(2008/08) Aug 2008

M2b, actually my gynae also say is 90%. But i think should b gal liao else cant miss the stick mah, plus he show us the hamburger. So u wan to wait till DS then update?

Good morning ladies,

I've been following this thread and would like to be part of it!

Age: 30
Zone: West
Gynae: Dr Tan Hak Koon
Hospital: SGH
BB: 3
Gender: Boy
EDD: 5 Aug 08
good mornin mummies...

think cordyceps is okie to hv for preggie..anyway cordy prices have gone up like triple fold since last yr...
Gynae didnt show me anything, just said likely gal but I think shd be quite confirmed that it is gal liao. You can update when you are free lah, dun need to wait till DS.


I can't PM you.
thanks on the info on high iron food...

so your gynae actually asked you to go for injection? or isit your regular visit on friday? i also got low iron but gynae just say take more high iron food, never mention abt other thing... i scared of injection, think my blood pressure will shoot up again
I just went to see my gynae yesterday and he never mentioned anything bout the sex of the bb....just ask me to wait till DS on 25th March. sianz.

Earlier I mentioned wanting a boy, but now I think I want a girl liao. haha! Anyway, boy or gal also doesn't matter.

Really ah? Birds nest is good for bb's skin?
Ya lor, can imagine all the bb get together..hee hee...

Because of the collagen content in birds nest, that is why it claim to be gd to skin.
my gynae didn't even mention abt detail scan. next visit is 14 mar. dunno whether will have slot if detail scan is supposed to be in march.
Hi Krex,
When u browse thru the website, they will have the feedback frm the mother for some of the nanny. This is how I choose the nanny. The website will tell you what is their job scope.

Hi jo,
Is Lao Hang Jia brand? I also bought. Just finished 1 bottle.

Hi Earnestmum,
Very funny, so many nanny's name call Lian Jie. Anyway I got the CL frm agency liao. Thanks

Hi Nini,
Dont think negatively. Big family sometimes is also good. Can help you when you are busy. But nevertheless, must build up trust.
the blood test i took was when i went for my 16 week visit (not the DS/NT test)...he say must take blood test..then results show low iron..maybe too low liao so must go for injection..say cannot wait for regular visit in another 4 weeks time..bb need the nutrients. so must go this friday lor..

btw, when is the usually week range to do detailed scan?
Snow, i was 17 weeks last sat when gynae say 90% is gal.

m2b, will update for you tonight.

i m going for my DS on 21 weeks
Thanks ladies,

Would like to share with you... I took alot of birds nest for my first girl and she came out really fair with porcelain skin. 2nd girl i did not take birds nest and she was a little dark girl. They are so unlike, ppl will not think that they are sisters! My hb said i pian xin, one fair, one dark...
Dear Julie,
Welcome! So happy to see so many mummies joining this thread

I also took bird nest, but also not really will it really makes the diff. Hope it is. Anyway, just to pampered myself to have it. My sis & bro in law also very fair, but the baby is quite dark. Also wondering why.. hee hee...
thanks julie for the info.

i also don't know how good is birdnest to us. since most people say its good, so i just eat loh. never like birdnest but will eat for baby.
Rata...Xie Xie Ni for the update!

hihi Chipchip, u from ACJ too. How many wks are you now? When's your next appt? Mine's on the 24th for DS and also to see Joyce.

Hi Ladies, my MIL said that best to double boil bird nest (Dong Yan is a good choice considering its price n quality) on your own and consume once every 2 weeks.
Better avoid those commercial ready made brand coz those are not as pure as home made and may cause asthma in new borns.
lol, I just told hubby must eat birdsnest then he say he will go and buy...but he ask eat what kind, the canned ones or must cook one?
i find the double boil bird nest very fishy, so i eat those concentrated kind in a bottle. really no good for baby?
Hi Alinda,

Yes.. I'm from ACJ too..I'm now in 15 week plus ( will be 16 week this thursday).. my next appt will be on this thursday.. i hope to find the gender for my bb too
I live in the west.. i think a bit too far to go TMC ..
my husband cook it for me so I take it on alternate days.

i had quite alot of bird nest for first one and everyone said she is very fair...maybe it does help since I drank coffee and hardly drank milk

kekeke, As long he pay... I ate those bigger bottle ones cost abt $35 per bottle. Once every 1 or 2 weeks. Not so expensive lah. I dun know what is good, maybe ask other mommies... I only know how to eat...


So good to have someone make birds nest for u! My folks dun have the time, so eat bottled ones lor
U r from ACJC as well? Me too!! Graduated 1996.
Dear MTB,
I dont know ler, I bought 老行家 lao hang jia. The birdnest can last for 2-3 months and must finish within 21 days after open. They claimed that no perservative, not using vacuum packing.

Eventhough I bought those with rock sugar, it is not sweet at all. And it is abit crunchy, dry & fishy. So, I will reboil it with rock sugar and red dates to taste better.
avocado, dr woody never say anything leh. u must ask him one is it? is it too late if i book after 14 mar, coz' that's my next appt. what if i go for detail scan much later, say in apr?

老行家 one got fishy smell is it? i actually wanted to try theirs but haven't got the time to go buy. i scare of fishy smell. the one i got at eu yan seng is less sugar one, tasteless and got no smell. once open must finished with a week or 2. cost about $60+ after discount.

how much is the 老行家 one?
lo hang kia also has sugarless one but i just couldnt take it man...bland and tasteless :p the sugared one is not bad...think is 168 for a big bottle..usualli during CNY period they offer discount for 2 or more bottles purchase..
Hi Celynlee,

Those with quite alot of water eventhough they said is concentrate, you may feel it is fishy. 老行家bottles very big and is really really birdnest only without water. Thus I feel very very dry and crunchy.

Oops, I cant recall. But I know i bought 6 bottles so have more discount and membership for 3 years.

website: http://www.lohongka.com/sg/chs/index.php
Hi Celynlee,

I also not sure but mil stop me from eating those ready made ones. She said those are not suitable for preggy. Let me ask her how to prevent those fishy taste then i tell u tmr.

Hi Chipchip,
Hope you can see your gender by then. Any preference?

You must be feeling very lazy to travel tt far to TMC rite? hehe...
hi everyone,

wow today is birdnest day ,hehe.
can i ask, when u guys say u eat birdnest often so baby turn out good complextion....how often is often?
lol! I think Alinda means ACJ women's clinic! But like you, I also thought she said ACJC! And I got an even bigger shock when I saw you graduated same year as me!!!!!!!! Must go parents' home to check year book liao...
last pregnancy..i had lo hang kia..which i eat a spoonful every day..

tis preggie..i eat the cooked type so have a bowl alternate day
Dear Celynlee,

Yeah, not alot but still more than 老行家 type. And it is a vacuum 老行家 really has no water. Yeah, you can have a look and make comparison.

Actually like what Alinda said, of course cook by ourself is the best. But ah, I lazy, so do short cut :p

Hi Little twins,
Those vacuum pack with concentrate birdnest will advised you to take 1 teaspoon each morning & or evening. But as said, cook by ourself is better than those ready made. If those cook by ourself, advised to take 2 per weeks

Hahaha, Oops, bai wu long! btw wat is ACJ womens' clinic? I mean the full name.

Really!! U from ACJC 1996? Wow, small world.
Hehe I was also gonna type "You also from ACJC?" then re-read again...I think ACJ is a clinic in TMC.
Which combi you from? I'm from SA...but how come your age is 30? So good, 3rd child liao...
alinda, how come bird's nest in bottle form not suitable? i dun have so much time to cook leh, so i tot can just eat from the bottle. sometimes i drink chicken essence from the bottle too.
ehhh, not 30 y/o this yr meh? I'm from SC. My hubby older mah... so quickly finish then close shop or else he must work till old to feed his kids...
Heh I stopped counting age by yr of birth since ermm 25? You on facebook? I was going through the AC'06 group but got no Julie there :p
Dear celynlee,

2 times is refer to those we eat 1 bowl. Is not really a must to take 2 times per weeks as is not a medicine. Is really up to individual. If is those dried pc of birdnest, it can cook for few people. Never cook before, thus dont know the exact qty.

For those concentrate in bottle, the shop will advised us to take every day for 1 teaspoon for better absorbion. However, I recook 老行家and qty is 3-4 teaspoons and think to eat twice a week. May stop a while - 2-3 weeks after 1st bottle finished. This is my own method :p Dont know is it ok.

Anyway, some people would say birdnest is only for complexion. Yon can choose to eat or not to eat. I eat just to pampered myself :p
Hi Mummies-to-be,

I have the some lightly used items for sale for confinement use:

1) Warming Body Wash for Confinement - more than 3/4 left! - $10


2) Warming Shampoo for Confinement - more than 3/4 left! - $10


3) Dry Confinement Powder - used once only! - $12


4) Nipple Salve - used once only! - $12


5) Healing Bottom Spray - 3/4 left! - $10


6) 5 x Chinese herbal bath (2 sachets per pack) - brand new! - $1.50 each

pls pm me or sms me @ 90400090
Can you send to [email protected] ? BTW, when do we need to start booking the massage lady ? This is for post delivery rite ?

Oh we cannot take black chicken soup during 1st trimester ?? Chia lak, i ate once recently...wat's the side effect ??


I am not on facebook... i go home every day to facekids... no time to be on face book! So sad huh?

if by yr - 1978
