(2008/08) Aug 2008

shint, i'm allergic to synflex. but apparently not to ponstan. btw, did dr woody do blood test for u? besides prenavit and folic, are u taking anything else? i also still vomiting. we shall jia you together.


Yes. I collected it from there
thanks for all the concerns.

Me headache not just with the bad MS but with my maid too. Her contract ending end Apr and alot of problems .... now still not decided to change her or not cos my hubby feels still can keep her since she is familiar with my son.

Hwr, I feel she is getting out of control. Everyday makes me fed up with just one thing will do.
Snow74, still more to come!

Shint, u should keep someoneone u trust near u. Go with yr feel. I think u can persuade yr hubby.

chipchip, I've one baby cot (brand new)bought at $125 (wooden type) willing to let go at $60 if u want. B'cos I don't intend to put my newborn in babycot anymore. Baby will sleep in bed w me instead.
Change her if ur son is still very young, he can accept changes very fast lor.
Once he is over 3yr old, its no longer easy to change liao.
My ex-maid also trying to be funny behind us after 1yr+, maybe they thought they are getting smarter liao lor.
i'm also don't intend to get a baby cot. my friend advise is that it will ultimately become a white elephant. her baby cot now fills with baby everyday change clothes or cloth diaper instead of baby.
i will have baby sleep on a mattress on the floor or with me in bed. some say i very heartless to put baby on the floor but i feel that baby will have the whole floor to him/herself then he/she can turn and toss wherever he/she wants later.
Snow74, Just heard my neighbours mentioning about "Guessing - who's behind the pictures"! But I got no more interest in going in. The next hot topic is aftermath of Lydia's death...
by putting bb on a mttress on the floor, u dun have to worry bb will turn and drop off from bed also right? =)
Ya, make sure kids at home dun see it lor. =P
Oh, ok....actually till the last mins then they reveal her actual condition, its really a waste for a kind and talented person like her to leave so early ya?
I will also be getting playpen for my bb this time round coz gave away the bb cot liao...playpen next time can convert to play area for them when they are bigger too...

If your floor is those marble or tiles, then not advisable to put bb on the mattress on the floor because of some "shi qi" (wetness) at night which is not good for bb ...if it is parquet or laminated flooring, then shd be ok.
haha I have no ideas ... should i buy playpen, baby cot ?? or mattress?

Thanks for your offer.. i think i need more time to decide what i want/need to buy... and my bed room might not has enough space to put baby cot
as i have 2 big cupboards and my bed is fixed ... cannot move leh
Yes, I agree w M2B's idea....

Snow74, I know edison is leaving...any other female actress leaving too? ultimately Edison would have less impact abt this incident. He left the entertainment circle but he has the support of his 'rich' father! He can go into any circle he wants or even set up his own.

These pics sure to have impact on Gil and Maggie Q. Now rumours have been spreading that Maggie Q's boyfrd wants out of the relationship!
about bb sleeping on floor..i also actually intended to do that, but hubby say where got bb sleep on floor..his so silly an uneconomical...its cheaper that way and plus we can use the $ to buy other stuff...
also, i told him i will get some old bb gal clothes from my colleagues, then he say 'har? old clothes?' i believe bb should have some old clothes to start with and not wear all new clothes...he think old clothes not nice and not good to wear other pple clothes...think he dunno alot of things...sigh...
Morning Ladies

Thanks for the warm welcome.

My hubby and i were actually looking forward to hv a bb girl but last few wks already having strong feeling that it's going to be a boy.
Had an appt with Dr adrian yesterday. Dr thinks he sees a "stick" but will only reconfirm on my next visit 3 weeks later. Nevermind lor.. boy or girl also will love the same bah. Healthy bb most important.

Doc actually scan and found that I have a cyst and 2 fibroids on my 1st scan 2 mths ago. Although Doc has already said not to worry since it has not been causing me any pain or watsoever and tat there is high chances that the bb's growth in time will shrink the fibroids and cyst.. i can't help wondering... Anybody here has similar condition?

my nearest NE station would be hougang. nope, haven't been to vietnam yet. hopefully soon. Thinking of goin for a trip to either bangkok or hongkong in april/may before bb comes along too. heheh
Yes I agree with YLN. It's actually 'lucky' for newborn babies to wear 'old clothings'. Let your hubby know...he's learning his way towards fatherhood as well!
They are definitely daring....those ladies are really victims.
No leh, beside himself never heard anyone else leaving lor.

boy or gal same lor, both have pros and cons.
as long as its a healthy bb. =)
So in your opinion, playpen won't become white elephant? Any particular types to look out for?

Haha I also have the same thinking as your hubby..whenever he suggest getting old stuff from his bro, I'm like "Har?u want our baby to wear clothes that people shit in before?" :p

so fast Dr Adrian tell u can see stick already...hopefully he will tell me something when I see him on Monday.
yah. don't have to worry about falling off bed too.

m2b, my floor is laminted.

i think after i know the gender of baby, i might also have lots of old clothes for baby. i think its fine to have them wear old clothes cos its more soft and comfortable as they have been wash several times liao compare to new ones.

i'm just wondering if i should get old breast pump from friend or buy new ones.
Hi All,

So happy to see so many MTB in August

Hi Celynlee,
My Dr is Dr Tham too, TPS. When is your next appointment?

Hi Ratatouille,
Please add me to the list. Tks.

Mummy : Carolynn
Age : 33
Zone : West
Gynae : Dr Benjamin Tham
Hospital : KKH
BB# : 1
Gender :
EDD : 31 Aug 2008
hi, i will see him next wed. i was originally at clinic b, only just change to private suite for this appointment. cos i wanted to be scan for all my visits, so he suggest that i change to private suite.
<font color="0000ff">Rata</font>
I've just mailed out the receipts
. You should either receive tmr or next Monday.
Sorry ya for the delay coz I was busy settling for my confinement lady. Phew...finally confirm n paid for deposit yesterday evening. 1 thing can cross off my list now.

<font color="0000ff">celynlee</font>
I heard from other mommies that not so good (for us) to put bb on mattress on floor. coz we have to keep bending down to pick up the bb or when changing diaper, so it will hurt our back.

<font color="0000ff">M2B</font>
me too am thinking of getting playpen. at least can double up as play area when bb is older.
oh, i didn't know about that. does it make a difference on the period? cos during confinement month, i got confinement lady to help so it should be ok right? but after the confinement, is it ok for us to bend down to pick baby up then?
<font color="0000ff">celynlee</font>
me not too sure. I read from other threads where those experience mommies comment on it. Maybe the experience mommies here can comment on this?
but just thinking logically, even after confinement mth, that means bb is 1+month old.... they still poop/pee alot and need constant attention. So we still have to frequently bend down to pick them up. So all those frequent bending down will still hurt our back wor...
So I think mattress on floor should be used when the kid is older, maybe after 1yr....?
i also not sure liao. from what i see from my aunts and cousins, they usually sit on the floor or mattress to change baby.
Yes I agree w mulberry's comment, play pen is very bad for mummies's lower back. Unless it's higher (waist level) otherwise, it's not advisable to use it. Read abt yr search on CL. Who did u cfm? Convenient to share? Or u may PM me?
not only changing diapers. when bb cry or fuss, u sure wanna bend down pick her/him up. or just bend down to check diaper.
But if you are very disipline type i.e. always practice the correct way of picking up things/bending down. then i think it should be ok bah.
hehe..but me very lazy n forgetful (the correct way is suppose to squat first, n not bend ur body to pick up things). Whenever i pick things up from the floor, I always forget to squat first, I straight away bend my body. :p
errr...me talking about mattress on floor le, not playpen. But yeah, for playpen, have to get those higher ones.
Don't think it's nice to say my CL name here. Later the moderator suspend my acct for advertising. :p
I'll PM u.
At least for my gal and 2 nephews, the playpen has been very useful when they are young. :p I dun really know what to look out for for playpens, think there are diff sizes too, some bigger some more compact…maybe you can go Taka BB Fair to look see in Mar.

I agree w you on the bending down to pick up bb if bb is sleeping on mattress…bad for the back…Yes, the playpen can keep the kid in till quite big, good for them to learn to walk inside too…heehee

Dear Celynlee,

Yes, this is the reason I choose TPS. Dr will give us a photo after scan.

Reg mattress on the floor,I also agree with mulberry's comment. However in daily activies, we will hurt our waist if bend too much. After delivery, our bone will be more fragile. So, should reduce such position. We should protect our body else will regret when we are old.

Hi All,
Have you choose your CL? I called to CLs, they told me market price si S$1.9K + ang pao.

Mine also asking for $1.9k + angpow.. I asked if i wan her for 2 months, got any discount? (my sis say usually have) but mine this one say is $1.9K x 2 = $3800 (but she will be cookin for my hubby)

Quite demanding right..sighz
Playpen vs Mattress
Mattress - bad for back. Even if u have CL, there will be times when u need to pick baby up and put baby down.

Playpen - good.
Can use when young, when older can put inside the playpen. Must buy mattress la. I use it as the baby cot until i got another free one .. haha.

Initially I bought it and the saleslady says can use till 3 years old - I tot so cheap $100 (excl. mattress). After I bought it, realised that maybe need a baby cot. haha.

Anyway, it is good cos when the kid grows older and starts crawling, it is safer to put them inside when u need to do some stuff at home. Then when they can walk, it is even better cos it works as a barrier to constraint them when u need to go to the toilet, shower.

I am still using the playpen as a cot for my son to sleep at my MIL place. When he sleeps on a mattress on the floor - he will move here move there, start climbing into my bed, walk around the room .... but when he is placed in the playpen to sleep, he will guai guai sleep cos he cannot have much freedom to come out.
They know the limitations or freedom ok.

So, he sleeps faster in the playpen... haha.
Good enough reason to buy one.

Thinking of buying another one for my bb manz. See when got sale.
Buy bigger one la, not the small one.

Baby cot oso.
May I know are all ur confinement lady local, from agency, or direct contact from m'sia?
I need to know how much CL from agency charges, and does CL from m'sia really need to apply work permit in order to stay here 1 mth? =(
So far, a few people told me that I need to apply work permit for CL from m'sia leh.
Unless i get from agency, then agency apply for us liao.
Any comment?
WHen u go Dr woody's clinic tonite, can look around and wink wink .... then i will know it's you ... hehe.

Or u can mail me your hp ... we do a blind date there?

Btw, i'd prob be bring my maid and son there after work .... so look out for me. If u see this vv fair boy with 2 cute little dimples ... look for the mama, it's me ;) But hor, my little boy dun look like me.
<font color="0000ff">Carolynn</font>
me just booked my CL yesterday. You better book fast. Actually I couldn't get my 1st choice CL, she's fully booked until Nov liao. She said most MTBs usually book CL after their 1st gynae visit.
I waited until so long (me now 16++weeks) becoz earlier I wasn't sure whether I'll be giving birth in Spore.

<font color="0000ff">HewChen</font>
have emailed u.

<font color="0000ff">M2B</font> and <font color="0000ff">Shint</font>
thanks for your input. Always good to hear advise from experience mommies

I thought someone posted before there will be a baby fair in Expo but can't find it in their event's calender leh. So there is no longer one in Expo??

i have confirm mine CL. i was only told about 1.8K, its through a friend's recommendation.

i had also confirm my nanny.

m2b and shint,
thanks for sharing the info. so we should invest in a playpen right? what should we look out for playpen?
Can't remember what are the features.
prob most playpen has this - there is a zip at one side of the playpen so the kid can go in go out when they grow older.

For mine, the zip spoilt so we had to sew it up, cannot open anymore. Else quite fun to play with the kid when he/she can walk, crawl.

For the top portion, you can put baby on top till they grow a little bigger in size. There's a section to change baby oso but I seldom use it, I use my bed.

Mine is netted on 3 sides so if can find 4 sides ones i thikn better ba ... not sure if that's the norm.

One thing I find is to clean the playpen .... dunno got those that can take it out to wash the or not .... cos it gets dirty after sometime when the kid grows older and sometimes hands dirty touches it. Maybe just have to be conscious to wipe it all the time.
i actually have a baby cot and a playpen.

Playpen is bigger. So i place it outside at the living room, else got to always move the baby cot in and out.

When i in living room, put him in the playpen, in the room then back in cot.

My maid does that when i went back to work and she needs to cook, she'll place him in the playpen.

thanks for the info. sorry, got some other questions.

1. playpen only got 1 size is it?
2. any famous or good brand in the market?
