana try doing some hairclips for the gals…hope I can get something started soon.

Do you have to work daily? If yes, then will you have family time coz by the time you get back, think both your kids wana sleep liao…but on the flip side, no harm giving it a trry and if really doesn’t work out, then quit?

Why not? since u keen to try.... the working hrs is not long & work place just nearby. Though the salary not high....

i've been thinking quit my job & find PT so i got more time spend w my ger, but due to certain reason hold me back
me oso thought of quitting to spend more time with my two gals but I seriously doubt I can be SAHM (my impatience and shopping habits) so have to continue working...
Celyn / M2B
Oh both of u din go to Kym's PS ah...

How much are u selling ur carrier ah? Can gimme more details? Which model r u using?

good idea! Heheh...y i never think of that ah. Order things then send to ofis instead of home. Hehehe...i oso wanna try doing the clips! haha...but havent visit the shops Medusa was saying. I oso wanna do MORE of my Big Mama's headbands n snapclips 1st b4 venturing into the other types of clippies. Haha...
Shall get hb to sponsor my La Senza purchase since now got sale...hahaha, mothers' day pressie?! =P

Haha, yalah, all my online purchase sent to office 1 so my colls will come my office to see what I bought =P That time send to my mom's pl and my mom will asked what I buy and comment waste $...heehee, now no more!

Yalor, I also wana handmade but never get to start buying the raw materials lor...tsk tsk

I'm not addicted to branded bags but like lah...heehee...just hinted to hb for a new wallet but he act blur...chek! =P
Same! Haha.. nowadays will go to cold storage to buy bb food..I can say almost 70% of my purchases now is on them. Haiz I just came out of MPH after lunch with a bag of children's books for my #1..heh : p

Ya BP spree is very addictive one.. last time I still got spreadsheet cos cannot keep track! Now ok la here and there..abit more controlled. But it is very exciting to be waiting for the parcels to come and then you see what is it this time hor? My hubby also always nag but I just turn to deaf mode once he starts..
You clever la, send to office. Maybe I should do that.
Yes, get yr hb to sponsor the La senza purchases cos afterall he will be the one "benefiting" in the end :=)
I would consider the job if I really like it. But is there someone to look after your kids while you are away? Work not only gives you some financial independence but also widens your views when you talk to others besides just your kids and your HB. Most imptly, can get out of the house for a while ! =)
I got 10 liow..then when want to go out..dunno which one to use..heheh
i told hubby nvm lah since we are planning to have 3 kids..my hubby nag at me lor but cannot nag much coz my own money..hehehe
re:milk intake those volumes are only recommended guidelines not the be all and end all. Not necessary to stress ourselves out if our babies don't hit the target volume. If that was the case we'll never have a moment's peace in our lives. Anyway babies who are latching you won't know if they have hit target or not. As long as our babies are happy, growing well and putting on the appropriate weight we can't be doing wrong can we?

But if babies are rejecting their milk feeds because they're now on solids there are other ways of upping their milk intake besides solely drinking from the bottle as I have discovered with my son. For example for porridge I will cook rice in FM instead of water or poach fish in FM and if the mixture is too thick I'll thin it with EBM. Sometimes I'll give milk based snacks if he appears hungry between meals. I think it is not so much milk itself but what it contains that is important. And what it contains can come in other forms besides liquid. But that's just my opinion.
Yaya, the excitement of receiving and opening the parcel is really great but I agree it is really addictive...must try to control...(easier said than done) heehee =P

You noti noti huh? I benefit lah coz I like to see pretty pretty lingerie.

oops, I taught all of you to send parcels to office (does that means more online shopping?) =P

Yalah, guys very clever to act blur 1...told him Mothers' Day next month, he answered "So?"...tsk tsk so I went to tell my #1 and my #1 replied "Mommy, I want to buy you a present but I have no $."...such thoughts from her is more than enuf.
Hashishanno harm giving it a try. Perhaps pray about it first and see what answer He gives you.
If you are at peace with your decision it's usuaaly the right one.
Dongle & Medusa,
Yalor, now most of my online purchases (sprees and BPs) are for the gals too!

Mrs N,
You gave all of us a very good idea on cooking and adding milk into the bbs' diet. Thanks!
hehe..yea u guess the shopping will increase liao loh! hehe...awww....ur #1 so shweeet! How old is she liao?

Ok i am sHOCKED!! 10 siah! haha...
u see beh onz! got spreadsheet somemore...haha. Actually i long time never order things liao...cos 'servicing' my CC. haha. Now u girls making me itch to go see see look look! lol

Actually i oso buy fresh foods from Cold Storage. Cos this time the wet Pasar where got open rite. Haha.

Re: Minced Chicken Meat
Btw, has anyone given ur bb mince meat b4? Can give or not? I wanna give Falisha try minced chicken porridge neh. Cos i never use blender and dun intent to buy one. I give Falisha the porridge has got more texture one. But of course things like carrot etc just cook abit long and chop finer then can liao leh. Haha...
if you can adjust the timing with your family then it's ok. But the timing is around dinner time so not sure if you are able to get away from there. also what about bedtime for the kids ?

ya thats alot of carriers. i got 2 and hb already make noise. hahaha. Then again, i have 2 carriers, 2 slings, 2 prams .. but only 1 baby. hahaha

re: milk intake
i dont want to stress myself over the amt she drinks cos i know for sure bernice doesn't hit the 600ml mark. not to mention 800-1000ml. I get always worried that she drinks too little.. But As long as the PD says she is healthy I think that is most impt.
kaer has been taking minced pork for many months liao...she actually quite like to chew chew chew on the minced pork...u can give minced chicken to falisha to try ..just make a small bit first..u know what...actually kaer also take chicken but we dun even minced it..just cut a small piece n put in porridge..when its ready to eat..i use a spoon to smash it small small..kaer loves it too...
..in fact , most of the food we dun minced liao..except for the pork...vege and meat..scallop and frog's leg ...all never minced one...scallop i give occasionally only..but kaer loves it
smell good..yummy..
Hahaa...Catherine, Bernice so lucky to have u as her Mummy! hehee...so is hfgaga's bb! hehe...btw i lurve Bernice's pics done with Kymkym. Nice n sweet! hehee...

Ah...ok onz liao la! Later i go supermarketing liao. Heheh...whoa scallop now can give aredy ah? Make soup base hor...very shiok one rite! hehe...what kinda scallop u use? Baby scallops?
yeah your husband reap benefit he should sponsor!! I shall hint to hubby too hahaha
Hmmm this shall be my first mother's day.. dunno if hubby will "auto" or not.. shall hint first
when is Mother's Day ah? :p

you can really open shop liao..

I give Izzy minced chicken oredi, can try and use fillet meat cos less fat but still tender. All super markets sell in a pack of 4-6 pieces. I blend when raw then store in the baby cubes but if Falisha can take textured food then follow YLN's suggestion, less work!
oh! hehe...ya now Falisha lurves food with texture...give her too nua she like ok ok only. If textured porridge she will finish the whole bowl! LOL. okok i will try ur method! later go cold storage liao. Haha...thks!
yah my hubby also makes noise..my 10 carriers ,he say like 10 fingers..my hubby also know the brand of my baby carriers coz i always talk abt carriers..ahahahahha
sometimes he will ask hei you got no other topic huh?very boring lei..hahhahaha
so just now i ask him can buy pikkolo?he say can but must sell one of my beco first!!..hahahahah..
when i told him pikkolo is the brand hubby was like what??pikkolo?what a wierd name..hahaa..he say sounds like POKOYO..cartoon character..
i give E minced chicken meat. he also loved textured. today, i cooked avocado mango chicken with the chicken mince. he loved it!
I just PM regarding beco carrier but seriously I still really dun know which one to get leh...i can't decide between beco, ergo and scootababy...my bb quite big size leh..she's ard 9kg liao leh actually my intention was to look for a hip carrier as I was thinking maybe carry on hip not so straining on shoulder and back..
yah. didn't go loh.

my boy can drink up to 700-760ml a day on weekdays. somehow, i just didn't manage to feed him so much milk on weekends. at most is about 600ml.
i bot my pikkolo liao... cloud one... abit ex, but heck care lah... $230 for carrier, $20 for hip carrier. if buy hip alone, its $40... btw, i got the 10% discount if next purchase is within 6mths, if 12mths its 5%... if u need to buy, i pass you the privilege card but can return me afterwards? the owner quite nice de, but i think on weekends the store is tended by her staff...
wah laooooooooo...
you buy already?
tks but first i must sell off my beco..akakakak..no sell no buy..
tks for your offer..haiyah..maybe i just buy the original price..see how..coz dont wanna trouble you..or maybe can get from that hy seller at that bp? see how..but first must sell my beco..ahahahahha
beco i have 2.so a good reason to sell..eheheh

wah she sold of most of her colours lei..i just saw the website..duhhh
yah, i v impatient person lah... hee...
hy only hve mocca & orbit color, she dun hve the hip carrier but its free courier. thomson there mocca is OOS, aso hve free delivery for purchases >$120... its your call...

got 1 customer after me leh, mb she bought the cafe one... hee... forgot to tell u her stock is 1 pc per color...
