(2008/08) Aug 2008

morning mummies. =)

thx, keep forcing vit c into hb...ha ha..
#1 so far so gd after completing her anti-biotic, hope everything remain "soon soon" lah.
morning mummies. =)
haze is back...

thx...but now abit difficult leh.
cos southen area nite time very hazy, almost whole family cough cough lor. =(
celyn & sylvia
think west area still not so bad, my house there south more hazy.
really lor, its causing abit of breathing uncomfy leh.
Morning mummies!

Happy teachers day to our educator mummies here!

For us with kids Gng to CC, no diff la. I still send Velle to skool n go to wk. Only today CC closed so gotta plan somewhere to bring her.
hi mummies! =)
happy teachers' day!

celyn & nana
ya, think when kids started school then will feel diff liao.
morning mummies. =)

sylvia & celyn
got me too lah...just that lately backache relapsed, difficult to sit down for too long to browse net nia lor. =P
was hoping zoo has one free entry like last year... but this yr dun hv.

but this yr... the day fell on my bird day so this year everyone celebrate with me! LOL!!!
thx...actually sort of used to it liao, like old friend liao...ha ha...
oic, ur house area there should have some activities for kids? =)

last yr got free entry meh? (sound like sua gu ya?) ha ha...

innovative abit, ppl cut cake n u cut mooncake?

ya.. last yr was after 6pm free but only open the kidz's world area, carousel is free. then they hv rabbit , pony for view. those hand art for $$. very small corner only lah.

but is like sit carousel non stop coz bbm wants to sit diff animals.

Ya... I planning to cut mooncake loh!! LOL!!
ya after 6pm, so the surrounding all dark n lighted with lanterns along the path to kidz's world.

Kinda suit the ambience of mooncake fest!

I ordered special handmade mooncake from a customer. Kekekeke!!
morning mummies. =)

also rite lah, else cannot see the light from all the nice lanterns.

wow, especially made for u leh....take photos and post ok?

but alot of ppl asked how come no animals loh!! LOL!!

of course all go home n zzzz, how can be free n let ppl see animals. wrong purpose too.

Ya.... I take pic when I collect tmr.
Morning mommies!

Think u need to check with the skool. Most CCs are open on Fri for the celebrations n den normal cc activities.
Jas is back in MMI now (it's a cc). They are closed on Friday. They are having children's day celebration today
but agree with mummynana, it depends on individual school. So best check with Ber's school.
