(2008/08) Aug 2008

i know what you mean. we just came back from airport. now watching tv for a while, then take pail and spade to dragon playground.

i niao lah. won't want to pay for playground since there is free one around. rather use the money to buy toys, at least i see the physical toys longer and seems to make my money more worth it.

oh...ur kiddos let u come back so early ya?
normally when we go airport, both gals will "run" till as late as possible de.
they will "ride" from terminal to terminal, siong ah...ha ha....
but hb like there also, cos not much to spend...beside need to chase after them lah. >P
we sit from terminal to terminal to terminal liao. not walking into terminal, just from sky train 1 to 2 to 3 like that, no 'shopping' inside. only went to viewing mall at t1 to see aeroplane. thought they have those free playground but don't have. so they say they want to come back and watch tv, then go dragon playground to play sand. so we left loh, then they nap in the car. now watching tv, waiting for the sun to 'set' a bit and not so hot then we go dragon playground
the playground in t3 basement, near to the foodcourt...but its those small small 1. =)
let them enjoy bah, how i wish i also have timme to bring ma gals to go play sand.
can't help, no more leave. -_-"

I know where u r referring to.
If I go there, usually will go there , if nt, near arrival at T3 also hv. alot of play area.
morning mummies. =)

for me i very scared both gals go t1 de, cos lotsa running space mean we gotta run with them too. -_-"
hahahah... its a good place for them to run. i always tell them, they can run but if too far and can't find it. they don't cry. so what they do is run up and down.
#1 can....my that rat, no matter how u shout also no use kind.
unless its the jie jie that called her, she is very sensitive to her jie jie's instructions.
and she can run very fast liao, so we gotta chase till siao every time. =P
hahahah.... with my tiger around. my rat is consider 'guai' loh. hahaha..... my tiger is more prone for accident, always fall down.
looks like #2 on avg more active ya?
ha ha....

ai yo...i listen to zynn singing gangnum style at home, here still gotta listen to my col playing same song...faint!
i keep seeing/hear about this gangnum style. what exactly it is?

i think #2 is more active cos they are younger and don't understand what is danger as compare to #1 bah. so they are more daring.
morning mummies. =)

actually when 1st few times watching zynn dancing and singing that is quite fun, but so long liao feel abit something not so rite lor. =P
anyway, that mtv is definitely not for kids.

even Macdonald uncle is dancing that lor!!

t1.. ok lah. run around nt crowded is ok. I always go to such places to let rat run wild. kekeke!!
hihi, mummies! =)
both my gals no class, how i wish i'm with them now...but my annual leave...haiz...dun say better.
#1 school exam marks recording day, all the teachers will be busy keying in marks and records (grades and classes for next yr) will be generated.
#2, also forgotten why she no class today...ha ha...

what happen to bbm?

dun go zoo liao lah, not only rain but her face swollen should be quite uncomfy to run under sun also rite? =(
dunno wat happ, nt allegry. doctor just gave anti-bio which i din give since y on anti bio when dun even noe wat's wrong. din give anything to apply too.

she's ok, just more teh bao.
nurse said her pain tolerance v high.

hahahaha!! graduation rehearsal?

she asking to go & nxt wk, my pass gng to expire, so thinking hv to go again... but raining loh.

she took elephant alone last wk. this wk, she said wanna feed animals & play water. ;P
morning mummies! =)

hope bbm is better today.

then u bring her there earlier? normally rain in the afternoon, morning like ok lor.

still swollen but nt so red. I apply my secret lotion since doctor also cant tell me wat.
prep to go soon. hv to cook udon for her to eat.
sayang yu xi, u take care too.
#1 also running 38+ degree high fever past 2 nites....i haven been sleeping, so understand how u feel.
the only diff is, at least yu xi still has mummy next to her now. =)
try to let her drink more water, and rest.
lets jia you!
she develop fever this morning at over 39 degree. she is sleeping on the bumper mat in the living room, watching barney half way and doze off. don't want any food, just drink milk only.

good thing is she is still easy to manage even when she is sick. she can just sit there and watch barney with her bolster and tutu and not bother me.
think she too sleepy to disturb u liao also bah, just rem to let her drink water as and when u can lor.

ya, this fever made them very sleepy.
imagine my chix used to sleep at 11pm+ de, haven 7pm already slept. =(

as far as i noe, some of the schoolmates also running high fever...maybe some virus spreading?
morning mommies

mine sick no sick also same one. no difference. she is ok liao, back to school spread her flu and cough germs

thanks. she is ok liao.
