(2008/08) Aug 2008


Cool down....true lah, the gynae should have told you personally. My first one I was due on 28 dec and gynae on leave so he explained to me that a stand in doc will deliver for me if i happen to deliver then. In the end, my bb guai guai wait for him to come back.

storeberry & M2B,

yup, like menses cramp also got back sng sng lei..those are contractions meh ? tot contractions are hardening of the womb ?
baby moved alot during the cramp time, is it normal ? he feel the pain too ?
then today baby quite active also, wonder if is related.

the area btw my legs also feel sng sng..why ah? also normal ah ? seat long, then stand up rite, the whole area like sng sng and kenna stretch to walk like that..now i have to wobble like penguin, then wont feel the stretch so bad wor..

chin chin,
ur doc very lack of responsibility wor...no manners at all wor, go on leave also nvr informed and pre-arrange things.
can withdraw the $$ paid to him for delivery ? think if this happen to me, my hubby sure bang table and demand for $$ back one. :p
thanks for the reassurance

i'm also having cramps like feeling. quite unconfortable

ya i am taking ga. can take epi but abit risky so decided on ga. last time after your ga you were still feeling sleepy for how long ?
cld it b tt he tinks tt ur bb will come out b4 he went on leave? y dun u chk wif him? at d v most, as wat interrace said, go & bang table & demand 4 ur $ back.

d sng sng feeling is coz bb is pressing on ur pelvic area. our pelvic area had expanded 2 accomodate bb, tt's y we can feel d 'pain'. wat u can do is 2 take things slow & easy okie.

Australia sounds nice for the gers.. Self-drive yah? We were thinking of HK, but when bb's a little bigger & actually enjoys Disneyland.. Heheh, Japan wld be too exp

catch up later, all!!

Off to do more work.. Can only breathe for 1/2 hr so far!!
so u feel the cramps too..then i think should be normal, since few of us also having cramps.

tks vone, now i noe why my legs feel sng sng..colleagues also commenting like got difficulty walking.yup, i realized i am not as agile as last few days liao, feel like old penguin.

jia you jia you, got few more wks to go!!
M2B: Ya lohs, damn suay rite! i ask from his nurse - so can we have the list of OTHER gynaes to choose from, she said next visit then gimme. Piangs!

avocado: My gynae is gonna be away from 2 Aug - 17 Aug if i remember correctly. So hor now my EDD suddenly became 12 Aug, so really duno leh. If bb wanna come into this world, then come loh. I dun want my girl to sacrifice thru induction cos of a super irresponsible doc. Somemore i chose him cos of recommendation. If not i would have taken a femal gynae liao! Arghhh.

Oh urs just nice la. LOL.

RTCP: whoa...u damn lucky!

Interrace: Sianz rite...and happily just pasted a piece of A4 paper saying him going on leave and tts it. Nurse oso neber say anything until WE spotted it! THen when we ask her, she said, Oh doc neber tell u ah? Whoa win siah!

Oh we haven pay his fees yet, only the deposit to the hospital.

vone: The thing is, he din say anything at all, din mention the slightest thing. So i duno.. i will check n confront him loh - during my next visit in 2 wks' time. Like i got no confidence liao. Sianz
Interrace: Sama sama la! I oso walk so much slower than i used to. And now kena backache..wanna get up from bed oso must roll to the side then can get up. And i had difficulties adjusting the seat in my hubby's car! Whoa can die leh...cannot bend forward. Haha
I was real busy these days cos one coll left and there's no replacement. lucky me got 50% of her job! i only come in once in a while to read but dun really hv time to reply ...pai seh.

Ya, Dr Heng will do the strep B test w/o u asking. have u done urs? Done mine on Jun 25 and hv not rec'd any calls from her...good news ba! i had infection for my 1st pregnancy and this time i dun think i got it cos i hardly hv any discharge throughout this pregnancy....so glad.

If i'm not wrong ur #1 also delivered by Dr Heng rite? Did the midwife shave for u? Mine they didn't and i rmb Dr Heng asked one of them y she didn't do so. so, now i dunno if i sud shave b4 i admit or wait for them to shave....btw, i dun want to be shaved leh...the aftermath is prickly hehe....
since you havent pay the deposit to the doc, and they havent give u the other gynaes to choose from, you can check around the other gynaes in the hospital just to prepare on who you wana take. Alterntative call the clinic and demand they give you the list to choose from now. tell them not much time left so give it to you now. I think they will give. Even that time for the PD, i requested the list and from there I do my homework before telling them which PD I want to use.
I’m a lousy 2nd time mommy coz I totally forgot what are contraction like liao so I oso dun know if the cramps and back sng sng considered or not…so uncomfy leh…

I’m thinking of Perth or Melbourne if the plan materialize…HKG a good choice too for the Disneyland…

OMG, next visit then give somemore…if I’m you, oso feel insecure man…
Luckily i have checked out with gynae. He is very funny, said 99% he will be ard, then asked me, ok?? haha

But if last min gynae has other committments can't attend during the delivery, also bobian.
Thks Catherine! Yea.. i think u're very rite! i shall do that. My PD is oso the gyane choose one. Din even get any list. Duno y i so damn suay kena this type of last min shit.

M2B: Champion rite! Sure feel like unsure abt them one rite. sighs..
hi mummies,
i'm back from review. everything ok liao. no more contractions. no need to take medicine liao after i finished what i have. gynae say water level and placenta all good and baby is comfy in there. so see him in 2 weeks times. but if anything that i don't feel good, just go back.
Tks Snow74!!

Vone, pls add in my info:
My details Age: 31, Staying in North East,
Dr Peter Chew at Gleneagles, Baby# 1 Girl, EDD 29-Aug '08

BTW, Mummies - any formula milk brand to recommend for NB bbies? Am collecting info/recommendations so i can standby to buy
Hi Mummies,

I bought too many baby clothings for my gal even before she is borned. Kekekeke!!

Where do you think are the places to sell them? All BN and in original packaging.

Didn't realise that I bought soooooo many til recently I start to take them out for washing.
I have initialy shortlisted Enfalac, Frisco, Similac and Nan. Frisco is recommended by my cousin whom said both my nieces and nephews take and no problem with poo poo etc.. Similac is suppose to be a good brand too but it seems that alot of babies have problem with poo poo after taking cos quite heaty. But my godsons take them no prob. Nan and Enfalac, I read on review seems good.

And from the list, I have finally decided on Enfalac
But do bear in mind that like diapers, every baby reacts differently to different brands of milk. Some will have problem poopoo some wont.. some may like the taste some dont. So probably shortlist more than 1 to be safe
Hey Sylvia, you can try if can do it here. Hahaa..got anything nice can share with us la, maybe i might buy some from u? LOL.


Catherine, Yea i've heard of Similac with the poopoo issue. My hubby's niece/nephew oso using Nan. Ok then i shall aim for Enfalac and Nan. I heard from another fren that both her sons took Frisco and they had sinus all the time. And when she changed the brand she claims that both her sons recovered! Duno how zhun this info is la..
Dear mummies to be,

My apology for interluding, i am helping to sell this as the owner is stopping breasfeeding due to insufficient milk. Items are new, brought but did not use.

1) Brand new "My Breast friend" supportive pillow for breastfeeding.

2) 1 tube of 37g Medela PureLan cream

Please PM if interested.
chin chin,
when u mentioned cannot bend inside the car, i imm think of humpty dumpty, cos i also feel the same way ..feel like humpty dumpty now... round and cannot see my tighs.

lucky u havent pay him, can change doc like what catherine mentioned wor.

u not bad mommy lah, preggie tend to be forgetful mah, rem ? so all of us are at the forgetful stage, dun rem this and that..

is the hormones, nothing to do with being a good or bad mommy ya.

re: holidays.
wa...see u all planning , i also wanna go holiday lei..when can we travel with newborn ? make passport not too early rite ? since their face changes so quickly.

good to hear ur bao bao doing well inside, just rest more and dun worry too much k.
Yeah mine was Dr Heng but for me that time I shaved just 2 weeks before the edd...I shy lah so dun want them to shave for me. But of cos a bit difficult cos now in our final stage the tummy is blocking the view... so hor I use mirror and so very slowly....For me I scared waxing so bo pian got to shave..
avocado, i think all of us hope to have such a quick delivery like u

val, me and hubby consider customer service at first point of contact. so far, we went to nation, maid mgt and best helper. all were quite good. nation was the most professional although the rates are ex. my MIL also says they are generally quite gd. we went to one that was lousy. the agency's name is crislo. the fella down there was scolding a customer for asking stupid questions!!! their maid profiles were gd but i dun think i will ever go back to them.
medusa, i can't decide between waxing and shaving. i dun think i want to do brazilian wax, at most bikini. but if i do that, i think i still need to shave certain areas. maybe get my hubby to help? haha.

I am using Avent's nipple cream that do not need to wash away before BF. I am using it now, after using very soft and smooth. Hahaha!!


Tks for the link.
I place some of them in the below link: http://galmum.blogspot.com/2008/07/july-list.html

U find anything u want, can tell me lah.

I still have boxes not open yet. Some might have more to sell. :p... kanjong spider buy so many.....

You can go holiday after baby is 2 weeks by air regulation. So after your confinement, you can travel with baby.
Interrace, im selling coz hubby bought another stroller..exactly the same one.. *faint* :p

vone: can help me update my bb's weight 2.35kg @34wks..Thanks!!! Is he on the small side?? Me n hubby quite big size leh..so wondering if its me who didnt eat enough??
hey ladies!
bbmall is giving me a headache this round, think got 5 items missing.
give me some time to write to them for refund, i'll update everybody again on a re-calculated spreadsheet okie? =(

its not sleepy after c-sect, its the giddiness.
just be careful when u come down to walk the 2nd day can liao lor.
think after u walked for awhile and let the blood circulate, u will feel alrite le. =)
but make sure u walk abit after they took off all those tubes hor, its really helps.

my gal took friso, so far no sinus lah.
never heard my friend's gal got problem with friso also lor.
Interrace: Yes, yes!! The area btw my legs also feel sng sng leh!! I thot maybe I squat down too much thats why abit muscle pain.... Thanks Vone for your explaination.

So cramps should be quite normal hor??

Yah, now, walk like penguin like that, so funny!
I was thinking, instead of waxing or shaving, i can do a trim a wk or 2 b4 the edd. ya, hard to do it now may be get hubby to help loh.....but hor i'm afraid that it may get really itchy during delivery when the hair started to grow!!!! hahahaha.........aiyah so gross. may be i'll leave it as it is and pray hard that they forget to shave me again
Haha! Yeah i was thinking if I cannot reach for some places.. shd ask hubby to help!! Have you done waxing before? If yes then maybe waxing better... I think we must neaten up abit lah... later look like cecilia cheung! : p
Medusa: Haha..i think i'll do tt too! I oso shy..

Interrace: Hahaa..yea sounds like humpty dumpy to me too! LOL...i know the feelin...lol

Sylvia: No probs

Nini: i oso got the same worry as u leh. But gynae says ok..then ok loh...as long still healthy can liaoz. Heh. Me n hubby oso big size..that's y wonder y bb like quite small compared to others. Gynae ask me to eat lesser somemore! Bleahh...

Snow74: Hehe..so probably it's coincidence bah hor. Heh.
Yeah its the growing part that is poke-ky... but if you dun shave this time sekali the midwife got to do for you! hahaha

Btw I emailed you about the maid thingy you asked me...
huichin: Ya lor..I put on 14kg already!! That means the weight all goes to me lah....haiz..But gynae say bb small easier to deliver. My sis who is due in July, only put on 7kg (2nd pregnancy) n her bb is also medium size.. envy man!
Nini: i put on abt 12kg, aredy damn scared liao...cos always feel hungry so eat n eat..one shot eat lesser, but i realise frequent smaller meals makes me put on MORE weight as compared to 3meals a day leh! Piangs...OMG i envy ur sis! Put on 7kg only?? Good siah.....
sorry, i dun understand what spreadsheet of next spree?
that spreadsheet is a calculation breakdown of current spree, i wun have a spreadsheet of next spree if no 1 ordered in the 1st place lor.
u got what i mean? -_-"
u can refer to my previous post on the way to calculate oversea purchases, cos i think its sensitive to send out a doc when $ is concerned leh....

ya, sometime heng heng is like that 1.
hee hee....
cos some of my friends also told me similac got no problem in poo poo, so it really depend on individual bb ya?

u actually peep peep cecilia cheung's photos har?
hee hee....
One of my colleague shared her story abt childbirth. She is a great advocator of natural birth and with no epi..in the end she told me just go for epi...v painful...she was in labour pain for half a day before her gynea told her dilation taking too long, go for c-section. Double pain...so she said next birth, she will go for epi..

I also hope i can do without epi..not sure how painful it will be...will play by ear..but hope to go thru natural birth..experience it.
Medusa: Hahaha..but i think her those pics were taken before her pregnancy la.. Coz even c-sec also must shave... so it couldnt have grown into like a jungle...

typo error... I mean to keep me on ur next spree. For ur previous post... which date ar? In the archive?
medusa, i never done waxing leh, so dunno how painful it is. i only tried epilating and shaving. was told hard wax not so painful. i'm only considering waxing coz' the hair follicles won't grow so fast and stubby, so not that itchy. if i shave, i tend to scratch a lot coz' it gets itchy when the hair follicles start to grow again. sigh, so problematic!
Heeehee... that was the topic of the town then.
Hard to miss.. but quite gross lah : p

Hahaha! I like yr analysis

Maybe dun shave all.. but trim at least neater..
For me I wil just get rid of all the hair.. heck!
Altho later suffer la cos prickly

Perth is really nice.. Your gers can run around at King's Park & visit the wildlife centres. It has been ages since I've been to Melbourne.. Maybe can aim for OZ after going HK


Spring in Japan wld be so beautiful! Ur ger wld look so cute in the cold wear! *heehee*


Hmm, i think so long as bb can take traveling & can sleep well anyway, go ahead & enjoy yourself! My fren took her bb with her to USA, imagine tt veryvery long flight!!


BW's pain really doesn't last long.. At the worst, only when the therapist is removing the hardwax. I walked out of the salon all okie to go shopping.. heehee
Is epilating painful? U got the gadget urself or went to a salon to get it done?


Oooh, the loot is in.. Heheh, u can start ur ah long action soon! Is it convenient to pick up from ur place today? If not, I can wait till Thursday.. *heehee*

trees in jungle will grow up after some time 1 mah....
those pics can be taken after birth also lor.

normally we will jio each other to buy inside this thread, no fixed date for next spree lah.
just make sure u stay tune, do log in frequently okie? =)
u mean u want the bbmall calculation method har?
[(item price - 20%) x forex rate] + [vpost(base charge + shipping charge) - 12%] = final price!
