(2008/08) Aug 2008


I am new here, mind adding me. Thanks!
Age: 27
Zone: Central
Gynae: Dr Caroline Khi
Hospital: TMC
BB#: 2
Gender: Unknown
EDD: 21 Aug 08

This thread is moving very fast, think will just catch from here onward.

Good Morning!
Went for my checkup this morning…gynae said mostly likely gal…detailed scan is on 17 Mar, will be bringing my gal along too thus arrange it in the afternoon after her class…hb who was with me was so happy that itz a gal…I was a wee bit disappointed coz hoping for a boy but was ok after awhile coz in the 1st pl, we just wanted a sibling for our gal.

Congrats on your Minnie!

Faeriekim & Anabel’s Mummy,
how old is your girl now? My first one is a gal too and she is now 18 mths le and I wish my 2nd is also a girl but i know my hubby will be abit disappointed i think. But boy or girl is still not a concern, health is morre impt.
Amabel's Mommy,
My gal is 4yo aldy, big gal liao.

Hehe, my hb is quite opp, he is hoping for a gal coz he prefer both kids same gender, so guess he got his wish...my gal is hoping for a didi like mommy though but I have manage to convince my gal that boy or gal, she must love equally.
Megan, Thanks. Ya lor will ve alot of money to spend.

Amabel, Welcome. Will update for u tonight.

M2b, me opps as u. Hubby was the one who is abit disappointed. But nvm still our pdt of love
Dear mulberry,

Thanks for your info. Frm the website,http://www.uhseast.com/176212.cfm

ALL UNRIPE papaya which contains latex substance like prostaglandin and oxytocin that triggers uterine contractions.

Those ripe papaya consider no dangerous which contains papaya enzyme that helps soothe indigestion - papain, or vegetable pepsin.

Nevertheless, I try to eat diff type of fruits.

Dear MTB,

Do you reg with your EDD at Baby Centre to understand your baby progress?

ANybody having bad backache like me?? Thou now in 2nd trimester..still feel very tired easily!! Thou its honeymoon period n can go overseas! But hor..go out 2hrs only, my hubby need to piggyback me liao cos soooo tiredzzz! hahaha..Really no kidding, so easily tiring dunno why!
i'm also looking for CL. trying to find one for $1800 and below. nowdays, CL also raise their prices already.

btw, do most CLs do housework and cook for hubby as well? or all these considered extra?
Me too! Haha..the other day went out shopping with hubby and only walked about 2 hours and I was exhausted! I wasn't even carrying anything and yet my shoulders and back were aching like xiao! In the end have to sit down and make hubby massage my back for 1 hour....
Dear Nini,
Yeah, I always have backache. And very very easy to get tired eventhough sleep at 10pm. I always have headache too. I still can go out but not do shopping / long hour walking, else will be very very tired.

Wow, you are so xin fu, your hb can piggyback you...

Dear Krex78,

I have checked 3 CLs. Now market price is 1.9K + ang pao. If you do know any CL can offer 1.8K, you can let us know too. Yeah, usually they do simple housework & cook for hubby.
<font color="0000ff">faeriekim</font>
I also planning to go to the Expo bb fair since it's so near. so yes yes let's go together.
Btw is the bb fair in Expo confirm? coz I can't find the info in the Expo's calendar events.
No lah, me not resourceful. i only started looking in few places. I still not sure where is good place to buy. So, pls do give me your recommendations

<font color="0000ff">Mrs N</font>
me too sometimes have constipation. dunno why coz i eat alot of fruits n vege. OK i will try your method, will go try eating high bran cereal for breakfast. ;)
for me, i can't wait to know whether Mickey or Minnie. I definately can't wait until delivery...keke.

<font color="0000ff">Carolynn</font>
yeah i know the website said unripe papaya is dangerous. but actually i got this info from a mommy in another thread, dunno coincidence or not lah.....but she said at one point, she eat quite alot of (ripe) papaya coz she had constipation and thereafter she had serious contractions in her 24th week!
So, yes like you said, rotate eating various types of fruits.
Another thing to note is papaya is high in Vitamin A, so don't eat too much. Moderation is the key word

<font color="0000ff">Amabe|'s Mommy</font>
New Mama Bottom Spray

Hi Ladies,

I'm from the Feb 2008 MTBs thread.

I bought this New Mama Bottom Spray before my delivery, as it was highly reccommended by some mummies that it eases the episiotomy wound and helps to heal faster. However, I totally forgotten about it after I got discharged and didn't use it at all.

I bought it at $43.45, and selling it at $38 now. Anyone interested please email me at [email protected]

Yuuri n Carolynn,

I backache until I felt shortness of breath, giddy...very 'xin ku'..
I thought i hypertension or something..cos recently feel heart pump very fast..


No la..my hubby dont piggyback me lar.
I am just making a statement. :p

My hubby sometimes put his ear on my bump n say he can hear bb heartbeat.. Anybody tried?
I felt bubbles in my stomach thou..hehehe.. i thought its my stomach growling or too much wind inside?? kekekeke!
Me too feel very tired...
Walk less than half hr, gotta rest awhile liao lor.
My hb never do that, maybe because it bb #2 liao.
But its my gal who like to sayang and listen to my tummy instead...hee hee...

Same gender will be closer, that is something u will appreciate later lor. =)

Hello msapple,
krex78 &amp; mtbs, may I know if you are using any domestic cleaning services? I'm looking for a cleaning company to clean my place on weekends. Simply too tired to do housework.
hey Jvenus...if u found good lobang let me noe okie? My current weekend helper cannot make it..retain only cos her hands are clean cos I leave alot of stuff lying ard..

yday i had a scary thot--though we want a boy but the thot of cleaning a boy suddenly terrifies me...I wont noe how to clean him..especially the water spurt!!! I once saw my fren's boy spurt the urine on her face while changing!!! aiyo..sometimes little things get us in a dread ....
i think, conservatively, most CL only cook for mum and take care of bb...if they also cook and clean abit, its a bonus..i not expecting my CL to cook for hubby and clean house, so if she does, that will be great!
ha ha...ya lor, such thing always happen.
and u will be super headache to teach them how to aim nicely during toilet training.
hi all,

anyone experiecing cold shivers in aircon room? i though pregnancy shld cause body temp to rise but i feel cold instead of hot after preg. anyone knows why? i have low blood btw. wander if it's because of it
i also have bad backache, almost everyday during working days cos i sit down a lot to do work mostly on my pc... got neckache as well... shop for 1 hour aledi feel like squatting down in the middle of the shopping centre... my hubby say like that how to go overseas??
Haha, we are opp man…nvm lah, I’m happy that bb is doing well, which is most impt!
Now letz look fwd to our EDD to see our precious gem. :p

My hb has the same thinking that same gender better and will be closer thus he has been hoping for a gal…I’m ok lah, was abit disappointed then but ok now…just looking fwd to Aug man…hahaha

Me and my sisters are good example that same gender will be closer…we aren’t so close to my younger bro though…

Hahaha, you so funny, worries abt cleaning bb’s bottom now.
<font color="0000ff">Snow74</font>
oh it's advertised in magazine, then i think shud be confirmed. thanks for the info.

<font color="0000ff">twin star</font>
i don't get cold shivers but my Mom said when she was preggie with us (me n my bros), she always get cold shivers at night (and she don't sleep in aircon room!). My mom has Thala minor, so i think she has low blood count. So maybe you are right, that could be the reason.
hi all!
went for check up this morning cum extracted blood for blood test. luckily nurse only extracted for 2 tubes.. my blood flowed v slowly n she had a hard time extracting. good news is gynae said quite confirm (90%) it is a girl as he could not find any stick btw the legs. i was so worried he said its a boy coz the last visit he say could be a boy. but have to wait till next visit or detailed scan to double confirm. yeah!! good that its is a girl as my son mentally prepared long time ago that its a meimei. he told everyone he will do this for meimei, do that for meimei. everyone ard me hoping for a girl n thank god for answering our prayers! but i m a bit paranoid.. will suddenly next visit baby become a boy?

still have not book for detailed scan yet since gynae say wait till 22wks.. so still have 6 more wks to go n he said too early to book.

mommies who have constipation...
try to eat more guava as it has high fiber. nothing can cure constipation other than eat more fruits n vege, drink more water n rest more. these 2 wks i ate more vege n fruits n constipation problem seem to ease.

actually 2 girls is ok as they will be closer together n girls usu easier to take care. i really cannot imagine to have 2 boys as my boy already so active n naughty. if anr boy come along sure headache further! can understand ur disappointment as ideal to have girl n boy since we want to close shop after this. then ppl ard u also expect u to have a boy since u already have a girl.

wow confinement nanny so ex nowadays! not cny period yet still have to pay so much. i need to consider twice liao.. hopefully my mum willing to do confinement for me again but i know tiring for her.
Dear dongle &amp; nini,
Yeah, me too. Initially thinking to go Japan as my friend is station there. But now I drop my idea. Nevermind lor, save cost.... :p

Dear mulberry,
Noted &amp; thanks for advise...
congrats on having a gal, you got your wish!

dun worry la, I'm ok, won't mull over the gender issue coz no matter boy or gal, like what Rata said, still our pdt of love so will love as much...

ya man, no matter what gender, SURE close shop after thia...hahaha
i wish for a gal too coz can dress her up like princess! not like me last time dress up like tom boy.. :p

I got a part time cleaner to come n clean my house (actually living with PILs) yesterday n the toilet is really really filthy nobody wanna wash, despite me being preggie. So no choice, i engage the aunty to help clean my room n the toilet (i am a very fussy person!) but the way she work really very hardworking n detailed! She's from China and only understand Chinese. Must guide her if not she will get lost to your home direction.. I felt bad for not giving her extra cos i see the way she wash the toilet, i am really impressed! she scrubs and clean until spick n span!
I HAVE to recommend her geninuely...
hey..good to go for holiday now if u can even if nearby cos some times ur elders might not permit u travelling with BB until after bb 1 yr old and then u will be so reluctant to go without bb..then u miss out holidays for awhile

tokking abt backache...my back is hurting..think must go and get a back cushion..

Not we dont wan to go travel n relax...but cos really got tired very easily... Walk abit only need to rest liao.. Cannot tahan long outside.. Feels very fustrated when tired..

think no one has this prob except yr mom n i...but my blood test just shows low blood, no thal. think will get iron supplements from gynae liao. u not online?
ya its true abt the tired part :p
but i abit jialut..must take breaks..so tired also must go holiday..if not feel miserable...
twin star,
your blood test showed that you got low blood count? do you feel cold easily all these while or only nowadays? when my gynae called me to tell me abt my blood test results, i was in a meeting &amp; she called my hubby instead, she said something that i got low iron and need to eat more spinach, liver and strawberry &amp; she will explain to me when i visit her next... i usu feel cold easily when in aircon room so maybe we have the same problem...

oh, i thought i'm the only one. blood test result showed low blood count but no thal. so gynae just say take those normal vits he gave me will do but i forgot to tell him about the shivers. just now my hubby went to get more vits for me and the nurse said if shiver, need to take iron supplements.

before preggie i also low blood that's y scared and took the thal test. 1mth before preggie i started the shivers if i don't wear long sleeve sweater in the aircon room. after preggie, it got worst. before i go the bed, i;ll be hot so turn on the ac, at 4am or 5am, i will wake up shivering so badly i have to wake my hubby to help me turn off ac, n pass me my feather winter windbreaker to wear with all the thick blanket covering me. then i will break into cold sweat.

last wk, i went to have dinner with my friends n same thing happ. i was shivering badly till i went to the toilet to sit n shiver while my friend rushed to the car to get me a sweater. "kwa zhang" right
carolynn, where u get your contacts from? any good ones to recommend (apart from the one u already booked?)

venus, currently i'm borrowing my dad's maid every fortnight to mop floor and iron clothes. i can usu handle laundy on my own. but when bb born, we'll prob hire a maid and put her at my MIL's place coz' we'll be placing bb there when we go to work everyday. dun really like the idea of having an extra adult in my already very small home.
Megan, it is difficult to find good help. I tried one time one lady come to clean my place for CNY. In the end, she spent 7 hours just to clean the windows. Most of the other things, my hubby end up doing. The cleaning companies are mostly booked on weekends. Unless you feel safe to leave your keys with them during weekdays.

Krex, you stay near ur ILs place? We dun so imagine have to ferry the maid and baby all the way is quite tiring. You are lucky your dad's maid willing to help you.
can I ask if u all thought abt this "stoopid" issue when thinking abt hiring a maid..

my mum abit reluctant to come to my pl, prefer tt I bring maid and bb over..but cos we bring bb home at night, I would like to bring maid home to just do abit of lite laundry etc...but of course govt say cant lah...how...
dongle and little twin star..

My blood result showed that I got low iron, hemoglobin and MCV...i have been taking multi vitamins.. hopefully, it will help lah

dont know whether i have been taking too much supplement.. very heaty.. now my teeth gum swelling.. aiya.. feel very uncomfortable leh..
venus, my ILs are abt 15 mins drive away. i believe if u ask ard, there are some maids who are off on weekends and dun mind cleaning your house for abt $10/hr. but of coz this is kinda illegal. are u planning to get a maid to take care of bb or u sending him/her to infant care?

megan, your maid is either stationed with u or your ILs lor. depends which one u more comfy with. if your ILs dun wanna travel, then u bo pian, still have to lug maid + bb to IL's place in the morning, then bring them back in the evening.
i dun mind lugging but cannot rite? gvt say they cant work 2 places....and I wont allow my maid to stay at home by herself..mabbe i see too mani maids at my condo doing nothing in the afternoon except chit chat...and then ask their charge to perform for them..walao...
little twin star

i have the same prob, but i don't have low blood count or thala.

my gynae told me that for the 1st few months, some mothers-to-be will feel very cold. she assured me that's normal.

maybe u can ask ur gynae next time u see him
so u saying u want the maid to stay at ur mum's place? Actually i have the same problem. My mil also dun want the maid to stay at her place..so we have no choice but to put her at my place..this kind of issue, we have to compromise no choice...i dun want to get into trouble...
no i dun want the maid to stay at my mum pl..I want her to go with my bb in morning to my mum pl..help out with housework..then at nite come home with bb...do some lite stuff..be asleep by 10.30 and wake up at 6am...but night time, i dun need her to wake up one...i dun think is asking too much leh but govt say..maid onli can be at 1 household rite?
Hi Krex,

I read the forum from Singapore motherhood too. They recommended Antie Lian (Christian)Hp:+60 12 1256732 - Need to apply WP 2) Lian Jie: Hp: +60 17-3853255 - no need WP. Both charge at S$1.9K

However there is an agency - Bliss confinment. They have plenty of confinement ladies. Cost at S$1.9K. You can contact Doreen Hp:81863338.
website: www.blissconfinement.page.tl

**Hee hee, no commission will receive ah**

Re: Confinement Lady
TMC provides confinement lady service as well, perhaps you gals can check with them? Mrs Wong from Parent Craft told me all the confinement lady are well trained by TMC.
