(2008/08) Aug 2008

you gals are so lucky - got mom/sis to cook. we have to find our own food and i'm still trying to cook my own meals daily. our parents/ in-laws dunno about the pregnancy, and quite fortunately, my MS is not that noticeable.

hmm...between baked beans and fried veg, i think my stomach tells me to choose the former. too bad if i burp or fart after that, haha. i think the oil in the fried veg will make me more sick :p

My sis didn't cook cos I'm preggy, she cook every night for us....hee hee....she didn't know yet, she only know I dun like the foods she cooked. That is why I'm feeling sorry for her. =P
Hi Little Twin Stars,
What else besides beans to avoid for burping hah? I must take note coz I really cannot stand the burping liao...wonder when all these ending man...

Hi Krex and Snow,
Already told my mum to cook kiam chye with lean meat for me tonight...for me, everyday mom will cook coz we are staying with her from Mon to Thu, Fri and weekends we will go back to our own place...all bcoz of my dear gal coz she is bbsitted by my mom although she goes to full-day cc now...
if you dont intend to see gynae yet, why dont you call gynae and ask if you can take B6 or not? if can then just buy from pharmacy lor...

some people advised against eating "tonic" in 1st trimester, so be careful on what you put inside your black chicken... duno if you believe or not...

me going back to my MIL house for fried beehoon and ikan bilis for dinner... now drinking milo with some kueh balu cos lunch only ate 1/4...

seems like some MTBs have not told their parents and siblings yet?
yeah, i scared miscarriage so dun want to raise their hopes too high yet. anyway 1st trimester nothing very exciting. can't see any big changes yet.

hmmm...i'm not too bothered by what i can or cannot eat. gynae only said reduce caffeine, no alcohol (but she said occasional glass is fine leh - i'm so surprised!). i'm also not taking pineapple or raw food. but for the rest, i don't really care too much. as long as i don't overdo it, i think it shld be fine.

i have very bad gas probs in early preg so dr say avoid all beans...including soyabean drink (that one i drink already very bad gas! sometimes painful n uncomfortable when can't burp out or fart also pain
, cabbage, brocoli, garlic, onions.....

think can search the web for food that causes flatuence or gas. but 2nd trimester can eat liao jus not first trimester cos we tend to have bad gas in first tri. but not all have it
hah? brocoli also cannot? i tot it was one of the healthiest vegs to eat. like that what can we eat leh? chin chow too cooling and soya bean will make u burp. xian.
<font color="0000ff">little twin stars</font>
I have read that Vit B6 can help curb nausea. So it does work for you huh.
Actually for the past couple of days, I don't have nausea. Just at night, got slight slight nausea.
But I still no good appetite. See food, I just no mood to eat. I just forced myself to eat to avoid getting gastric.

<font color="0000ff">QiQi0505</font>
Understand how you feel. That time when I had bad bad nausea, I also was in terrible mood. I ever cried also coz can't sleep at night.
But luckily for the past couple days, my nausea like almost gone liao.
You just "ren" a couple more weeks bah (i know it's easier said than done). It will get better.

<font color="0000ff">M2B</font>
Share with you something: My ex-manager ever told me her method to handle her gal's jealousy. Her 1st kid is 4yo gal, then she had a baby boy. She said every night when she reach home from work, the very 1st thing she does is hug &amp; kiss &amp; talk to her gal. After that, then only she'll go hold the baby.
I think that is a good method. I've seen many a times, mommies (unintentionally) neglect the 1st kid coz too focus on the newborn baby.

<font color="0000ff">Ratatouille</font>
. Yes goodbye to unhappy 2007. Let's have a great and happy 2008.

for my case cos i'm having twins n i didn;t eat much at all ( i eat less than my dog! eats in a day ) quite bad so dr asked me to take ensure milk and gave me vit b6 to help.

early preg was very bad for me, nausea n totally no appetite.my nausea also mainly in the evenings then it moved to lunch and dinner.
when nausea hits, i'll be crying while belging. can't control lei.
i need more protein n nutrients for my twins so no no choice dr prescribe all these.

now my app is back
but i can't skip the vits. i must always eat b4 meals if not

think we will be getting better cos we are near 2nd trimester
wow.. this thread moves so fast! i am kind of lost.

i have not mop the floor for 2 wks already and its so sticky now. Gosh. Felt so so so... tired. really got no energy gor housework.
my house really smells now - with 2 dogs somemore. Gosh. Anyone got part time maid to recommended in Seng Kang? - someone who dun mind clearing doggies newspaper etc?

twin - the dr did not tell me abt the bb heartbeat. i saw it on the report myself - it was written cardiac activity - Yes 60 beat per min. That's when i learnt abt bb heartbeat. But i guess i must not forget to keep faith no matter what happen.

mullberry - i bought Mylanta already. WOW so expensive!!! $20 + !!!!! and the bottle looks so cheapstake. Hee... taste just like the Actual i took just that it is liquid form. I wonder why it stated 'double strength'.

by the way do i take it after meal or before?? i need your (or any other mtb perhaps?)assurance that it is safe for preggy mtb, coz i bought this myself and not fr the gynae. and my hubby kept asking is it safe because of the words ' double strength' - sounds very potent medicine.
Hug, sorry i cant help on dat coz i didnt take. Mayb is good for u to call ur gynae to check b4 eating.
<font color="0000ff">hug_me</font>
My gynae (Dr. LC Cheng) assured me it's safe for preggies to take. And because my next appt is quite long time, I bought 1 extra bottle first. Then he said to me, don't worry, if you finished the bottle and need more, you can buy directly from pharmacy. No need doctor's prescription to buy it.
Mine is I got from my gynae's clinic. So there's no packaging. The full name is called <font color="119911">Mylanta DS Liquid</font>. It's white colour liquid. Mine is 180ml bottle and costs $11+.
Wah yours so expensive. Is it very big bottle?? How many ml is it?
<font color="0000ff">little twin stars</font>
My gynae didn't give me any vit pills to take. Only ask me take folic acid.
I told him my diet lately is no good. I can't eat much vege and fruits. So I told I'm worried for the baby. But he asked me not to worry. He said for the 1st trimester, the baby does not depend on our food intake. So he just ask me to eat whatever I can eat. And later come 2nd tri, only need to monitor my diet.

Yeah, can't wait until reach 2nd tri, then should be completely no more nausea and can eat those good food!
hug, i think u better check wif ur gynae if urs is diff brand. coz hor i m afraid diff manufacturer will ve diff dosage.

mine is prescribed by dr loh. think no prob. i was even given meds for bad gas but for only 3days. mine is a big turquoise bottle. it is safe for preg. moreover i'm on anti biotics for bladder infection now. my body has so much meds!

i was only prescribed vit b6 4 nausea. dr say first trimester no need multi vits. only my last visit when i requested than the dr on duty gave me.
ensure was becos i couldn;t stomach food so need it for a full meal type of drink
hi little twin star
i also have srong craving for pepsi, coke, as long as anything sweet...die..dunno will kena diabetes anot..my colleague was saying if the cravings are for sweet stuff, chances its a boy..but i dun believe..anyway..will have to wait for scan then will know..i know what u mean when u have no idea what to eat...me too...everything seem bland and boring ..sigh...i hate to eat now...
Thx. I can just buy vit B6 over the counter har? Guardien Pharmacy has it? Its not that I dun wanna tell anybody that I'm preggy, just feel pai seh to go around telling people about that lor. Wait till my 9th week, think everyone will know by themself liao lah....hee hee...

Then think my gynae more ks lor. Cos beside vit, iron and folic acid, I was given DHA also. ha ha...

Beside pepsi and coke, I crave for fruit tarts also. Last nigh before going to bed, still gotta eat 2 slices of rockmelon. All those sweet sweet things.
Snow, dunno lei. but for most of my fren is also folic acid for 1st tri. Juz follow wat our gynae give us ba
hi everyone.
Just found out from my gynae that my EDD is 12 Aug. Looks like i can join u ladies.

My gynae is Dr Douglas Ong and I'll likely deliver at Mt A again.

Yes, this is my #2...my 1st was born Dec 06.
Thanks for the welcome!

yes, i go to his clinic at 10mile junction. i live at bukit panjang.

He delivered my #1 too.

Sigh, Im also suffering from MS...how i envy those with no MS...
Good Morning Mommies…
I just went to see GP for my cough and after checking with my gynae, he advised me not to take those medication given...hiaz...he asked me to go and get from his clinic instead...waste my $ although I have told GP that I'm pregnant and he assured that the medicine is safe...luckily I checked w gynae again...

Hi Little Twin stars,
Thanks, will try to take note of those things…really frustrated w the burping thus I ask GP just now whether I can take antacid to reduce the wind and he said it is ok…

Hi Mulberry,
Thanks for the tips. I always hug my gal when I get back home daily, hope I won’t be distracted by the NB next time.

Hi Hug me,
I was deciding between buying Mylanta and Antacid yday and end up buying the latter coz cheaper…:p My sis oso said at least antacid milder thus maybe safer lor…

Hi bobianah,
Welcome &amp; CONGRATS!
thanks M2B!

Aiyo...feel so guilty...just finished a greasy packet of fried kway teow mee with egg &amp; fish cake n some chilli. *burp*
Hope it doesn't come back and haunt me later!!
Ai yo, bobianah....u still can eat that ah? So envy leh, cos me can't eat those food since 2 wks ago lor.
wow, morning ladies
so many post

i watch my diet too. i only take sips. when i drink ribena, it;s vey diluted cos i'm more scared of insulin jabs!
i heard a diff theory that craving for sweet stuffs is going to be a girl. for me, my cravings r all over n i have no iintuition if i'm going to have girl or boy. both heaklthy can allready

welcome bobianah

yr nic is funny if u read it in hokkien ,heehee
u must have a sense of humor
maybe you can try MUG rootbeer which is caffeine free...

B6 is a common vitamin, think can get from pharmacy...though i have not bought it before...
Today my condition very bad leh, hopefully still can tahan to go out and buy lor. Feelilng very cold and tired now, the urge to vomit also worsen. But thanks anyway. =)
<font color="0000ff">little twin stars</font>
wah the Ensure is so good, like full meal type. Where to get it ar? Can I buy outside on my own?

<font color="0000ff">bobianah</font>
welcome and congrats!
Did you also have MS for your #1?

<font color="0000ff">M2B</font>
hmmm...wah your gynae so KS.
Mine same as Ratatouille's, as long as tell GP i'm preggie, it should be fine.
One of my fren (when she's preg) also told me same thing, whenever she sick, she just go see GP. She said it's the same medicine, just remember to tell GP it's for preggies.

Actually I find Mylanta is mild le. Coz it can't subside my gastric pain. My gynae said if have gastric pain attack, can take it. But it doesn't work for me. Too mild liao. Just work for me to reduce the stomach acidy feeling.
all MTB,
i just found myself preg, and would like to u all, u all experiencing any cramps?? i'm having it and a bit worried. am going to see my gynae today...mine still quite early stage i guess..

you can get it frim cold storage od ntuc u think. i got mine from kkh's pharmacy. there is the powder type or the ready made type. i always get ready made ones. for 1 can i drink half in the morning and half at night before i sleep es if my gastric is bad that day.

for myalanta, when the gastric cramps hit badly, not only must u take that. tey to take a slice of bread or cracker. it helps absorb the acid fast so it's more effective......at least for me la. if not on it's own it doesn't help me when the pain is very bad.
Hi Mummies,

My last LMP was on 26th Nov, should be 5wk+ preg liao.
For me not so much symptoms, heavy breast, nipple grown bigger, areolas darkens, slight cramp.

Bec there's not much other symptoms it does make me worried if BB is growing well.

Next visit is on 12th Jan for BB heartbeat scan.

Hopefully everything is well.

Takcare MTB.
<font color="0000ff">little twin stars</font>
Thanks for the info. OK, will go look out for it in ntuc near my place, see got or not. May I know the full name? or is Ensure the full name liao? Me blur blur, scared get the wrong one.

This week luckily so far no more gastric attack. Somewhere last week, got once it was so bad, eat Mylanta and crackers also no use, in the end I had to take medicine (that my gynae gave but ask me to take only if realy no choice). Then the next day got gastric attack again, but not so bad coz can subside after taking Mylanta, 6 pieces of crackers and cup of Milo. (hee...i eat so much right...)

<font color="0000ff">kit_mum2b</font>
I too had cramps during my early weeks. Actually I had cramps before my AF due date. I tot my AF was coming then...keke..
So that means I had it when I was week 3. But after week 5, no more liao.
Unless it's very painful cramps, don't worry bah.

<font color="0000ff">Kiki__koro</font>
Since you only 5+weeks, still early for MS to hit it (but of coz you might not get it as not every MTB will get it). My MS only hit me when I was week7.
hehe. I hv MS...i was feeling queasy...but at the same time wanted to eat the fried kway teow mee...so i just went ahead and bot it!
I told my gynae, what i was most scared of was putting on too much weight again like i did the last time!!

Little twin stars
heehee! thanks for noticing!
hmmm...my hb sometimes complain my sense of humour beri slow. i always tell him "preggie mah, slower". :p

Yes, i oso had MS for #1...till abt 14wks or so...ugh...now all the memories come rushing back! those were miserable weeks...24/7 nausea.
Now my SOP is to bring plastic bag with me everywhere i go.
I really dun want to leave my DNA all over the place...

When my gynae said I shd be feeling ok by CNY, i told him "But I cannot eat YU SHENG!!!" and he tell me eat without the raw fish lor. and i said, but that's not the same!!!! I like the raw fish!!!
maybe this time i can enjoy abalone yu sheng instead. bwahahahaha! :p I better go and buy a can of abalone for my mum to prepare it. keke!
<font color="0000ff">Ratatouille</font>
I think you are the lucky ones whom don't have MS le.

Is it, got so late at week10 only hit MS? Usually I read is after week10 no more MS.

<font color="0000ff">bobianah</font>
I'm hokkien but my hokkien not good...keke.. I only got your nick's meaning after little twin stars mentioned it....keke.

wah your #1, only after week14 your MS is gone? So long... Hopefully this time, not so long ya.

I also like Yu Sheng! But luckily I don't like the raw fish part, I like the crunchy crunchy things..haa..dunno what they are called.
welcome on board bobianah and kiki...

i still dun get the joke out of bobianah's nick... i think im even slower... hahahaa...
welcome kiki,

having mild on off cramps is very common in early stages of preg. i had it too until i think 6wks?
hi all, today don't seem to have much MS. went for kuay chap and soya bean drink just now. yummy! hope i stay this way till dinner, coz' my MS usually creeps in from afternoon till evening...
Got lah, my last preggy only ganna serious MS on 10th week. Sounds funny, but its real. 1 week only, and its over. But hope Rat is alrite thru out lor. =)

Hi Kit_mum &amp; kiki,
Welcome &amp; congrats!

Hopefully all of us are well by cny bah.
Me also like raw fish, think gotta take ur suggestion about abalone liao...hee hee.....

my GP didn't want to give me cough syrup and flu medication at all...say to recover on my own...so terrible..it took me 2-3 weeks to recover..

i visit his clinic at ten mile junction too...good that u still have appetite...i had subway just now..and i think i threw up half the sandwhich already....so sian..

wat medication does he give you? i read that the other m2bs seeem to have other sort of medications...

thanks for the suggestion...will go and buy some..

little twin stars
yup...as long as bb healthy..boy or girl doesn't matter...
