(2008/08) Aug 2008

Morning mummies.

I hope I can go leh..I'm at somewhere so near yet so far..

problem is project rushing, lunch timing difficult to control...yr end, everything rushing.... =P

lotsa barbie? really har...see if wkend can go. =)
snow, oh!

this is the largest barbie doll collection on warehouse sales loh!

Just doll or with smaller doll, furniture, set of dress,mike, etc,etc.
nothing to prepare for me. order a cake for him to celebrate in cc. going to try to make some cookies as goodie bag for his friends. no more junk food for them. hahaha.....
morning mummies. =)

that is a gd idea...but cos zynn's bday fall on their school national day celebration day, so now still waiting for teacher to update me on that day school time etc... =(

my baking will only start a nite before bah, baking cupcakes instead of ordering cake so its easier for those who dun wanna eat cake or can't finish to bring it home. =)

so fast, all our rats 4 yr old liao...
hahaha... yah yah. that day i was disturbing him. i ask if his name is thomas loo yu ze. he say he is thomas yu ze. 'faint'
morning mummies

haahaha.... a friend's son also into mcqueen. so when we go her place, its all mcqueen and nothing. my place is all thomas. :p

i try to distract him and show him the mcqueen cake and ask if he wants that. he say yes. then i ask again, mcqueen or thomas cake? then he keep say thomas cake and no more mcqueen.
morning mummies. =)

celyn & ruixuan
look like the boys are more "focus" into things that they like ya?
why gals keep changing their mind...hmm... >P

if ask them what they like, they will tell me "dora, princess, hello kitty, etc..." -_-"
so, they risk of buying wrong thing at the wrong time is there...ha ha...

mine never changed wor. Just that I told her last year was this, this year we change to A or B? She said ok.

Anyway, she is singing birthday song to herself. I asked her who told her her birthday is coming, she pointed to herself and she said BBM.
ha ha...then maybe i have to change to ur asking technique, i've asked a very open qn bah. =P

she smart gal leh, zynn still confused as to which day is her bday...hee hee...

ya, maybe u try my type of asking. So I ask A or B, she said A, so never change anymore.

I think she dunno which is actual date, she just have the feeling that her birthday is near.
ya, think next yr dun ask open qn any more...just let them choose a or b. =P

maybe teacher mentioned before who are the aug bb in class? else her 6 sense very strong wor. -_-"
morning mummies

i hope its not a girl thing or i will have problem with yu xi next year. this year she had barney but end up not able to celebrate in cc cos yu ze was suspected of hfmd then. so both stay at home and i have a big 2 kg cake to finish. of course end up 3/4 end up in the dustbin tummy.

yu ze don't want to change. i had 3 years of thomas. wanted to do thomas cookie for them but the print is not clear so end up with mickey mouse cookie.

i din even tell her her birthday in aug leh. no one celebrates birthday too. teacher also never ask. she just suddenly start to tell me she gng to hv birthday soon and when i asked her birthday cake is early this year then we never talk about it anymore. she only start like last mth telling me her birthday is coming n her cake design.

I also think so, like me, so gng to train it to make it work for her too.


u only intro thomas to yu ze loh. wat u expect him to choose others leh. ur hse full of thomas n nothing else wor, of course choose thomas lah!
morning mummies. =)
waited the bus for half an hr, no bus so take cab...ended up traffic jam also, fated to be late in office today. =P

ha ha...next yr u tell me ok? hopefully its just my gals lor. >D
Morning, mummies!

Tell me abt it man! I ended with a rojak theme for Velle's CC bday celebrations last year becoz she changed her mind.
Cake - Angry Bird
Goodie Bag - Angry Bird stationary set in a McQueen/ Disney Princess Backpack
Balloons - Disney Princess
hahahh..... rojak also good mah. can anyhow buy.

he knows cars (mcqueen), chugginton too but he is not into as much as thomas loh. he plays with car too, but thomas still his favourite. i told him he has present waiting for him at home. his first reaction is, presents are thomas right?
Hi All,

Just popped in to say Happy Birthday to our Aug babies. Agreed with mommies that our lil adults have their own preference be it thomas, cars, princess series. How fast they have grown.
its ok lah, this yr mine also last mins rojak cos pcf last mins sudden change of venue for their national day celebration. -_-"

suddenly think of something...actually as a boy hor, he can remain faithful to his beloved is something very gd mah rite? =)

hello, long time no "chat"!
happy belated birthday to yu min also, how she enjoy her special day yesterday?
hahaha.... true too. also we spend so much on his thomas, he better loves his thomas forever and make my $$ worth.
hahaha... i'm trying to slowly 'make my toys disppear' and keep only lego, thomas, kitchen set and sylvavian families at home.
hee hee...think most of us are trying our best to do the same thing. =P

ya lor, lately only the few of us still active in here lor. =)
good, nice to hear that she had a great time.
now is the time they can really enjoy, once in pri school all the pressure will kick in liao. =(

I agreed that's why we just started her on writing & such. Wanna let her enjoyed her childhood.

Any mommies with 3 kids here? Just discovered I'm preggie. Feeling stressed out leh, cos #2 will be turning in 1wks time. Still feel like spending time with her.

Thanks. I wanna enjoying babying #2 for awhile longer. My #1 and #2 have 3years gap, wanted the same gap with #3. But guess its all fated.

I guess diff ppl diff preference :p For me, despite the 3YO gap, I feel #1 still not acting like big sister lor.
hahaha..... i'm not expecting them to act like a big brother or sister. afterall, they are kids themselves. as long as they don't 'bully', they 'help' when sibling needs, ok liao.

Guess I have too high hopes for #1, was expecting her to care for her sister. Instead, she always snatch #2 toys. Haiz. But saying that, #1 does love her sister dearly.
yes, they do fight at times. afterall, they themselves are kids. i always tell them if they don't share, whatever they are fighting for belongs to mummy. so now to prevent whatever is gone and becomes mummy's, they will take turn and share.

#1 will be playing with it for less than 1 min, #2 will be standing beside and say, ok, its my turn already. then #1 pass to her and it becomes #1 to say, ok, mei mei, its my turn. then #2 pass back to #1. this can go on and on till either one don't want to play.

Yours very guai. #1 like to snatch away #2 toys. Eg. meimei playing with bolster, #1 will snatch away, after I scold #1 she will take another bolster for meimei while keeping the trophy. But in fact, both bolsters are similar.
no lah. he is not guai. things like bolster, they have their own and its different. if he take mei mei's bolster, mei mei will scream. then i will look at him/scold him then he will return cos he know he is in the wrong and should not take mei mei's bolster. things that strictly belongs to him or mei mei, they know and don't share.

just like pacifier, yu ze know which one belongs to him and which one belongs to mei mei. when i manage to wean him off, even though he wants his pacifier back sometimes he also won't take mei mei's cos its not his. he will just whine with me.

for toys, its different, they share so its not really his toys or her toys.

this sharing technique had to do it consistently for them to get the idea and know that i do mean what i say. so life is easy for everyone once they knows the 'rules' around.
congrats! when is ur EDD for #3?

There's a few mums with #3, but nt active here, in fb, u see them.

ok lah. to me expose to all toys will let them have a more open concept of things n learn more open while letting them to choose among the huge range.

World is huge, so let the world of kid be huge to appreciate mother Earth's creations!



good loh every yr Thomas just diff design loh. No need to think for lazy mum.
hahaha... yes, its good for lazy mum like me. but hoh, i don't prepare anything much one loh. standard thomas cake, goodie bag is just 1 small pack of gummy bear, 1 small pack of hello panda and 1 small toy. i cheapo mummy. goodie bag won't exceed $1 each and no theme for goodie bag. this year, just give them a small pack of home made cookie. hahaha...... so from next year onwards, goodie bag will be cookie and nothing else.

My #2 barely 1YO, so cant fight with #1. Wait till she's bigger, everyone's guess is that #1 will be bullied by #2 next time :p cos I have a very fiercesome bunny.


Thanks. Think its by 1st week of April. My dear hubby dare to say 1st Apr! Faint.

its cos she is still too young to fight. when she started walking and know her 'right' then its different liao.

my 2 are better now cos they can 'communicate' and knows their rights. when #2 was young, all she do is bite #1 when she can't get what she wants from #1.
