(2008/08) Aug 2008

hi mummies!

haven't been into this site for a long time. hope everyone's been keeping well.

i started a blog recently, reviewing different products i buy. too much of a shopaholic! ;P some local, some taobao, most online!

it's www.shopaholicmin.wordpress.com

do take a look and let me know what you think!


Morning mummies!

Haven't had time to check in here for a while. How's everyone?

U r a hero la. Can still bring bbM all over Singapore with ur big tummy.

Happy Birthday!

Super agree with u on the Gangnam craze. Anvelle was the flower gal at a colleague's wedding. N one of the brothers disturb the kids, asking them to dance gangnam style in. N omg, all 4 kids (2 fr M'sia, 2 fr SGP) know how to do it! N i din know my gal knows how to dance.

I'm officially being grounded with exemption that I only travel in cab or send & fetch by hb nw.

That's rule set by HB!

sch hol must bring ard , but I hv activities prepared at home. Wont be going roadshow & crowded places though.
that's why i say you are power mommy. i won't bother to plan any activities or go anywhere loh. if there is a need for me to travel, i will make sure its just cab and nothing else.

sg transportation is safe mah.

sch hol is where kids get to expose to different activities mah. I cant travel to legoland or whatever nw, so hv to plan local ones.

Plus zoo & night safari pass expired n wont renew till later, so hv to look out for other venues.
even i have zoo or night safari pass, i also won't go loh. hahaha..... so much walking and with a kid.

lucky i don't have school holiday. hahahaha..... where got so much energy to go around.

i don't have a big tummy to carry also haven't plan for lego land yet. no right time to go leh.

zoo & night safari wkday have tram, so I can take n alight when I need to. no need to walk too much esp now.

Maybe that's y I can be SAHM loh. plus dun go out or do anything , will be bored at home without activities mah.

I tot u wanna go in Dec? dunna liao ar?
morning mommies

have tram ride still ok. not that don't go out but cut down loh.

i want to go but very hard to plan a good day leh.

4 dec - yu ze has camp in cc (eric carle's programme at science centre)
5 dec - yu ze has camp in cc (mad sciene at serangoon branch)
6 dec - babies prom concert
9 dec - fantastic fox
10 dec - yu ze has camp in cc (making an angry bird robot)
12 dec - yu ze has camp in cc (super hero dress up christmas party at serangoon branch)
13 - 17 dec - genting & kl
26 - 28 dec - hubby must go back to school.

my dec is packed loh. i have to submit 3 reports to govt by end of the year which i can only work after 10 dec. very tight schedule loh.

i'm trying to squeeze a hello kitty trip first. maybe a lego if can. why delay in lego cos a lot of ride has height limit of 100cm which is still far away for yu ze loh. bring him there, there will be quite a no of ride that he can't play.

Fantastic Mr Fox is very nice!!

Dec will be lesser activities as I dunna to deliver too early too.
But will be busy these few weeks, so bring ard where I promised her, pack my stock, clear them as i need the room, chase someone to set up playpen, changing station etc. so Dec shld be as busy at home.
good to know. i book quite late and almost couldn't get any tickets.

you need to rest. don't do too much. 2nd child delivery can be very fast. where are you going to leave bbm when you deliver?

ya, heard might be earlier than EDD & faster too.

She will be with hb as dun think she can be with anyone other than both of us. she will be staying with me when I am in hospital.

so packing activities for her too!

yes. Dun think she can go in and see right.

I thinking if she goes in , will it be good or bad for her as maybe too young to understand so much blood n pain & dun like #2. So better.... she stay outside with daddy. she did well the last round with daddy. Came back n hang me tight tight.

So let her do the same.
hi mummies!
funny, seems like only my this pc running XP can log into forum, another running Win7 de cannot.
i tot forum is down leh...ha ha...or its so old till display engine only works on XP? >D
morning mummies! =)

oh...really ah? i still tot its my win7 laptop got problem...hee hee...until i surrender and use my xp system, so zun zun forum up liao. =P
evening mommies

i was on course today and will be tomorrow too. can't come in here. forum is not down lah, i was accessing it everyday. with the other threads too.
morning mummies. =)

celyn & rata
enjoy ur course & team building...i continue to sit down at my seat, looking at ppl busy shifting. =P
hello mommies

just back from hello kitty land and the little big club. we had so much fun. reach there at around 10.30am and left at 4.45pm.
afternoon mommies

how long you need to spend at that place depends on your kids bah.

hello kitty town and the little big club is 2 theme park inside a building (shopping mall, i think). currently, there is nothing in that building except the 2 theme park. nothing at the surrounding too. you go there really just for the theme park.

hello kitty town is 1 level on its own. the little big club has 2 level. 1 level on thomas only and 1 level with bob the builder, pingu, barney and angelina ballerina.

for us, its a wonderful place cos mommy likes hello kitty. the kids are ok with hello kitty took. yu ze loves thomas, yu xi also like it. barney is yu xi favourite and she likes bob the builder. yu ze is ok with bob the builder and barney too. basically, they likes everything there.

they took part in all the activities there except for 2 thomas ride due to height limit. yu ze almost cried when they turn him away. yu xi is sad cos bj and baby bop is not there. but we all have fun and refuse to leave. hahaha....

mommy here transform into a little girl and walking in her fantasy world with all the kitty around her. hahaha.....

i ask them if they like, both say yes. then i ask if they want to go again? yu ze say we go tomorrow again (which is today). i told him cannot, another day.
morning mummies! =)

sounded fun leh.
my gal keep asking me on that, so i told her next school holiday lor....hee hee...
hopefully by next yr wun have height limit problem liao lor. =P
morning mommies

i think next year, i won't have chance loh. don't think he will grow that tall within a year. he's only 94cm leh.
what is the min height? =P
zynn also 98cm now nia... -_-"
if its 120cm, then both gals cannot take liao. =(
Hi Mummies.

110cm is like quite some time later wor. Haven't measured velle in a long time though. Only know that she is definitely above 90cm. By the way, any of you paying bus/train fares for our little ones?
yup, 110cm is around k2.
eh...pardon me, no hard feeling but has it come across ur mind that u wanna let yu ze take up some sports?
i can see zynn growing tall abit after she started tkd lor, not sure but she might be taller than 98cm le...cos 97.8 is last known. =P

not yet, was planning k2 time.
cos now she still prefer to sit on my lap, never take up 1 seat and seldom take bus so was thinking its ok? -_-"
we sign him up for gym class in cc but that class stop due to teacher's timing. so no more class lah. i might sign him up for swimming next year after his berries class. its the plan, not finalise yet.
Nana think velle is already 105cme leh!

Bus fare nt yet though I have the card.

usually ride is 110cm or some is 100cm, I know USS all 110cm & above.

Wait for me able to move ard,will sign up the long awaited ballet class! LOL!!
cos think once they have the chance to jump and jump alot in sport regularly, u can see a diff in their height faster lor. =P

oic...that time we went genting, some of the indoor ride is only for 140cm. =(

u found a suitable ballet school liao ah? =)
bbm not very short, no need jump too much lah..hee hee..
talking abt height now they seem to stop growing. 1yr onli like 2-3cm.... My Jac is onli measuring 105cm lei. (sorry dun mean to anything) but Jac swimming class got a gal same yr as her also july but early July is at least half a head taller than her lor.

Sports helps in growning tall? I dun see it though Jac is on swimming class lei, or swimming doesnt helps?
zynn also jump jump jump on bed, but dunno why that dun help leh. =P
she has been stopping at 96cm for very very long, till she join tkd in aug and measured 97.8cm in end sept...now not sure. -_-"

i mean sports that required jumping...might not sounded logical lah.
the qn now is...105cm not enough for a 4yr old kid ah? dun scare me leh....
its her friend that is over too tall liao, or really 105cm not enough?

snow, i dunno lei. But dat gal is born 1st july 2008 where Jac is 27 july 2008 but the height diff is half a head lor.

i thot swimming also count coz when they do their breast stroke the leg is kicking too.
