(2008/08) Aug 2008

Hey mommies,
This morning i was involved in a car accident, thank God no one was hurt. It was quite a strong bump from the taxi behind and i did feel quite a jerk.

Felt a little pain for a short while and so far, can feel the baby kicking. Is it necessary to go for a gynae checkup?

My gynae happens to be on holiday at the moment so I have to go visit a new gynae. Wondering if it's necessary, anyway, I am now back to work and got quite some stuff to do. Or maybe wait till tomorrow and see if I feel unwell.

At the moment, I am still quite ok.

Yalor, nobody gave up their seats to me last night from JE to Outram Pk and then from Outram Pk to Little India…sob sob and I’m tolerating the sng-ness all along…

Interrace & Cindy,
My bb oso hiccups daily.

Twin Stars,
Must be frustrating for you…hope everything will be back to normal again…better be careful of the cramps.

Hehe, my #1 slept through the nite w/o milk before she turns full-month so it was really a breeze to travel with her at 10mths coz she slept throughout the flight!
Glad you are ok...maybe you shd monitor bb's movement today and decided later if you need to pay the gynae a visit.
I remember you talking about the nipple cream but forgot which brand. Lasinoh brand better than Medela? I was thinking to get Medela since it's more easily available in any retail store.
You got the Lasinoh one? Where and how much you got it for?

I was thinking if go Aus during breastfeeding then ya all the milk with me. haha. But then think won't bring bb overseas so young, maybe at least after 1 yr old. By then, I don't see myself still breastfeeding bah...

I also forgot to get the nipple cream ytd too.
The SCCB rep told you they draw the blood before birth ah? I told her can I request do it after birth and she said can, and will put a note there on the volunteer form.
Must do test? Maybe it's testing on the blood they draw from the mummy. Anyway, she told me to bring along a photocopy of my blood test result that my doc did for me earlier on.

you take public transport back home? It must be real tough to squeeze with the work crowd and nobody gave up seats. You must be thick-skinned and cheong to grab seats if you can, don't be paiseh.

I saw the link too. I'm still contemplating whether to get anything, and in fact was thinking of getting the tote bag but not sure if I should buy more bags. Going to end up with alot of clutter and not enough space to put them!
Anyway, I got a bag through this organiser before, she should be quite ok except that if she has too many orders, you may have to wait awhile to get the bag.

I get fetal hiccups like everyday lo. last night, can even see the regular hiccup movement on my tummy, looks like small little kicks. My hubby spoke to bb through my tummy and asked "what did mummy feed you to cause you to hiccup?" I wanted to smack hubby...

Re: big nipples
I feel like I look like a cow! Been reading some of the Jul threads, the way they describe their breastfeeding experience quite hilarious though.
little twin stars,
don't be too stress ok.

i think you should go for a check. if that happens to me, i will go immediately. kiasee.

I have almost brand new Medela Swing Pump for Sale at $220 (lightly used for 1mth). Pump comes with receipt and warranty!

Interested, Pls PM/ SMS me at 98397101. Thanks!

I wanted to go immediately oso but then i had to submit some report and also fren said most gynae dun operate or only half days on wed.
My gynae happens to be on holiday and oso he dun open on Wed. Checked out a few and had made appt to go in the afternoon. Not decided or thikning of waiting till tomorrow.
better go see a doc if you don't feel well. Did you have to be a witness for the car accident? I certainly hope not, cos I read about some mummy having to be a car accident witness when the taxi she was in, was involved in car accident.

Little twin stars,
can understand how frustrating it is. There cannot be more than one woman in the house. I think you also have to make it clear to both your mum and MIL that you are the employer in your house and anything they want the maid to do, they better go through you. Else will end up some confusion on your maid's expectations.
You can never be too firm on maid, else they crawl over your head.

meantime, better rest well, don't let your mood aggravate your cramps.

I got the same prob too...wake up in the night to pee so many times, really disturb my sleep, so far did not once sleep thru the night.
And don't know where does the water comes from as I stop drinking water at 7pm and still lotsa pee in the night.

since ur gynae is on holiday, then u can monitor on ur side. d nxt 48 hrs is v impt. look out 4 cramps, bleeding or water bag leakage. if gt any of d above symptons, call ur gynae & chk urself into a & e. u take care k.

May I suggest you visit the doctor first. Its good to monitor however I think its better to visit the Dr. Take care and rest well.
you got the renwick tote bag isit? I was looking at that too but I really can't tell if it's suitable. I saw the dimensions and was thinking if I can carry on my shoulder. The 4.7" shoulder drop seems abit short. Then I see all those funny buttons, don't know what it's for.
if I go LA, probably will be end of the year, so bb will be around 1 yr old.
If I go, I prob will have to bring bb along. Can't bear to leave her in SG even if she cannot understand her surroundings.

Re: difficulty sleeping
I get that every now and then. As for snoring, hubby also complained I did that and bought those Breathe Right strips. I put on one night and he said I didn't snore. Maybe you can try that. So far, never really wake up in the mid of night to pee.
medusa,YLN, valnsw
so far my mil who is staying over to take care of me knows my standard so she monitors for me and everything has been well. she understands to treat the maid well yet we can;t be too laxed cos once u are laxed, it is hard to take back in the future.
my mom on the other hand has caused quite alot of probs for my bro n sil regarding the maid issue as she goes to to stay over at their place more. now i know why they have to keep changing maids.

even after i was firmed with my maid, she still tells mil last night that she wants to come back to work for me after she finish her 2 yrs contract. cos she knows we are very fair people and treat her well although we have our rules.

u did the right thing. guess u have to play the bad guy if yr hubby refuse to handle maid issues. it is better to tell on the spot, be firm not scold, they will get it that u are not happy and they will not do it again. if u don;t say anything, they take it that u r alright with it

M2B, celynlee,
here i am trying to calm down n my mom is not making it easy for me. she even called me to say someone stole her thermal pot. she searched my kithen n it is missing. she asked if my mil or maid stole it! i went to search, imm i found it, it was in such an obvious place. now you know why my hubby wants to keep my mom out of my hse during confinement?

wah, the nose clips works!

i don't snore unless i am dead tired. but i did try to kick my hubby out of our king size bed! hehe.
at times he will give my custody of the whole bed n he goes to sleep in our spare room, so poorthing
Yup, I take public transport when hb can’t pick me up from work and it is really getting tiring liao so was thinking to take some MC from gynae to rest next week as I’m starting my ML the week after next liao…

Twin Stars,
Hahaha, your poor hb kena kicked off the king-sized bed…so far, I have stopped waking up at night to pee and I dun snore too but then it is really difficult to find a GOOD position to sleep throughout the night coz turn here, turn there, best is sleep facing up but thatz not a good position for bb so got to turn again…
Hi Celyn & AnnLee,

Yeah, me too. Must be at least 2-3 times pernight. I have been like that since 12 weeks onwards. Now used to it. I also wondering where is the pee comes from. Wondering is it frm bb...

I always think this might be the period for us to get prepared ourself when baby delivered.
little twin stars,
I only used that strip once then after that I didn't use. I find the smallest sized ones still too broad for my nose.

Well, it's hubby's feedback. He bought for me so I just use. Subsequently, I didn't use cos I went to my bro's room to sleep instead cos sometimes I just want to sleep earlier when my hubby is still on his laptop.

Hmm, sounds like your mum is not making things easy for u.
Sigh... I guess we do get frustrated with our mums at times. Just like today, my mum called me twice to ask me about some nitty gritty IT things which I almost have no patience to tell her how to resolve it. My tone with her was quite impatient, I know I shouldn't be so impatient with her but then it's like teaching a computer idiot the basic things..

On the one hand I feel abit guilty for not having much patience, but then on the other, I feel so pek chek when she asks me to troubleshoot the same things...
play cheat and get some MC from gynae. I think you will enjoy the luxury of nuaing at home and spending time with your gal than squeezing with people. hehe. I v bad hor.. teach you how to geng =P
at times hubby will dream that he is being squashed by zebras etc. but think that night i was using him as my human bolster, hahahaha

thank god i am no IT expert so no such probs,hehe
but yeah, maybe at this stage when we feel uncomfortable we r more irritable
little twin stars,
at least u get it clear to her on who she should ask... sometimes i also think abit blur for the maid on who to take instructions from. like this morning i woke up and it was raining so heavy 6+ so i call her to keep the bb clothes. she said my mom say no need keep (cos we got shelter) I say keep.. then she keep. then i explain to her, if the rain is not so heavy nvm, but look at the rain, then the clothes will nvr dry. Then after that i explain to my mom and why i ask her to keep. Yesterday hubby so angry with her, told her to finish ironing the shirt and come help him pack the bb stuff, she took 45 mins and still ironing the same shirt. until he give up on her. hahaha. i think he talk to her this morning abt it. hahaha.

we also let her call back once a mth.. cos she miss her children.
If by tomo u still feel unwell then you should go. Taxi sometimes are really very inconsiderate drivers. thats why hubby dont let me drive anymore. he said even if u are careful doesnt mean others will be. maybe they should invent this bright light u put ontop of the car "pregnant driver..becareful and give way" hahaha

I dono if it's better, but during my breastfeeding workshop they say Lansinoh is suppose to be very good esp if u have cracked/sore nipples. I havent gotten it yet.. I know can order from http://www.breastfeeding.org.sg/
Hee.. I got the mercado small tote in silver cos the renwick one I feel may be too small for me. I put alot of rubbish in my bag one... : p
Yeah the renwick strap looks a little short too but I find the colour quite nice leh..Maybe you shd check out the one I selected but its a bit plain lah..

Yeah sometimes our own mum will drive us crazy..
I am also firm with my maid but I do treat her well cos sometimes I pity her also.. afterall they come all the way to work and first few months got no money cos need to pay loan. Guess we need to tighten and let go of the rope as and when it is necessary.
Haha I tried to drive that day, couldn't reach the lever to adjust the car seat, then I gave up!! hehe

Keeping my fingers n toes crossed! Hope to get a good maid or at least don't drive me up the wall can liao :p

Do we need to apply the cream before birth of the baby? I am not too sure when to start applying from and also do we need to wash it off when feeding the baby?

i have the same problem with my maid..she take A LONG time to iron pants!!..ahyo..there was once she also took about more than half an hour to iron my pants..i told her cannot take so long..electricity very expensive!..but she dun really know how to iron pants..cuz all not straight one..sigh...next time i have to show her again...i thinking, if i iron, chop chop 5mins one pants can liao..but must be patient with her lor...sigh
I think if want to get roomy baby/diaper bag, this would be good:

Can't remember if this is the one that Diana Ser introduced during the Channel 8 glamourous mummy show, but looks similar, just that the one she intro is black in color.

V tempted to buy the renwick tote but I scared later is white elephant then I put into cold storage. I think I better curb my shopping. I need to clear some old bags.

thanks for the link. I shall see if other places sell the Lasinoh cream. I lazy to make trip down to Waterloo Street to get it.

I had one cup of raspberry leaf tea. Tastes like norm tea but quite light in flavor. Maybe cos I didn't add in any sugar to sweeten it and I just dunk in the tea leaves for about 5min or so.
can take after birth? hmm..think i will just let them take before ba.yup, use the blood drawn to do testing.
will they be paying u a visit to explain in further details with u and hand u the documents to sign and produce when admit to hospital ?
i got a set of documents with me to pass to the nurses when admitted, then the nurses will noe what to do liaoz. also informed my gynae abt this, he also wrote a remark in the admission letter "cord blood collection for scbb".

twin star,
dun get too upset, must stay light hearted , rem baby get most affected by our mood yo.

snore :
i just tell my hubby, sorry hor i only snore during preggie stage, you snore even when u not preggie, so pls bear with me as i have been bearing with you loh. kekeke...

pee in the nites :
is common..cos our bladder very small now..i also try to avoid drinking after 7pm, but still got to wake up in the nite to pee.after pee, also got difficulty getting back to sleep cos hubby snoring, baby twiggling inside...haiz..so tired everyday.

poor thing lei..but i understand how it is, cos i also experiencing standing throughout the journey with no angels to give seat up to meet, they just noe how to stare and qns in their eyes if am really preggie... *roll eyes*
take cab next time yo..since these days we are plagued with sng-ness down under..

better go see doc...dun risk it.
I think all maids come they dono how to iron. That is something must teach. But they like dont dare to press onto the clothes, so they just lightly iron and iron. hubby say she iron like every cubic cm for 5 mins. hahaha.. i give up I don't even want to see. Worse is after ironing for soooo long, the shirt is still not well iron. My mom give up and iron her own clothes cos she say expensive clothes dont let her iron. My maid can iron jeans and then there is a line in the middle of the jeans like pants. *faint*

when is the glamourous mummy show ? I always wana watch but can nvr find the slot. Anyway i think i miss it already cos i wana watch the diana ser episode.

I dono when to apply also :p
the kate spade bag is nice
tempting but i got my bag already so cant be greedy :p but being light color will it dirty easily ? cos it's cotton fabric
Yalor, trying to keng a bit of MC to rest next week coz no joke to squeeze with the crowd in the trains/buses especially when having the cramps and backaches lor…yday I told hb abt the cramps and sng-ness and he actually ask me “Giving birth liao? Water bag break already?”…hiaz, men hah…

Twin Stars,
Haha, your poor hb!
I do agree with you that maybe we are feeling uncomfy thus easily irritated lor…

I didnt take much MC for this pregnancy thus was thinking to take some MC to rest next week...ML will start the week after instead... +P
Cindy: My bb hiccups alot, a few times in day!

M2B: Aiyooo.. No one offer a seat?? Terrible S'poreans leh!

Valnsw: The Breathe Right strips works? I must buy for my DH!! Kekeke

Shint: Are you ok now? If not better see a gynae now!
the SCCB rep will meet me at my next gynae appt which is 21 Jul. I told her to meet me after my appointment. She will go through the paperwork and ask me to sign. Seems like my gynae like no part in it. But the rep did ask me which hospital and gynae I'm under. So I guess she will have to inform my gynae?

The glamourous mummy show is on Chnl 8 every Friday, 8pm. Sometimes, I catch it after my dinner ;D The first episode featured Diana Ser. wa.. she looks more tai-tai after her pregnancy. Think this week's episode features Huang Biren.

This is the link to the show: http://glamourmum.mediacorptv.sg/

Ya, I think the white color will be dirtied easily. I alrdy have one huge Fila bag which I'm just going to use as diaper bag. heh... I'm looking for bag to pamper myself more.

tell your hubby, if water bag break alrdy, u wouldn't be at home lo. Men can be so insensitive and make corny remarks.
not sure if it works for all. Haha, at least that's what my hubby tells me la. But I found it super uncomfortable to stick on my nose.
Anyway, I don't snore all the time, mostly when I'm v tired but don't know why during pregnancy hubby says i snore leh..??
Braun ThermoScan ExacTemp IRT 4520:

Just went for the walk and found this to be intresting deal. Going for 99 SGD instead of usual 135 SGD at guardian. Catch is I guess we need to buy something for 20 SGD.

Any comments on the deal?
Yeah that bag is nice but abit pricey for my budget.. hehe. Actually at the end of the day I dun really stick to one bag specially 4 diaper bag. My first pregnancy i very on.. so go and buy the allerhand haversack so that my hb can carry it around.. not so gu niang for him Nowadays, any bag also can... as long as roomy and can put things can liao. : ))
mousse : massage ladies.

this is the summary of my collection, not sure if they are good, just my compile list of ladies to call and check out their rates on. just to share with all

Kadijah 98001394
Tami 98117686
Rohaya 94506374
Minik 96175345
Sue 97624410
Siti 81397284
Rohaya 93863019
Siti 98363699
Maggie 94777536
Mona 90260085
Rohani 97507312
Nooraini 90601757
Asih 83224863
Nor 82323257
Suraya 90663495
Christina 90053518
Diana 97467565
Inona 90260085
Rose 68469227

got one maya, think just type post natal at search engine, you gals can find her website and contact liao.

also got in touch with GWTPL via email, charges are too ex and out of my budget, 730 for 7 days 1hr session.
also checked out : wayan balinese spa smthg, also ard the 700+ range.
think those with shop ones are more expensive than the free lance ladies loh.

hope this helps.
bb weight:
Sigh! my poor bb oni gained 100g in the last 3 weeks while i gained 1-2kg. she's barely 2kg at the beginning of wk 35.

gynae says water level is OK so placenta shld be fine, so asked me to take more meat.
but i jus can't fathom why bb grew so little when i've been drinking milk everyday, eating beef twice a week and popping calcium pills every nite.
then i suddenly realised dat sometimes when i felt hunger pangs during the day or middle of the nite, i jus stuff myself wif chocolates and cakes which aren't really nutritious..
feel so Bad towards bb...*SOBS*

Twin Stars,
*pat pat* better not "dong tai qi"..not worth it man.
i jus realised last nite dat nuttin matters to me more than the well-being of bb. so everyting i oso "see open" liao..
can you provide more info on the thermometer? what you mean by spending $20 on something?

i saw that kiddy palace is selling it at around 118 for the one with 8 memory.
i think you also have to inform your gynae abt who you choose for the cord blood. My gynae told me just decide and inform her
hisstory, i normally epilate underarms. not very pain if u're used to it.

val, your maid arrived yet? why did u choose indo over filipino?
fret not, you still have some more weeks to go, who knows your baby will catch up later. As long as she's healthy and minimum 2kg, I think you're good to go.
For me, I just aim 2kg, since already hit the minimum, I just let nature take its course.
Anyway, sometimes the scanning machine not accurate, heard the actual weight may be different from the scanned ones.

Hee... I got some of you onto the Kate Spade bags.

wow! you got such a long list of massage ladies! BTW, I read in some thread about some massage lady by the name of Siti, don't know which one, who took the $ and never turn up.
Anyway, think can call the massage lady first to check out the rates, then if you are comfortable, can call them after you give birth.

talking about food, I'm hungry again, I go get my energy food and maybe take a nap. Looks like going to rain, shiok for sleeping in!


think u inform ur gynae better, dun think the pple from scbb will inform them wor.

envy lei, u gg on ml wk after next.
me gg only one wk after u..

thermometor : i got the osim one only 75bucks i think..my frd recommend me to buy, cos it read very fast.
